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User:Rin Khoo/Personal Created Ships

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NOTE:This is an original ship of mine. It does not count as official ship in KanColle. Furthermore, this is just only a sandbox article. Anyway, you can enjoy the content if you want.

BY Rin Khoo Rin Khoo (talk) 06:00, February 22, 2015 (UTC)



Heavenly-Class Class Battle Carrier

ES Kaifa.jpg
Health HP 75 Firepower Firepower 69 (98)
Armor Armor 100 (159) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 0
Evasion Evasion 59 (83) Anti-Air AA 40 (87)
Aircraft Aircraft 65 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 0
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 52 (105)
Range Range Long Luck Luck 27 (55)
FuelFuel no data AmmunitionAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
48:00:00 4
Stock Equipment
Zero Fighter Type 52 Type C
Tezon ESB-3 General Purpose Bomber
34cm Eisho Twin Mount General Purpose Guns
41cm Eisho Twin Mount General Purpose Guns


Event Japanese English CollapseNote
バトルキャリアKaifa、あなたのサービスで。 Battle carrier Kaifa, at your service.
Library Intro
ヘブン - 提督は、あなたが何をしたいですか? Heavenly- Admiral, what do you want? At first, Kaifa originally serve in EADO with Heavenly Generalic or Operation Generalic as commander.
ああ、問題があることがありますか? Oh, is that there a problem?
興味がある?うーん...私はそれを検討するかもしれない... Interested? Well... I might consider it...
Show player's score
ここでは、私たちの現在の状況報告。 Here, our current status report.
Joining a fleet
新しい艦隊が...私はそれが私に合った願っています。 New fleet... I hope it suits me.
グレート....タレット配置の変更。 Great.... Change of turret arrangement. During the launch of Kaifa, she had two of her turrets below her flight deck arranged like standard battleship.
追加機器?ありがとうございます。 Extra equipment? Thanks.
私のああ...私はパワフル以上であることと、海を支配するつもりだった。 Oh my... I was going to be over powerful and rule the sea.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
全電源を用意。 Readied with full supply.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
私は、残りのビットを行く。 I going for a rest a bit.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
TCH!クソ魚雷は私を得た。 Tch! Fucking torpedoes got me.
Ship construction
天国の海の誇りはこちらです。 The pride of heaven sea is here. Kaifa was designed by humans and angels at Hosui, Sarena at Eastern Heaven to act as a strong ship around the heaven sea.
Return from sortie
ため息、それはすべてがうまく終了です。 Sigh, it's all ended well.
Start a sortie
Kaifaは、出かける Kaifa, heading out!
Battle start
エンゲージメントが開始! Engagement commence!
Air battle
航空隊は、起動! Air squadrons, launch!
開始する攻撃!サルボ! Commence attack! Salvo!
Night battle
夜、えっ?これが楽しくなりそう。 Night, eh? This going to be fun.
Night attack
レーダ検出、一斉射撃! Radar detection, salvo!
明らかに、私がリーダーでした。 Obviously, I was the lead.
Minor damaged(1)
くそ!魚雷は、入ってくる! Dammit! Torpedoes incoming!
Minor damaged(2)
くそ、くそ、くそ!マイデッキ! Shit, shit, shit! My deck!
≥Moderately damaged
ヘビーダメージ! ファッキング46センチメートル! Heavy damage! Fucking 46cm! Referring to Yamato's success salvo on Kaifa's hull and deck
それは次のようになります...私は、私はそれは、右になります...提供し続けることを願って? That will be... I hope I can continue to serve... That will be, right? Referring to her status as almost sunk due to the explosion of her secondary engine at her rear hull but mended after crews managed to control the sinking rate and escorted her back to her port.

