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==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Introduction
|origin = ボンジョルノ!あたりマルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦だお! ミッキャマコマンダンテカッペリーニ! カッペリーニでいいよ!よろしく!
|translation = Bonjourno! I'm the Marucho-class submarine, Captain Capelini! Just call me Capelini! Nice to meet you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin = ボンジャーノー!マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦だおー!コマンダンテキャットレイに!アムラアレヨー!アタイは今日も元気さ!
|translation = Bonjourno! I'm the Maruchero-class submarine! Commandante Capre! Ammila ariyo! I'm doing well today!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = UIT-24|scenario = Introduction|r3 = true
|origin = グーテンタッグ!あたり!マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦カッペリーニ! じゃなかった!今の名前はUIT-24だ! 今は輸送潜水艦なんだ!極東、日本まで行くお!頑張るぜ!
|translation = Guten Tag! I'm the multi-purpose submarine, Cappellini! No, wait, my name is UIT-24! I'm a transport submarine now! I'm going to the Far East, to Japan! I'll do my best!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Introduction|r4 = true
|origin = あたりマルチェロ級海洋型潜水艦カッペデニー じゃなかったなんだっけ そうだEGO!今はEGO潜水艦E503だお! まだまだ頑張るぜ!やるぜ!戦うぜ!
|translation = I'm the marine-type submarine of the Maruchero class, Kappelini! No, what was it again? Oh, right! E5! Right now, I'm E5-03, the E5 submarine! I'm still going to do my best! I'll do it! I'll fight!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Library
|origin = あたいマルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦 コマンダンテ・カプリーニ まあ冒険と経験は豊富だお いろいろあってUIT-24って名前になって極東へ 最後は日本でE503になったんだ 以後潜水艦だお あの狩猟な時代を駆け抜けた潜水艦 あたいのことも覚えておいてな
|translation = I'm the Maruchero-class submarine, Commandante Capulini! Well, I've had plenty of adventures and experiences. I've been to many places, and I was named UIT-24, and I went to the Far East. And finally, I became E-503 in Japan. I'm an E-5 submarine! A submarine that ran through that harsh era! Remember me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ハンブラリオ!あたりいけちゃう!
|translation = I'm going to go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = UIT-24|scenario = Secretary 1|r3 = true
|origin = アクメラル!なんだか色々あるよねー ま、いっか!
|translation = Ackmellar! There's a lot of things, isn't there? Well, whatever!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Secretary 1|r4 = true
|origin = 提督さん用あたいここ気に入った
|translation = Admiral, I like this place!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = まあなんとかなるっしょ 今までなんとかなったし
|translation = Well, it'll work out somehow. It's worked out somehow until now.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = おーあたいね、意外と魚雷より包線が好きなんだお。だって信頼できんじゃん?その本がさ。 ま、あんま危ねえことすんなって司令部からはいつも怒られんだけどね。いいじゃんなあ、別に。
|translation = Oh, I like guns more than torpedoes. Because I can trust those guns. Well, the command always tells me not to do dangerous things. But it's fine.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = UIT-24|scenario = Secretary 3|r3 = true
|origin = まあそうさカッペリーニ時代はさ敵もやっつけっけど一旦勝負がついたらさ 生存者さんはなるだけ助けたいんだお まあそれも危ねえからいい加減にしろって言われんだ そんでいろいろあってさあたり今は輸送潜水かっついやつだお まああたいならなんとかいけるだろって話さ
|translation = Well, that's right. In the Kappelin era, even if you defeat the enemy, once the battle is over, the survivors want to help as much as possible. Well, that's dangerous too, so I'm told to stop. And so, a lot of things happened, and I'm the type that's like a transport submarine now. Well, I'm sure I can manage to do it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Secretary 3|r4 = true
|origin = まあそんで流れ流れついて今はここよここ でもここいいとこあたい気に入ったからずっと住んでよっかなーって えっいいの?やったでーならちょいとばかし働いちゃう ありがとうアンミラリオ おっ 提督か
|translation = Well, I've been living here for a while, and now I'm here! But, this is a good place! I like it, so I thought I'd live here forever! Eh? Is that okay? Yay! Then I'll work here for a bit! Thank you, Amilario! Oh, Admiral!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Idle
|origin = そうなぁ いろいろ経験したなぁ ある時なんか外交問題にもなりかけたんだお 知恵と勇気と夜を使って乗り切ったんだ あんときは痛快だったさぁ えっ 周りは大変だった? マジかぁ そいつはすまねぇ あたいもまぁ必死だったのさ
|translation = I see, you've experienced a lot. There was a time when I almost got into a foreign language problem. I overcame it with wisdom, courage, and the night. It was exhilarating at that time. Eh? Was it hard around you? Really? I'm sorry about that. I was also, well, desperate.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = あれ?提督あんま元気ないの? じゃあ仕方ない! あたいが必殺技の超絶美味しいカッパリーニ作ってあげるよ! いいトマト缶とオリーブオイル手に入ったんだ! 最高の味食わせるぜ! 座っとき!
|translation = Huh? Admiral, you don't look too well. Then, I have no choice. I'll make you a super delicious cup of cup-a-lady! I got a nice can of tomatoes and olive oil. I'll make you eat the best taste! Sit down!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Wedding
|origin = アムラルヤ! じゃねえし、提督さんよ!アタイを呼んだかーい? コッペリーニはうどんでもそうめんでもそばでもないぜ!って ああ、そうじゃない? えっ、アタイと結婚したいの!?マジで? はー、アタイ、ここで永住したかったんだー いいぜ、マジで! ああ、ガチで望むところだお!やったー!
|translation = I'm love you! Wait, Admiral, did you call me? I don't have udon, somen, or soba! ...Oh, you don't? Eh? You want to marry me? Really? Ahaha, I wanted to stay here forever. Okay, I'm serious! Ah, I'm serious! Yay!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 情報ね、待ってて、あたいがとるよ。これかいな?
|translation = Information, huh? Wait for me, I'll get it! This is it, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦、コマンダンテ・カッペリーに出撃だお!さあ、敵も味方もかき回すぜ!
|translation = I'm going to sortie as the Maruchero-class submarine, Commandante Cappelli! Now, I'm going to stir up both my enemies and my allies!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = UIT-24|scenario = Joining A Fleet|r3 = true
|origin = ドイツ海軍輸送潜水艦UIT-24出航だ! さあ、無事に物事を進むかな? やったるぜ!
|translation = Germany Navy Transport Submarine UIT24 Departure! Now, will everything go well? I'll do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Joining A Fleet|r4 = true
|origin = 摂取潜水艦E5-503出撃するわ! ここ気に入ってんだ! つか、ここしかねえし! 任せとけ!やったるぜー!
|translation = I'm going to sortie as a Contact Submarine, E5-503! I like this place! Oh, I only have this place! Leave it to me! I'll do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = グラッペ!ありがてぇ!
|translation = Clap! Thank you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = はぁー、なるほどだぁ。さてさて、どうなる?
|translation = Ah, I see. Now then, what will happen?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Equipment 2|kai = true
|origin = あくれらすれい? なにそのコールサイン! 知らねーし!
|translation = Accurately? What's with that call sign? I don't know!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = グラッツ!やったー!
|translation = Clothe! Yatta!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Supply
|origin = とわって! すっごい助かるわ!
|translation = It's true! It really helps!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = なーに、こんなの…って、意外といてぇ!
|translation = What's with this? Ouch, it hurts more than I thought!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = やべぇやべぇ!マジやべぇ!
|translation = This is bad! This is really bad!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Construction
|origin = やや新しい仲間だ
|translation = Oh my, a new ally!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = みんなグラディ!艦隊起動だ!
|translation = Everyone, gratis! The fleet is here!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = アムラリオ! ん? あ、家庭事言うなって! あたい罰病するわ! いくぜー!
|translation = I'm Lalio! Eh? Ah! Don't say such a thing! I'll punish you! Here I go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Starting A Sortie|r4 = true
|origin = アムラレオ!じゃなかった、提督さんよ! EGO503、罰病つるを、出発じゃー!
|translation = I'm L'Aureo! Or should I say, Admiral! E5-503, let's go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = アムロリオ!敵さん見つけたぜ! まぁたまには成功法で魚雷でやっか!魚雷で!
|translation = I'm Loli! I found my enemy! Well, sometimes I'll use the success method, I'll use the torpedo!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = UIT-24|scenario = Battle Start|r3 = true
|origin = アドミラー!やべぇ!敵さんだ! あたい、今、遊走潜水艦やからなぁ! やべぇってぇ!
|translation = Admiral! Oh no! It's the enemy! I'm a transport submarine now! Oh no!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Battle Start|r4 = true
|origin = アムラリア! アカン! 提督さんよ! 敵さん見つけた! やっちまっていいんだの!
|translation = I'm Lalia! No! Admiral! I found the enemy! I can just kill them, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Attack
|origin = あたえがやったるわー
|translation = I'll do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Secondary Attack
|origin = 見えてる見えてる やっつけるわ
|translation = I can see it, I can see it! I'll beat you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 夜かぁ 夜はトマトパスタでも作って食べて寝てたいよ って、しっかたない!やるお!
|translation = At night, huh? I want to make tomato pasta and eat it while I sleep. ...Wait, I can't help it! I'll do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = MVP
|origin = 値を褒めてくれるのかい?珍しいこともあるー ま、素直に食わって 今日はパスタでも茹でて美味しく一杯やるかい? いいよー、やっちゃおうぜー
|translation = You're going to praise me? That's pretty rare. Well, just eat up. How about we make some pasta and have a good time? Sure! Let's do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = わぁ!びっくりしたぁ!
|translation = Wow! That surprised me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = おっとっと!危なっ!
|translation = Oh my, that was close!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = UIT-24|scenario = Minor Damage 2|r3 = true
|origin = やば!急速先行! ってなんで後ろ向き!? いいけどさ!
|translation = Oh no! I'm going to be late! Why are you looking back!? It's fine!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = うわぁあああああああああああああああああ! 勝ち目で危なあああああ! 緊急浮上! えっ? あ、できる? よかったぁー!
|translation = Waaah! Waaaii! It's seriously dangerous! Emergency rescue! Eh? Ah, I can do it? Thank goodness!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-503|scenario = Major Damage|r4 = true
|origin = うわあああああああああああああここで沈むかよー 緊急扶助絶対帰るわここ気に入ってんだ
|translation = Waaaaaaah! I'm going to sink here! Emergency rescue! I'm definitely going back! I like this place!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = Sunk
|origin = えへへ、あたいついにドジフンだってか。 まあいいや、結構冒険したしな。 なんか、平和になったらさ、横浜あたりにさ、ずっと住んでもいいなって、そう。
|translation = Hehe... I've finally stepped on a pea... Well, I've been on quite a lot of adventures... If it's peaceful, I'd like to live in Yokohama for a long time...
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 午前0時、日付が変わったお さて、今日は何やらあたいが色々担当するらしいお できっかな? ま、なんとかなるっしょ
|translation = It's now midnight. The date has changed. Well, it seems that I'll be in charge of various things today. Can I do it? Well, I'll manage somehow!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = 一時だお!アムラリオン! これでいいかな? いった!
|translation = It's 1 o'clock, Amelardion! Is this okay? It's fine!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = ニジダオアミラリオ ヒマっちゃー暇だねー パンタでもゆでっか!
|translation = I'll be watching you! I'm bored, I'm bored. I'll boil some pasta!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = サンジだお!アムラリオ! さ!パスターできたー! 深夜のカッペリーニは悪魔だけど… んー!うまい!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock, I'm ready! Now, the pasta is ready! The cappellini at midnight is a devil's dish, but... Mmm, it's delicious!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = 4時だおーアメラリおー あかん、もうすぐ朝だ ワイン飲んで強引に寝ろー
|translation = It's 4 o'clock, Amelario! No, it's almost morning! Let's drink wine and sleep!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = ゴジラを、アメラリを、結局パスタ食って、ワイン飲んで、徹夜じゃー!イェーイ!
|translation = Gojirao, Amelario, In the end, I'll eat pasta, drink wine, and stay up all night! Yeah!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = 6時だお アメラリオン 仕方ねえ みんなも起こすぜ 艦隊起航! ボンジャールノー! 朝だぜー!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock, Amelard! It can't be helped, I'll wake everyone up! Fleet, attention! Buongiorno! It's morning!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = 7時だお、アミラリオ 朝飯もパスタでいいよな ゆでるぜー
|translation = It's 7 o'clock, Amilario! Breakfast is also good with pasta! I'll boil it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = 8時だよ!アムラリオ!全員集合! あれ? あたい、今なんて? え? 本当は夜? いいんだよ!細けいことは気にすんなって!
|translation = It's 8 o'clock! I'm L'Oreal! Everyone, gather around! Huh? What did I just say? Eh? It's actually night? It's fine! Don't worry about the details!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = くじだお!アムラリオン! え?いい加減直せ? いいじゃん!細けいことはよ! わかったよ! 提督! 提督さんよ! これでいいかい?
|translation = Good job, Amelard! Eh? You want me to fix it? It's fine, it's just a small detail. I get it, Admiral. Admiral, is this fine?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = 10時だお!アムラウ…違う、提督さんよ!そろそろあれだ、海に出っか?いい頃合いだお!
|translation = It's 10 o'clock! I'm low! No, Admiral-san, it's about time. Let's go to the beach! It's a good time!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = 11時だお、提督さんよ ふん、うん、ざっとこんなもんよ ちゃんとわきまえてるって
|translation = It's 11 o'clock, Admiral. Fufu, yeah, that's how it is. I'm always up to my ears in the morning.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = 12時だお、提督さんよ。お昼はさすがにおにぎりか。まあ、これも慣れれば美味しいよ。あたいはこのシャケってのがいいってね。梅はまだ慣れねえな。
|translation = It's the 12th, Admiral. Lunch is... ...a rice ball, huh. Well, it'll be tasty if you get used to this. I like this salmon. I'm not used to plums yet.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = 一時だお、提督さんよ。 おっと、見慣れた口っかんもいるじゃんかさ! ちゃおちゃおー!
|translation = It's 1 o'clock, Admiral. Oh, you have a familiar face! Ciao, ciao!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = 2時だお! 提督さんよ! おっと、おめぇは知ってんぞ! 確か、異号のハッチャンさん! お久しさだなぁ! そうさぁ! お互い無事で何よりだお!
|translation = It's Niji! Admiral-san! Oh, you know him! I think it's Hacchan-san from EGO! You're so close! That's right! It's good that we're both safe!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = 3時だお!おやつの時間さ!大事大事! コルネットたくさん持ってきたお! 提督も食べるかい?
|translation = It's 3 o'clock! It's snack time! It's important, important! I brought a lot of cornettes! Fufu, do you want to eat too, Admiral?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = 用事だお。提督さんよ、もうちょいおやつ休み え、ダメ おやつ時間は大事だお!マジで!
|translation = It's 4 o'clock. Admiral, let's have a little more snack break. Eh? No. Snack time is important! Seriously!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = ゴジラをあやつは 多いとらんりー ルイージとらんれじゃーん あ今の名前は違う いいんだよ細けいことは一緒に港に帰ろうぜ
|translation = It's Koji! Ah, that's... Hey, Trulli! It's Luigi Trulli! Ah, is that name wrong? It's fine, it's just a small thing! Let's go back to the harbor together!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = 6時だお! 提督さんよ、なんかトレンリに聞いたら、ここいいトラッポリアがあるんだって! あたいも連れてけ!そこ、行ってみたいよ!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock. Admiral, I heard from Trenly that there's a nice trattoria here. Take me there too! I want to go there!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = 7時だお はぁー!ここがトラトリアマミア! いいねー!なんかいいよー! 落ち着くしさー! さ、何頼もっかなー? たまにはパスタ以外もいいよ!
|translation = It's 7 o'clock. Ah, so this is Trattoria Mamma Mia! It's so nice! It's so nice, so relaxing. Now, what should I order? Sometimes, anything but pasta is fine.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = 8時だお! んっ!んっ!んっ!うまーい!やるなぁ!ここの料理人! てか、うるさいよ、あそこのテーブルの従順たち! 一体どこの連中だいよって…あれ? あは、そ、あ、耳見なかったことにしよう! てか、見つからんとこ…
|translation = It's 8 o'clock! Mm! Mm! Mm! Delicious! You're good! The cook here! Wait, you're so noisy! Those ten people at the table over there! Just who are you? Huh? Aha! I- Ah! I didn't hear you! Wait, I can't find you...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = 9時だわー!提督さん、グラッセイ! トラッドリア、よかったわー!また来ようぜー! やっぱここいいわー! 永住してー!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock! Admiral, gratz! Trattoria, thank goodness! Let's come again! This place is great! A-10, please!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = 10時だおー、提督さんよー、この時代トマトも豊富でよかったよー、これならパスタソースにも困らねー
|translation = It's 10 o'clock! Admiral, it's a good thing that we have plenty of tomatoes in this era! I don't have to worry about the pasta sauce!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = C.Cappellini|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = 11時だお!提督さんよ、なんだか今日も疲れたねー 明日もあるから、さっさとワイン飲んで寝ちまおっか! ぼーななって!
|translation = It's 11 o'clock, Admiral. I'm tired today, too. I have work tomorrow, so let's drink some wine and go to bed. Bon appétit!