Line 15:
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
|origin =HMS Sheffield、用意は出来てる。Admiral、今日もよろしく。君となら、やれる。
|origin =HMS Sheffield、用意は出来てる。Admiral、今日もよろしく。君となら、やれる。
|translation =HMS Sheffield, ready and waiting. Admiral, I'll be in your care today too. If I'm with you, it'll be a breeze.
|translation =HMS Sheffield, ready and waiting. Admiral, I'll be in your care today too. With you around, it'll be a breeze.
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =Town級軽巡洋艦、HMS Sheffield。軽巡と言っても、実際は重巡クラスの規模と火力を持つ重武装艦です。北極海での対ソ援助物資輸送船団の護衛、Bismarckの追撃戦など数々の戦いに参加しました。バレンツ海の戦いでは独艦隊を撃破、船団護衛に成功しています。
|origin =Town級軽巡洋艦、HMS Sheffield。軽巡と言っても、実際は重巡クラスの規模と火力を持つ重武装艦です。北極海での対ソ援助物資輸送船団の護衛、Bismarckの追撃戦など数々の戦いに参加しました。バレンツ海の戦いではドイツ艦隊を撃破、船団護衛に成功しています。
|translation =I'm the Town-class light cruiser, HMS Sheffield. I'm classed as a light cruiser but I'm as big and heavily armed as a heavy cruiser.<ref>Due to limits on heavy cruisers imposed by the London Naval Treaty, the Town-class were armed with lots of 6" guns to make up the difference.</ref> I participated in many battles from escorting convoys of supplies to the Soviet Union in the Arctic to the pursuit of Bismarck. At the Battle of the Barents Sea, we defeated the German fleet and succeeded in our escort mission.
|translation =I'm the Town-class light cruiser HMS Sheffield. I'm classed as a light cruiser, but I'm as big and heavily armed as a heavy cruiser<ref>Due to limits on heavy cruisers imposed by the London Naval Treaty, the Town-class were armed with lots of 6" guns to make up the difference.</ref>. I participated in many battles, from escorting supply convoys to the Soviet Union in the Arctic to the pursuit of Bismarck. At the Battle of the Barents Sea, we defeated the German fleet and succeeded in our escort mission.
Line 39:
Line 39:
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =What are you up to?何してんの?えぇ?艦中央部の構造が気になる?あぁ、そうか。ここの船とは作りが違うから。
|origin =What are you up to?何してんの?えぇ?艦中央部の構造が気になる?あぁ、そうか。ここの船とは作りが違うから。
|translation =What are you up to? What are you doing? Eh? You're interested in my central structure? Ah, I see. The ships here are made differently.
|translation =What are you up to? What are you doing? Eh? You're interested in my structure amidships? Ah, I see. The ships here are made differently.
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =Ark、おつかれ。Admiral?あぁ、忙しいようだ。あの国出身の艦がいるのは、本当に驚いた。Arkよ、Old Ladyは平気なのか?なれた?そういうものか。
|origin =Ark、お疲れ。Admiral?あぁ、忙しいようだ。あの国出身の艦がいるのは、本当に驚いた。Arkよ、Old Ladyは平気なのか?慣れた?そういうものか。
|translation =Ark, good work. Admiral? Ah, he's busy. I was really surprised when I saw the ship from that country here. Ark, is the Old Lady fine with this? You get used to it? So I see.
|translation =Ark, good work. Admiral? Ah, he's busy. I was really surprised when I saw ships from that country here<ref>Likely the Germans</ref>. Ark, is the Old Lady fine with this? She got used to it? So that's how it is.
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =はい、Earl Grey。君、好きだったよね?そう。一息入れて、肩の力を抜いて。戦いはまた続く。君に倒れてもらっては、少し、困るの。
|origin =はい、Earl Grey。君、好きだったよね?そう。一息入れて、肩の力を抜いて。戦いはまだ続く。君に倒れてもらっては、少し、困るの。
|translation =Here, some Earl Grey. You like it, right? I see. Take a break and relax. The war is still ongoing. It'd be troublesome for me if you should fall.
|translation =Here, some Earl Grey. You like it, right? I see. Take a break and relax. The war is still ongoing. It'd be... a little troublesome for me if you should fall.
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =Admiral、これは?あぁ…本気?…うん、そう。受け取ります。後悔、しないでね。Thank you so much, indeed。
|origin =Admiral、これは?あぁ…本気?…うん、そう。受け取ります。後悔、しないでね。Thank you so much, indeed。
|translation =Admiral, what's this? Ah... You're serious? ...Alright then. I accept. Don't regret this, alright? Thank you so much, indeed.
|translation =Admiral, what's this? Ah... You're serious? ... Alright then. I accept. Don't regret this, alright? Thank you so much, indeed.
Line 68:
Line 68:
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin =それでいいの。
|origin =それでいいな。
|translation =This is fine.
|translation =This is fine.
Line 97:
Line 97:
|scenario = Docking Minor
|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin =少し、修理をさせて。
|origin =少し、修理をさせて。
|translation =I'll go for a quick repair.
|translation =I'll go for a quick repair, if you don't mind.
Line 116:
Line 116:
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =H部隊、Sheffield、出撃します。各艦遅れないで。前進。
|origin =H部隊、Sheffield、出撃します。各艦、遅れないで。前進。
|translation =Force H, Sheffield, sortieing. All ships, don't fall behind. Forwards.
|translation =Force H, Sheffield, sortieing. All ships, don't fall behind. Forwards.
Line 142:
Line 142:
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin =どういうこと?…あたしが?そう。なら良かった。別に狙ったわけじゃないけど。それはそれで、ありか?Thanks.
|origin =どういうこと?…あたしが?そう。なら良かった。別に狙ったわけじゃないけど。それはそれで、ありか?Thanks.
|translation =What do you mean? ...I am? I see. That's good then. I wasn't doing this to be awarded though. But I guess this is fine too? Thanks.
|translation =What's going on? ... I am? I see. That's good then. I wasn't doing this for the recognition though. But I guess this is fine too? Thanks.
Line 162:
Line 162:
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =沈むのか、あたし…そうか…体が…感覚が…
|origin =沈むのか、あたし…そうか…体が…感覚が…
|translation =So I'm sinking... I see... I can't... Feel anything...
|translation =So I'm sinking... I see... I can't... feel anything...
Line 172:
Line 172:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin =今日はあたしが秘書艦ね。任せて。ちょうど深夜0時。
|origin =今日は私が秘書艦ね。任せて。ちょうど深夜0時。
|translation =So I'm the secretary ship for today. Leave it to me. It just struck midnight.
|translation =So I'm the secretary ship for today. Leave it to me. It just struck midnight.
Line 183:
Line 183:
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =2 o'clock。紅茶でも入れる。
|origin =2 o'clock。紅茶でも入れる。
|translation =2 o'clock. I'll make some tea.
|translation =2 o'clock. I'll make some black tea.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin =3 o'clock。どうぞ。Earl Greyでいい?
|origin =3 o'clock。どうぞ。Earl Greyでいい?
|translation =3 o'clock. Here you go. Are you alright with Earl Grey?
|translation =3 o'clock. Help yourself. Are you alright with Earl Grey?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 208:
Line 208:
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =7 o'clock。さあ、Sheffield特製のEnglish breakfastをどうぞ。焼きたてのパンに、たっぷりのバターとマーマレード 、どうぞ。 マーマレードもあたしが作ったの。どう?
|origin =7 o'clock。さあ、Sheffield特製のEnglish breakfastをどうぞ。焼きたてのパンに、たっぷりのバターとマーマレード 、どうぞ。 マーマレードもあたしが作ったの。どう?
|translation =7 o'clock. Here, have some of my special English breakfast. Here's some freshly made bread with plenty of butter and marmalade. I made the marmalade myself, too. How is it?
|translation =7 o'clock. Here, have some of my special English breakfast. Freshly made bread with plenty of butter and marmalade. I made the marmalade myself, too. How is it?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 218:
Line 218:
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09:00
|origin =9 o'clock。Hi, Ark。今日も元気そうね、なにより。また艦隊を組みましょう。
|origin =9 o'clock。Hi, Ark。今日も元気そうね、なにより。また艦隊を組みましょう。
|translation =9 o'clock. Hi, Ark. You're looking well today too. Let's form a fleet again.<ref>She and Ark Royal participated in the hunt for Bismarck.</ref>
|translation =9 o'clock. Hi, Ark. You're looking well today too. Let's form a fleet again.<ref>She and Ark Royal participated in the hunt for Bismarck as part of Force H.</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin =10 o'clock。えぇ?Ark、なに?…えぇ?Swordfish?…あぁ、まあ、水上機型なら…いやいや、そんなには詰めないって…いや、本当に…
|origin =10 o'clock。えぇ?Ark、何?…えぇ?Swordfish?…あぁ、まあ、水上機型なら…いやいや、そんなには詰めないって…いや、本当に…
|translation =10 o'clock. Eh? Ark, what did you say? ...Eh? Swordfish? ...Ah, well, I can carry the seaplane version... No no, I can't carry those... No, really...
|translation =10 o'clock. Eh? Ark, what did you say? ...Eh? Swordfish? ...Ah, well, I can carry the seaplane version... No no, I can't carry those... No, really...
Line 233:
Line 233:
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin =Midday。さあ、お昼にしましょう。はい、 ミートパイ 。美味しそうでしょう?これもあたしの手作り。さあ、食べてみて。
|origin =Midday。さあ、お昼にしましょう。はい、 ミートパイ 。美味しそうでしょう?これもあたしの手作り。さあ、食べてみて。
|translation =Midday. Now, it's time for lunch. Here, have a meat pie. It's good, right? I made this too. Go on, finish it.
|translation =Midday. Now, it's time for lunch. Here, have a meat pie. It's good, right? I made this too. Go on, give it a try.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 248:
Line 248:
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =3 o'clock。そうなの?彼女は今、味方…あぁ、そうなんだ。じゃ、じゃあ、afternoon teaでもする。そう、Eugenとかも呼んじゃって…って、えぇ?本当にいるの?…いるんだ…
|origin =3 o'clock。そうなの?彼女は今、味方…あぁ、そうなんだ。じゃ、じゃあ、afternoon teaでもする。そう、Eugenとかも呼んじゃって…って、えぇ?本当にいるの?…いるんだ…
|translation =3 o'clock. Is that so? She's an ally now... Ah, so that's why. Th-then let's have afternoon tea together. Yes, we can invite Eugen too... Wait, what? Is she really here too? ...She is...
|translation =3 o'clock. Is that so? She's an ally now... Ah, so that's why. Th-then let's have afternoon tea together. Yes, we can invite Eugen too... Wait, what? Is she really here too? ... She is...
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 258:
Line 258:
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =5 o'clock。Arkも、Bismarckも、Eugenも居て、みんな友軍だというの。なんかめまいがしそう。えぇ?夕焼けを見ろって?あぁ、そうね。日が落ちるわ。だから何?
|origin =5 o'clock。Arkも、Bismarckも、Eugenも居て、みんな友軍だというの。なんかめまいがしそう。えぇ?夕焼けを見ろって?あぁ、そうね。日が落ちるわ。だから何?
|translation =5 o'clock. Ark, Bismarck and Eugen are all here and are allies. It's throwing me for a spin. Eh? "Look at the sunset"? Ah, yes. The sun is setting. What about it?
|translation =5 o'clock. Ark, Bismarck, and Eugen are all here and all allies. It's throwing me for a spin. Eh? "Look at the sunset"? Ah, yes. The sun is setting. What about it?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin =6 o'clock。夕食はどうする?なにか作くろうか?Admiralは何が食べたいの?ラムチョップはどう?あたし得意なの。
|origin =6 o'clock。夕食はどうする?何か作くろうか?Admiralは何が食べたいの?ラムチョップはどう?あたし得意なの。
|translation =6 o'clock. What shall we have for dinner? Should I make something? Admiral, what would you like to eat? How about lamb chops? I'm good at making that.
|translation =6 o'clock. What shall we have for dinner? Should I make something? Admiral, what would you like to eat? How about lamb chops? I'm good at making that.
Line 268:
Line 268:
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =7 o'clock。お待たせ。Sheffield特製ラムチョップ。お酒はscotchでいいでしょう?
|origin =7 o'clock。お待たせ。Sheffield特製ラムチョップ。お酒はscotchでいいでしょう?
|translation =7 o'clock. Thanks for waiting. Here's my special lamb chops. Is some scotch fine with you?
|translation =7 o'clock. Thanks for waiting. Here's my special lamb chops. For your drink, would you like scotch?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 278:
Line 278:
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21:00
|origin =9 o'clock。それにしても、毎晩毎晩、小さな軽巡がうるさいのね?少し迷惑。Admiral、叱らないの?そう。じゃあ、いいけど。
|origin =9 o'clock。それにしても、毎晩毎晩、小さな軽巡がうるさいのね?少し迷惑。Admiral、叱らないの?そう。じゃあ、いいけど。
|translation =9 o'clock. Those small light cruisers cause a ruckus every single night, don't they? It's a bit of a bother. Admiral, aren't you going to reprimand them? Oh. Well, that's fine then.
|translation =9 o'clock. Still, those small light cruisers cause a ruckus every single night, don't they? It's a bit of a bother. Admiral, aren't you going to reprimand them? Oh. Well, if you say so.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =10 o'clock。あぁ、Nelson、どうした?って、酒臭い。だいぶやってるわね。えぇ?あたしは飲まないわよ。ラム酒持って帰って。ほら、君ももう、飲まないの!
|origin =10 o'cl、あぁ、Nelson、どうした?って、酒臭い。だいぶやってるわね。えぇ?私は飲まないわよ。ラム酒持って帰って。ほら、君ももう、飲まないの!
|translation =10 o'clock. Ah, Nelson, what's the matter? Gah, you reek of booze. You really went overboard. Eh? I don't want any. Take your rum and go. And you! That's enough drinking!
|translation =10 o'cl- Ah, Nelson, what's the matter? Gah, you reek of booze. You really went overboard. Eh? I don't want any. Take your rum and go. And you! That's enough drinking!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin =11 o'clock。ふあぁ、やっと一日も終わり。今日も色々あって疲れたわ。あなたもお疲れ様。少しだけ、横になって休んだら。
|origin =11 o'clock。ふあぁ、やっと一日も終わり。今日も色々あって疲れたわ。あなたもお疲れ様。少しだけ、横になって休んだら?
|translation =11 o'clock. Whew, another day is finally over. Everything that happened today really wore me out. Good work. You should lie down and have a short rest.
|translation =11 o'clock. Whew, another day is finally over. Everything that happened today really wore me out. You did good work too. Why not lie down and have a short rest?
Line 307:
Line 307:
* During the hunt for ''Bismarck'', HMS ''Ark Royal'''s first attack wave of Swordfish torpedo bombers mistook HMS ''Sheffield'' for ''Bismarck'' and attacked her. Only faulty detonators on the torpedoes and fine ship handling saved her. It was ''Ark Royal'''s second wave (with different detonators) that crippled the ''Bismarck''.