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383 bytes removed ,  7 years ago
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|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin = 午前0時です。こんな夜更けにすみません
|origin = 午前0時です。こんな夜更けにすみません
|translation = 000 hours. Sorry to disturb you so late at night.
|translation = It's 12am. Sorry to disturb you so late at night.
|audio = Ayanami-00.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-00.ogg
Line 210: Line 210:  
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin = 午前1時です。もしお邪魔でしたら音量下げてくださいね
|origin = 午前1時です。もしお邪魔でしたら音量下げてくださいね
|translation = 0100 hours. Please turn it down if it's disturbing you.
|translation = It's 1am. Please lower the volume if I'm disturbing you.
|audio = Ayanami-01.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-01.ogg
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = 午前2時で―す! 深夜ですし もうちょっと小声にいたしましょうか
|origin = 午前2時で―す!深夜ですし もうちょっと小声にいたしましょうか
|translation = And it's 0200 hoooours! We should probably whisper a little more seeing as it's so late.
|translation = It's 2am~! Should I talk quieter since it's the middle of the night?
|audio = Ayanami-02.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-02.ogg
Line 222: Line 222:  
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin = ご~ぜ~ん~ 3時でーす(小声)
|origin = ご~ぜ~ん~ 3時でーす(小声)
|translation = Oh~ Three~ Hundred~, iiiiit's 3AM (whisper)
|translation = It's~ 3~ am~ (Whispering)
|audio = Ayanami-03.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-03.ogg
|scenario = 04:00
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = 午前4時です… 綾波も…このぐらい大丈夫ですよぉ… もうすぐ…朝ですねぇ…
|origin = 午前4時です…綾波も…このぐらい大丈夫ですよぉ… もうすぐ…朝ですねぇ…
|translation = It's 0400 hours...Ayanami can...manage this...it'll be morning...soon...
|translation = It's 4am... I'm still... doing fine... It's almost... morning...
|audio = Ayanami-04.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-04.ogg
Line 234: Line 234:  
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = 午前5時です。もうすぐ総員起こしの時間ですね。艦娘たちを起こしてきますね
|origin = 午前5時です。もうすぐ総員起こしの時間ですね。艦娘たちを起こしてきますね
|translation = It's 0500 hours. Almost time for reveille. The Fleet Girls will be getting up soon.
|translation = It's 5am. Almost time for morning assembly. The shipgirls will be getting up soon.
|audio = Ayanami-05.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-05.ogg
Line 240: Line 240:  
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = 午前6時です。朝になりました。司令官おはようございます。今日も一日頑張りましょう
|origin = 午前6時です。朝になりました。司令官おはようございます。今日も一日頑張りましょう
|translation = It's 0600 hours. Morning's here. Good morning, Commander. Let's give it our all today.
|translation = It's 6am. Morning's here. Good morning Commander. Let's give it our all today.
|audio = Ayanami-06.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-06.ogg
Line 246: Line 246:  
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = 午前7時です。司令官、タオルここに置いておきますね
|origin = 午前7時です。司令官、タオルここに置いておきますね
|translation = It's 0700 hours. Commander, I've left a towel out for you.
|translation = It's 7am. I'll leave your towel over here Commander.
|audio = Ayanami-07.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-07.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = 午前8時です。司令官、朝ごはんのご用意ができてます。お味噌汁は お麩でよかったかしら?
|origin = 午前8時です。司令官、朝ごはんのご用意ができてます。お味噌汁はお麩でよかったかしら?
|translation = It's 0800 hours. Commander, I have your breakfast ready. Would you like Miso soup too?
|translation = It's 8am. Breakfast is ready Commander. Would you like to have some miso soup with seitan?<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheat_gluten_(food) Seitan] is wheat gluten. It is usually baked before being added to soups.</ref>
|audio = Ayanami-08.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-08.ogg
Line 258: Line 258:  
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = 午前9時です 。そろそろデイリー任務を片付けてしまいましょうか。了解しました
|origin = 午前9時です 。そろそろデイリー任務を片付けてしまいましょうか。了解しました
|translation = It's 0900 hours. Should we make a start on the daily missions? Understood sir.
|translation = It's 9am. Shall we start clearing daily missions soon? Roger that.
|audio = Ayanami-09.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-09.ogg
Line 264: Line 264:  
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = 午前10時です。司令官、綾波は何をすればよろしいですか?
|origin = 午前10時です。司令官、綾波は何をすればよろしいですか?
|translation = It's 1000 hours. Do you need require anything of Ayanami?
|translation = It's 10am. Do you need me to do anything?
|audio = Ayanami-10.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-10.ogg
Line 270: Line 270:  
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = 午前11時です! お昼の準備ですね。わかりました。お任せ下さい
|origin = 午前11時です! お昼の準備ですね。わかりました。お任せ下さい
|translation = It's 1100 hours. It's about time to start making lunch preparations. Understood. Please leave it me.
|translation = It's 11am. Time to start preparing lunch huh. Understood. Please leave it me.
|audio = Ayanami-11.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-11.ogg
Line 276: Line 276:  
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = 正午。お昼のご用意ができました。綾波特製肉じゃが定食です!お味はいかが?
|origin = 正午。お昼のご用意ができました。綾波特製肉じゃが定食です!お味はいかが?
|translation = Midday. I have your lunch ready. Today is Ayanami's Special Nikujaga Meal Set! How does it taste?<ref>Nikujaga = meat and potato stew with noodles and other extras.</ref>
|translation = Noon. Lunch is ready. It's my special Nikugaga meal! Is it to your liking?<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikujaga Nikujaga] is a Japanese stew made with meat, potato and onions stewed in a soy sauce stock.</ref>
|audio = Ayanami-12.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-12.ogg
Line 282: Line 282:  
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = 午後1時です。綾波、我ながら満足しちゃいました。司令官はご満足されましたか?
|origin = 午後1時です。綾波、我ながら満足しちゃいました。司令官はご満足されましたか?
|translation = It's 1300 hours. Well Ayanami thinks that worked out well if she does think so. Did you enjoy it, Commander?
|translation = It's 1pm. I'm satisfied with how that turned out. Were you satisfied too Commander?
|audio = Ayanami-13.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-13.ogg
Line 288: Line 288:  
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = 午後2時です。さて!綾波もそろそろ本領発揮しちゃおうかな。頑張りますね
|origin = 午後2時です。さて!綾波もそろそろ本領発揮しちゃおうかな。頑張りますね
|translation = It's 1400 hours. Right! It's time for Ayanami to show you what she can really do. She's going to give it her all.
|translation = It's 2pm. Right! It's time for me to show you what I can really do. I'll do my best.
|audio =Ayanami-14.ogg
|audio =Ayanami-14.ogg
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|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = 午後3時。私たちの艦隊のランキングを上げるためにも綾波、頑張りますね
|origin = 午後3時。私たちの艦隊のランキングを上げるためにも綾波、頑張りますね
|translation = It's 1500 hours. Ayanami is going to do her best to help increase our fleet's ranking.
|translation = It's 3pm. I'm going to do my best to help increase our fleet's ranking.
|audio = Ayanami-15.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-15.ogg
Line 300: Line 300:  
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = 午後4時。綾波、こう見えて狙った敵は逃しません。出撃を意見具申いたします
|origin = 午後4時。綾波、こう見えて狙った敵は逃しません。出撃を意見具申いたします
|translation = 1600 hours. Despite everything, Ayanami didn't let the enemy escape. I'll begin work on the mission reports.
|translation = 4pm. Despite everything, I didn't let the enemy escape my sights. I'll start on the mission report.
|audio = Ayanami-16.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-16.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = 午後5時。司令官、もうちょっと先を目指してみます? 綾波お供いたします
|origin = 午後5時。司令官、もうちょっと先を目指してみます? 綾波お供いたします。
|translation = It's 1700 hours. Should Ayanami keep at it a little longer?
|translation = 5pm. Do you want to take it to the next level Commander? I'll accompany you.
|audio = Ayanami-17.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-17.ogg
Line 312: Line 312:  
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = 午後6時。そろそろ夜の時間ですね。綾波も少し疲労がたまってしまいましたぁ…
|origin = 午後6時。そろそろ夜の時間ですね。綾波も少し疲労がたまってしまいましたぁ…
|translation = It's 1800 hours. Almost night time. Ayanami is feeling a little tired.
|translation = 6pm. It's almost night time. I've gotten a bit fatigued...
|audio = Ayanami-18.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-18.ogg
Line 318: Line 318:  
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = 午後7時。綾波、執務室の檜のお風呂使ってもいいんですか! ほっ、本当に!?
|origin = 午後7時。綾波、執務室の檜のお風呂使ってもいいんですか! ほっ、本当に!?
|translation = It's 1900 hours. Ayanami can use the office bath!? Is i-Is it really ok!?<ref>It's a custom wooden, onsen style bath which is why she is so excited.</ref>
|translation = 7pm. I can use the cypress bath in the office!? R-really!?
|audio = Ayanami-19.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-19.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = 午後8時。司令官。せっかくですが入渠ドックが空いていますので綾波はこちらで十分です
|origin = 午後8時。司令官。せっかくですが入渠ドックが空いていますので綾波はこちらで十分です。
|translation = It's 2000 hours. Ayanami really appreciates the offer, but the bath at the dock are empty and those are more than enough.<ref>She's being humble, she actually wants to use the office bath but shows restraint so uses the dock repair baths instead.</ref>
|translation = 8pm. I appreciate the offer but using an empty dock is enough for me.
|audio = Ayanami-20.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-20.ogg
Line 330: Line 330:  
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = 午後9時です。夜の鎮守府は静かですね
|origin = 午後9時です。夜の鎮守府は静かですね
|translation = It's 2100 hours. Naval Base is really peaceful at night isn't it?
|translation = It's 9pm. The base at night sure is quiet.
|audio = Ayanami-21.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-21.ogg
Line 336: Line 336:  
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = 午後10時となりました。今晩も頑張ってまいりましょう
|origin = 午後10時となりました。今晩も頑張ってまいりましょう
|translation = It is now 2200 hours. Let's give the night shift our best too.
|translation = It's now 10pm. Let's do our best tonight too.
|audio =Ayanami-22.ogg
|audio =Ayanami-22.ogg
Line 342: Line 342:  
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = 午後11時です。司令官、綾波も実は少しだけ夜戦には自信があるんです。今度是非!
|origin = 午後11時です。司令官、綾波も実は少しだけ夜戦には自信があるんです。今度是非!
|translation = It's 2300 hours. Commander, you know what? Ayanami now feels more confident about night battles. She'll be fine this time for sure!<ref>Star Shells and Searchlights do that.</ref>
|translation = It's 11pm. To tell you the truth Commander, I have a bit of confidence in night battles. Next time let me do it!
|audio = Ayanami-23.ogg
|audio = Ayanami-23.ogg
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