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艦攻と艦爆を統合した先進的な急降下爆撃可能な雷撃機「流星」の性能向上型です。<br />
20mm砲x2門と7.7mm機銃x2門、さらに13mm後方旋回銃x1門という世界最強武装を誇る艦上統合攻撃機「流星改」。<br />
''The modified variant of integrated dive-bombing attacker Ryuusei.<br/>It comes not only with its beautiful silhouette, but also a hydraulic-powered weapon bay door, landing gears and main wing folding gears, and world-class weaponry with 2x20mm and 2x7.7mm, plus 1x13mm rear-firing.<br/>It's up to you to bring it to success, Admiral.''
''The modified variant of integrated dive-bombing attacker Ryuusei.<br>It comes not only with its beautiful silhouette, but also a hydraulic-powered weapon bay door, landing gears and main wing folding gears, and world-class weaponry with 2x20mm and 2x7.7mm, plus 1x13mm rear-firing.<br>It's up to you to bring it to success, Admiral.''
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== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
A stillborn advanced variant of the Aichi AM-23 [[Ryuusei (Shooting Star)|Ryuusei]] (B7A2 Shooting Star), with its engine changed to the 2,200hp Mitsubishi MK9. It never progressed beyond the planning stage before the end of war, due to its base model's troubled development. Original B7A2 production models were equipped with a 7.92mm Type 1 rear-firing gun, which was changed to the 13mm machine gun in later production.
A stillborn advanced variant of the Aichi AM-23 [[Ryuusei]] (B7A2 Shooting Star), with its engine changed to the 2,200hp Mitsubishi MK9. It never progressed beyond the planning stage before the end of the war, due to its base model's troubled development. Original B7A2 production models were equipped with a 7.92mm Type 1 rear-firing gun, which was changed to the 13mm machine gun in later production.
An experimental unit of the original production Aichi B7A2 was also equipped with a 2,000hp Nakajima ''Homare ''(Honor) Type 23 engine before the end of the war, but it is likely that the Ryuusei Kai refers to the never-produced MK9-powered B7A3.
An experimental unit of the original production Aichi B7A2 was also equipped with a 2,000hp Nakajima ''Homare ''(Honor) Type 23 engine before the end of the war, but it is likely that the Ryuusei Kai refers to the never-produced MK9-powered B7A3.


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