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No change in size ,  4 years ago
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin =あぁ、そうか。俺が担当か?わかった。任せろう。今調度0時を回ったところだ。
|origin =あぁ、そうか。俺が担当か?わかった。任せろう。今丁度0時を回ったところだ。
|translation =Ah, I see. I'm in charge? Got it. Leave it to me. It just turned midnight.
|translation =Ah, I see. I'm in charge? Got it. Leave it to me. It just turned midnight.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin =マルロクマルマルだ。よし、やろう。総員起こし!朝だ!艦隊総員起こし!今日もやってやるぜ。
|origin =マルロクマルマルだ。よし、やろう。総員、起こし!朝だ!艦隊総員、起こし!今日も、やってやるぜ。
|translation =It's 0600. Alright, let's do this. All hands, assemble! It's morning! All hands on deck! Let's give it our all today too.
|translation =It's 0600. Alright, let's do this. All hands, assemble! It's morning! All hands on deck! Let's give it our all today too.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =マルナナマルマルだ。朝はかんたんでいいな?麦飯と、たくあん、そして味噌汁。完璧だ。足りないものはない。食え!
|origin =マルナナマルマルだ。朝は簡単でいいな?麦飯と、たくあん、そして味噌汁。完璧だ。足りないものはない。食え!
|translation =It's 0700. Something simple for breakfast is fine right? Barley rice, pickled daikon and miso soup. It's perfect. It's a complete breakfast. Eat up!
|translation =It's 0700. Something simple for breakfast is fine right? Barley rice, pickled daikon and miso soup. It's perfect. It's a complete breakfast. Eat up!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin =マルハチマルマルだ。何?飯が?何を言う。足りない足りないは、空腹が足りないのだ。違うのか?うん、よいし。
|origin =マルハチマルマルだ。何?飯が?何を言う。足りない足りないは、工夫が足りないのだ。違うか?うん、よいし。
|translation =It's 0800. What? Food? What are you saying. The more you whine, the hungrier you get. Am I wrong? Good, you get it.
|translation =It's 0800. What? Food? What are you saying. The more you whine, the hungrier you get. Am I wrong? Good, you get it.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin =ヒトマルマルマルだ。あぁ?バカを言うな。清霜さんは僚艦であると共に、信頼できるの先輩だ。あぁ、間違いない。
|origin =ヒトマルマルマルだ。あぁ?バカを言うな。清霜さんは僚艦であると共に、信頼できる先輩だ。あぁ、間違いない。
|translation =It's 1000. Huh? What are you saying? Kiyoshimo is a senior my sisters and I can trust. Yep, she definitely is.<ref>She and her sisters trained alongside Kiyoshimo and the Akizuki-class Fuyutsuki.</ref>
|translation =It's 1000. Huh? What are you saying? Kiyoshimo is a senior my sisters and I can trust. Yep, she definitely is.<ref>She and her sisters trained alongside Kiyoshimo and the Akizuki-class Fuyutsuki.</ref>
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin =ヒトフタマルマルだ。うん、提督よ、昼飯だ。昼飯といえば、これ、握り飯だ。グダっと?何を言う。この潮風と握り飯の塩味、これで十分だろう。特別にたくあんをやろ。よし。
|origin =ヒトフタマルマルだ。うん、提督よ、昼飯だ。昼飯と言えば、これ、握り飯だ。具だっと?何を言う。この潮風と握り飯の塩味、これで十分だろう。特別にたくあんをやろ。よし。
|translation =It's 1200. Yep, Admiral, it's lunchtime. When you think of lunch, it must be rice balls. It's plain? What are you talking about. The sea breeze combined with the saltiness of the rice balls will satisfy you. As a treat, I'll let you have some pickled daikon. Good.
|translation =It's 1200. Yep, Admiral, it's lunchtime. When you think of lunch, it must be rice balls. It's plain? What are you talking about. The sea breeze combined with the saltiness of the rice balls will satisfy you. As a treat, I'll let you have some pickled daikon. Good.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin =ヒトヨンマルマルだ。そうだ。海上護衛、それは戦いの生命線だ。もちろん、敵とかいてきすれば、俺は全力で行く。それだ。
|origin =ヒトヨンマルマルだ。そうだ。海上護衛、それは戦いの生命線だ。もちろん、敵と会敵すれば、俺は全力で行く。それだ。
|translation =It's 1400. That's right. Escort missions are the lifeline of the war. Of course, I'd still give it my all if I encountered the enemy. That's all.
|translation =It's 1400. That's right. Escort missions are the lifeline of the war. Of course, I'd still give it my all if I encountered the enemy. That's all.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16:00
|origin =ヒトロクマルマルだ。うん、春風さんすごい。何がすごいって、おれは…まあ、一言では言えないな。言えることは、春風さんはすごいってことさ。今でわかる。
|origin =ヒトロクマルマルだ。うん、春風さんはすごい。何がすごいって、それは…まあ、一言では言えないな。言えることは、春風さんはすごいってことさ。今にわかる。
|translation =It's 1600. Yep, Harukaze is amazing. "How" you ask? ...Well, I can't find the words to describe how. But all I can say is, she's amazing. I get it now.
|translation =It's 1600. Yep, Harukaze is amazing. "How" you ask? ...Well, I can't find the words to describe how. But all I can say is, she's amazing. I get it now.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin =ヒトハチマルマルだ。もうこんな時間か。夕飯の支度をせんと。提督、今夜をどうする?
|origin =ヒトハチマルマルだ。もうこんな時間か。夕飯の支度をせんと。提督、今夜はどうする?
|translation =It's 1800. It's already this time. Time to get dinner ready. Admiral, what would you like?
|translation =It's 1800. It's already this time. Time to get dinner ready. Admiral, what would you like?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =ヒトキュマルマルだ。よし、できたぜ。お待たせだ。竹特製の炊き込み飯だ。そうだ、野菜の切れっ端ぐだはうまいぞ。たんとくてくる。ほら、味噌汁も。
|origin =ヒトキュマルマル。よし、できたぜ。お待たせだ。竹特製の炊き込み飯だ。そうだ、野菜の切れっ端のぐだはうまいぞ。たんと食ってくれ。ほれ、味噌汁も。
|translation =It's 1900. Alright, it's done. Thanks for waiting. It's my special takikomi meshi<ref>A dish where ingredients are steamed in with the rice.</ref>. It's made with vegetable scraps and delicious. Here, have some miso soup too.
|translation =It's 1900. Alright, it's done. Thanks for waiting. It's my special takikomi meshi<ref>A dish where ingredients are steamed in with the rice.</ref>. It's made with vegetable scraps and delicious. Here, have some miso soup too.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21:00
|origin =でもさ、俺たち、あれは使うことがなくてよかったよ。今は本当にそう思う。そんなことはならないように、しっかり備えていかないと。あぁ、フタヒトマルマルだ。
|origin =でもさ、俺たち、あれは使うことがなくてよかったよ。今は本当にそう思う。そんなことにはならないように、しっかり備えていかないと。あぁ、フタヒトマルマルだ。
|translation =But you know, it would've been better if we never used those things. That's how I truly feel now. We need to make sure it never happens again.<ref>Referring to the Kaiten suicide torpedoes.</ref> Ah, it's 2100.
|translation =But you know, it would've been better if we never used those things. That's how I truly feel now. We need to make sure it never happens again.<ref>Referring to the Kaiten suicide torpedoes.</ref> Ah, it's 2100.


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