Line 11:
Line 11:
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin =Hi!あなたが噂のこの艦隊の提督ね?私はオランダ軽巡De Ruyter。わかる?わかる、わかる?そう!結構いいから、私。任せて。
|origin =Hi!あなたが噂のこの艦隊の提督ね?私はオランダ軽巡De Ruyter。わかる?わかる、わかる?そう!結構いいから、私。任せて。
|translation =Hi! So you're the Admiral of this fleet I've heard about? I'm the Dutch CL, De Ruyter. Do you recognise the name? Did you? Did you? That's right! I'm pretty good. Just leave it to me.
|translation =Hi! So you're the Admiral of this fleet I've heard about? I'm the Dutch CL, De Ruyter. Do you recognise the name? Do you? Do you? That's right! I'm pretty good, after all! Just leave it to me.
Line 20:
Line 20:
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃座を集中配備した、新しい コンセプト の軽巡として、当時のオランダ領東インドに配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦ったけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。
|origin =オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃座を集中配備した、新しいコンセプトの軽巡として、当時のオランダ領東インドに配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦ったけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。
|translation =I'm the CL from Holland, De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air gun emplacements, I was a new concept light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese CAs are bad news. They really are.<ref>She was attacked and sunk by [[Nachi]] and [[Haguro]].</ref>
|translation =I'm the light cruiser from the Netherlands De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air gun emplacements, I was a new kind of light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies<ref>''De Ruyter'' was actually a one-off light cruiser model hamstrung by political and economic circumstances.</ref>. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese CAs are bad news. They really are.<ref>She was attacked and sunk by [[Nachi]] and [[Haguro]].</ref>
Line 31:
Line 31:
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin =あぁ、私で行く?いいよ。待てて。
|origin =あぁ、私で行く?いいよ。待てて。
|translation =Ah, time for me to head out? Alright. Wait a minute.
|translation =Ah, time for me to head out? Alright. Gimme a sec.
|scenario = Secretary 2|kai = true
|scenario = Secretary 2|kai = true
|origin =あはぁ、やっぱ私で行く?いいよ。待てて。
|origin =あはぁ、やっぱ私で行く?いいよ。待てて。
|translation =Aha, it's really time for me to head out? Alright. Wait a minute.
|translation =Aha, it's really time for me to head out? Alright. Gimme a sec.
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =なに、それ?オランダとはめっちゃ違うんだ。ここは普通そんな感じなの?あぁ、それとも違うの?あぁ、ここの対空機銃座?いいっしょう!お気になの!
|origin =なに、それ?オランダとはめっちゃ違うんだ。ここは普通そんな感じなの?あぁ、それとも違うの?あぁ、ここの対空機銃座?いいっしょう!お気になの!
|translation =What is that? It's very different from what we have in Holland. So this is what is normal here? Ah, it isn't? Ah, it's used as an anti-air gun emplacement? Nice! I like it!
|translation =What is that? It's very different from what we have in the Netherlands. So are they normally like this here? Ah, not really? Ah, it's used as an anti-air gun emplacement? Nice! I like it!
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =提督、その図面、何?ん?「デンタン」?えぇ、RADARってこと?ちょっと興味ある。今度試して、みたいな…いい?
|origin =提督、その図面、何?ん?「デンタン」?えぇ、RADARってこと?ちょっと興味ある。今度試して、みたいな…いい?
|translation =Admiral, what's that blueprint? Hmmm? "Dentan"? Eh, so it's a RADAR? I'm kinda interested in it. I'd like to try it out next time... Can I?
|translation =Admiral, what's that blueprint? Hmmm? "Dentan"? Oh, so same thing as RADAR? I'm kinda interested in it. I'd like to try it out sometime... Can I<ref>During the Battle of the Java Sea, HMS ''Exeter'' was the only ship on either side equipped with radar, a cutting-edge technology at the time.</ref>?
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =あぁ、やっぱ私で行くの?うーん、いやじゃない。いいよ、待てて。すぐ行くから。
|origin =あぁ、やっぱ私で行くの?うーん、いやじゃない。いいよ、待てて。すぐ行くから。
|translation =Ah, it's really time for me to head out? No, no, I'm fine with it. Alright then, wait a minute. I'll be ready in a flash.
|translation =Ah, it's really time for me to head out? No, no, I'm fine with it. Alright then, give me a sec. I'll be ready in a flash.
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =本当…本当に?…あはぁ、私も…私も何だから!Ik hou van jou.
|origin =本当…本当に?…はぁ、私も…私も何だから!Ik hou van jou.
|translation =Really... You're sure? ...Aha, I... I do too! I like you.
|translation =Really... You're sure? ...yeah, I... I do too! I love you.
Line 80:
Line 80:
|scenario = Equipment 3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin =うん、やばい。
|origin =うん、やばい!
|translation =Yep, it's great.
|translation =Yep, it's awesome!
Line 91:
Line 91:
|scenario = Docking Minor
|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin =んー。やばい。
|origin =んー。やばい。
|translation =Nnnggh. This is bad.
|translation =Nnnggh. This sucks.
Line 101:
Line 101:
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin =出来たって。早いね。
|origin =出来たって。早いね。
|translation =It's done. That was fast.
|translation =It's done. That was fast!
Line 110:
Line 110:
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =ABDA艦隊、私が預かっちゃお。いいよね?艦隊、前!私についてきて。行くよ!
|origin =ABDA艦隊、私が預かっちゃお。いいよね?艦隊、前へ!私についてきて。行くよ!
|translation =I'll be in charge of the ABDA Fleet. Got it? Fleet, head out! Follow me. Let's go!
|translation =I'll be leading the ABDA Fleet. Got it? Fleet, head out! Follow me. Let's go!
|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai = true
|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai = true
|origin =ABDA艦隊、旗艦De Ruyter。行くよ!艦隊、前!私についてきて。出撃!
|origin =ABDA艦隊、旗艦De Ruyter。行くよ!艦隊、前へ!私についてきて。出撃!
|translation =ABDA Fleet, flagship De Ruyter. Let's go! Fleet, head out! Follow me. Sortie!
|translation =ABDA Fleet, flagship De Ruyter. Let's go! Fleet, head out! Follow me. Sortie!
Line 131:
Line 131:
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|origin =ん?ちゃんと当たってる?
|origin =ん?ちゃんと当たってる?
|translation =Hmmm? Did it hit?
|translation =Hmmm? Are my hits landing?
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin =やーばい。夜のお仕事か?まだ早い気もするけど…やっちゃお、感じ。
|origin =やーばい。夜のお仕事か?まだ早い気もするけど…やっちゃお、感じ。
|translation = Oh woooow. I have some night work to do? I don't think I'm ready for it yet but... Just do it.
|translation = Oh woooow. We have some night work to do? I don't think I'm ready for it yet, but... I'll just do it.
Line 156:
Line 156:
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =やだ、やばい!沈む気はないけど、やばげ。
|origin =やだ、やばい!沈む気はないけど、やばげ。
|translation =Oh no, this is bad! I don't feel like I'm sinking but, it's bad.
|translation =Oh no, this is bad! I don't feel like I'm sinking, but... it's bad.
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =や…ばい…私、沈むだ…ここに…いやだな…でも……Adieu…さよなら…みんな…
|origin =や…ばい…私、沈むんだ…ここで…いやだな…でも……Adieu…さよなら…みんな…
|translation =Oh... no... I'm sinking... here... No way... But... Goodbye... everyone...
|translation =Oh... no... I'm sinking... I don't want it to... end here... but... Goodbye... everyone...