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| | descriptionJP= 椅子だけで執務はできません!<br>色々な資料を広げられる立派な机と椅子のセットをどうぞ。<br>これなら艦隊指揮もぱっちりとれそうです! | | | descriptionJP= 椅子だけで執務はできません!<br>色々な資料を広げられる立派な机と椅子のセットをどうぞ。<br>これなら艦隊指揮もぱっちりとれそうです! |
| | descriptionEN= You cannot work using just a chair!<br>This is a nice desk and chair set where you can spread out a variety of documents.<br>With this, fleet command will be a breeze! | | | descriptionEN= You cannot work using just a chair!<br>This is a nice desk and chair set where you can spread out a variety of documents.<br>With this, fleet command will be a breeze! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2013/04/23 | | | release= 2013/04/23 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
Line 53: |
Line 53: |
| | descriptionJP= 歴戦の提督の貴方にお奨めしたいこの執務机。<br>センスが光る青と白を基調とした落ち着いたデザイン。<br>この机で連戦連勝間違いなし! | | | descriptionJP= 歴戦の提督の貴方にお奨めしたいこの執務机。<br>センスが光る青と白を基調とした落ち着いたデザイン。<br>この机で連戦連勝間違いなし! |
| | descriptionEN= We highly recommend this desk to you, the veteran admiral.<br>A blue and white sophisticated and calm design.<br>With this desk you are sure to win battle after battle! | | | descriptionEN= We highly recommend this desk to you, the veteran admiral.<br>A blue and white sophisticated and calm design.<br>With this desk you are sure to win battle after battle! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2013/04/23 | | | release= 2013/04/23 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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Line 68: |
| | descriptionJP= 質の高い織柄のテーブルクロスがポイント!<br>戦略資料を積み重ねて微動だにしない確かな作り。 | | | descriptionJP= 質の高い織柄のテーブルクロスがポイント!<br>戦略資料を積み重ねて微動だにしない確かな作り。 |
| | descriptionEN= High-quality woven tablecloths are key!<br>It is a solid construction with strategic documents piled up and remaining unshakable. | | | descriptionEN= High-quality woven tablecloths are key!<br>It is a solid construction with strategic documents piled up and remaining unshakable. |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2013/04/23 | | | release= 2013/04/23 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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Line 87: |
| | descriptionJP= 艦隊運用に忙しい提督の机と並んで配置された、優秀な秘書艦娘のための執務机です。何気に高機能!<br>ダイナミック割引も可能です! | | | descriptionJP= 艦隊運用に忙しい提督の机と並んで配置された、優秀な秘書艦娘のための執務机です。何気に高機能!<br>ダイナミック割引も可能です! |
| | descriptionEN= This desk is for the capable secretary ship girl, placed next to the admiral's desk while he is busy managing the fleet. It is surprisingly highly functional!<br>Dynamic discount available! | | | descriptionEN= This desk is for the capable secretary ship girl, placed next to the admiral's desk while he is busy managing the fleet. It is surprisingly highly functional!<br>Dynamic discount available! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| The chair and drinks change depending on the secretary (''see [[#Notes|here]]''). | | The chair and drinks change depending on the secretary (''see [[#Notes|here]]''). |
| | release= 2018/03/23 | | | release= 2018/03/23 |
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| | descriptionJP= 鎮守府で戦術や航海の講義をする際に用いる教室セット。<br>その教卓と前列の机。<br>教卓最前列の机なので、真面目な艦娘達が座ります! | | | descriptionJP= 鎮守府で戦術や航海の講義をする際に用いる教室セット。<br>その教卓と前列の机。<br>教卓最前列の机なので、真面目な艦娘達が座ります! |
| | descriptionEN= A classroom set used at the naval base for lectures on tactics and navigation.<br>The teacher's desk and the front row desks.<br>It's the desk in the front row of the desk, so the serious ship girls sit there! | | | descriptionEN= A classroom set used at the naval base for lectures on tactics and navigation.<br>The teacher's desk and the front row desks.<br>It's the desk in the front row of the desk, so the serious ship girls sit there! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2014/05/23 | | | release= 2014/05/23 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| 某球磨型軽巡も思わず丸くなりそうな逸品です! | | 某球磨型軽巡も思わず丸くなりそうな逸品です! |
| | descriptionEN= It's starting to get a bit chilly, so I brought out the kotatsu set earlier than usual.<br>This is a masterpiece that is sure to make a certain Kuma-class light cruiser look rounder! | | | descriptionEN= It's starting to get a bit chilly, so I brought out the kotatsu set earlier than usual.<br>This is a masterpiece that is sure to make a certain Kuma-class light cruiser look rounder! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2013/10/16 | | | release= 2013/10/16 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionJP= 艦娘の待機部屋から持ち出してきたガーリーなデザインの机と椅子。<br>後で怒られますよ? | | | descriptionJP= 艦娘の待機部屋から持ち出してきたガーリーなデザインの机と椅子。<br>後で怒られますよ? |
| | descriptionEN= A girly-looking desk and chair brought from the ship girls' waiting room.<br>You'll get angry later, right? | | | descriptionEN= A girly-looking desk and chair brought from the ship girls' waiting room.<br>You'll get angry later, right? |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2013/05/08 | | | release= 2013/05/08 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| 艦隊勤務中には使用せず、非番の時に楽しんでいる…ハズ。 | | 艦隊勤務中には使用せず、非番の時に楽しんでいる…ハズ。 |
| | descriptionEN= Due to the enthusiastic support of some admirals, a mahjong table was brought into the naval base.<br>It is not used while on fleet duty, but is enjoyed during off-duty hours...or so I think. | | | descriptionEN= Due to the enthusiastic support of some admirals, a mahjong table was brought into the naval base.<br>It is not used while on fleet duty, but is enjoyed during off-duty hours...or so I think. |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possessed. |
| Changes with the season: | | Changes with the season: |
| *Winter: With snow patterns kotatsu futon | | *Winter: With snow patterns kotatsu futon |
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| | descriptionJP= シックで落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出す大人の書斎机。<br>書斎本棚と組み合わせれば提督の隠れ家的な書斎空間を演出します。 | | | descriptionJP= シックで落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出す大人の書斎机。<br>書斎本棚と組み合わせれば提督の隠れ家的な書斎空間を演出します。 |
| | descriptionEN= An adult desk that exudes a chic and calm atmosphere.<br>When combined with a study bookshelf, it creates an admiral's hideaway study space. | | | descriptionEN= An adult desk that exudes a chic and calm atmosphere.<br>When combined with a study bookshelf, it creates an admiral's hideaway study space. |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] and [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2014/07/04 | | | release= 2014/07/04 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionJP= いよいよ〆切が迫ってきた提督に贈る原稿制作用机。<br>原稿執筆に必要なあれこれはもちろん修羅場のお供のドリンクも常備です! | | | descriptionJP= いよいよ〆切が迫ってきた提督に贈る原稿制作用机。<br>原稿執筆に必要なあれこれはもちろん修羅場のお供のドリンクも常備です! |
| | descriptionEN= A desk for writing manuscripts, presented to the admiral as his deadline fast approaches.<br>We always have everything you need for writing, as well as drinks to accompany you in those hectic situations! | | | descriptionEN= A desk for writing manuscripts, presented to the admiral as his deadline fast approaches.<br>We always have everything you need for writing, as well as drinks to accompany you in those hectic situations! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2014/07/04 | | | release= 2014/07/04 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionJP= 和でシンプルにいきたい!<br>そんなわびさびの心に重きを置く提督のために用意された提督専用座布団です。<br>座椅子付仕様で少し贅沢! | | | descriptionJP= 和でシンプルにいきたい!<br>そんなわびさびの心に重きを置く提督のために用意された提督専用座布団です。<br>座椅子付仕様で少し贅沢! |
| | descriptionEN= I want to keep it Japanese and simple!<br>This is a special cushion prepared for admirals who place great importance on the spirit of wabi-sabi.<br>A little luxurious with a seat chair! | | | descriptionEN= I want to keep it Japanese and simple!<br>This is a special cushion prepared for admirals who place great importance on the spirit of wabi-sabi.<br>A little luxurious with a seat chair! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2016/11/04 | | | release= 2016/11/04 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionJP= 落ち着いた気持ちで作戦指揮を執りたい提督のために職人が心を込めて作りあげた提督文机です。<br>お茶と座布団もご用意しました。 | | | descriptionJP= 落ち着いた気持ちで作戦指揮を執りたい提督のために職人が心を込めて作りあげた提督文机です。<br>お茶と座布団もご用意しました。 |
| | descriptionEN= This is an admiral's desk, carefully crafted by a craftsman for the admiral who wants to be able to command operations with a calm mind.<br>Tea and cushions are also provided. | | | descriptionEN= This is an admiral's desk, carefully crafted by a craftsman for the admiral who wants to be able to command operations with a calm mind.<br>Tea and cushions are also provided. |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2016/11/04 | | | release= 2016/11/04 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionEN= That's right! Setsubun isn't just for adults!<br>In fact, it's children who want to enjoy Setsubun to the fullest... this furniture is made by ship girls who feel that way! | | | descriptionEN= That's right! Setsubun isn't just for adults!<br>In fact, it's children who want to enjoy Setsubun to the fullest... this furniture is made by ship girls who feel that way! |
| | BGM= Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) | | | BGM= Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2018/01/17 | | | release= 2018/01/17 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionJP= 提督と艦娘の春色の座布団です。<br>艦娘用座布団は、春に咲く桜の花をイメージ。<br>提督用は葉桜をモチーフに座椅子付でリッチな気分! | | | descriptionJP= 提督と艦娘の春色の座布団です。<br>艦娘用座布団は、春に咲く桜の花をイメージ。<br>提督用は葉桜をモチーフに座椅子付でリッチな気分! |
| | descriptionEN= A spring-colored cushion featuring an admiral and a ship girl.<br>The cushions for the ship girls are designed to resemble cherry blossoms that bloom in spring.<br>The admiral's version has a cherry blossom leaf motif and comes with a seat for a luxurious feel! | | | descriptionEN= A spring-colored cushion featuring an admiral and a ship girl.<br>The cushions for the ship girls are designed to resemble cherry blossoms that bloom in spring.<br>The admiral's version has a cherry blossom leaf motif and comes with a seat for a luxurious feel! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2018/03/23 | | | release= 2018/03/23 |
| | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] | | | availability= [[Furniture Shop]] |
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| | descriptionJP= 梅雨明けを待っていた駆逐艦姉妹とその長女による提督と彼女の執務机です。<br>季節の飲み物とお薦めおやつが出るとか出ないとか! | | | descriptionJP= 梅雨明けを待っていた駆逐艦姉妹とその長女による提督と彼女の執務机です。<br>季節の飲み物とお薦めおやつが出るとか出ないとか! |
| | descriptionEN= This is an admiral office desk made by the destroyer sisters eldest girls, who were waiting for the end of the rainy season.<br>Seasonal drinks and recommended snacks may or may not be available! | | | descriptionEN= This is an admiral office desk made by the destroyer sisters eldest girls, who were waiting for the end of the rainy season.<br>Seasonal drinks and recommended snacks may or may not be available! |
− | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. | + | | feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possessed. |
| | release= 2024/06/27 | | | release= 2024/06/27 |
| | availability= [[Teru Teru Bouzu]] 2023 reward | | | availability= [[Teru Teru Bouzu]] 2023 reward |