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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin =  
|origin = 私はHer Majesty's ship, Ark Royal. Admiral、あなたが?よろしく。
|translation =  
|translation = I'm Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal. Are you the Admiral? Take care of me.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Intro.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Intro.mp3
Line 15: Line 15:  
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin =  
|origin = Her Majesty'sそして、your ship, Ark Royal. 出撃準備をとど載っている。Admiral、今日も、よろしく。
|translation =  
|translation = I'm Her Majesty's and your ship, Ark Royal. Sortie preparations are done. Take care of me today too, Admiral.
|audio = ArkRoyalKai-Intro.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyalKai-Intro.mp3
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =  
|origin = Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal. 本格的な艦隊型航空母艦として就役。
|translation =  
|translation = Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal. I was commissioned as a full fleet carrier.
I participated in many operations in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. It was these deadly Swordfish that ended the pursuit of that battleship Bismarck.<ref>It was Swordfish bombers from the Ark Royal that took out the Bismarck's rudder during the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_battle_of_the_battleship_Bismarck pursuit] that allowed the rest of the Royal Navy to catch up and corner the Bismarck.</ref>
U-boats? They're dangerous. You need to be careful of underwater enemies.<ref>She was sunk by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-81_(1941) U-81] while returning to Gibraltar in 1941.</ref>
|audio = ArkRoyal-Library.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Library.mp3
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin =  
|origin = Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal. ここに。
|translation =  
|translation = Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal. Is here.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sec1.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sec1.mp3
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin =  
|origin = Are you alright?
|translation =  
|translation = Are you alright?
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sec2.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sec2.mp3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =  
|origin = Not so bad.でも、Admiral、少し躾がいるみたいね。そこに座って。そう。Swordfish、発艦始め!
|translation =  
|translation = That's not so bad. But you need a little discipline, Admiral. Go sit over there. Right there. Swordfish, begin takeoff!
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sec3.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sec3.mp3
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin =  
|origin = ああ、そうだ!旧式かどうか問題ではない。敵の戦闘機さいいなければ、我がSwordfishは十分な働きお示すだろう。性能ではないのだ、戦場と戦い方だ。Admiral?・・・あ、聞いてないか?
|translation =  
|translation = Ah, that's right! It's not a problem if they're outdated. If there are no enemy fighters, my Swordfish are good enough for the job. It's not performance that matters, but the results on the battlefield. Admiral? ...Ah, he's not listening huh?<ref>The [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairey_Swordfish Fairey Swordfish] she carried were slow and outdated by World War 2 standards. But were still fairly effective if they didn't encounter enemy air cover.</ref>
|audio = ArkRoyal-SecIdle.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-SecIdle.mp3
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin =  
|origin = Admiral、疲れているのか?私は紅茶を入れよ。待っていて。薫り高いEarl Greyにしよう。ほら、休んでいって。持っていくから、待っていて。
|translation =  
|translation = Are you tired, Admiral? I'll go get some black tea. Wait a moment. I'll get some very fragrant Earl Grey. Go on, get some rest. I'll bring it over so please wait.
|audio = ArkRoyal-SecMarried.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-SecMarried.mp3
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =  
|origin = Admiral、どうした?頬が少し上気しているようだ。体温も高い。風邪か?休むといい。・・・あ、これを、私に?わかった、後で開けよ。まずはしっかり体を休めることだ。さぁ。
|translation =  
|translation = What's wrong, Admiral? Your cheeks are a bit flushed. You're running a temperature too. Do you have a cold? You best get some rest. ...Ah, this is for me? Understood, I'll open it later. First, you need to get lots of rest. Go on.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Wedding.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Wedding.mp3
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin =  
|origin = Information? I see. これね?
|translation =  
|translation = Information? I see. You mean this?
|audio = ArkRoyal-PlayerScore.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-PlayerScore.mp3
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin =  
|origin = Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal、抜錨!
|translation =  
|translation = Her Majesty's ship, Ark Royal, setting sail!
|audio = ArkRoyal-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-JoinFleet.mp3
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin =  
|origin = Your kindness is much appreciated.
|translation =  
|translation = Your kindness is much appreciated.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Equip1.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Equip1.mp3
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin =  
|origin = Japanese navy airplane? ほぉ、なるほど。
|translation =  
|translation = Japanese navy airplane? Hmmm, I see.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Equip2.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Equip2.mp3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin =  
|origin = There is no one here.
|translation =  
|translation = There is no one here.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Equip3.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Equip3.mp3
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|origin =  
|origin = Thank you very much indeed. よし。
|translation =  
|translation = Thank you very much indeed. Alright.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Supply.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Supply.mp3
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin =  
|origin = I will have a shower, sorry.
|translation =  
|translation = I will have a shower, sorry.
|audio = ArkRoyal-DockMinor.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-DockMinor.mp3
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin =  
|origin = Sorry, Admiral。少し時間はかかる。Shambles today.
|translation =  
|translation = Sorry, Admiral. This will take some time. I'm in shambles today.
|audio = ArkRoyal-DockMajor.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-DockMajor.mp3
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin =  
|origin = 新しい船・・・か。どれ。
|translation =  
|translation = A new ship... huh. Let me have a look.
|audio = ArkRoyal-Construction.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Construction.mp3
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin =  
|origin = Operation has been completed.
|translation =  
|translation = Operation has been completed.
|audio = ArkRoyal-SortieReturn.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-SortieReturn.mp3
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin =  
|origin = 私は出る。Force H, Ark Royal、出撃!
|translation =  
|translation = I'm heading out. Force H, Ark Royal, sortie!<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_H Force H] was the Royal Navy formation tasked with maintaining naval power in the Mediterrenean.</ref>
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sortie.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sortie.mp3
Line 130: Line 134:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin =  
|origin = 私が出る。Force H、機動部隊機関、Ark Royal. 出撃する!
|translation =  
|translation = I'm heading out. Force H and carrier task force flagship, Ark Royal. Sortieing!<ref>"Kidou Butai" literally means 'mobile force' but the IJN used the term to refer to their carrier task forces.</ref>
|audio = ArkRoyalKai-Sortie.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyalKai-Sortie.mp3
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin =  
|origin = Ark Royal攻撃隊、発艦始めなさい!
|translation =  
|translation = Ark Royal attack corps, begin takeoff!
|audio = ArkRoyal-BattleStart.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-BattleStart.mp3
Line 143: Line 147:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin =  
|origin = 見つけたぞ!に画賛!Ark Royal攻撃隊、発艦始め!
|translation =  
|translation = We've found them! They won't get away! Ark Royal attack corps, begin takeoff!
|audio = ArkRoyalKai-BattleStart.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyalKai-BattleStart.mp3
|scenario = Attack
|scenario = Attack
|origin =  
|origin = さぁ、行きなさい!
|translation =  
|translation = Now, go!
|audio = ArkRoyal-Attack.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Attack.mp3
|scenario = Air Battle
|scenario = Air Battle
|origin =  
|origin = Swordfish, shoot!
|translation =  
|translation = Swordfish, shoot!
|audio = ArkRoyal-AirBattle.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-AirBattle.mp3
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin =  
|origin = 夜・・・やってみるか。
|translation =  
|translation = Night... I'll give it a shot.
|audio = ArkRoyal-NightBattle.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-NightBattle.mp3
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin =  
|origin = 私が?・・・そう、頂いておこう。この栄誉我が女王陛下に。
|translation =  
|translation = Me? ...I see, I accept. In honour of Her Majesty the Queen.
|audio = ArkRoyal-MVP.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-MVP.mp3
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin =  
|origin = はぅ!
|translation =  
|translation = Hah!
|audio = ArkRoyal-MinorDamage1.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-MinorDamage1.mp3
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin =  
|origin = はぅぐ!この!
|translation =  
|translation = Hurgh! You!
|audio = ArkRoyal-MinorDamage2.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-MinorDamage2.mp3
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =  
|origin = What? Torpedo? ...U-boat? 私はもう、沈まない!
|translation =  
|translation = What? A torpedo? ...A U-boat? I won't sink again!
|audio = ArkRoyal-MajorDamage.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-MajorDamage.mp3
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =  
|origin = そう・・・また、沈むというの・・・それも・・・仕方ないか・・・Admiral... Bye...
|translation =  
|translation = I see... I'm sinking again... I guess... that's just how it goes... Admiral... Bye...
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sunk.mp3
|audio = ArkRoyal-Sunk.mp3
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