Line 11:
Line 11:
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin =HMS Sheffield、着任します。君がAdmiral?んー…ちょっといいね。よろしく。
|origin =HMS Sheffield、着任します。君がAdmiral?んー…ちょっといいね。よろしく。
|translation =HMS Sheffield, reporting for duty. You're the Admiral? Hmmm... not bad at all. Nice to meet you.
|translation =HMS Sheffield, reporting for duty. You're the Admiral? Hmmm... I guess you'll do. Nice to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
|origin =HMS Sheffield、用意は出来てる。Admiral、今日もよろしく。君となら、やれる。
|origin =HMS Sheffield、用意は出来てる。Admiral、今日もよろしく。君となら、やれる。
|translation =HMS Sheffield, ready and waiting. Admiral, I'll be in your care today too.
|translation =HMS Sheffield, ready and waiting. Admiral, I'll be in your care today too. If I'm with you, it'll be a breeze.
Line 39:
Line 39:
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =What are you up to?何してんの?えぇ?艦中央部の構造が気になる?あぁ、そうか。ここの船とは作りが違うから。
|origin =What are you up to?何してんの?えぇ?艦中央部の構造が気になる?あぁ、そうか。ここの船とは作りが違うから。
|translation =What are you up to? What are you doing? Eh? You're interested in cold weather proofing? Ah, I see. The ships here do it differently.
|translation =What are you up to? What are you doing? Eh? You're interested in my central structure? Ah, I see. The ships here are made differently.
Line 49:
Line 49:
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =はい、Earl Grey。君、好きだったよね?そう。一息入れて、肩の力を抜いて。戦いはまた続く。君に倒れてもらっては、少し、困るの。
|origin =はい、Earl Grey。君、好きだったよね?そう。一息入れて、肩の力を抜いて。戦いはまた続く。君に倒れてもらっては、少し、困るの。
|translation =Here, some Earl Grey. You like it, right? I see. Take a break and relax. The war is still ongoing. If you should fall, it would be kinda troublesome.
|translation =Here, some Earl Grey. You like it, right? I see. Take a break and relax. The war is still ongoing. It'd be troublesome for me if you should fall.
Line 63:
Line 63:
|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin =HMS Sheffield、出ます。今度は逃さない。
|origin =HMS Sheffield、出ます。今度は逃がさない。
|translation =HMS Sheffield, setting off. I won't let them get away this time.
|translation =HMS Sheffield, setting off. I won't let them get away this time.
Line 121:
Line 121:
|scenario = Battle Start
|scenario = Battle Start
|origin =見つけた。逃さない。戦闘用意!
|origin =見つけた。逃がさない。戦闘用意!
|translation =Found them. They're not getting away. Battle stations!
|translation =Found them. They're not getting away. Battle stations!
Line 132:
Line 132:
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|origin =甘く見ないで。
|origin =甘く見ないで。
|translation =Don't lose focus.
|translation =Don't underestimate me.
Line 197:
Line 197:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin =5 o'clock。Earl Grey、入れ直そか?冷めちゃったよね。あぁ、いいの?君が?Thanks。
|origin =5 o'clock。Earl Grey、入れ直そうか?冷めちゃったよね。あぁ、いいの?君が?Thanks。
|translation =5 o'clock. Shall I make more Earl Grey? This pot has gotten a bit cold. Ah, I don't have to? You will? Thanks.
|translation =5 o'clock. Shall I make more Earl Grey? This pot has gotten a bit cold. Ah, I don't have to? You will? Thanks.
Line 212:
Line 212:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin =8 o'clock。さあ、朝食も済ませたし、艦隊集結ね。仕事にかかりましょう。
|origin =8 o'clock。さあ、朝食も済ませたし、艦隊集結ね。仕事に掛かりましょう。
|translation =8 o'clock. Now that we're done with breakfast, it's time to gather the fleet. Let's get to work.
|translation =8 o'clock. Now that we're done with breakfast, it's time to gather the fleet. Let's get to work.
Line 228:
Line 228:
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin =11 o'clock。まあ、たしかに、Swordfishはいい機体だけどね。大西洋戦線なら無敵よ。うん。
|origin =11 o'clock。まあ、たしかに、Swordfishはいい機体だけどね。大西洋戦線なら無敵よ。うん。
|translation =11 o'clock. Well, the Swordfish certainly are fine machines. They were unrivaled in the Atlantic.
|translation =11 o'clock. Well, the Swordfish certainly are fine machines. They were unrivaled in the Atlantic. Yep.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin =Midday。さあ、お昼にしましょう。はい、 ミートパイ 。美味しいそうでしょう?これもあたしの手作り。さあ、食べてみて。
|origin =Midday。さあ、お昼にしましょう。はい、 ミートパイ 。美味しそうでしょう?これもあたしの手作り。さあ、食べてみて。
|translation =Midday. Now, it's time for lunch. Here, have a meat pie. It's good, right? I made this too. Go on, finish it.
|translation =Midday. Now, it's time for lunch. Here, have a meat pie. It's good, right? I made this too. Go on, finish it.
Line 242:
Line 242:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin =2 o'clo-…えぇ!?あれは…あれは、戦艦Bismarck!?彼女は今、ここにいたの?大変、Ark、すぐに来て。Sworfish、こっちを!
|origin =2 o'clo-…えぇ!?あれは…あれは、戦艦Bismarck!?彼女は今、ここに居たの?大変、Ark、すぐに来て。Sworfish、こっちを!
|translation =2 o'clo- Huh!? Is that... Is that the battleship Bismarck!? She's here? Oh no, Ark, come quickly. Send the Swordfish here!
|translation =2 o'clo- Huh!? Is that... Is that the battleship Bismarck!? She's here? Oh no, Ark, come quickly. Send the Swordfish here!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =3 o'clock。そうなの?彼女は今、味方…あぁ、そうなんだ。じゃ、じゃあ、afternoon teaでもする。そう、Eugenとかも呼んちゃって…って、えぇ?本当にいるの?…いるんだ…
|origin =3 o'clock。そうなの?彼女は今、味方…あぁ、そうなんだ。じゃ、じゃあ、afternoon teaでもする。そう、Eugenとかも呼んじゃって…って、えぇ?本当にいるの?…いるんだ…
|translation =3 o'clock. Is that so? She's an ally now... Ah, so that's why. Th-then let's have afternoon tea together. Yes, we can invite Eugen too... Wait, what? Is she really here too? ...She is...
|translation =3 o'clock. Is that so? She's an ally now... Ah, so that's why. Th-then let's have afternoon tea together. Yes, we can invite Eugen too... Wait, what? Is she really here too? ...She is...
Line 257:
Line 257:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =5 o'clock。Arkも、Bismarckも、Eugenも、居て、みんな友軍だというの。なんかめまいがしそう。えぇ?夕焼けを見ろって?あぁ、そうね。日が落ちるわ。だから何?
|origin =5 o'clock。Arkも、Bismarckも、Eugenも居て、みんな友軍だというの。なんかめまいがしそう。えぇ?夕焼けを見ろって?あぁ、そうね。日が落ちるわ。だから何?
|translation =5 o'clock. Ark, Bismarck and Eugen are all here and are allies. It's throwing me for a spin. Eh? "Look at the sunset"? Ah, yes. The sun is setting. What about it?
|translation =5 o'clock. Ark, Bismarck and Eugen are all here and are allies. It's throwing me for a spin. Eh? "Look at the sunset"? Ah, yes. The sun is setting. What about it?
Line 267:
Line 267:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =7 o'clock。おまたせ。Sheffield特製ラムチョップ。お酒はscotchでいいでしょう?
|origin =7 o'clock。お待たせ。Sheffield特製ラムチョップ。お酒はscotchでいいでしょう?
|translation =7 o'clock. Thanks for waiting. Here's my special lamb chops. Is some scotch fine with you?
|translation =7 o'clock. Thanks for waiting. Here's my special lamb chops. Is some scotch fine with you?
Line 282:
Line 282:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =10 o'clock。あぁ、Nelson、どうした?って、酒臭い。だいぶやってるわね。えぇ?あたしは飲まないわよ。ラム酒もってかえて。ほら、君ももう、飲まないの!
|origin =10 o'clock。あぁ、Nelson、どうした?って、酒臭い。だいぶやってるわね。えぇ?あたしは飲まないわよ。ラム酒持って帰って。ほら、君ももう、飲まないの!
|translation =10 o'clock. Ah, Nelson, what's the matter? Gah, you reek of booze. You really went overboard. Eh? I don't want any. Give me that rum. You better stop drinking now!
|translation =10 o'clock. Ah, Nelson, what's the matter? Gah, you reek of booze. You really went overboard. Eh? I don't want any. Take your rum and go. And you! That's enough drinking!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin =11 o'clock。ふあぁ、やっと一日も終わり。今日も色々あって疲れたわ。あなたもお疲れ様。少しだけ、横になって休んたら。
|origin =11 o'clock。ふあぁ、やっと一日も終わり。今日も色々あって疲れたわ。あなたもお疲れ様。少しだけ、横になって休んだら。
|translation =11 o'clock. Whew, another day is finally over. Everything that happened today really wore me out. Good work. You should lie down and have a short rest.
|translation =11 o'clock. Whew, another day is finally over. Everything that happened today really wore me out. Good work. You should lie down and have a short rest.