Line 32:
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|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =水中での高速機動性は追求した、次世代の高速伊号潜水艦、伊201型、その一番艦です。色々は課題がありましたが、舞鶴で訓練を進めていたいました。出撃は叶えませんでしたが、そのノウハウの一部は戦後の海自国さん潜水艦へを受付がいけています。
|origin =水中での高速機動性を追求した、次世代の高速伊号潜水艦、伊201型、その一番艦です。色々と課題はありましたが、舞鶴で訓練を進めていたいました。出撃は叶いませんでしたが、そのノウハウの一部は戦後の海自国産潜水艦へと受付がれていきます。
|translation =Aiming to be the fastest underwater, I'm the first ship of the next-generation high-speed 1st class submarines, the I-201 class. Though I had quite a few issues, I pushed ahead with my training at Maizuru. I didn't manage to go on any sorties but part of the know-how that went into me was used in the post-war JMSDF submarines.<ref>Her design inspired JDS Oyashio (SS-511).</ref>
|translation =Aiming to be the fastest underwater, I'm the first ship of the next-generation high-speed 1st class submarines, the I-201 class. Though I had quite a few issues, I pushed ahead with my training at Maizuru. I didn't manage to go on any sorties but part of the know-how that went into me was used in the post-war JMSDF submarines.<ref>Her design inspired JDS Oyashio (SS-511).</ref>
Line 51:
Line 51:
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =なに?据銃制?そんなものより、まずは速度でしょう?やられちゃったら、何もならないもの。色々と改修していけばきっと大丈夫よ。多分。
|origin =なに?居住性?そんなものより、まずは速度でしょう?やられちゃったら、何もならないもの。色々と改修していけばきっと大丈夫よ。多分。
|translation =What? Gun mounts? Instead of those, I should focus on speed right?<ref>The only guns she carried were 25mm single machine guns that had to be dismounted before diving.</ref> You can't do anything if you're dead. I've gotten various upgrades so I should be fine. I think.
|translation =What? Liveability? Instead of those, I should focus on speed right?<ref>The only guns she carried were 25mm single machine guns that had to be dismounted before diving.</ref> You can't do anything if you're dead. I've gotten various upgrades so I should be fine. I think.
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =まあ、工員に積んでるから、蓄電池、整備と確認、あと適時交換は必要。これは大丈夫。これはだめかな…提督、何?大丈夫よ。なんとかやって見せるかな。
|origin =まあ、強引に積んでるから、蓄電池、整備と確認、あと適時交換は必要。これは大丈夫。これはだめかな…提督、何?大丈夫よ。なんとかやって見せるから。
|translation =Well I have machinists on board so they're needed to inspect, maintain and replace my batteries. So I'll be fine. I wonder if it'll be enough... Admiral, what is it? I'll be fine. I'll show you I can manage somehow.
|translation =Well I was put my batteries by force, so they're needed to inspect, maintain and replace. So I'll be fine. I wonder if it'll be enough... Admiral, what is it? I'll be fine. I'll show you I can manage somehow.
Line 66:
Line 66:
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =提督、何?蓄電池の整備をしてだから、ちょっと私汚れてるけど…えぇ?これは私に?あぁ、あの…手を洗ってこないと…えぇ?今?指に?あぁ、ありがとう。嬉しい。
|origin =提督、何?蓄電池の整備をしてたから、ちょっと私汚れてるけど…えぇ?これを私に?あぁ、あの…手を洗ってこないと…えぇ?今?指に?あぁ、ありがとう。嬉しい。
|translation =Admiral, what is it? I've been servicing my batteries so I'm a bit dirty... Huh? Is this for me? Uh-umm... I need to go wash my hands... Wha? Right now? My finger? Ah, thank you. It makes me happy.
|translation =Admiral, what is it? I've been servicing my batteries so I'm a bit dirty... Huh? Is this for me? Uh-umm... I need to go wash my hands... Wha? Right now? My finger? Ah, thank you. It makes me happy.
Line 85:
Line 85:
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin =試した見ましょう。
|origin =試して見ましょう。
|translation =I'll give it a shot.
|translation =I'll give it a shot.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 1|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 1|kai = true
|origin =良さそうですね。試した見ましょう。
|origin =良さそうですね。試して見ましょう。
|translation =Sounds good. I'll give it a shot.
|translation =Sounds good. I'll give it a shot.
Line 129:
Line 129:
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =伊201、抜錨。やってみましょう。ようそろ!
|origin =伊201、抜錨。やってみましょう。ようそろー!
|translation =I-201, weighing anchor. I'll give this a shot. All ahead full!
|translation =I-201, weighing anchor. I'll give this a shot. All ahead full!
Line 139:
Line 139:
|scenario = Attack
|scenario = Attack
|origin =一番から四番、撃って!
|origin =一番から四番、てーっ!
|translation =Tubes one through four, fire!
|translation =Tubes one through four, fire!
Line 154:
Line 154:
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin =結構やれた。潜高型改修改良していけばなんとかなるかな。提督、フウミ、どうかな?
|origin =結構やれた。潜高型改修改良していけばなんとかなるかな。提督、フゥミィ、どうかな?
|translation =I did pretty well. Upgrades and improvements to the Sentaka-class made us quite effective. Admiral, Fuumi, what do you think?
|translation =I did pretty well. Upgrades and improvements to the Sentaka-class made us quite effective. Admiral, Fuumi, what do you think?
Line 174:
Line 174:
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =い、いやだ…沈む?…マインタンク…ブロー!…えぇ?…だめ?…うそ…
|origin =い、いやだ…沈む?…メインタンク…ブロー!…えぇ?…だめ?…うそ…
|translation =O-oh no... I'm sinking? ...Main tank... blow! ...Huh? ...It didn't work? ...No way...
|translation =O-oh no... I'm sinking? ...Main tank... blow! ...Huh? ...It didn't work? ...No way...