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==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 = どうも!夕雲型の最終艦、清霜です。<br>到着遅れました、よろしくお願いです!
|EN1 =Hello! Last of the Yuugumo-class, it's Kiyoshimo! I'm a bit late, but I'll be in your care!
|scenario = Introduction
|Note1 =  
|origin = どうも!夕雲型の最終艦、清霜です。到着遅れました、よろしくお願いです!
|Library = 夕雲型駆逐艦のラスト、十九番艦の清霜です。<br>浦賀生まれですよ。もう、そうとう辛い戦局の中で生まれたの。短い間だったけど、縦横無尽に活躍したわ。凄惨だったレイテはもちろん、あの礼号作戦にも参加したのよ!どう?
|translation = Hello! I'm the last ship of the Yuugumo-class, Kiyoshimo! I'm a bit late but please look after me!<ref>She was a week late to her station because defects in her sonar needed to be repaired.</ref>
|EN0 = I'm Kiyoshimo, the 19th and last of the Yuugumo class destroyers. I was born in Uraga? And goodness, what a horrible situation it was that I was born into too. I wasn't around for long but I took part in several fleet actions. While I of course took part in the grueling Leyte Gulf, I also took part in the REI-GO operation! How's that for 'ya?
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Introduction.ogg
|Note0 =  
|秘書クリック会話① = ふっふーん。浦賀生まれよ。いいでしょ?
|秘書クリック会話② = ほら、清霜で良かったでしょ?
|scenario = Library
|EN3 = Hey, aren't you glad it's Kiyoshimo?
|origin = 夕雲型駆逐艦のラスト、十九番艦の清霜です。
|秘書クリック会話③ = もう、司令官ったら!…お姉様たちには内緒よ?いい?
|EN4 = Geez, Commander! ...Keep it a secret from my sisters, okay?
|Note4 =  
|translation = I'm the last of the Yuugumo-class destroyers, the 19th ship, Kiyoshimo.
|秘書放置時 = ねぇ司令官? 何、何してんの? ねぇ何してんの? 何、何、何、ねぇ?
I was born in Uraga. Right into the middle of a terrible point of the war.<ref>She was completed in 1944, near the end of the war.</ref> It was only a short while, but I served all over the place.
|EN4a = Hey, Commander? What's that, what are you doing? Hey, wha'cha doin'? Tell me, tell me, tell me~?
Of course I was at the gruesome Leyte, but I also participated in that Operation Rei. How's that?
|Married = しれーかーん?あのさ、疲れたなら、私と一緒に一休みしよ?ねぇ、ねぇ?
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Library.ogg
|EN25 = Commander? You know, if you're tired, you can take a break with me, right? Right?
|Wedding = しれーかん?どうしたの、マジ顔しちゃって?えっ、なに…これ?私にくれるの?ホント?んっ…ありがとう…。なんでかな…なんか…涙が、出てきました。
|EN26 = Commander? What's wrong, you have such a serious look on your face? Eh, what's... this? This is for me? Really? Nn... thank you. I wonder... why... I'm starting to tear up.
|scenario = Secretary 1
|戦績表示時 = 司令官?連絡見てみる?ん?
|origin = ふっふーん。浦賀生まれよ。いいでしょ?
|EN5 = Commander? Want to see the message? Hm?
|translation = Hmhmmmm! Uraga born and bred. Isn't that great?
|編成選択時 = うん。清霜に任せて!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Secretary_1.ogg
|EN6 = Yeah. Leave it to Kiyoshimo!
|装備時① = あと何回改装したら、戦艦になれるのかなぁ…。え?な、なれるもん!
|EN7 = I wonder how many more remodels until I can become a battleship. What? I-I can definitely become one!
|scenario = Secretary 2
|装備時② = どお?清霜かっこいい?強い?
|origin = ほら、清霜で良かったでしょ?
|EN8 = How am I looking? Am I cool? Strong?
|translation = Hey, aren't you glad it's me?
|装備時③ = しれーかーんにっ、あげる!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Secretary_2.ogg
|EN9 = This is for you, Com~man~der!
|補給時 = ゴチになります!
|EN24 = Thank's for the feast!
|scenario = Secretary 3
|ドック入り(中破以上) = ちょーっと長めのお風呂入るね、うん。
|origin = もう、司令官ったら!…お姉様たちには内緒よ?いい?
|EN11 = I'll be in the bath for slightly longer. Yup.
|translation = Jeez Commander! ... Keep this a secret from my sisters alright? Alright?
|建造時 = さあ、戦艦クラス?来てちょうだい!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Secretary_3.ogg
|EN12 = Battleship class? Bring 'em on!
|Note12 =  
|艦隊帰投時 = 作戦は完了。ばっちり、ばっちりよ!
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|EN13 = Mission complete. Perfectly done!
|origin = ねぇ司令官? 何、何してんの? ねぇ何してんの? 何、何、何、ねぇ?
|出撃時 = 礼号作戦?違うの?いいわ!どのみち出撃です!
|translation = Hey~ Commander? What, what are you doing? Hey~ what are you doing? Tell me tell me tell me~?
|戦闘開始時 = 夕雲姉さん達にも、負けませんから!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Idle.ogg
|EN15 = I won't lose to Yuugumo-neesan or my other sisters!
|攻撃時 = 武蔵さん、元気かな?私も、頑張る!
|EN16 = I wonder how Musashi-san is doing? I've got to give it my best too!
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|夜戦開始時 = 夜の進撃かぁ…。あの夜、思い出しちゃう。
|origin = 司令ー官ー?あのさ、疲れたなら、私と一緒に一休みしよ?ねぇ、ねぇ?
|EN17 = A night deployment, huh... I ended up remembering that night.
|translation = Comm~ander~? Ummm, want to have a break with me if you're tired? Hey~, hey?
|夜戦攻撃時 =
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Wedding_Line.ogg
|EN18 =
|MVP時 = ふふん、どお?これが実力だって。そろそろ戦艦にしてくれてもいいのよ?
|EN19 = How's that for you? This is my true power, you know? So how about that remodel for becoming a battleship?
|scenario = Wedding
|撃沈時(反転) = また…沈む…の?いいよ…みんな、先に行って…。敵、殴ったら…もどって…来て、ね…?
|origin =司令ー官ー?どうしたの、マジ顔しちゃって?えっ、なに…これ?私にくれるの?ホント?んっ…ありがとう…。なんでかな…なんか…涙が、出てきました。
|EN23 = Am I... going to sink... again? It's fine... Everyone, go on ahead... Once you hit the enemy... come back, ok?
|translation = Comm~ander~? What's wrong, why the serious look? Eh, what's... this? Are you giving this to me? Really? Yup... thanks... I wonder... why... my tears... are falling.
|Note16 = Kiyoshimo rescued the survivors of Musashi when it was sunk in Leyte Gulf.
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Wedding.ogg
|EN2 = Hmhmmmm! Uraga born and bred. Great, isn't it?
|EN14 = Operation REI-GO? No? It's all good! Sortieing anyway!
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Introduction.ogg}}
|scenario = Player's Score
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Library.ogg}}
|origin = 司令官?連絡見てみる?ん?
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|translation = Commander? You want to see the messages? Hmm?
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Wedding.ogg}}
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|origin = うん。清霜に任せて!
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|translation = Yup. Leave it to me!
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|scenario = Equipment 1
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|origin = あと何回装したら、戦艦になれるのかなぁ…。え?な、なれるもん!
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}
|translation = I wonder how many more upgrades before I become a battleship... Eh? I, I will!
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Equipment_1.ogg
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|scenario = Equipment 2
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-MVP.ogg}}
|origin = どお?清霜かっこいい?強い?
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|translation = How is it? Do I look cool? Strong?
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Equipment_2.ogg
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|scenario = Equipment 3
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|origin = 司令ー官ーにっ、あげる!
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Construction.ogg}}
|translation = This is for you Comm~ander~!
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Kiyoshimo-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Equipment_3.ogg
|ドック入り(小破以下) = 戦艦と一緒に出撃したいのにー!
|EN10 = I wish I could sortie with battleshi~ps!
|小破① = ひゃあぁ!?当たったらおしまいじゃなーい!
|scenario = Supply
|EN20 = Hya!? Just because I got hit doesn't mean it's the end!
|origin = ゴチになります!
|小破② = きゃぁっ!も、もう!痛いじゃない!
|translation = I'll have a feast!
|EN21 = Kya! G-Geez! That hurts!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Supply.ogg
|中破 = え?左側?え?航行不能?そんな…やばい、じゃん…。
|EN22 = What? My left side? My navigation is malfunctioning?! T-This isn't good... }}
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 戦艦と一緒に出撃したいのにー!
|translation = I wanted to sortie with the battleships~!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = ちょーっと長めのお風呂入るね、うん。
|translation = I'll be in the bath for slightly longer. Yup.
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = さあ、戦艦クラス?来てちょうだい!
|translation = Now, is it a battleship class? Please show up!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 作戦は完了。ばっちり、ばっちりよ!
|translation = The operation is complete. It was done perfectly!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 礼号作戦?違うの?いいわ!どのみち出撃です!
|translation = Operation Rei? No? That's fine!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 夕雲姉さん達にも、負けませんから!
|translation = I won't lose to my elder sisters!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 武蔵さん、元気かな?私も、頑張る!
|translation = I wonder how Musashi-san is doing? I'll do my best too!<ref>Kiyoshimo rescued the survivors of Musashi when it was sunk in Leyte Gulf.</ref>
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = 今度は守るって、言ったでしょ?
|translation = Didn't I say that I'll protect you this time?
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 夜の進撃かぁ…。あの夜、思い出しちゃう。
|translation = A night attack huh... I remember that night.<ref>She was sunk on 26 December at night during Operation Rei.</ref>
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = ふふん、どお?これが実力だって。そろそろ戦艦にしてくれてもいいのよ?
|translation = Fufun, how's that? This is my true power. Isn't it almost time to make me a battleship?
|audio =Kiyoshimo-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = ひゃあぁ!?当たったらおしまいじゃなーい!
|translation = Hyaah!? It'll be the end of me if that hit!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = きゃぁっ!も、もう!痛いじゃない!
|translation = Kyaaah! Je-jeez! That hurt!
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = え?左側?え?航行不能?そんな…やばい、じゃん…。
|translation = Eh? My port? Eh? Steering is lost? No way... I'm in trouble...<ref>During Operation Rei, she was hit by bombs in the port that took out her fuel tank and port engine. Shortly after, her starbord engine stopped too.</ref>
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = また…沈む…の?いいよ…みんな、先に行って…。敵、殴ったら…もどって…来て、ね…?
|translation = I'm... sinking... again? That's fine... I'm going ahead everyone... Once you... beat the enemies... return safely... alright?
|audio =Kiyoshimo-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
{{Shiphourly|00JP = マルマルマルマルマル!あれ?マル一個多かった?マルマルマルマ…う、うん?うん?ううん??|01JP = マルヒトマルマル。ふぅ…眠いねえ|02JP = マルフタフタフタ!ふわぁ、また間違えた。やり直し!マルフタマルマルね!|03JP = マルサン!…マルマルゥ… 私眠いですぅ…この任務、きつい…|04JP = マルヨンマルマル。だからーマジで眠いんだって!もー誰か代わってぇー!|05JP = マルゴーマルマル!えっ?これが完璧にできたら戦艦になれるの?くっ…頑張るか|06JP = マルロクマルマル。よしっ!頑張るぞー!|07JP = マルナナマルマル。ねえ、清霜が腕によりをかけて朝ごはん作るから!ねっ!|08JP = マルハチマルマル。朝ごはん、お味はどう?モリモリ食べて一緒に戦艦になろう!|09JP = マルキューマルマル。さあっ、司令官。一緒に朝のトレーニング。いっきますかー!|10JP = ヒトマルマルマル。うぇえ… 朝ごはん食べ過ぎたぁ… 運動したら気持ち悪ぅ… ううっ…|11JP = 調子悪ぅ…ヒトヒト…マル…マル… なっ…何とか時報、間に合ったぁ。ふえぇ…|12JP = ヒトフタマルマル。司令官、お昼は一人で…ごめん…食べて。私 無理ぃ|13JP = ヒトサンマルマル。お昼何食べたの?大和姉さまとオムライス?いっ、いいなぁ|14JP = ヒトヨンマルマル。あれっ、霞ちゃん?どうしたの、また心配してきてくれたの?|15JP = ヒトゴーマルマル。お昼食べれなかったんで霞ちゃんがおにぎりくれました!今食べちゃお。うんうん、塩味がいい塩梅|16JP = ヒトロクマルマル。司令官。清霜、心入れ替えて。頑張ります!|17JP = ヒトナナマルマル。さぁ!執務室の掃除も艤装の整備も頑張らないと!|18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。司令官?今日は夜戦の演習?もち!ご一緒します!|19JP = ヒトキューマルマル。よし!ここで照明弾、照明だーん…あれ?私、持ってない?|20JP = フタマルマルマル。でもさすが、二水戦のメンバーも強かったな。いいなあ|21JP = フタヒトマルマル。あれ、霞ちゃん。これおにぎり?また?いいの?|22JP = フタフタマルマル。そっかー夜戦に夢中で晩ご飯忘れてた。司令官、お腹空いてない?ねえ、一緒に食べる?|23JP = フタサンマルマル。ええっ!?武蔵さんとビフテキ食べたの?いいなー私も入れてよ!ずるい!|idleJP = ねぇ司令官? 何、何してんの? ねぇ何してんの? 何、何、何、ねぇ?|idleEN = Hey, Commander? What, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? What? What? What? Come on?|00EN = 00000! Eh? Was there an extra 0? 0000-... H-huh? Huh? Huuuh?|01EN = 0100. So... Sleepy.|02EN = 0222! Wah, I messed up again. I'll get it this time! It's 0200!|03EN = 03! ...00... I'm sleepy... This mission, is tough...|04EN = 0400. I'm seriously sleepy right now! Won't someone take over already?!|05EN = 0500! Eh? If I do this right, I'll become a battleship? Guh... I guess I'll do my best.|06EN = 0600. Right! Let's do it!|07EN = 0700. Hey, Kiyoshimo's gonna try her best and make breakfast, ok?!|08EN = 0800. How is breakfast? Let's eat our fill and turn into battleships together!|09EN = 0900. Commander, we should go for morning training together. Let's go!|10EN = 1000. Ugh... I ate too much for breakfast... And it feels bad after I've exercised... Uuu...|11EN = I don't feel so good... 11..0..0... S-Somehow I managed to report the time. Guh...|12EN = 1200. Commander, I'm sorry... Please go ahead with lunch by yourself... I can't do it.|13EN = 1300. What did you have for lunch? Omurice with Yamato-nee-sama? H-how nice...|13Note = Implying she wish she was there.|14EN = 1400. Eh, Kasumi-chan? What's wrong, you're here because you're worried about me again?|15EN = 1500. I got a riceball from Kasumi-chan because I didn't have lunch! Let's have it now. Mmm, this flavor of salt from the salted plume is great.|16EN = 1600. Commander, this Kiyoshimo has mended her ways. Let's do it!|17EN = 1700. Right, I should get to cleaning the office and prepare for outfitting!|18EN = 1800. Commander? There's night battle training for the day? Of course! I'll join too!|19EN = 1900. Right! For this part, I should use the star flare, star flares... Huh? I don't have one?|20EN = 2000. Really, the members 2nd Torpedo Squadron were strong. How nice...|20Note = Implying she wish she was as strong as them|21EN = 2100. Huh, Kasumi-chan? Another riceball? Is it ok to have it?|22EN = 2200. Oh right, I was so engrossed in the night battle that I forgot about dinner. Commander, are you hungry? Shall we have dinner together?|23EN = 2300. Ehh!? You had beef steak with Musashi-san? How nice... You should've invited me along too! That's not fair!
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|Clip00 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0000.ogg}}
|Clip01 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0100.ogg}}
|scenario = 00:00
|Clip02 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0200.ogg}}
|origin = マルマルマルマルマル!あれ?マル一個多かった?マルマルマルマ…う、うん?うん?ううん??
|Clip03 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0300.ogg}}
|translation = 00000! Eh? There was an extra 0? 000... H-huh? Huh? Huh??
|Clip04 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0400.ogg}}
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0000.ogg
|Clip05 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0500.ogg}}
|Clip06 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0600.ogg}}
|Clip07 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0700.ogg}}
|scenario = 01:00
|Clip08 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0800.ogg}}
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。ふぅ…眠いねえ
|Clip09 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0900.ogg}}
|translation = 0100. *yawn*... I'm sleepy.
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1000.ogg}}
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0100.ogg
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1100.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1200.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1300.ogg}}
|scenario = 02:00
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1400.ogg}}
|origin = マルフタフタフタ!ふわぁ、また間違えた。やり直し!マルフタマルマルね!
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1500.ogg}}
|translation = 0222! Whoa, I made another mistake. I'll do it again! 0200 right!
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1600.ogg}}
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0200.ogg
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1700.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1800.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1900.ogg}}
|scenario = 03:00
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2000.ogg}}
|origin = マルサン!…マルマルゥ… 私眠いですぅ…この任務、きつい…
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2100.ogg}}
|translation = 03! ...00... I'm so sleepy... This mission is, hard...
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2200.ogg}}
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0300.ogg
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2300.ogg}}
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。だからーマジで眠いんだって!もー誰か代わってぇー!
|translation = 0400. I'm seriously sleepy now! Jeez, someone swap with me!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0400.ogg
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = マルゴーマルマル!えっ?これが完璧にできたら戦艦になれるの?くっ…頑張るか
|translation = 0500! Eh? If I do this well I can become a battleship? Ugh... I'll do my best.
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0500.ogg
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = マルロクマルマル。よしっ!頑張るぞー!
|translation = 0600. Alright! I can do this!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0600.ogg
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマル。ねえ、清霜が腕によりをかけて朝ごはん作るから!ねっ!
|translation = 0700. Hey, I'm going to try my hand at making breakfast! Hey!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0700.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチマルマル。朝ごはん、お味はどう?モリモリ食べて一緒に戦艦になろう!
|translation = 0800. How's breakfast? Let's eat lots and become battleships together!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0800.ogg
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキューマルマル。さあっ、司令官。一緒に朝のトレーニング。いっきますかー!
|translation = 0900. Now Commander. Let's go for morning training together!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_0900.ogg
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。うぇえ… 朝ごはん食べ過ぎたぁ… 運動したら気持ち悪ぅ… ううっ…
|translation = 1000. Urgh... I ate too much for breakfast... I feel sick after exercising... Urrrgh...
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1000.ogg
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = 調子悪ぅ…ヒトヒト…マル…マル… なっ…何とか時報、間に合ったぁ。ふえぇ…
|translation = I feel sick... 11...0...0... So... somehow I managed to do the time announcement, in time. *whew*
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1100.ogg
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。司令官、お昼は一人で…ごめん…食べて。私 無理ぃ
|translation = 1200. You can have lunch alone Commander... Sorry... I can't.
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1200.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。お昼何食べたの?大和姉さまとオムライス?いっ、いいなぁ
|translation = 1300. Are you done with lunch? Having omelette rice with Yamato ane-sama? Th-that sounds nice.
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1300.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。あれっ、霞ちゃん?どうしたの、また心配してきてくれたの?
|translation = 1400. Oh, Kasumi-chan? What's wrong, are you here because you're worrying again?
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1400.ogg
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =ヒトゴーマルマル。お昼食べれなかったんで霞ちゃんがおにぎりくれました!今食べちゃお。うんうん、塩味がいい塩梅
|translation =1500. Since I didn't have lunch, Kasumi-chan gave me a rice ball! I'll eat it now. Mmmm, it's perfectly seasoned with salt.
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1500.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|origin =ヒトロクマルマル。司令官。清霜、心入れ替えて。頑張ります!
|translation =1600. I've mended my ways Commander. I'll do my best.
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1600.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =ヒトナナマルマル。さぁ!執務室の掃除も艤装の整備も頑張らないと!
|translation =1700. Now~! I have to do my best cleaning the office and maintaining my equipment!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1700.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin =ヒトハチマルマル。司令官?今日は夜戦の演習?もち!ご一緒します!
|translation =1800. Commander? Are we having night battle exercises today? Of course! I'll join too!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1800.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =ヒトキューマルマル。よし!ここで照明弾、照明だーん…あれ?私、持ってない?
|translation =1900. Alright! Now it's time to use flares, flares... Huh? I didn't bring any?
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_1900.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin =フタマルマルマル。でもさすが、二水戦のメンバーも強かったな。いいなあ
|translation =2000. But wow, the DesRon2 members are strong. How nice.
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2000.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin =フタヒトマルマル。あれ、霞ちゃん。これおにぎり?また?いいの?
|translation =2100. Oh, Kasumi-chan. A rice ball? Again? I can have it?
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2100.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =フタフタマルマル。そっかー夜戦に夢中で晩ご飯忘れてた。司令官、お腹空いてない?ねえ、一緒に食べる?
|translation =2200. That's right, we got so engrossed in night battle we forgot about dinner. Are you hungry Commander? Hey, want to eat with me?
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2200.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin =フタサンマルマル。ええっ!?武蔵さんとビフテキ食べたの?いいなー私も入れてよ!ずるい!
|translation =2300. Eh!? You're going to have steak with Musashi-san? How nice, I want to come too! No fair!
|audio = KiyoshimoKai-Hourly_2300.ogg
|} <references/>
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