Line 9:
Line 9:
| origin =占守型海防艦、その二番艦、国後。なにそれ、違うけど。そうね、くなって読んだもれってもいいけど。
| origin =占守型海防艦、その二番艦、国後。なにそれ、違うけど。そうね、くなって読んだもれってもいいけど。
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Shimushu-class destroyer escorts, Kunashiri. What was that, that's wrong. That's it, you can call me Kuna if you like.
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Shimushu-class destroyer escorts, Kunashiri. What was that, that's wrong. That's it, you can call me Kuna if you like.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Introduction.mp3
Line 22:
Line 22:
In the end I worked very, very hard on important things. Although I did cause a little bit of trouble for Kamikaze, I did my best!<ref>"That sortie" refers to the Attack on Pearl Harbour. The fleet that did that attack departed from Hitokappu Bay.
In the end I worked very, very hard on important things. Although I did cause a little bit of trouble for Kamikaze, I did my best!<ref>"That sortie" refers to the Attack on Pearl Harbour. The fleet that did that attack departed from Hitokappu Bay.
Kamikaze ended up grounding herself as well while attempting to rescue Kunashiri after her grounding.</ref>
Kamikaze ended up grounding herself as well while attempting to rescue Kunashiri after her grounding.</ref>
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Library.mp3
Line 28:
Line 28:
| origin =何?呼んだ?ふむ
| origin =何?呼んだ?ふむ
| translation =What? You called? Humph.
| translation =What? You called? Humph.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec1.mp3
Line 34:
Line 34:
| origin =え、占守と間違えった?はあ!?何それ?変える!
| origin =え、占守と間違えった?はあ!?何それ?変える!
| translation =Eh, you mistook me for Shimushu? Huh!? What's that? I'm leaving!
| translation =Eh, you mistook me for Shimushu? Huh!? What's that? I'm leaving!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec2.mp3
Line 40:
Line 40:
| origin =だから何それっ! 面白いと思ってるの? ふんっ! あたし、挨拶とか、そういうの意外と大切って思ってるから! 別に形とかじゃなくって!
| origin =だから何それっ! 面白いと思ってるの? ふんっ! あたし、挨拶とか、そういうの意外と大切って思ってるから! 別に形とかじゃなくって!
| translation =Like I said, what was that? Do you think you're funny? Humph. I think things like greetings are really important. It's not about the formality.
| translation =Like I said, what was that? Do you think you're funny? Humph. I think things like greetings are really important. It's not about the formality.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec3.mp3
Line 46:
Line 46:
| origin =あ、子日さん?あ、いいの、いいの。違う、そうじゃなくてね。なんて言えばいいのかな。。。うん、そう、それ!そういうことなんです。良かったわかってくれてって。うん、がんばろう!
| origin =あ、子日さん?あ、いいの、いいの。違う、そうじゃなくてね。なんて言えばいいのかな。。。うん、そう、それ!そういうことなんです。良かったわかってくれてって。うん、がんばろう!
| translation =Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!<ref>During an incident while pulling into Paramushir, Kunashiri - who was captained by Cmdr Kitamura - received a signal from Nenohi - who was captained by Lt-Cmdr Terauchi - saying "Why have you not saluted us". Kunashiri signalled back "This is Kunashiri" and upon realising who her captain was, the captain of Nenohi went over to apologise after.</ref>
| translation =Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!<ref>During an incident while pulling into Paramushir, Kunashiri - who was captained by Cmdr Kitamura - received a signal from Nenohi - who was captained by Lt-Cmdr Terauchi - saying "Why have you not saluted us". Kunashiri signalled back "This is Kunashiri" and upon realising who her captain was, the captain of Nenohi went over to apologise after.</ref>
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-SecIdle.mp3
Line 52:
Line 52:
| origin =北方への輸送護衛でしょう?疎開でしょう?海峡の警備でしょう?はあ、やることいっぱいあって大変!司令、あたしちょっと仕事多すぎない?え、これは?ご褒美?あたしに?そ。。。そう。。。え?
| origin =北方への輸送護衛でしょう?疎開でしょう?海峡の警備でしょう?はあ、やることいっぱいあって大変!司令、あたしちょっと仕事多すぎない?え、これは?ご褒美?あたしに?そ。。。そう。。。え?
| translation =A transport mission to the north? An evacuation? Guarding the straits? *sigh* Having so many things to do is troublesome! Commander, aren't you giving me too much work? Eh, what's this? A reward? For me? Is... that so... Eh?<ref>She was assigned to guard the Tsugaru Strait in December of 1941.</ref>
| translation =A transport mission to the north? An evacuation? Guarding the straits? *sigh* Having so many things to do is troublesome! Commander, aren't you giving me too much work? Eh, what's this? A reward? For me? Is... that so... Eh?<ref>She was assigned to guard the Tsugaru Strait in December of 1941.</ref>
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Wedding.mp3
Line 58:
Line 58:
| origin =司令、何?今日外出するの?いや、違うし何それ。そうじゃなくて、雨とか、霧とかの日はきよつけてはね。そうじゃなくてもさっそうかしんだから。え、あたし?あたしは大丈夫だし!何よ!
| origin =司令、何?今日外出するの?いや、違うし何それ。そうじゃなくて、雨とか、霧とかの日はきよつけてはね。そうじゃなくてもさっそうかしんだから。え、あたし?あたしは大丈夫だし!何よ!
| translation =Are you going out today Commander? No, that's not it. I really wanted to tell you to be careful of rainy and foggy days. Otherwise you'll be careless. Eh, me? I'll be fine! What!
| translation =Are you going out today Commander? No, that's not it. I really wanted to tell you to be careful of rainy and foggy days. Otherwise you'll be careless. Eh, me? I'll be fine! What!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-SecMarried.mp3
Line 64:
Line 64:
| origin =何それ?情報みたいの?仕方ないな。
| origin =何それ?情報みたいの?仕方ないな。
| translation =What's that? You want information? It can't be helped.
| translation =What's that? You want information? It can't be helped.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-PlayerScore.mp3
Line 70:
Line 70:
| origin =いい?海防艦国後、抜錨!出ます!
| origin =いい?海防艦国後、抜錨!出ます!
| translation =Ready? Destroyer escort Kunashiri, setting sail! Let's go!
| translation =Ready? Destroyer escort Kunashiri, setting sail! Let's go!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-JoinFleet.mp3
Line 76:
Line 76:
| origin =あ、姉が? 姉はっ。。。姉よ。
| origin =あ、姉が? 姉はっ。。。姉よ。
| translation =Ah, my sister? My sister is... my sister.
| translation =Ah, my sister? My sister is... my sister.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip1.mp3
Line 82:
Line 82:
| origin =ん?まぁ良いんじゃない?
| origin =ん?まぁ良いんじゃない?
| translation =Hm?Isn't this fine?
| translation =Hm?Isn't this fine?
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip2.mp3
Line 88:
Line 88:
| origin =何それ?あ。。。そうなの?
| origin =何それ?あ。。。そうなの?
| translation =What's that? Ah... Is that so?
| translation =What's that? Ah... Is that so?
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip3.mp3
Line 94:
Line 94:
| origin =ありがと。。。貰っとく。。。 何よ。
| origin =ありがと。。。貰っとく。。。 何よ。
| translation =Thanks... I accept... What.
| translation =Thanks... I accept... What.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Supply.mp3
Line 100:
Line 100:
| origin =え、こんなの。。。じろじろ見ないで!
| origin =え、こんなの。。。じろじろ見ないで!
| translation =Eh, this sort of... Don't stare so much!
| translation =Eh, this sort of... Don't stare so much!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-DockingMinor.mp3
Line 106:
Line 106:
| origin =神風さんに見せられない。。。早く、ちゃんとしなきゃ。。。
| origin =神風さんに見せられない。。。早く、ちゃんとしなきゃ。。。
| translation =I can't let Kamikaze-san see this... I'll need to hurry and do this properly...
| translation =I can't let Kamikaze-san see this... I'll need to hurry and do this properly...
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-DockingMajor.mp3
Line 112:
Line 112:
| origin =出来って。
| origin =出来って。
| translation =It's ready.
| translation =It's ready.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Construction.mp3
Line 118:
Line 118:
| origin =艦隊戻ったは。まあ、みんな無事でよかったかな。
| origin =艦隊戻ったは。まあ、みんな無事でよかったかな。
| translation =The fleet has returned. Well, it's good everyone is fine.
| translation =The fleet has returned. Well, it's good everyone is fine.
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-SortieReturn.mp3
Line 124:
Line 124:
| origin =千島方面根拠地隊、旗艦、国後!出撃します!皆、付いて来て!
| origin =千島方面根拠地隊、旗艦、国後!出撃します!皆、付いて来て!
| translation =Kuril District Base Flagship, Kunashiri! Sortieing! Follow me everyone!
| translation =Kuril District Base Flagship, Kunashiri! Sortieing! Follow me everyone!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Sortie.mp3
Line 130:
Line 130:
| origin =敵か?やるしかない。。。!皆!いい、やるよっ!
| origin =敵か?やるしかない。。。!皆!いい、やるよっ!
| translation =The enemy? We got to do this...! Everyone! Ready, let's go!
| translation =The enemy? We got to do this...! Everyone! Ready, let's go!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-BattleStart.mp3
Line 136:
Line 136:
| origin =引き付けて。。。てぇっ!
| origin =引き付けて。。。てぇっ!
| translation =Wait for it... Fire!
| translation =Wait for it... Fire!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Attack.mp3
| scenario =Air Battle/ Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
| scenario =Night Battle Attack
| origin =この海から出ていけっ!
| origin =この海から出ていけっ!
| translation =Get away from this sea!
| translation =Get away from this sea!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-NightAttack.mp3
Line 148:
Line 148:
| origin =夜。。。夜戦。。。魚雷ないけど、やってみる!
| origin =夜。。。夜戦。。。魚雷ないけど、やってみる!
| translation =It's night... Night battle... I don't have torpedoes but I'll still try!
| translation =It's night... Night battle... I don't have torpedoes but I'll still try!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-NightBattle.mp3
Line 154:
Line 154:
| origin =まっ、そんな感じじゃないの? 姉さんは姉さん、あたしはあたしなんだから。やるときはあたしだってやるの! 。。。はち、聞いてる? 聞きなさいよっ!
| origin =まっ、そんな感じじゃないの? 姉さんは姉さん、あたしはあたしなんだから。やるときはあたしだってやるの! 。。。はち、聞いてる? 聞きなさいよっ!
| translation =Well, this is about right right? My sister is my sister and I am me. When it comes down to it, I can do it too! ...Are you listening Hachi? Listen to me!<ref>Referring to her sister ship [ Hachijo].</ref>
| translation =Well, this is about right right? My sister is my sister and I am me. When it comes down to it, I can do it too! ...Are you listening Hachi? Listen to me!<ref>Referring to her sister ship [ Hachijo].</ref>
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-MVP.mp3
Line 160:
Line 160:
| origin =ああああ!ひどいそとす!
| origin =ああああ!ひどいそとす!
| translation =Aaaaah! That's bad!
| translation =Aaaaah! That's bad!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-MinorDamage1.mp3
Line 166:
Line 166:
| origin =え、この衝撃何?いやだ、座礁じゃないね?
| origin =え、この衝撃何?いやだ、座礁じゃないね?
| translation =Eh, what's this shock? No way, I'm not running aground right?<ref>She ran aground on 1946/06/04 and was abandoned.</ref>
| translation =Eh, what's this shock? No way, I'm not running aground right?<ref>She ran aground on 1946/06/04 and was abandoned.</ref>
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-MinorDamage2.mp3
Line 172:
Line 172:
| origin =きゃあぁぁ!も、もうっ!でも、あたし、沈むつもり、ないからっ!
| origin =きゃあぁぁ!も、もうっ!でも、あたし、沈むつもり、ないからっ!
| translation =Aaarrrgh! Ugh, urgh! But I'm not going to sink yet!
| translation =Aaarrrgh! Ugh, urgh! But I'm not going to sink yet!
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-MajorDamage.mp3
Line 178:
Line 178:
| origin =え、嘘。。。嘘だよね?そんな。。。この。。。ここで。。。神風さん。。。
| origin =え、嘘。。。嘘だよね?そんな。。。この。。。ここで。。。神風さん。。。
| translation =Eh, no way... it can't be true right? In a... place... like this... Kamikaze-san...
| translation =Eh, no way... it can't be true right? In a... place... like this... Kamikaze-san...
| audio =
| audio =Kunashiri-Sinking.mp3