Line 20:
Line 20:
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃を集中配備した、新しい コンセプト の軽巡として、途次オランダ東インドを配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦っただけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。
|origin =オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃座を集中配備した、新しい コンセプト の軽巡として、当時のオランダ領東インドに配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦ったけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。
|translation =I'm the CL from Holland, De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air guns, I was a new concept light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese CAs are bad news. They really are.<ref>She was attacked and sunk by [[Nachi]] and [[Haguro]].</ref>
|translation =I'm the CL from Holland, De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air gun emplacements, I was a new concept light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese CAs are bad news. They really are.<ref>She was attacked and sunk by [[Nachi]] and [[Haguro]].</ref>
Line 40:
Line 40:
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =なに、それ?オランダっとはめっちゃ違うんだ。ここは普通そんな感じなの?あぁ、それとも違うの?あぁ、ここの対空機銃さ?いいっしょう!お気になの!
|origin =なに、それ?オランダとはめっちゃ違うんだ。ここは普通そんな感じなの?あぁ、それとも違うの?あぁ、ここの対空機銃座?いいっしょう!お気になの!
|translation =What is that? It's very different from what we have in Holland. So this is what is normal here? Ah, it isn't? Ah, it's used as an anti-air gun? Nice! I like it!
|translation =What is that? It's very different from what we have in Holland. So this is what is normal here? Ah, it isn't? Ah, it's used as an anti-air gun emplacement? Nice! I like it!
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =提督、そのづめ、何?ん?「デンタン」?えぇ、RADARってこと?ちょっと興味ある。今度試して、みたいな…いい?
|origin =提督、その図面、何?ん?「デンタン」?えぇ、RADARってこと?ちょっと興味ある。今度試して、みたいな…いい?
|translation =Admiral, what's that? Hmmm? "Dentan"? Eh, so it's a RADAR? I'm kinda interested in it. I'd like to try it out next time... Can I?
|translation =Admiral, what's that blueprint? Hmmm? "Dentan"? Eh, so it's a RADAR? I'm kinda interested in it. I'd like to try it out next time... Can I?
Line 105:
Line 105:
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin =みんな帰くれた。良かったよ。
|origin =みんな帰ってくれた。良かったよ。
|translation =Everyone made it back. Great.
|translation =Everyone made it back. Great.
Line 120:
Line 120:
|scenario = Battle Start
|scenario = Battle Start
|origin =敵艦隊発見。みんな、戦闘始まるから、良いして。
|origin =敵艦隊発見。みんな、戦闘始まるから、用意して。
|translation =Enemy fleet spotted. Everyone, battle stations.
|translation =Enemy fleet spotted. Everyone, battle stations.
Line 130:
Line 130:
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|origin =ん?ちゃんと当たったてる?
|origin =ん?ちゃんと当たってる?
|translation =Hmmm? Did it hit?
|translation =Hmmm? Did it hit?
Line 186:
Line 186:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin =深夜3時。なんか小腹が空かない?Stroopwafelでも食べる?この時間早めとく?
|origin =深夜3時。なんか小腹が空かない?Stroopwafelでも食べる?この時間はやめとく?
|translation =3am. Don't you feel kinda hungry? Shall we have some stroopwafels? It's too early for that?<ref>[ Stroopwafels] are a famous Dutch dish made with waffels with caramel filling.</ref>
|translation =3am. Don't you feel kinda hungry? Shall we have some stroopwafels? It's not the right time?<ref>[ Stroopwafels] are a famous Dutch dish made with waffels with caramel filling.</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 206:
Line 206:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =今7時。朝はstroopwafelでいい?こうやって、コーヒを入れたカップ の上に載せて…あぁ、そう。そんな感じ。で、ほら、いい感じのなるでしょう?コーヒ一緒に、どぞ。
|origin =今7時。朝はstroopwafelでいい?こうやって、コーヒーを入れたカップ の上に載せて…あぁ、そう。そんな感じ。で、ほら、いい感じになるでしょう?コーヒーと一緒に、どぞ。
|translation =It's 7 o'clock. Shall we have stroopwafels for breakfast? Just put it on top of your cup of coffee like this... Ah, yes. Just like that. See, doesn't it look good? Have it with your coffee.
|translation =It's 7 o'clock. Shall we have stroopwafels for breakfast? Just put it on top of your cup of coffee like this... Ah, yes. Just like that. See, doesn't it look good? Have it with your coffee.
Line 221:
Line 221:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin =10時。海は気持ちいよね。わかるわかる。
|origin =10時。海は気持ちいいよね。わかるわかる。うん。
|translation =10 o'clock. Being at sea feels so good. I really feel that way.
|translation =10 o'clock. Being at sea feels so good. I really feel that way. Yup.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 231:
Line 231:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin =12時。お昼。 ランチ はね…これ!目玉焼きに、 ハム 、 チーズ 、これを焼いたパンで挟んで…はい、どぞ!ねぇ、最高でしょう?わかるわかる?
|origin =12時。お昼。 ランチ はね…これ!目玉焼きに、 ハム 、 チーズ 、これを焼いたパンで挟んで…はい、どうぞ!ねぇ、最高でしょう?わかるわかる?
|translation =12 o'clock. It's noon. For lunch we're having... this! Take this fried egg, ham and cheese, then sandwich it between some toast... There, here you go! Hey, it's great right? Can you tell?
|translation =12 o'clock. It's noon. For lunch we're having... this! Take this fried egg, ham and cheese, then sandwich it between some toast... There, here you go! Hey, it's great right? Can you tell?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13:00
|origin =午後1時。提督、コーヒお代わりいる?はい、どぞ。熱いよ、気をつけてね。
|origin =午後1時。提督、コーヒーお代わりいる?はい、どぞ。熱いよ、気をつけてね。
|translation =1pm. Admiral, would you like another cup of coffee? Here you go. Be careful, it's hot.
|translation =1pm. Admiral, would you like another cup of coffee? Here you go. Be careful, it's hot.
Line 256:
Line 256:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =5時。ほら、夕日。オランダ夕も日もいいけど、日本のこの時間もきれい。私は好き。
|origin =5時。ほら、夕日。オランダも夕日もいいけど、日本のこの時間もきれい。私は好き。
|translation =5 o'clock. Look, it's the sunset. The sunset in Holland is nice but it's beautiful in Japan at this time too. I like it.
|translation =5 o'clock. Look, it's the sunset. The sunset in Holland is nice but it's beautiful in Japan at this time too. I like it.
Line 271:
Line 271:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 20:00
|scenario = 20:00
|origin =8時です。後片付けは私がやるね。提督は座ててあぁ、コーヒ入れるね?うん、提督の料理をお礼お礼。
|origin =8時です。後片付けは私がやるね。提督は座てて。あぁ、コーヒー入れるね?うん、提督の料理のお礼お礼。
|translation =It's 8 o'clock. I'll do the cleaning up. You just keep seated, Admiral. Ah, I'll get you some coffee alright? Yup, I'm really grateful for your food.
|translation =It's 8 o'clock. I'll do the cleaning up. You just keep seated, Admiral. Ah, I'll get you some coffee alright? Yup, I'm really grateful for your food.
Line 281:
Line 281:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =10時です。んーえぇ。疲れたね。提督、片で揉む?そう?
|origin =10時です。んーえぇ。疲れたね。提督、肩でも揉む?そう?
|translation =It's 10 o'clock. Ngggggghaaah. I'm tired. Admiral, would you like a shoulder massage? You do?
|translation =It's 10 o'clock. Ngggggghaaah. I'm tired. Admiral, would you like a shoulder massage? You do?