List of battleships by upgraded maximum stats

  • Green: Outstanding
  • Yellow: Above average
  • Since the Luck Stat is difficult to modernize, it is listed as Base(Max).

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No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine LOS Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Range Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
21 Kongou Kai
Kongou 25 94 0 79 0 49 12(69) 75 89 69 Fast Long 12
90 120
22 Hiei Kai
23 Haruna Kai
24 Kirishima Kai
149 Kongou Kai Ni
75 98 87 49 15(89) 82 94 73 100 125 Second Remodel
150 Hiei Kai Ni
99 82 52 13(82) 83 95 72
151 Haruna Kai Ni
80 96 92 49 41(93) 81 93 74
152 Kirishima Kai Ni
75 104 82 14(84) 82 92 72
391 Kongou Kai Ni C
92 99 44 89 51 18(98) 86 91 75 13
100 160 Third Remodel: Requires Blueprintx2, Action Reportx1, Item Icon New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material.pngx2
Kongou Kai Ni C can equip torps and SPB
Hiei Kai Ni C can equip torps and SPF
392 Hiei Kai Ni C
90 98 47 85 53 15(88) 90 73 8
3 Ise
Ise n/a 89 0 79 0 36 15(69) 74 89 49 Slow Long 12
85 120 Remodels into BBV
4 Hyuuga
26 Fusou
Fusou n/a 94 0 79 0 33 5(39) 67 79 39 Slow Long 12
85 120 Remodels into BBV
27 Yamashiro
1 Nagato Kai
Nagato 30 99 0 99 0 49 32(99) 90 98 69 Slow Long 12
100 160
2 Mutsu Kai
341 Nagato Kai Ni
88 118 100 55 40(108) 91 110 70 15
180 225 Second Remodel: Requires Blueprint;
Nagato-class Touch Mechanic
373 Mutsu Kai Ni
89 102 56 16(88) 109 71 15
136 Yamato Kai
Yamato 60 139 0 104 0 39 13(79) 96 118 64 Slow Very Long 28
250 325
148 Musashi Kai
40 99 40 9(79) 97 119 63
346 Musashi Kai Ni
89 145 105 58 10(88) 99 125 65 28
275 350 Second Remodel: Requires Blueprintx3, Action Reportx1, Item Icon New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material.pngx3
172 Bismarck Kai
Bismarck 30 93 0 58 0 52 10(79) 94 93 69 Fast Long 16
95 115
173 Bismarck Zwei 50 97 62 54 20(82) 96 94 72 105 135 Requires Blueprintx1
178 Bismarck Drei 75 99 36 70 59 22(84) 95 74 110 155 Requires Blueprintx1
239 Warspite Kai
Queen Elizabeth 75 106 0 98 0 58 70(111) 82 93 66 Slow Long 12
90 110
240 Iowa Kai
Iowa 50 116 0 120 0 71 40(99) 92 107 70 Fast Long 16
200 275
246 Italia Vittorio Veneto 35 102 0 90 0 52 30(79) 92 92 76 Fast Very Long 12
140 170 Requires Blueprintx1
247 Roma Kai
105 94 8(57) 90 71
292 Richelieu Kai
Richelieu 45 96 0 78 0 54 24(95) 89 96 73 Fast Long 12
100 130
312 Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Октябрьская революция
Gangut 45 89 0 65 0 36 30(79) 72 90 66 Slow Long 4
80 105 FBB with slow speed
312 Gangut Dva
Гангут два
75 90 32 72 38 35(88) 77 95 68 6
85 110
376 Nelson Kai
Nelson 50 114 0 92 0 48 28(98) 93 104 58 Slow Long 6
95 175 Nelson Touch Mechanic
406 Colorado Kai
Colorado 45 105 0 100 0 52 40(110) 91 99 54 Slow Long 5
95 165 Colorado Touch Mechanic
407 South Dakota Kai
South Dakota改
South Dakota 48 109 0 108 0 60 36(98) 91 108 65 Fast Long 8
160 200
459 Washington Kai
North Carolina 47 107 0 106 0 62 38(108) 93 104 66 Fast Long 8
150 195
478 Conte di Cavour Kai
Conte di Cavour改
Conte di Cavour 48 91 0 76 0 40 23(87) 73 87 67 Fast Long 2
75 110
479 Conte di Cavour Nuovo
Conte di Cavour Nuovo
74 95 30 90 0 58 24(88) 78 91 70 Fast Long 9
85 115
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine LOS Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Range Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes

Aviation Battleships

BBVs are NOT counted as "Battleships"" for Expeditions or routing requirement, but are here for comparison.
Highlights are relative to BBs above.

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No. Name Class                               Notes
26 Fusou Kai
Fusou 20 79 0 89 0 49 10(59) 75 89 67 Slow Long 40
95 105
27 Yamashiro Kai
211 Fusou Kai Ni
80 99 88 28 59 13(69) 77 90 69 40
105 140 Second Remodel: Requires  x1
212 Yamashiro Kai Ni
98 87 29 14(70) 91
102 Ise Kai
Ise 10 86 0 92 0 60 30(79) 77 92 77 Slow Long 47
95 105
103 Hyuuga Kai
353 Ise Kai Ni
88 88 85 0 72 40(92) 78 94 82 Medium 57
110 145 Second Remodel:
Requires  x2,  x1,  x1
354 Hyuuga Kai Ni
90 86 84 85 75 40(93) 83 50
115 140 Second Remodel:
Requires  x2,  x1,  x1,  x1
No. Name Class                               Notes


  • Ise-class and Fusou-class will change type to Aviation Battleships after remodel.
    • Aviation Battleships equipped with Seaplane Bombers and Autogyro can take part in Opening Airstrike and attack Submarines.
    • Planes can be launched at 中破 (moderate damage).
  • Ise Kai Ni and Hyuuga Kai Ni first 2 slots are the only slots guns can be equipped. All the other slots can't equip guns.
    • 3rd & 4th slots have 22 spaces to equip fighters to help increase fighter power for the fleet.
  • "Big Seven" ships Nagato Kai Ni, Mustsu Kai Ni, Nelson, and Colorado have a special attack known as "Touch", where several ships in the fleet will attempt to attack multiple enemies at once.

See Also

Fast Battleship