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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin =
|origin =さあ、今から先の明日。今の日と変えてきょ!今日は私がそばにいるね。何?今の?えへぇ。よし!
|translation =
|translation =Now, time to start a new day. A new day is here! I'll be by your side today. What was that? Now? Ehe. Alright!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin =
|origin =マルヒトマルマル。ひやぁ〜、ソロモンの一番ひどいころ思えば、静かよね。いいこと、いいこと。
|translation =
|translation =0100. Phew, it's quite peaceful compared to the worst of the Solomons. Nice, real nice.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =
|origin =マルフタマルマル。提督〜、お茶飲む?入れてみようか?あぁ、そう。じゃあ、待ってて。
|translation =
|translation =0200. Admiral~, want some tea? Shall I make some then? Ah, OK. Then please wait.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin =
|origin =マルサンマルマル。提督、お茶のおかわりわ?うん!じゃあ、あぁ〜、次はほうじ茶にしよう。待ってて。
|translation =
|translation =0300. Admiral, want another cup of tea? OK! Then, uhmm, I'll make some houjicha next<ref>Houjicha is roasted green tea.</ref>. Please wait.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 04:00
|scenario = 04:00
|origin =
|origin =マルヨンマルマル。もうすぐ朝。はわわ。この時間が一番眠くない?えへへぇ。だよね。
|translation =
|translation =0400. It's almost morning. Whew. This is the sleepiest time of day, right? Ehehe. It sure is.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin =
|origin =マルゴ…マル…マル……ふわぁ!ごめん。提督、私寝てた?そろそろ総員起こし準備しないと。うん!大丈夫!
|translation =
|translation =05... 0... 0... Whoa! Sorry. Admiral, did I nod off? I need to go get ready to wake the fleet. Yup! I'm fine now!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin =
|origin =提督、行くよ。マルロクマルマル。艦隊、総員起こし!朝です!朝!活動開始です!
|translation =
|translation =Admiral, here I go. 0600. All hands, assemble! It's morning now! Time to get to work!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =
|origin =マルナナマルマル。今日の朝はこれ!巻波の朝カレー。まあ、昨日のなんだけどね。翌日が美味しいな。翌日が。さあ、食べてみて。朝から元気でるから。
|translation =
|translation =0700. Today we're having this! My Morning Curry. Well, It's just leftovers from last night. But it's more delicious as leftovers. It really is. Go on, try some. It'll perk you right up.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin =
|origin =マルハチマルマル。長波姉、おはよう!ん?高波、あんたなんでいつでもくっついてんの?あぁ、は・な・れ・な・さい!
|translation =
|translation =0800. Big sis Naganami, good morning! Hmm? Takanami, why are you always sticking to her? Argh, get. your. hands. off!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true