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| code = K作戦 (Operation K)
| code = K作戦 (Operation K)
| jptext = 飛行艇または水上偵察機を装備した水上機母艦・軽巡・駆逐艦による艦隊を同方面へ進出、航空偵察「K作戦」を実施せよ!
| jptext = 飛行艇または水上偵察機を装備した水上機母艦・軽巡・駆逐艦による艦隊を同方面へ進出、航空偵察「K作戦」を実施せよ!
| entext = Sortie to this region with light cruisers, destroyers, and seaplane tenderd equipped with [[Type 2 Flying Boat|flying boats]] or recon seaplanes, and undertake the air reconnaissance "Operation K"!
| entext = Sortie to this region with light cruisers, destroyers, and seaplane tenderd equipped with {{Equipment/Link|Type 2 Large Flying Boat|PBY-5A Catalina|text=Flying boats}} or recon seaplanes, and undertake the air reconnaissance "Operation K"!
| aircon =  
| aircon =  
| Map = 6-3 Heavy Fleet
| Map = 6-3 Heavyer fleet
| Route = A-C-E-F-H-J
| Route = {{MapRoute|A|blue|C|red|E|red|F|red|H|green|J|red}}
| AS = 0
| AS = 0
| Fleet = AV CL DD 3XX (XX = AV, CL or DD)
| Fleet = 1AV, 1CL, 1DD, 3AV/CL/DD
| Notes =  
| Notes =  
| Map = 6-3 Light Fleet
| Map = 6-3 Light fleet
| Route = A-C-E-G-H-J
| Route = {{MapRoute|A|blue|C|red|E|red|G|green|H|green|J|red}}
| AS = 0
| AS = 0
| Fleet = AV CL 4DD
| Fleet = 1AV, 1CL, 4DD
| Notes =  
| Notes =  
Line 34: Line 34:  
|E -> F, G/resource =  
|E -> F, G/resource =  
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to F
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to F
**Amount of AV+CL 4
**Amount of AV+CL 4
**Amount of AV 2  
**Amount of AV 2  
*Go to G if CL ≤ 1 '''and''' DD 3
*Go to G if CL ≤ 1 '''and''' DD 3
*Otherwise, random routing (More likely to go to F)
*Otherwise, random routing (More likely to go to F)
   Line 43: Line 43:  
|H/resource ->  I/empty =
|H/resource ->  I/empty =
* Fail the LoS check
* Fail the LoS check
** Routing becomes random if the LoS is between '''36 - 38 F33 Cn3'''
** Random routing if the 36 ≤ LoS 38 (Cn3)
|H/resource -> J = * Pass the LoS check of 38 or higher using the '''F33 Cn3''' formula
|H/resource -> J = *Pass the LoS check: > 38 (Cn3)
'''Regarding the map'''
====Regarding the map====
*Requires '''sinking boss flagship 4 times''' to clear.
Requires 4 Boss kills to deplete the HP gauge.
**Once the map is cleared, you can no longer roll the Final Form at the boss node
*Once the map is cleared, you can no longer roll the Final Form at the boss node.
*'''Only seaplane tenders, light cruisers, training cruisers, and destroyers allowed!''' Specifically at least 1 AV, at least 1 DD, and at least 1 CL. Torpedo cruisers (CLT) cannot be used here.
*'''Only AVs, CLs, CTs, and DDs are allowed!'''
'''<br/>Specific node notes'''
**Specifically at least 1AV, 1CL, and 1DD. CLT cannot be used here.
*Node C is a submarine node, but you will not get the normal indication that it is a submarine node. Node B can be a submarine node, but isn't always.
*There is very little reason to head towards B, unless the fleet cannot (or do not) want to face [[Submarine So-Class#Elite|SS So-Class Elite]] at node C. But avoiding So-Class requires an additional fight which is not preferable  
====Node notes====
*[[Light Cruiser Tsu-Class#Elite|CL Tsu-Class Elite]] can show up at node E.
*Node {{MapRoute|C|red}} is a normal submarine node
*Node G can be guaranteed with 4 destroyers in the fleet.
*Node {{MapRoute|B|red}} can be a submarine node, but isn't always.
'''<br/>Regarding air reconnaissance mechanic'''
**The only reason to head towards {{MapRoute|B|red}} is to have a fleet that cannot/don't want to face [[Submarine So-Class#Elite|SS So-Class Elite]] at node {{MapRoute|C|red}}. But doing so requires an additional fight which is not preferable.
*From nodes G and H, recon planes will be flown towards the green X (the recon route is shown on the map as green arrows). Successful reconnaissance will reward additional resources upon '''winning at the boss node'''(B rank or higher).
*A [[Light Cruiser Tsu-Class#Elite|CL Tsu-Class Elite]] can show up at node {{MapRoute|E|red}}.
**Neither G or H have combat.
*Node {{MapRoute|G|green}} can be guaranteed with 4 DDs in the fleet.
**Animation will be shown for the Air Reconnaissance; if both Large Flying Boats and other seaplanes are brought, Large Flying Boat animation takes priority.
**Success rate (and great success rate) of the air reconnaissance depends on the LoS and slot sizes of Seaplane Recon, Seaplane Bombers and Large Flying Boats brought.
====Air reconnaissance mechanic====
On Nodes {{MapRoute|G|green}} and {{MapRoute|H|green}}, recon planes will be flown towards the "green X" (the recon route is shown on the map as green arrows).  
*Successful reconnaissance will reward additional resources upon '''winning at the boss node'''(B rank or higher).
**Neither Nodes {{MapRoute|G|green}} or {{MapRoute|G|green}} have combat.
**Animation will be shown for the Air Reconnaissance; if both {{Equipment/Link|Type 2 Large Flying Boat|PBY-5A Catalina|text=Flying boats}} and other seaplanes are brought, Flying Boat animation takes priority.
**Success rate of the air reconnaissance depends on the LoS and slot sizes of Seaplanes brought.
**'''You forfeit all reconnaissance rewards if you lose at or do not reach the boss node.'''.
**'''You forfeit all reconnaissance rewards if you lose at or do not reach the boss node.'''.
'''<br/>Regarding Boss Fleet'''
*Before the gauge can be depleted ('''Initial Form'''), the boss fleet consists of 1~2 [[Battleship Ta-Class#Flagship|BB Ta-Class Flagships]], 1~2 [[Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class#Flagship|CA Ri-Class Flagships]], 0~1 [[Light Cruiser He-Class#Flagship|CL He-Class Flagship]], the [[Destroyer Princess]] (weaker version), and 2 late model destroyers (either [[Destroyer Ro-Class#Late Model|Ro-Class]], [[Destroyer Ha-Class#Late Model|Ha-Class]], or [[Destroyer Ni-Class#Late Model|Ni-Class]]). The two destroyers appearing will be the same class.
*When the gauge can be depleted ('''Final Form'''), the boss fleet is led by [[Destroyer Princess]] (stronger version), 2 [[Battleship Ta-Class#Flagship|BB Ta-Class Flagships]], 1 [[Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class#Flagship|CA Ri-Class Flagship]], and 2 [[Destroyer Ni-Class#Late Model|DD Ni-Class Late Models]].
**Because you can only deploy AV/CL/CT/DD, it is unlikely for the player's fleet to be able to inflict significant damage during daytime battle. You should expect the battle to last into night time.
<br/>'''Recommend Fleet'''
*'''1 AV, 1 CL, 4 DD (A → C → E → G → H → J, 3 fights total)'''
**Pros: The most cost-effective way to get to boss, and guarantees G branching, which allows two air reconnaissance rewards. CL can be [[Abukuma|Abukuma Kai Ni]] in order to grant yourself another preemptive torpedo salvo if she is equipped with a [[Type A Ko-hyoteki]].
**Cons: Lowest damage output of the setup and may not be able to consistently get a victory at boss.
*'''2 AV, 3 CL, 1 DD (A → C → E → F → H → J, 4 fights total)'''
**Pros: Highest damage output at boss, especially due to the boss fight almost always requiring night battle
**Cons: Needs to fight an extra battle against enemy fleet led by a [[Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class#Elite|CA Ne-Class Elite]] which has the stats close to a battleship.
*'''1 AV, 2 CL, 3 DD (Either of the above routes, 3 or 4 fights total)'''
**Pros: Has better damage over 1 AV 1 CL 4 DD, and if the random compass sends you to G node, can fight at boss with better output and still only fighting 3 battles total.
**Cons: Has to deal with RNG, and being sent to node F this way hurts a bit more.
<br/>'''Suggested Ships (and equipment setups)'''
===Recommend Fleets===
*AV: Despite the fact that [[Akitsushima]] with her [[Type 2 Flying Boat|flying boats]] can succeed at the air reconnaissance better, her battle output is low, and as the boss fleet is rather tanky, using either [[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]] or [[Mizuho]] equipped with 2 Zuiun (or variants) and 1 [[Type A Ko-hyoteki]] is the better choice, especially since the opening torpedo can easily take out a less-armored target before shelling begins. If aviable, [[Nisshin|Nisshin A]] will be the best choice as AV, since her 4 slots allow her to equip Zuiun for Air Superiority and Artillery Spotting, Two main guns for day- and nighttime double-attack and a minisub with a potent opening Torpedo. (Akitsushima cannot equip [[Type A Ko-hyoteki]], lower plane capacity, and no torpedo capability, period.) Note that any setup with seaplane bombers have chances being shot down, especially if Tsu-Class Elite shows up at node E, which may result in no air superiority at boss node.
AVs and CLs able to carry a {{EquipmentLink|Type A Kouhyouteki|Type C Kouhyouteki|Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)|text=Midget Submarine}} are advised in every composition.
*CL: Generally, your 1~3 best CLs here. Unless your other ships can compensate for the lowered night battle damage, it is not recommended to use [[Ooyodo]] here.  [[Abukuma|Abukuma Kai Ni]] is highly recommended for here since she can be armed with a [[Type A Ko-hyoteki]].
*Because you can only deploy AV/CL/CT/DD, it is unlikely that your fleet win during daytime battle. You should expect the battle to last into nighttime.
*DD: Consider the boss fight will require night battle for the most part, and the fact that [[Destroyer Princess]] (harder version) has 115 armor, it is better to bring ships that have better night battle performances. Anti-Air equipment is not required for this map because no enemy fleets here have air capability.
*Using SPBs on your AV's biggest slots can help you achieve AS and Artillery Spotting.
*Consider using special night cut-ins on your DDs to damage the boss during night battle.
|-|Light fleet=
*'''1AV, 1CL, 4DD'''
*Route = {{MapRoute|A|blue|C|red|E|red|G|green|H|green|J|red}}
**The most cost-effective way to get to the boss, and guarantees {{MapRoute|G|green}} branching, which allows two air reconnaissance rewards.
**The setup with the lowest damage output, that may not consistently get a victory at the boss.
|-|Medium fleet=
*'''1AV, 2CL, 3DD
*Route = Random:
**Has better damage over the Light fleet, and on the shortest route, can fight at the boss with better output.
**Has to deal with RNG, and being sent to Node {{MapRoute|F|red}} may hurts a bit more.
|-|Heavyer fleet=
*1AV, 1CL, 1DD, 3AV/CL/DD
*'''2AV, 3CL, 1DD'''
*Route = {{MapRoute|A|blue|C|red|E|red|F|red|H|green|J|red}}
**The highest damage output at the boss, especially due to the boss fight almost always requiring night battle.
**Needs to fight an extra battle against a fleet led by a [[Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class#Elite|CA Ne-Class Elite]] which has battleship-like stats.
===Air Reconnaissance===
===Air Reconnaissance===
From Kancolle Kai, the formula for Air Reconnaissance is
The formula for Air Reconnaissance is
<math>R = \sum_{\text{Seaplane Recon, Bombers}} \text{LoS} \times \sqrt{\sqrt{\text{No.}_\text{planes}}} + \sum_{\text{Large Flying Boats}} \text{LoS} \times \sqrt{\text{No.}_\text{planes}}</math>
<math>R = \sum_{\text{Seaplane Recon, Bombers}} \text{LoS} \times \sqrt{\sqrt{\text{No.}_\text{planes}}} + \sum_{\text{Large Flying Boats}} \text{LoS} \times \sqrt{\text{No.}_\text{planes}}</math>
For node G, the minimum <math>R</math> to achieve success is 12 for G and 16 for H.
*For node {{MapRoute|G|green}}, the minimum <math>R</math> to achieve success is 12 for {{MapRoute|G|green}} and 16 for {{MapRoute|H|green}}.
For Great Success, the requirement is multiplied by <math>(1.6 + rand(0.6))</math>.
*For Great Success, the requirement is multiplied by <math>(1.6 + rand(0.6))</math>.
*This means that the minimum and maximum requirement for Great Success for {{MapRoute|H|green}} is 25.6 and 35.2.
This means that the minimum and maximum requirement for Great Success for H is 25.6 and 35.2.
'''Rewards for Nodes G and H :'''
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Great Success Rewards for Nodes G and H
|+ Great Success
! Item !! Chance to Obtain
! Item !! Chance to Obtain
Line 118: Line 133:  
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Normal Success Rewards for Nodes G and H
|+ Normal Success
! Item !! Chance to Obtain
! Item !! Chance to Obtain
Line 136: Line 151:  
| 30 {{Bauxite}} || 20%
| 30 {{Bauxite}} || 20%
===Nodes And Enemy Encounters===
===Nodes And Enemy Encounters===


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