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Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
My name is, the Queen Elizabeth class battleship, Warspite. Admiral, I'll be relying on you. |
我が名はQueen Elizabeth Class、Battleship Warspite. Admiral、よろしく頼むわね | |
Library Play |
I'm the 2nd ship of the Queen Elizabeth class battleships, Warspite. Pleased to meet you Admiral. I'm a genuine British born and bred battleship. I was deployed to the Home Fleet, the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. Admiral, be sure to engrave my name into your memory. |
Queen Elizabeth Class Battleship 二番艦、Warspiteです。Admiral,よろしくお願いしますね. 生粋の英国生まれ、英国育ちの戦艦です。本国艦隊、地中海、そして、インド洋にも展開しました。私の名前、Admiral. 是非その胸に刻んでください。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Admiral, what's wrong? |
Admiral, どうしました? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
What's this? Admiral. What on earth do you mean with your hand. Would you kindly explain? |
What's this? Admiral.あなた、この手はいったいどういう意味かしら。説明してくださる? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Battleship Warspite, I'm going. |
Battleship Warspite, I'm going. | |
Secretary (Idle) Play |
Admiral, are you free now? ...Mmm, you look busy... well it can't be helped. I know, I'll go visit the Kongou's room. |
Admiral, are you free now? ...ん、忙しそう,,,仕方ないわ。そうだ、金剛達のRoomにでも行ってみましょうか。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
My admiral? What's wrong? You're feeling under the weather. Hmmmm... that's it! I'll get some genuine tea and muffins. Tea time will definitely make you feel all better. |
My admiral? どうしたの?元気ないわね。う~ん...そうだ! 私が本場の紅茶とマフィンをご用意しましょう。 ティータイムで、きっと元気が出るわ。 | |
Wedding Play |
My admiral? Why are you calling? Eh, what's this ring? For me? ...Alright. I gratefully accept! My admiral! I'll be with you till death do us part! |
My admiral? Why are you calling? え、この、Ringは?この私に?...そう。お受けします! My admiral! この身果てるまで、共に参りましょう! | |
Player's Score Play |
Fleet information? Roger, please wait. |
Fleet information? 了解、待ってて。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Battleship Warspite, sortieing! Fleet, follow me! |
Battleship Warspite、出撃する! 艦隊、Follow me! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
This is good armament. Thank you very much indeed. |
いい兵装ね。Thank you very much indeed. | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Japanese weapon? It's not bad. I like it. |
Japanese weapon? 悪くないわね。私は好きよ。 | |
Equipment 3[1] Play |
That will be great. |
That will be great. | |
Supply Play |
I am much obliged for your kindness. |
I am much obliged for your kindness. | |
Docking (Minor) Play |
I'll be in the docks for a bit. See you later. |
少しだけ、Dockに入るわ。See you later. | |
Docking (Major) Play |
Admiral, I'll fall back to the rear for repairs. Keep in touch. |
Admiral、私、修理のために後方に下がるわね。Keep in touch. | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been completed. It was good, wasn't it? |
New shipが完成したわ。It was good. Wasn't it? | |
Return from Sortie Play |
A fleet has returned |
A fleet has returned | |
Starting Sortie Play |
Sally go! Main fleet, weigh anchor! |
Sally go! 主力艦隊、抜錨する! | |
Starting Battle Play |
Enemy ship is in sight. Open fire! |
Enemy ship is in sight. Open fire! | |
Attack Play |
Fire! |
Fire! | |
Night Battle Play |
You think you can run from me? Amusing. Fleet, increase speed! Continue pursuit! |
この私から逃げるつもり?面白い。艦隊、増速!追撃します! | |
Attack (Night Battle) Play |
Fire! FIRE! FIRE! |
Fire! FIRE! FIRE! | |
MVP Play |
I'm number one? I beg to differ. It was all because of everyone putting up a good fight. Isn't that right, Admiral? |
この私がNumber one? 違うわ。全ては皆さんの健闘が成しえたこと。そうよね? Admiral. | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kyaa~! Now you've done it... |
きゃあっ! やるじゃない...。 | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Oh my god... |
Oh my god... | |
Major Damage Play |
No! ...I'm getting extremely angry. |
No! ...私を怒らせたわね。 | |
Sunk Play |
So I'm sinking? ...Right. So this, is how I'll fall on the battlefield. |
この私が沈むというの?...そう。これが、戦場で倒れるということなのね。 |
Event | Japanese/English |
00:00 |
Admiral, the date has changed. I'll be serving as the flagship of this fleet today. |
Admiral,日付が変わったわ。今日はこの私が、この艦隊のFlag shipを務めるわね。 | |
01:00 |
It's one o'clock. Is this the right feel. |
It's one o'clock. こんな感じでいいかしら。 | |
02:00 |
It's two o'clock now. The night is quiet. I like this time. |
It's two o'clock now. 夜は静かね。好きよ、この時間。 | |
03:00 |
It's three o'clock now. Shall I brew some tea? You'll drink some right? |
It's three o'clock now. 紅茶、淹れ直しましょうか。飲みますよね? | |
04:00 |
It's four o'clock now. The night is ending. Admiral, are you a bit tired? |
It's four o'clock now. 夜が明けますね。Admiral,少し、お疲れですか? | |
05:00 |
Good morning admiral! It's five o'clock now. |
Good morning admiral! It's five o'clock now. | |
06:00 |
It's six o'clock now. Would you like a cup of morning tea? Or would you prefer some strong coffee. |
It's six o'clock now. 朝の一杯は紅茶でいい? それとも、濃いCoffeeにしましょうか。 | |
07:00 |
It's seven o'clock now. Admiral breakfast is ready! |
It's seven o'clock now. Admiral breakfast is ready! | |
08:00 |
It's eight o'clock now. Now, let's start today's fleet operations. First, I'll assemble the battleship forces. |
It's eight o'clock now. さあ、本日の艦隊運用を始めましょう。まずは戦艦部隊を集結させますね。 | |
09:00 |
It's nine o'clock now. Those girls are, Nagato, and Mutsu correct. ...Hello! I'm honoured to meet you. |
It's nine o'clock now. 彼女たちが、ナガト、ムツ、ですね。...Hello! お会いできて光栄です。 | |
10:00 |
It's ten o'clock now. Fuso class? Great. That beautiful and unique upper structure. I can feel the artistry. Eh, I can see it! |
It's ten o'clock now. Fuso class? Great. 美しく、そしてユニークな上部構造物。和のアートを感じます。ええ、解りますとも! | |
11:00 |
It's eleven. Aviation... battleship? Super multi plane Zuiun? ...That's quite complicated. Japan's battleships are quite profound. |
It's eleven. コウクウ...Battleship? Super multi plane ズイウン?...難しいわね、Japanの戦艦は。奥が深いわ。 | |
12:00 |
It is noon. Is that the rumoured Yamato-class... she's certainly amazing. So great. |
It is noon. あれが噂のYamato class...確かに凄いわ。So great. | |
13:00 |
It's one o'clock. Let's have lunch. I made some ham sandwiches. You can have it with some tea! Please! |
It's one o'clock. お昼にしましょう。私、hum sandwichesを作ってきたわ。紅茶と一緒に召し上がれ! Please! | |
14:00 |
It's two o'clo... Oh my! Kongou sisters, you're looking full of spirit. That's great. |
It's two o'clo...あら! KONGO sisters元気そうね。何よりだわ。 | |
15:00 |
It's three o'clock now. Kongou, what's wrong? ...Are you angry? Why? |
It's three o'clock now. KONGO,どうしたの? ...Are you angry? why? | |
16:00 |
It's four o'clock now. Admiral, those girls... how scandalous. Those ships from that country are here too ...Eh? ...They're good girls? Really? Is that so, I'll go greet them then. Hello![2] |
It's four o'clock now. Admiral, あの子たちって...あきれた。あの国の艦(ふね)もいるのね。...え?...いい子たちなの?本当に?...そう、か。私も挨拶してみよう。Hello! | |
17:00 |
It's five o'clock now. The sunset... is beautiful isn't it. How lovely. Ever since I arrived at this fleet, I've always loved this scenery. So lovely. |
It's five o'clock now. 綺麗ね...夕日。素敵だわ。私、この艦隊にきて、この風景が一番気に入ったわ。 So lovely. | |
18:00 |
It's six o'clock now. The sun is setting. Time to bring the fleet home to port. |
It's six o'clock now. 陽が落ちたわね。艦隊を帰投させましょう。 | |
19:00 |
It's seven o'clock now. You're making dinner admiral... Will you be alright? Do you need me to help? |
It's seven o'clock now. Dinnerは、Admiralが作ってくれるって...大丈夫ですか?私、手伝いましょうか? | |
20:00 |
It's eight o'clock now. It's delicious, so delicious! The dinner you made. Japan's fleet, Japan's Admiral is amazing...! Fuuh... |
It's eight o'clock now. 美味しい、美味しいわ! Admiralの作った料理。Japanの艦隊、JapanのAdmiralは凄いのね...! ふぅ... | |
21:00 |
It's nine o'clock now. Ah, if I'm not mistaken those are, Italy's heavy cruisers. Hello! ...Hey, what? Why are they running!? Wa... wait![3] |
It's nine o'clock now. あ、アレは確か、イタリアの重巡達。Hello! ...って、あれ? なんで逃げるの!? ま、待って! | |
22:00 |
It's ten o'clock now. Oh my, Italia-san, Roma-san. Eh? Ah, that's a no go. That is, out of the question. It's my weakness...[4] |
It's ten o'clock now. あら、Italiaさん。Romaさん。え? フレッ...ツ...あ、アレは駄目よ。アレは、駄目だわ。私、苦手...。 | |
23:00 |
It's eleven o'clock now. Admiral thank you for your hard work today. Sweet dreams. |
It's eleven o'clock now. Admiral今日は一日、お疲れ様でした。Sweet dreams. |
Seiyuu: Uchida Shuu
Artist: KonishiCitation needed