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Houshou Audio
| 自己紹介=航空母艦「鳳翔」です。不束者ですが、よろしくお願いいたします
| 自己紹介=航空母艦「鳳翔」です。不束者ですが、よろしくお願いいたします
| EN1=Aircraft carrier, Houshou. Though I'm inexperienced, I look forward to your guidance.
| EN1=Aircraft carrier, Houshou. Though I'm inexperienced, I look forward to your guidance.
| Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_1}}
| Note1=The latter part was a common greeting when a bride greets her new husband (esp. back in the days when woman walked three steps behind her man).
| Note1=The latter part was a common greeting when a bride greets her new husband (esp. back in the days when woman walked three steps behind her man).
| 秘書クリック会話①=お茶にしましょうか
| 秘書クリック会話①=お茶にしましょうか
| EN2=Shall we have some tea?
| EN2=Shall we have some tea?
| Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_2}}
| Note2=Probably green tea. [http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38323822 Don't fight with Kongou]
| Note2=Probably green tea. [http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38323822 Don't fight with Kongou]
| 秘書クリック会話②=よい風ですね<br>
| 秘書クリック会話②=よい風ですね<br>
| EN3=Pleasant wind, isn't it?<br>
| EN3=Pleasant wind, isn't it?<br>
(after remodeling) My dream? Well… I'd like to open a little restaurant someday with you…Oh, what am I saying! Sorry, please forget it!
(after remodeling) My dream? Well… I'd like to open a little restaurant someday with you…Oh, what am I saying! Sorry, please forget it!
| Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_4}}
| Note3=Her remodeled line says she'd like to open a new restaurant, but according to Chitose's hourly notification at 19:00, it seems that she has already run one…
| Note3=Her remodeled line says she'd like to open a new restaurant, but according to Chitose's hourly notification at 19:00, it seems that she has already run one…
| 秘書クリック会話③=おつかれさまです。お風呂にしますか?御飯にしますか?それとも・・・ふふっ、冗談ですよ
| 秘書クリック会話③=おつかれさまです。お風呂にしますか?御飯にしますか?それとも・・・ふふっ、冗談ですよ
| EN4=You must be so tired. Should I prepare the bath? Or dinner? Or... hehe, just kidding.
| EN4=You must be so tired. Should I prepare the bath? Or dinner? Or... hehe, just kidding.
| Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_3}}
| Note4= Stereotypical line of an old-fashioned "good housewife". The third option is usually, well, you know.
| Note4= Stereotypical line of an old-fashioned "good housewife". The third option is usually, well, you know.
| 秘書放置時=提督、私ここに控えていますので、御用があればいつでも仰ってくださいね。
| 秘書放置時=提督、私ここに控えていますので、御用があればいつでも仰ってくださいね。
| EN4a=Admiral, I stay here, so whenever you need my help, please tell me to support you.
| EN4a=Admiral, I stay here, so whenever you need my help, please tell me to support you.
| Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_29}}
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=提督にお知らせが届いていますね
| 戦績表示時=提督にお知らせが届いていますね
| EN5=There's a message for you, Admiral.
| EN5=There's a message for you, Admiral.
| Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_8}}
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=実戦ですか・・・致し方ありませんね
| 編成選択時=実戦ですか・・・致し方ありませんね
| EN6=Actual combat...? I guess that's inevitable.
| EN6=Actual combat...? I guess that's inevitable.
| Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_13}}
| Note6=She didn't participate in actual naval battles until the end of WW2, because she was used only for drill maneuvers.
| Note6=She didn't participate in actual naval battles until the end of WW2, because she was used only for drill maneuvers.
| 装備時①=すみません、私の武装を強化してくれるなんて・・・
| 装備時①=すみません、私の武装を強化してくれるなんて・・・
| EN7=It's so kind of you that you're reinforcing my armament.
| EN7=It's so kind of you that you're reinforcing my armament.
| Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_9}}
| Note7=
| Note7=
| 装備時②=私には・・・少し大げさではないでしょうか?
| 装備時②=私には・・・少し大げさではないでしょうか?
| Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_10}}
| EN8=Isn't this too... fancy for me?
| EN8=Isn't this too... fancy for me?
| Note8=
| Note8=
| 装備時③=大丈夫ね
| 装備時③=大丈夫ね
| EN9=All right!
| EN9=All right!
| Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_26}}
| Note9=
| Note9=
| 補給時= 提督、ありがとうございます。
| 補給時= 提督、ありがとうございます。
| Clip9a = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_27}}
| EN24=
| EN24=
| Note24=
| Note24=
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 私が無茶しては、ダメですね。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 私が無茶しては、ダメですね。
| EN10=Yes, I'll take a little rest.
| EN10=Yes, I'll take a little rest.
| Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_11}}
| Note10=
| Note10=
| EN11=I shouldn't be the one acting recklessly.
| EN11=I shouldn't be the one acting recklessly.
| Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_12}}
| Note11=Since she's the mother of all the CVs in IJN
| Note11=Since she's the mother of all the CVs in IJN
| 建造時=新しい子たちが来るみたいね
| 建造時=新しい子たちが来るみたいね
| EN12=It looks like a new girl is here!
| EN12=It looks like a new girl is here!
| Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_5}}
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=おつかれさまでした、艦隊が帰って来ましたね
| 艦隊帰投時=おつかれさまでした、艦隊が帰って来ましたね
| EN13=It was a busy day. The fleet is back.
| EN13=It was a busy day. The fleet is back.
| Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_7}}
| Note13=
| Note13=
| 出撃時=鳳翔、出撃いたします
| 出撃時=鳳翔、出撃いたします
| EN14=Houshou will commence action!
| EN14=Houshou will commence action!
| Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_14}}
| Note14=
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=風向き・・・良し!航空部隊、発艦!
| 戦闘開始時=風向き・・・良し!航空部隊、発艦!
| EN15=Wind direction... Check! Air unit, take off!
| EN15=Wind direction... Check! Air unit, take off!
| Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_15}}
| Note15=
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=いつまでも演習ってわけにも行きません
| 航空戦開始時=いつまでも演習ってわけにも行きません
| EN15a=We can't be doing exercises forever!
| EN15a=We can't be doing exercises forever!
| Clip15a = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_17}}
| Note15a=Houshou spent a large part of her time during the WW2 near the mainlands as the practice vessel for newbie pilots.
| Note15a=Houshou spent a large part of her time during the WW2 near the mainlands as the practice vessel for newbie pilots.
| 攻撃時=これは・・・演習ではなくて実戦よ
| 攻撃時=これは・・・演習ではなくて実戦よ
| EN16=This is an actual combat, not an exercise!
| EN16=This is an actual combat, not an exercise!
| Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_16}}
I shall do it when I must!
I shall do it when I must!
| 夜戦開始時=やる時は・・・やるのです!
| 夜戦開始時=やる時は・・・やるのです!
| EN17=I shall do it when I must!
| EN17=I shall do it when I must!
| Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_18}}
| Note17=
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=
| 夜戦攻撃時=
| MVP時=そんな・・・本当ですか?私もお役に立てたのなら・・・嬉しいです
| MVP時=そんな・・・本当ですか?私もお役に立てたのなら・・・嬉しいです
| EN19=What... Really? It's my pleasure to have been of some help to you!
| EN19=What... Really? It's my pleasure to have been of some help to you!
| Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_23}}
| Note19=She participated in Battle of Midway but did not actively engage in combat.
| Note19=She participated in Battle of Midway but did not actively engage in combat.
|小破① = ああっ! 飛行甲板が!
|小破① = ああっ! 飛行甲板が!
| EN20=Uhn!? My flight deck...!
| EN20=Uhn!? My flight deck...!
| Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_19}}
| Note20=
| Note20=
|小破② = あぁぁっ!
|小破② = あぁぁっ!
| Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_20}}
| EN21=Eek!
| EN21=Eek!
| Note21=
| Note21=
|中破 = このまま沈む訳には参りませんっ!
|中破 = このまま沈む訳には参りませんっ!
| EN22=I'm not going to sink like this
| EN22=I'm not going to sink like this
| Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_21}}
| Note22=
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=私も…沈むのですね…
| 撃沈時(反転)=私も…沈むのですね…
| EN23=Even I... sink as well, huh...
| EN23=Even I... sink as well, huh...
| Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_22}}
| Note23=Houshou came unscathed during WW2 because she's outdated.<br>In 1946, she was scrapped.
| Note23=Houshou came unscathed during WW2 because she's outdated.<br>In 1946, she was scrapped.
|Library = 航空母艦、鳳翔と申します。
|Library = 航空母艦、鳳翔と申します。
|Married = 提督、何時もお疲れ様です。時には、ゆっくりお休みになってください
|Married = 提督、何時もお疲れ様です。時には、ゆっくりお休みになってください
|EN25 = Admiral, thank you for your long service. Please, you should take a relaxing break sometimes.
|EN25 = Admiral, thank you for your long service. Please, you should take a relaxing break sometimes.
| Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_28}}
|Wedding = いつか…いつかふたりで、のんびりと船旅を楽しみたいものですね
|Wedding = いつか…いつかふたりで、のんびりと船旅を楽しみたいものですね
|EN26 = Sometime... Sometime, just the two of us, I would like to take a laid-back sea cruise together.|EN0 = I am aircraft carrier Houshou.
|EN26 = Sometime... Sometime, just the two of us, I would like to take a laid-back sea cruise together.
| Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_24}}
|EN0 = I am aircraft carrier Houshou.
Built as CV from the begining, I'm the world's first aircraft carrier. I am a petite ship, but I'll do my best.
Built as CV from the begining, I'm the world's first aircraft carrier. I am a petite ship, but I'll do my best.
| Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Kcxjotoxrgwfrj_25}}
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[{{PAGENAME}}/Gallery|View {{PAGENAME}} CG]]
*[[{{PAGENAME}}/Gallery|View CG]]
*[[EliteCVL|List of Light Carriers]]
*[[EliteCVL|List of Light Carriers]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō|Wikipedia entry on carrier Hōshō]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō|Wikipedia entry on carrier Hōshō]]