Seasonal/Mid Summer Season Update

< Seasonal
Revision as of 06:58, 20 July 2015 by Tadoritsuita (talk | contribs) ([Explanation] 海 means both ocean and beach. Puns really are the worst.)



There's a lot of lines that rely on the fact that 海 (umi) means both "ocean/sea" and "beach", so that lines like "let's go to the sea" and "let's go to the beach" are indistinguishable.

This doesn't really work in English, so just keep it in mind when reading translations.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akebono Play 夏本番か! 潮、アンタ少しダイエットした方がいいわ。あたし? あたしは別に…… It's the height of summer! Ushio, have you thought about going on a diet? Me? I'm fine, really... The kusoest.
Ayanami Play 夏は……やっぱり暑いですね……。司令官、敷波が持ってきてくれたスイカ、切りましょうか! Summer... really is hot, isn't it. Commander, why don't we split the watermelon that Shikinami brought?
Fubuki Play 特型駆逐艦集合! 夏の演習を始めます! 二隻一組になって! あ……あ、そうだ! 私と組もう? ね?
Hatsukaze Play いよいよ夏本番ね。なに?泳ぎに行く?いいわよ。あ、不知火とかも誘う?ああ...そう It's finally midsummer, huh. What? Go swimming? Ah, sure! Ah, why don't we invite Shiranui, too? Oh, is that... so.
Kagerou Play ほーらっ、十八駆、海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た? 不知火、あんたもよ Come on, 18th, to the beach! Have you got your swimsuits on under your clothes? Shiranui, you too!
Kisaragi Play ほら、海に行きましょう。ああ、艤装や服や脱いで、ね?如月の水着、どう? Hey, why don't we go to the beach? Ah, no need for clothes and equipment, right? Hey, my swimsuit, does it suit me?"
Kuroshio Play 司令は~ん。一緒に、海行かへん? いんや、遠征とかやなくって、砂浜や Commander, won'cha visit the sea with me? No, not another expedition, the beach! Umi means both "sea" and "beach" in Japanese.
Maikaze Play 夏が来ました~! それ ワン~ツ~! あっ、香取~! また一緒に踊る~? Summer's heeeeere!! One, two! Ah, Katori! Wanna dance some more~?
Murasame Play はいはい~夏です夏!提督、一緒に海にいきましょう、出撃とかじゃなくて! Hai hai~ it's summer, summer! Admiral, do you want to come down to the shore - no, not for a sortie!
Mutsuki Play およ? 提督、一泳ぎに行くのかにゃ? 睦月もお付き合いするの、水着水着―!
Oboro Play 提督? 夏真っ盛りですね! 朧、この季節大好きなんです! カニさんも嬉しそう! ほら!
Samidare Play 夏ですね夏!提督、一緒に海に行きましょう、て、ああ毎日いでますね。
Sazanami Play 夏本番キタコレ!水着だヽノわっしょい! …でぇ!? ご主人様も早く水着に着替えるべし!
Shigure Play やっぱり夏は暑いね…提督、大丈夫かい?…そう、提督は立派だね。見習うよ!
Shikinami Play 夏だよ、司令官。スイカ食べる? あ、綾波にも持って行ってやろう。なんか……いいよね
Shimakaze Play 夏ー! 連装砲ちゃんと泳ぎにいこう。泳ぎ比べも負けませんよ! だって早いもん!
Shiranui Play いや、海にはいつも行っています……夏だからといって、水着で行く必要なぞ……
Shiratsuyu Play や~だ夏だ!水着に着替えて海に行こ?海に。あたし一番乗り~
Suzukaze Play キタキタこの季節最高だぜ!やばあたいは夏が好きだな~いい感じだぜ!
Takanami Play 夏ですね、司令官。氷小豆食べたいかもですね。間宮さん…あ、私出します!
Tokitsukaze Play しれー、夏だよー、海に行こー?出撃じゃなくってさー ほーら、はやくはやくはーやーくー!
Ushio Play あ……やっぱり、潮少し太ったかも……。曙ちゃん、わたし少し痩せるように頑張るね。
Yuudachi Play ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!

Light Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Abukuma この焼けつくような太陽…夏ですね~。お肌が荒れて、ちょっと困ります。…あのー、提督、聞いてます? This blistering heat... it's a sure sign of summer. This really isn't good for my skin. Um, Admiral, are you listening?
Jintsu 提督、浴衣…ですか?あ…はい、持ってはいますが。一緒に、花火に…?あっ……喜んで My yukata, Admiral? Oh, well I do have a set. Would you like to see some fireworks...? Oh, it'd be my pleasure!
Kinu 夏はやっぱりお祭りだよねー、鎮守府夏祭り!早く仕事終わらせて、準備しよ! Festivals are definitely the best during the summer. Let's have a naval base summer festival! Let's hurry up and finish work and get to it!
Kiso 夏か。この季節、悪くはない。お前も海に行くか? なぁ?
Kuma 夏だー!!泳ぎに行くクマー。球磨の河泳ぎのテクニックを見るクマ!シャケも捕るクマ。…あ、冗談だクマよ?
Tama 夏にゃぁ~…ちょっと暑いにゃ…暑くてひっくり返って寝たくなるにゃ……にゃぁぁ…
Tenryuu よっしゃーーー!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だ! ボールを使った特訓をするぜ!ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ!
Yura 提督さん、夏ですね、ねっ。 ……あ、夕立ちゃん。水着かわいい……由良も来年こそ
Yuubari う~、夏は、暑いですね…。提督! 折角ですから、ここは夏っぽい兵装で行きたいかな?

Heavy Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Haguro 夏ですね。…え? 泳がないのか、って? だって、水着とかないし…あ、あの…え、えええっ!? Summer's already upon us. Huh? Am I going to swim? Well, I don't have a swimsuit and... Oh, um... Uh...
Kako ぃやったああ! 夏が来たあああ! よぉし、たっぷり昼寝だああ!! えっ、ダメ? Yahoo! Summer's finally here! Alright, it's time for a nap! What, is that not allowed?
Kumano jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}} It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort? Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.
Maya よーし、夏だ!夏ぅ! 気持ちがいいなぁ! な、提督。服なんざ脱いで、泳ぎに行こうぜ! Alright, summer! Summer!! Damn, it feels good. Yo, Admiral. Just take take off your clothes and come swim with me!
Myoukou 随分と暑くなりましたね。夏、ですものね。あぁ高雄。いつも元気ね。え?水着ですか? It's gotten quite hot in the recent days. Well, I suppose it is summer. Ah, Takao. You're always full of energy. Hm? A swimsuit?
Suzuya 夏じゃん!夏!! 熊野、おニューの水着で泳ぎに行こうよ~! ん? フフッ… 提督も、イく? Summer time! Summer!! Kumano, why don't we take a swim with our new swimsuits? Hm? Fufu... Admiral, would you care to join us?


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou Summer Season到来デース! 比叡? 私のSwimming Wearは? え、Nothing? The summer season's finally here! Hiei? Where's my swimsuit? What? Nothing?
Littorio 提督、夏ですね ご一緒に、海に行きましょ? あっ、そうじゃなくて、泳ぎに…です 新しい 水着も 用意、したのです フフッ… Admiral, it's already summer, isn't it. Shall we take a visit to the beach? Oh, I mean... Would you like to swim? I even bought a new swimsuit.... Fufu.
Roma 姉さん、提督と泳ぎに行くの? …仕方ない、自分も付き合うか 一応…水着も買ってあるし… Nee-san, you're going swimming with the admiral? Ah, whatever. I'll come along, too. I did buy a swimsuit, after all.

Light Carrier

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Ryuujou めっちゃ夏や…じりじりしとる…。ウチの甲板で目玉焼きが焼けそうやでぇ… Ain't no denying it's summer... Ick, this is irritating. I swear you'd be able to make a sunny-side up on my flight deck with this heat.... Which flight deck might you be talking about? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
RO-500 夏が来たって~、泳ぐって~、どぼ~ん!どぼ~ん!しおいが言ってたって! Summer's here! I'm gonna' go swim! Splash! Splash!! Shioi was saying something like that!
Akitsushima ぅわーーい! 夏が来たかも~! 提督!ほらほら!早く水着に着替えて、泳ぎに行きましょ~! 特別に、大艇ちゃんに捕まってもいいよ~! Wow! I think summer might be here! Admiral! Hey, hey! Hurry up and get changed! Let's go swimming! Here, I'll even let you hold onto Taitei-chan!
