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Created page with "The player cannot directly control any combat aspect. The only sources of control come from: *Fleet & Gear selection, *Enemy fleets compositions, *The few in-Sor..."
The player cannot directly control any combat aspect. The only sources of control come from:
*[[Fleet]] & [[Gear]] selection,
*[[Enemy]] fleets compositions,
*The few in-[[Sortie]] interactions, being notably the [[Formation]] selection, the battle's end selections ([[Night Battle]], [[Evacuation]], [[Repairs]], Advance/Retreat), and other on-route interactions (see ''[[Map Mechanics and Nodes|here]]'').
Those elements can therefore be used to control the '''Shooting Order''' and '''Targeting''' of the fleets, described below.

=Shooting Order=
The firing order of the girls will depends on the combat phase:

!Phase!!Firing Order!!Notes
![[Aerial Combat]]
|rowspan=3|All at once
![[Opening Torpedo Salvo]]
![[Closing Torpedo Salvo]]
|Some behaviors can make the allied fleet to do damage 1st<br>(''see [[Closing Torpedo Salvo|here]])
|rowspan=2|Random||rowspan=2|Affected by [[#Range]]
![[Shelling|1st Shelling Phase]]
![[Day Battle#Second Shelling Phase|2nd Shelling Phase]]
|rowspan=3|Fleet order||rowspan=2|Skips over ships unable to attack<br>(damaged/deplaned carriers, sunk/[[Evacuation|evacuated]] ships)
![[Friendly Fleet]]s
![[Night Battle]]
|Do not skips any ship in the order<br>(ships unable to attack will perform an actionless turn)

'''[[Range]]''' {{Range}} is a stat that determines the ship attack order during the [[Shelling|First Shelling Phase]] and [[OASW]].

*In those phases, both fleets will take turns shelling the opposing fleet, with the turn order defined by each ship's range {{range}} stat. It is possible to increase a ship's range with proper equipment.
*The shelling order is '''Longest > Very Long > Long > Medium > Short > None.
**If two or more ships tie for range, the order between them is random.

===Range Tie Randomness===
When several ships share the same range, the chance of any of them attacking first is random, but not uniformly random.
*Some orders are weighted more commonly than others for reasons not fully understood yet.

*This can notably affect mechanics, like in [[Special Attacks]], where it is preferable to have the flagship attack fist to trigger the attack, before having any chance of being disabled.
*So far, no tests can include all possible range combinations (''there are 335916 combinations in total''). So far the tests:
**Focuses on fleets with a common range across the fleet, or with the tow fists ships with a same high range, as those situations are the most common and useful gameplaywise.
**Omit fleets with fewer ships (2, 3, & 5), as they are not common, focusing on 4, 6, & 7 ships fleets..
**Omit "Longest Range" as it is rarely used.

;Practical case - Flagship priority
For fleets with 6 ships (single & combined), if the flagship shares its range with a second one (e.g. in a [[Special Attack]]), the flagship has about up to 50% and down to 20% chance of attacking first.
*This is explained by some range combination nerfing the 1st attack rate of the flagship.

Where are ranges A > B > C > D, combos confirmed to nerf rate of flagship shelling 1st, worst to least-bad, where "A/A/C/B/B/B" can mean ships with ranges in order of "VL/VL/S/M/M/M", or "VL/VL/M/L/L/L", or "VL/VL/S/L/L/L" etc...
*Those are preliminary tests and will be updated once enough data has been collected.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable"
!Range Order!!Rate of flagship<br>1st attacking

''Sources: [https://twitter.com/Xe_UCH/status/1027345820293586944] [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z4RrW53_8O1bh-e3BIL3ca-rYRiN6wemThynKJnJJZk/edit#gid=0] [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l3GyxAGU-BF8eRGIza8H8X0PPRbaIrGCQtC_PRaweww/edit#gid=0] [https://cc-jabberwock.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/01/28/230903]

==Combined Fleets==
In addition to the standard shooting order, [[Combined Fleet]]s have some extra combat ordering, directly resulting from the presence of two fleets.
*See ''[[Combined Fleet#Combat Flow|here]]'' for more details.

When a ship is carrying an attack, the target will be a '''"random valid opponent"'''.

In a theoretical situation, the rate is therefore:
<math>\text{Target}_\text{Chance %} = \frac{100}{N_\text{V}}</math>
*<math>N_\text{V}</math> the number of "valid opponents": enemies that are not sunk or [[Evacuation|evacuated]], and that can be targeted by the upcoming attack.
**Especially, if [[#Submarines]] are present in the opposing fleet and the ship can attack them, N is the number of submarines, else, N is the number of valid targets, which now excludes submarines (''see [[#Submarines|below]]),
**[[#Installations]] may also affect the validity of the target in some situations.
*For a vs 6 combat, an attack will target opponents with a 1/6 = 16.67 % chance.

Do note that this bare targeting rate will be more or less affected by thee following factors:
#[[#Flagship Protection]], lowering the chance of the flagship to be targeted, at the cost of an increased chance for the ships that will protect it.
#*Only "valid protectors" can protect the flagship, and so if none are present, this flagship protection cannot be activated.
#*The intensity of this effect will depend on the formation.
#[[#Searchlights]] will play a similar role as flagship protection, with an inversed logic.
#[[#Vanguard Formation]] have additional modifiers for both its "Upper Half" and "Bottom Half"
#[[#PT Imp]]s have unique modifiers applied when {{Ship/Link|Amagiri/Kai Ni|Amagiri/Kai Ni D|text=Amagiri Kai Ni/D}} is present.
#[[#Combined Fleets]] use different rules depending on the combat phase.
#[[#Friendly Fleets]] have different rules, avoiding targeting the enemy flagship.

Only certain ships meeting certain conditions can attack SS(V).
*Most often, if a ship can attack a submarine, focusing it will take over any other target.

Here, {{AnyBomber}} refers to any {{RedPlane}}/{{BluePlane}}.
!rowspan=2|Ship!!colspan=2|Conditions!!rowspan=2|Day Battle!!rowspan=2|Night Battle
|{{Ship/Link|Taiyou Kai Ni|Shinyou Kai Ni|Unyou Kai Ni|text=''Taiyou''-class Kai Ni|link_class=Taiyou}}<br>{{Ship/Link|Kaga Kai Ni Go}}
|rowspan=4|Not more than<br>{{color|orange|'''moderately damaged (中破)'''}}
|rowspan=4|{{AnyBomber}} with 1+{{ASW}}<ref>A 0{{ASW}} attack plane paired with a [[Rotorcraft]] {{Autogyro}} or a [[Liaison Aircraft]] {{ASWPlane}} do work</ref><ref name="zero">If all relevant aircraft are in zero plane slots, the ship cannot attack SS.</ref>
|rowspan=3|Prioritize SS
|[[Combat/Night_Battle#Trigger Requirements|Nigth Air Attack]] will prioritize surface target<ref>In absence of surface target will do a night shelling against SS</ref><br>Nigth Shelling prioritize SS
|{{Ship/Link|Gambier Bay Mk.II}}
|Prioritize SS (with a special night air attack)
|All other [[CVL]]
|rowspan=4|Do not attack SS
|{{Ship/Link|Suzuya Kou Kai Ni|Kumano Kou Kai Ni|text=''Mogami''-class Kou Kai Ni|link_class=Mogami}}
|Prioritize surface target<ref>Can still attack SS</ref>
|[[BBV]], [[CAV]], [[AV]], [[LHA]]
|Equipped with {{SPB}}, {{Autogyro}}, {{ASWPlane}}, {{Large Flying Boat}}, or {{AnyBomber}} with 1+{{ASW}}<ref name="zero"/>
|rowspan=2|Prioritize SS
|{{Ship/Link|Fusou Kai Ni|Yamashiro Kai Ni|text=''Fusou''-class Kai Ni|link_class=Fusou}}
|Equipped with {{DepthCharge}}, {{SPB}}, or {{Autogyro}}<ref name="zero"/>
|Not equipped with the above-mentioned equipment
|colspan=2|Do not attack SS
|rowspan=2|{{Ship/Link|Hayasui Kai}}<br>{{Ship/Link|Yamashio Maru Kai}}
|Equiped with {{AnyBomber}}<ref name="zero"/>
|Prioritize SS
|Do not attack SS
|Not equiped with {{AnyBomber}}
|colspan=2 rowspan=2|Prioritize SS
|rowspan=2|All other ships
|At least 1 base {{ASW}} ASW
|No base {{ASW}} ASW
|colspan=2|Do not attack SS

*As [[Abyssal]]s also follow those conditions, SS/V can be used as "Submarine Tanks" (Sub-tanking) on some maps to deviate attacks from the fleet to the submarine.

[[Installation]]s are immune to certain types of attacks:

===Air strike===
* ''Normal'' dive bombers can '''not''' attack installations during the air strike phase.
* Only '''anti-installation Dive Bombers''' can target installation.
* It's unknown if ASW plane will prioritize Submarine or installation.
{{Category:Anti-Installation Dive Bombers}}

Submarines can only attack installations during the shelling if equipped with {{Amphibious Tank}} '''[[Special Amphibious Tank]]s'''.
* They will only target installations during the shelling phases.
* They will be able to attack installations at night regardless of equipment.
* Their low firepower makes them poor anti-installation ships.

Carriers are '''unable to perform [[CVCI]]''' on installations, even if equipped with [[Combat/Anti-Installation#Air strike|anti-installation dive bombers]].
* {{Class|Ise|Kai Ni}} can still perform the [[Combat/Artillery_Spotting#Setups_and_Attack_Types|Suisei-CI]] against installations.

"[[LST]]" type ships ({{Ship/Link|No.101 Transport Ship}} so far) will focus on installations if any are present.

[[Special Attacks]] behave like normal against installation.

Both [[Opening Torpedo Salvo]]s and [[Closing Torpedo Salvo]]s '''cannot''' target installations.
* Opening and closing torpedoes will fail to trigger if only installation targets remain.

==Flagship Protection==
'''Flagship Protection''' is when a non-flagship protects the flagship from being targeted by receiving the attack instead. When activated, a "curved shield" animation plays in front of the flagship's banner.
* Activation rate is determined solely by the selected formation. If activated, a ship with HP above Minor Damage ({{lang|ja|小破}}) is randomly selected to be the protector.
** If no ships are above Minor Damage, flagship protection cannot activate.
** Having more ships above Minor Damage does not increase the rate.
* It may activate on any type of attack, including shelling, torpedo, ASW, airstrike, and support.
* Submarines do not protect surface ships and surface ships do not protect submarines.
* [[Installation]]s cannot perform protection, and cannot receive protection if they are flagship.

===Single Fleets FP===
Single fleets, and [[Striking Force Fleet]]s by extension, follow the following rates:
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Flagship Protection
|Line Ahead||{{LineAhead}}
|Double Line||{{DoubleLine}}
|Line Abreast||{{LineAbreast}}
|Upper half of the fleet
|Bottom half of the fleet

===Combined Fleets FP===
In [[Combined Fleet]]s:
*During '''day battles''', only the main fleet flagship receives flagship protection.
**The escort's flagship does not receive flagship protection and is counted as a "protector".
**Depending on the phase, either the main fleet or both fleets can protect the flagship, see [[#Combined Fleets|below]].
*During '''night battles''', the escort's flagship does receive flagship protection,
**Up to 5 ships can protect the flagship in this case.

Combined Fleets follow the following rates:
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan=2|Flagship Protection
|rowspan=2|Cruising Formation 1
|Main FS
|Escort FS
|rowspan=2|Cruising Formation 2
|Main FS
|Escort FS
|rowspan=2|Cruising Formation 3
|Main FS
|Escort FS
|rowspan=2|Cruising Formation 4
|Main FS
|Escort FS
''Source: [https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1548648714234986496]

The following table describes how {{Searchlight}}{{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|Type 96 150cm Searchlight|text=Searchlights|link_category=Searchlights}} actually work on the game side, assuming a night battle fleet with 6 ships.
*When a ship is attacking, it will roll a random "regular target" like usual, and then:
**If a searchlight is activated, the game will try additional rolls, to check whether the SL carrier(s) will be the new target or not.
***The game '''treat whoever is carrying a SL as the SL carrier''', thus increasing the chance of hitting the SL carrier as mentioned below (the process will stop as soon as the game '''"rolled an SL carrier"''', even if that girl's searchlight did not triggered).
**If this attempt fails to roll that girl, it will '''repeat the roll again''', up to two or three times, depending on the type of searchlight.
**This process stops once it rolled the girl carrying the SL or after it failed all the attempts and accepts the regular target rolled in the last attempt as the girl to be aimed at.

{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=3|In-game Behaviors
!width=45%|{{Small Searchlight}} {{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|text=Small Searchlight|link_category=Small Searchlight}}
!width=45%|{{Large Searchlight}} {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 150cm Searchlight|text=Large Searchlight|link_category=Large Searchlights}}
|'''2 rolls''' are made at most
|'''3 rolls''' are made at most
!Scenario 1
|colspan=2|'''Attempt 1:
The game rolls the SL carrier immediately: 1/6 chance = '''16.67%'''
!Scenario 2
|colspan=2|'''Attempt 2:
The game fails the first attempt (rolled any other 5 ships instead, so 5/6 = 83.33%), but successfully the SL carrier on the second attempt (1/6 = 16.67%), meaning this scenario has 83.33% x 16.67% = '''13.89%''' chance of happening.
!Scenario 3
|'''All attempts fail:
The game fails both attempts, meaning 5/6 x 5/6 = '''69.44%''' chance that '''the SL carrier will NOT get aimed at'''.
|'''Attempt 3:
The game fails the first two attempts (rolled any other 5 ships instead, so 5/6 x 5/6 = 69.44%), but successfully the SL carrier on the third attempt (1/6 = 16.69%), meaning this scenario has 69.44% x 16.67% = '''11.57%''' chance of happening
!Scenario 4
|'''All attempts failed:
The game fails both attempts, meaning 5/6 x 5/6 x 5/6 = '''57.87%''' chance that '''the SL carrier will NOT get aimed at'''.
|The SL carrier has {{ToolTip|'''{{color|red|30.56%}}'''|16.67% + 13.89%}} chance to get aimed at ('''69.44%''' of not getting aimed at).
|The SL carrier has {{ToolTip|'''{{color|red|42.13%}}'''|16.67% + 13.88% + 11.57%}} chance to get aimed at ('''57.87%''' of not getting aimed at).

!rowspan=2|Fleet Size
!colspan=2|Aimed rate
!Small SL
!Large SL

*The lower the better
''Source'': [http://i.imgur.com/ElrJxcM.jpg]

===Side SL Effects===
All SL carriers get an 80% evasion penalty, regardless of searchlight activation (''see [[evasion]]'').

[[Improvement]]s {{Star}} on SL only provide '''firepower/yasen''' (up to +3.16 {{Firepower}} at {{MaxStar}}).

If the fleet contains 2 girls or more carrying the '''small SL''' and '''large SL''', the large SL takes priority.
*If they carry the same type of SL, the priority follows ship order.

===SL Flagship Protection===
All the cases mentioned above assumed all the ships have an equal chance of getting aimed rate, ignoring [[#Flagship Protection]].
*If the SL carrier is the flagship, she will be shielded by the other ships in the fleet, thus reducing the chance of getting aimed at compared to the previously shown rates.

{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan=2 rowspan=2|Formation
!rowspan=2|Flagship Protection
!colspan=2|SL Flagship Protection
!Small SL
!Large SL
|Line Ahead||{{LineAhead}}
|45% || 13.74%|| 18.94%
|75%|| 22.90%|| 31.57%
|Double Line||{{DoubleLine}}
|60%||rowspan=3| 18.32%||rowspan=3| 25.26%
|Line Abreast||{{LineAbreast}}
|Medium|| ? || ?
|Upper half of the fleet
|High|| ? || ?
|Bottom half of the fleet
|rowspan=2 colspan=2|[[Combined Formation|Combined Fleets]]
|Yes||colspan=2 rowspan=2|?

In practical use, '''it is ill-advised to put a searchlight on the flagship''', as flagship protection has an higher chance to trigger and so put at risk other ships
*Do not that the ships shielding the flagship do not suffer the 80% evasion penalty, and so can still effectively agro and evade the shots.

==Vanguard Formation==
Vanguard is only available during [[Event]]s, and is usable on '''any map''' during this time.
* The modifiers on Vanguard Formation refer respectively to the '''"upper half"''' and '''"bottom half"''' of the fleet.
** For a fleet with 6 or 7 ships, the top row applies to ships 1 to 3, and the bottom row applies to the remaining ships.
** For a fleet with 4 or 5 ships, the top row applies to ships 1 and 2 and the bottom row applies to the remaining ships.
* '''Damage and accuracy of [[Support Fleet]]s are affected by the top row multipliers, meaning the 50% damage modifier is applied.'''

Vanguard gives an accuracy penalty to the opposite fleet. See ''[[Accuracy, Evasion and Criticals#Vanguard Formation|here]]'' for more details.

The '''bottom half''' ships have an increased chance to be targeted.
* The targeting is determined as follows:
**1. Target a ship from the fleet.
**2. If the selected ship is an upper half ship, target a ship from the fleet again.<ref>https://twitter.com/Xe_UCH/status/974571652229955584</ref>
* Target rate based on the above procedure (without other factor):

{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan=5| Target Rate
! rowspan=2| Fleet position
! colspan=4| Number of ships
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 1
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 12,50%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 8,00%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 8,33%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 6,13%
! 2
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 12,50%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 8,00%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 8,33%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 6,13%
! 3
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 37,50%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 28,00%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 8,33%
| style="background-color:#92D050;color:black"| 6,13%
! 4
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 37,50%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 28,00%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 25,00%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 20,40%
! 5
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 28,00%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 25,00%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 20,40%
! 6
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 25,00%
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 20,40%
! 7
| style="background-color:#F8CBAD;color:black"| 20,40%

==PT Imp==
'''{{Ship/Link|Amagiri/Kai Ni|Amagiri/Kai Ni D|text=Amagiri Kai Ni/D}}''' has the ability to '''prioritize focusing''' on attacking PT Imp with '''significantly increased accuracy''' if any are present.
*Ships placed in the composition slots above and below her will gain a noticeable '''accuracy boost''' and will '''prioritize''' attacking PT-Imp if any are present.

{{Anti-PT Imp Setups}}

==Combined Fleets==
[[Combined Fleet]]s do not follow the regular targeting logic in combined fleet combat, focusing on either the main or the escort fleet depending on the situation.

The targeting logic is here affected by:
# Fleet selection.
#* In some phases, fleet selection (main or escort) is done before picking the defender.
#* In other phases (where both main and escort fleets can be targeted), the target is uniformly randomly picked from all possible defenders.
# Defender for [[#Flagship Protection]].
#* The list of ships that are eligible as defenders is determined by the phase.
#* Some phases allow all ships (main & escort) to be a defender, whereas in other phases, only the ships in the main fleet can be a defender.
# [[#Flagship Protection]].
#* FS protection will trigger at a rate that is tied to the formation.
#* The rate is inherited by the flagships in the 6 v 6 night battle phase.

! colspan=4| Targeting logic
! rowspan=2| Phase
! colspan=2| Fleet Selection
! rowspan=2| FS Protection Defenders
| 45%
| 55%
| Main only
! Airstrike
|colspan=2|No fleet selection.<br>Uniformly random amongst all surviving ships.
| All
! Support<ref>See a later test: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AYYN6DTiQSAuxF3iptzi6SMwW3ZlmLbLzLQy_Itten0/edit?usp=sharing]</ref>
| 40%
| 60%
| Main only<br>(fleet selection before defender selection)
! Opening torpedo
|colspan=2|No fleet selection.<br>Uniformly random amongst all surviving ships.
| Main only
! Shelling<ref>Shelling here refers to phases where both fleets can be targeted, e.g. second shelling round of STF.</ref>
| 61%
| 39%
| Main only
! Closing torpedo
| 35%
| 65%
| Main only
! Friendly fleet
|colspan=2|No fleet selection.<br>Uniformly random amongst all surviving ships.
| All

''Source: [https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1548648714234986496] [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L8pfD5jOy_VWQE6Ezik1qYmWBlpXC5N2oo5fntCZtkQ/edit#gid=310057634]

==Friendly Fleets==
[[Friendly Fleet]]s do not follow the regular targeting priorities, avoiding the enemy flagship.

When a FF member chose a target, it:
# Rolls a target,
# If the target is the flagship, roll, again unconditionally,
# If FS protection is possible, roll FS protection (FS will be targeted if this fails).

* The targeting logic for fleet selection (main or escort) has not been verified yet.
* The FS protection rates for Combined Fleets have not been formally confirmed.
* The targeting logic may not apply to all FFs.

''Soures: [https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1547510235685965824] [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X1aJetT3YxVRYBxTqrqdO6r7nRCR2HzGCKF2HhJFsEk/edit#gid=0]

=See Also=


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