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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 駆逐艦島風です。スピードなら誰にも負けません。速きこと、島風の如し、です!
|origin = 駆逐艦島風です。スピードなら誰にも負けません。速きこと、島風の如し、です!
|translation = I'm the destroyer Shimakaze. I won't lose to anyone in speed. I'm as swift as the
|translation = I'm the destroyer Shimakaze. I won't lose to anyone in speed. I'm as swift as the island wind.<ref>Her name literally means 'Island wind'.</ref>
island wind.<ref>Her name literally means 'Island wind'.</ref>
|audio = Kc50v1.ogg
|audio = Kc50v1.ogg
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =
|origin = 艦隊型駆逐艦の最高峰を目指して開発された、高速で重雷装の駆逐艦、島風型よ。
|translation =
|translation = Developed as the pinnacle of fleet destroyers with high speed and heavily armed with torpedoes, the Shimakaze-class.
I can go faster than 40 knots after all.<ref>She was able to achieve speeds of 40.9 knots in trials.</ref>
But I wasn't fit for mass-production so I was the only one built.<ref>Due to the complexity of her experimental engine and the changing war situation, plans to mass produce her were scrapped in favour of the Akizuki-class.</ref>
|audio = Kc50v25.ogg
|audio = Kc50v25.ogg
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Line 38:
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督、おはようございまーっす!
|origin = 提督、おはようございまーっす!
|translation =
|translation = Good morning, Admiral!
|audio = ShimakazeKai-Secretary 2.ogg
|audio = ShimakazeKai-Secretary 2.ogg
Line 49:
Line 51:
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = んぁ?…ん、今、連装砲ちゃんとお話したの。ふぅ…だって退屈なんだもん!
|origin = んぁ?…ん、今、連装砲ちゃんとお話したの。ふぅ…だって退屈なんだもん!
|translation = Hmmm? ...Mmm, I'm talking with Rensouhou-chan now. *sigh*... It's because I'm
|translation = Hmmm? ...Mmm, I'm talking with Rensouhou-chan now. *sigh*... It's because I'm bored!<ref>"Rensouhou" (連装砲) refers to the 12.7cm twin mounted gun robots that she has.</ref>
bored!<ref>"Rensouhou" (連装砲) refers to the 12.7cm twin mounted gun robots that she has.</ref>
|audio = Kc50v29.ogg
|audio = Kc50v29.ogg
Line 57:
Line 57:
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = えっ?提督、走り疲れたの?おっそーい!…でも、頑張ったね!
|origin = えっ?提督、走り疲れたの?おっそーい!…でも、頑張ったね!
|translation = Eh? Are you tired of running, Admiral? You're slow! ...But you still did your
|translation = Eh? Are you tired of running, Admiral? You're slow! ...But you still did your best!
|audio = Kc50v28.ogg
|audio = Kc50v28.ogg