Line 42:
Line 42:
|origin = 軽巡矢矧、着任したわ。提督、最後まで頑張っていきましょう!
|origin = 軽巡矢矧、着任したわ。提督、最後まで頑張っていきましょう!
|translation = Light cruiser Yahagi, reporting for duty. Let's work hard till the end, Admiral!
|translation = Light cruiser Yahagi, reporting for duty. Let's work hard till the end, Admiral!
|audio = Yahagi-Introduction.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 52:
Line 55:
I participated in nearly all the naval battles in the latter half of the war; including the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the Battle of Leyte Gulf and Operation Ten-Go.<ref>Marinara (マリアナ) refers to the [ Battle of the Philippine Sea], Leyte (レイテ) to the [ Battle of Leyte Gulf] and Bounomisaki (坊丿岬) to [ Operation Ten-Go].</ref> That's right, I showed off my struggle to the very end.
I participated in nearly all the naval battles in the latter half of the war; including the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the Battle of Leyte Gulf and Operation Ten-Go.<ref>Marinara (マリアナ) refers to the [ Battle of the Philippine Sea], Leyte (レイテ) to the [ Battle of Leyte Gulf] and Bounomisaki (坊丿岬) to [ Operation Ten-Go].</ref> That's right, I showed off my struggle to the very end.
I wonder what became of Yamato after my memory ends. <ref>She was sunk shortly before Yamato during Ten-Go.</ref> Oh well, this time I'll protect everyone.
I wonder what became of Yamato after my memory ends. <ref>She was sunk shortly before Yamato during Ten-Go.</ref> Oh well, this time I'll protect everyone.
|audio = Yahagi-Library.ogg
Line 58:
Line 60:
|origin = ふふっ、いい気配りね。嫌いじゃないわ
|origin = ふふっ、いい気配りね。嫌いじゃないわ
|translation = Fufu~, that's a nice gesture. I don't dislike it.
|translation = Fufu~, that's a nice gesture. I don't dislike it.
|audio = Yahagi-Secretary_1.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 64:
Line 69:
|origin = さて、今日はどんな戦略を立てるの?
|origin = さて、今日はどんな戦略を立てるの?
|translation = So, what's the plan for today?
|translation = So, what's the plan for today?
|audio = Yahagi-Secretary_2.ogg
Line 70:
Line 74:
|origin = うふっ、面白いわね。そ~いうことなら私からも仕掛けてもイイのかしら、ねっ?
|origin = うふっ、面白いわね。そ~いうことなら私からも仕掛けてもイイのかしら、ねっ?
|translation = Ufu~, this is fun. I wonder if it's fine for me to step up to the challenge you're presenting, hmm?<ref>She's talking about the Admiral poking her.</ref>
|translation = Ufu~, this is fun. I wonder if it's fine for me to step up to the challenge you're presenting, hmm?<ref>She's talking about the Admiral poking her.</ref>
|audio = Yahagi-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin = そうね。この次の人生がもしあるのなら、今度は軍艦じゃないってのもいいかもね。
|origin = そうね。この次の人生がもしあるのなら、今度は軍艦じゃないってのもいいかもね。
|translation = That's right. If there is such a thing as a next life, I think it'd be nice to not be a warship.
|translation = That's right. If there is such a thing as a next life, I think it'd be nice to not be a warship.
|audio = Yahagi-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 提督…あなたの頑張り、艦娘たちは褒めているのよ?…聞いてないか…。
|origin = 提督…あなたの頑張り、艦娘たちは褒めているのよ?…聞いてないか…。
|translation = Admiral... Do you know the ship girls are praising your hard work? ...He's not listening...
|translation = Admiral... Do you know the ship girls are praising your hard work? ...He's not listening...
|audio = Yahagi-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary Married
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督、どうしたの?顔が赤いわ。体調管理は大事よ。……少し熱がある、かな。よし、じゃあ私が栄養しっかりある物作るわ。ちょっと間宮の厨房を貸してもらうわね、待ってて
|origin = 提督、どうしたの?顔が赤いわ。体調管理は大事よ。……少し熱がある、かな。よし、じゃあ私が栄養しっかりある物作るわ。ちょっと間宮の厨房を貸してもらうわね、待ってて
|translation = What's wrong, Admiral? Your face is red. It's important to take care of your health... It looks like you've got a bit of a temperature. Alright, I'll go make something nourishing. I'll go ask Mamiya to let me use her kitchen for a while alright. Please wait.
|translation = What's wrong, Admiral? Your face is red. It's important to take care of your health... It looks like you've got a bit of a temperature. Alright, I'll go make something nourishing. I'll go ask Mamiya to let me use her kitchen for a while alright. Please wait.
|audio = Yahagi_Kai_SecWed.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary Married|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 95:
Line 99:
|origin = 何っ、提督、あなた…どうしたの?そんな顔で……なんか真剣な表情ね。…えっ、これ、私に?大和とか、雪風とかじゃなくって?わ、私に!?…っ、どうしよう…あ、あの…どうしよう…わ、私……っ
|origin = 何っ、提督、あなた…どうしたの?そんな顔で……なんか真剣な表情ね。…えっ、これ、私に?大和とか、雪風とかじゃなくって?わ、私に!?…っ、どうしよう…あ、あの…どうしよう…わ、私……っ
|translation =What is it, Admiral... What's wrong? You've got... a really serious expression now... Eh, is this, for me? Not for Yamato or Yukikaze? F-for me!? ...Wh-what should I do... U-umm... What should I do... I-I...
|translation =What is it, Admiral... What's wrong? You've got... a really serious expression now... Eh, is this, for me? Not for Yamato or Yukikaze? F-for me!? ...Wh-what should I do... U-umm... What should I do... I-I...
|audio = Yahagi-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 提督への報告書ね、どうなの?
|origin = 提督への報告書ね、どうなの?
|translation = Here's a report for you, Admiral. How is it?
|translation = Here's a report for you, Admiral. How is it?
|audio = Yahagi-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = 第二水雷戦隊、預かります。矢矧、抜錨する!
|origin = 第二水雷戦隊、預かります。矢矧、抜錨する!
|translation = I'll lead the 2nd Torpedo Squadron. Yahagi, setting sail!
|translation = I'll lead the 2nd Torpedo Squadron. Yahagi, setting sail!
|audio = Yahagi-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Joining A Fleet|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 113:
Line 118:
|origin = そうね、ありがたいわ
|origin = そうね、ありがたいわ
|translation = That's right, thanks.
|translation = That's right, thanks.
|audio = Yahagi-Equipment_1.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 1|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 119:
Line 127:
|origin = うん、この改装なら…いけるかもしれない!
|origin = うん、この改装なら…いけるかもしれない!
|translation = Yup, with this upgrade... I think I can do it!
|translation = Yup, with this upgrade... I think I can do it!
|audio = Yahagi-Equipment_2.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 2|kai2b = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 125:
Line 136:
|origin = 流石ね
|origin = 流石ね
|translation = Just as expected.
|translation = Just as expected.
|audio = Yahagi-Equipment_3.ogg
Line 131:
Line 141:
|origin = 補給よろしく、また出るわ!
|origin = 補給よろしく、また出るわ!
|translation = Please resupply me, I'm heading back out again!
|translation = Please resupply me, I'm heading back out again!
|audio = Yahagi-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = この程度、傷のうちにも入らないけど?
|origin = この程度、傷のうちにも入らないけど?
|translation = But this doesn't even count as a wound though?
|translation = But this doesn't even count as a wound though?
|audio = Yahagi-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = 万全な体勢で出撃したいから、感謝はするわ
|origin = 万全な体勢で出撃したいから、感謝はするわ
|translation = I do want to sortie in perfect condition, so thanks.
|translation = I do want to sortie in perfect condition, so thanks.
|audio = Yahagi-Docking_Major.ogg
Line 149:
Line 156:
|origin = 新しい艦が進水するわ
|origin = 新しい艦が進水するわ
|translation = A new ship has been launched.
|translation = A new ship has been launched.
|audio = Yahagi-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = 艦隊、全艦泊地に帰投したわ
|origin = 艦隊、全艦泊地に帰投したわ
|translation = All ships of the fleet have returned to port.
|translation = All ships of the fleet have returned to port.
|audio = Yahagi-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 軽巡矢矧、出撃します!
|origin = 軽巡矢矧、出撃します!
|translation = Light cruiser Yahagi, sortieing!
|translation = Light cruiser Yahagi, sortieing!
|audio = Yahagi-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = 砲雷撃戦、始めます!
|origin = 砲雷撃戦、始めます!
|translation = Begin battle!
|translation = Begin battle!
|audio = Yahagi-Battle_Start.ogg
|audio = Yahagi-Battle_Start.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Battle Start|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 173:
Line 181:
|origin = 今度は良く引きつけるんだ・・・よし、てーっ!
|origin = 今度は良く引きつけるんだ・・・よし、てーっ!
|translation = We have to draw them in properly this time... Alright, fire~!<ref>During the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Yahagi led DesRon2 in evasive manoeuvres that took them away from the US fleet and caused their torpedo spread to miss.</ref>
|translation = We have to draw them in properly this time... Alright, fire~!<ref>During the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Yahagi led DesRon2 in evasive manoeuvres that took them away from the US fleet and caused their torpedo spread to miss.</ref>
|audio = Yahagi-Attack.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Attack|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Night Attack
|origin = 阿賀野型を軽巡と侮らないで!
|origin = 阿賀野型を軽巡と侮らないで!
|translation = Don't underestimate the Agano-class light cruisers!
|translation = Don't underestimate the Agano-class light cruisers!
|audio = Yahagi-Attack_3.ogg
Line 185:
Line 195:
|origin = あはっ!夜戦なの?悪くないわね!
|origin = あはっ!夜戦なの?悪くないわね!
|translation = Aha~! A night battle? Not bad!
|translation = Aha~! A night battle? Not bad!
|audio = Yahagi-Night_Battle.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Night Battle|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 191:
Line 204:
|origin = この矢矧が艦隊で一番なの?そうね、意外と…嬉しいかもね
|origin = この矢矧が艦隊で一番なの?そうね、意外と…嬉しいかもね
|translation = I'm the fleet's number one? That surprsingly... makes me kind of happy.
|translation = I'm the fleet's number one? That surprsingly... makes me kind of happy.
|audio = Yahagi-MVP.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = MVP|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
Line 197:
Line 213:
|origin = ここからが私の本領発揮よ!
|origin = ここからが私の本領発揮よ!
|translation = This is where I show my true abilities!
|translation = This is where I show my true abilities!
|audio = Yahagi-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
Line 203:
Line 218:
|origin = 数発の被弾で私が沈むわけないじゃない!
|origin = 数発の被弾で私が沈むわけないじゃない!
|translation = I won't sink from so few hits!
|translation = I won't sink from so few hits!
|audio = Yahagi-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
Line 209:
Line 223:
|origin = 私を沈めたいなら、魚雷5、6本くらい撃ち込まないと…駄目よ!
|origin = 私を沈めたいなら、魚雷5、6本くらい撃ち込まないと…駄目よ!
|translation = You'll need 5 or 6 torpedoes if... you want to sink me!<ref>It took 7 torpedoes and 12 bombs to sink Yahagi.</ref>
|translation = You'll need 5 or 6 torpedoes if... you want to sink me!<ref>It took 7 torpedoes and 12 bombs to sink Yahagi.</ref>
|audio = Yahagi-Major_Damage.ogg
Line 215:
Line 228:
|origin = もういい、私から、離れて…。また、大和と雪風が見えるな…悪くない…
|origin = もういい、私から、離れて…。また、大和と雪風が見えるな…悪くない…
|translation = It's fine, let go of me... I can see Yamato and Yukikaze again... That's not so bad...
|translation = It's fine, let go of me... I can see Yamato and Yukikaze again... That's not so bad...
|audio = Yahagi-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
|} <references/>
Line 224:
Line 236:
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00
|origin = 深夜零時。無理はダメよ
|origin = 深夜零時。無理はダメよ
|translation = Midnight. Don't push yourself.
|translation = Midnight. Don't push yourself.
|audio = Yahagi-00.ogg
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。提督、眠くないの?
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。提督、眠くないの?
|translation = 0100. Aren't you sleepy, Admiral?
|translation = 0100. Aren't you sleepy, Admiral?
|audio = Yahagi-01.ogg
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02
|origin = マルフタマルマル。今日は、静かな夜ね
|origin = マルフタマルマル。今日は、静かな夜ね
|translation = 0200. It's quiet tonight huh.
|translation = 0200. It's quiet tonight huh.
|audio = Yahagi-02.ogg
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03
|origin = マルサンマルマル。そろそろ今日は、半舷上陸しないの?ねぇ?
|origin = マルサンマルマル。そろそろ今日は、半舷上陸しないの?ねぇ?
|translation = 0300. Isn't it almost time for you to take a break for today? Hey?<ref>She uses 半舷上陸 which translates to 'shore leave'.</ref>
|translation = 0300. Isn't it almost time for you to take a break for today? Hey?<ref>She uses 半舷上陸 which translates to 'shore leave'.</ref>
|audio = Yahagi-03.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 03|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
|scenario = 04:00
|scenario = 04
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。ねぇ、無理は禁物よ?明日のデイリー任務は私に任せて
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。ねぇ、無理は禁物よ?明日のデイリー任務は私に任せて
|translation = 0400. Hey, don't push yourself alright? Leave tomorrow's daily missions to me.
|translation = 0400. Hey, don't push yourself alright? Leave tomorrow's daily missions to me.
|audio = Yahagi-04.ogg
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05
|origin = マルゴマルマル。艦これ的には新しい一日の始まりね!
|origin = マルゴマルマル。艦これ的には新しい一日の始まりね!
|translation = 0500. A new day has begun for Kancolle!
|translation = 0500. A new day has begun for Kancolle!
|audio = Yahagi-05.ogg
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06
|origin = マルロクマルマル。ええっと、工廠で装備を三回作って、そして、出撃して、ええっと…
|origin = マルロクマルマル。ええっと、工廠で装備を三回作って、そして、出撃して、ええっと…
|translation = 0600. Ummm, first craft three equipment at the arsenal, then sortie, umm...
|translation = 0600. Ummm, first craft three equipment at the arsenal, then sortie, umm...
|audio = Yahagi-06.ogg
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07
|origin = マルナナマルマル。ええっと、それから、新しい艦を三隻建造して…ああ、もう!
|origin = マルナナマルマル。ええっと、それから、新しい艦を三隻建造して…ああ、もう!
|translation = 0700. Umm, and then craft three new ships... Ah, jeez!
|translation = 0700. Umm, and then craft three new ships... Ah, jeez!
|audio = Yahagi-07.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08
|origin = マルハチマルマル。疲れたわ。デイリー任務も、結構大変なのね。提督、あ、うん
|origin = マルハチマルマル。疲れたわ。デイリー任務も、結構大変なのね。提督、あ、うん
|translation = 0800. I'm tired. The daily missions are pretty troublesome right. Admiral, ah, yeah.
|translation = 0800. I'm tired. The daily missions are pretty troublesome right. Admiral, ah, yeah.
|audio = Yahagi-08.ogg
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09
|origin = マルキュウマルマル。軍縮条約?艦を二体解体って…私には無理!…やるけど
|origin = マルキュウマルマル。軍縮条約?艦を二体解体って…私には無理!…やるけど
|translation = 0900. A disarmament treaty? Scrap two ships you say... I can't do it! ...I will but...
|translation = 0900. A disarmament treaty? Scrap two ships you say... I can't do it! ...I will but...
|audio = Yahagi-09.ogg
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。ああ、疲れたわ。提督、貴方結構大変なのね。少し見直したわ
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。ああ、疲れたわ。提督、貴方結構大変なのね。少し見直したわ
|translation = 1000. Ah, I'm tired. You've got a real hard job, Admiral. I've got a slightly better opinion of you now.
|translation = 1000. Ah, I'm tired. You've got a real hard job, Admiral. I've got a slightly better opinion of you now.
|audio = Yahagi-10.ogg
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。私には海上での戦闘の方が向いているみたい。出撃させて!
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。私には海上での戦闘の方が向いているみたい。出撃させて!
|translation = 1100. It seems that I'm someone more suited to fighting on the seas. Let me sortie!
|translation = 1100. It seems that I'm someone more suited to fighting on the seas. Let me sortie!
|audio = Yahagi-11.ogg
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。慣れないことすると本当おなか空くわね。ね、お昼は何食べる?
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。慣れないことすると本当おなか空くわね。ね、お昼は何食べる?
|translation = 1200. You really get hungry when you do things you're not used to huh. Hey, what do you want for lunch?
|translation = 1200. You really get hungry when you do things you're not used to huh. Hey, what do you want for lunch?
|audio = Yahagi-12.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。私の故郷でコレ今流行ってるんですって。大きな丸い肉はさみパン…かなぁ
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。私の故郷でコレ今流行ってるんですって。大きな丸い肉はさみパン…かなぁ
|translation = 1300. This is popular in my hometown now. It's a big, round meat sandwich... I guess.<ref>Yahagi was constructed at Sasebo, Nagasaki, where the "Sasebo Burger" is now a popular delicacy.</ref>
|translation = 1300. This is popular in my hometown now. It's a big, round meat sandwich... I guess.<ref>Yahagi was constructed at Sasebo, Nagasaki, where the "Sasebo Burger" is now a popular delicacy.</ref>
|audio = Yahagi-13.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。もぐもぐもぐ…行けるわね!ハンバーガーって言うんですって
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。もぐもぐもぐ…行けるわね!ハンバーガーって言うんですって
|translation = 1400. *nom nom*... This is quite good! I heard they call it a "Hamburger".
|translation = 1400. *nom nom*... This is quite good! I heard they call it a "Hamburger".
|audio = Yahagi-14.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 14|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15
|origin = ヒトゴマルマル。さぁ、また出撃しましょ!どんどん行くわ
|origin = ヒトゴマルマル。さぁ、また出撃しましょ!どんどん行くわ
|translation = 1500. Now, it's time to sortie again! I'll keep going!
|translation = 1500. Now, it's time to sortie again! I'll keep going!
|audio = Yahagi-15.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。ああ、これ?いいでしょ、萩の花と、矢デザインの盃なの
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。ああ、これ?いいでしょ、萩の花と、矢デザインの盃なの
|translation = 1600. Ah, this? Nice right. It's a sake cup with a Hagi flower and arrow design.<ref>At Yahagi's launch ceremony, the commemorating sake cups handed out as gifts did not have her name written on it due to security reasons. It was instead decorated with an arrow (ya-) and a Hagi flower (-hagi).</ref>
|translation = 1600. Ah, this? Nice right. It's a sake cup with a Hagi flower and arrow design.<ref>At Yahagi's launch ceremony, the commemorating sake cups handed out as gifts did not have her name written on it due to security reasons. It was instead decorated with an arrow (ya-) and a Hagi flower (-hagi).</ref>
|audio = Yahagi-16.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。そろそろ日が落ちるわね。私、夜戦も存分にやってみたいわ
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。そろそろ日が落ちるわね。私、夜戦も存分にやってみたいわ
|translation = 1700. It's almost sunset. I'd like to night battle until I'm satisfied.
|translation = 1700. It's almost sunset. I'd like to night battle until I'm satisfied.
|audio = Yahagi-17.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。そういえば、今日の演習はどうだったの?
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。そういえば、今日の演習はどうだったの?
|translation = 1800. Come to think of it, how were todays exercises?
|translation = 1800. Come to think of it, how were todays exercises?
|audio = Yahagi-18.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマル。提督、今日の晩ご飯はなんでしょうね?ちょっと楽しみ!
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマル。提督、今日の晩ご飯はなんでしょうね?ちょっと楽しみ!
|translation = 1900. What do you want for dinner today Admiral? I'm kind of looking forward to it!
|translation = 1900. What do you want for dinner today Admiral? I'm kind of looking forward to it!
|audio = Yahagi-19.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|scenario = 20
|origin = フタマルマルマル。さぁ、夜戦の時間ね。どうする?するの?
|origin = フタマルマルマル。さぁ、夜戦の時間ね。どうする?するの?
|translation = 2000. Now, it's time for night battles huh. What now? Are we doing it?
|translation = 2000. Now, it's time for night battles huh. What now? Are we doing it?
|audio = Yahagi-20.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。提督、まだまだいけるわ。矢矧、がんばります!
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。提督、まだまだいけるわ。矢矧、がんばります!
|translation = 2100. I can keep going Admiral. I'll do my best!
|translation = 2100. I can keep going Admiral. I'll do my best!
|audio = Yahagi-21.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22
|origin = フタフタマルマル。提督、矢矧水雷戦隊、全力で行くから!フラ戦なんか粉砕よ!
|origin = フタフタマルマル。提督、矢矧水雷戦隊、全力で行くから!フラ戦なんか粉砕よ!
|translation = 2200. My Torpedo Squadron will be heading out at full power! We'll crush those flag BBs!
|translation = 2200. My Torpedo Squadron will be heading out at full power! We'll crush those flag BBs!
|audio = Yahagi-22.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 22|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23
|origin = フタサンマルマル。うーん、戦艦はやっぱり強いわ…。敵空母は…はい、嫌いです
|origin = フタサンマルマル。うーん、戦艦はやっぱり強いわ…。敵空母は…はい、嫌いです
|translation = 2300. Yeah, battleships are definitely strong... Enemy carriers are... Yes, I hate them.
|translation = 2300. Yeah, battleships are definitely strong... Enemy carriers are... Yes, I hate them.
|audio = Yahagi-23.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 23|kai2 = true
|origin =
|translation =
|} <references/>
|} <references/>