#* Sado and Matsuwa got lost in Tawi-tawi while shopping for Christmas clothes. They can now be found in 7-2.
#* Sado and Matsuwa got lost in Tawi-tawi while shopping for Christmas clothes. They can now be found in 7-2.
# Furniture changes
#* A whole lot of new and returning Christmas Furniture. Gotland probably brought us some IKEA coupons.
# New quests
#* 戦闘機隊戦力の拡充 new!
#* 基地航空隊戦力の拡充 new!
#* 冬季大演習(※秋季大演習から更新です)
#* 空母戦力の投入による兵站線戦闘哨戒 new!
#* 冬季北方海域作戦 new!
# Shipgirl changes
#* Akagi, Kaga and Souryuu received Firepower and maximum Luck buffs.
#* Hiryuu received Firepower, Evasion and max Luck buffs.
#* Tone Kai Ni and Chikuma Kai Ni received AA and max Luck buffs.
#* Nagato's special attack "Full broadside... Sounds exciting!" has received a synergy bonus with Type 91 Armour-piercing Shells.
# Akashi Arsenal changes
#* Type 3 Hien LBAS fighter can now be improved and upgraded to Type 3 Hien D.
#* Spitfire Mk.I LBAS fighter can now be improved and upgraded to Spitfire Mk.V
# UI Changes
#* Equips currently in use by a Shipgirl will now be visible in Akashi Arsenal's equipment list. They can also be removed from the Shipgirl from Arsenal.