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|origin =オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃座を集中配備した、新しいコンセプトの軽巡として、当時のオランダ領東インドに配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦ったけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。
|origin =オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃座を集中配備した、新しいコンセプトの軽巡として、当時のオランダ領東インドに配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦ったけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。
|translation =I'm the light cruiser from the Netherlands De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air gun emplacements, I was a new kind of light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies<ref>''De Ruyter'' was actually a one-off light cruiser model hamstrung by political and economic circumstances.</ref>. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese CAs are bad news. They really are.<ref>She was attacked and sunk by [[Nachi]] and [[Haguro]].</ref>
|translation =I'm the light cruiser from the Netherlands De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air gun emplacements, I was a new kind of light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies<ref>''De Ruyter'' was actually a one-off light cruiser model hamstrung by political and economic circumstances.</ref>. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese heavy cruiserss are bad news. They really are.<ref>She was attacked and sunk by [[Nachi]] and [[Haguro]].</ref>