Seasonal/Late Autumn 2018
< Seasonal
New CG
Saury Festival
Returning CG
Returning CG |
2017 CG |
Fall Casual
New Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
Ayanami | Play | 司令官、今日は浴衣で鎮守府の縁日に行きましょう。射的…綾波、射的やりたいです。いいですか? | Since I'm wearing a yukata today, let's go to the Naval Base Festival, Commander. The shooting gallery... I want to play the shooting gallery. Is that alright? | Secretary 1 |
Play | 狙います…えぇ、実弾?なにかですか? | I'm opening fire... Eh, live ammo? What about it? | Secretary 2 | |
Play | やーりーまーしーたー!司令官、ほら、取りました!えへぇ、かわいいですね?えぇ、百式?なにかですか?…えぇー。 | Iii diiid ittt! Look, Admiral, I got it! Ehe, isn't it cute? Eh, Type 100? What's that? ...Eeeeh. | Secretary 3 | |
Shikinami | Play | どうかな、これ?おかしいくない?そう?じゃあいいけどさ。うぅ、あんまみんなよ。いいけど… | How's this? It doesn't look weird? Really? That's good then. Ummm, stop staring so much. I don't mind though... | |
Oboro | Play | はい!秋刀魚に美味しい生ビール、最高です!多分。 | Yes! Draft beer and saury is the best! It is. | Secretary 1 |
Play | あぁ、磯風ちゃん…えぇ、曙ちゃんの支援?えぇ、手伝に?そうね。あぁ、あぁー、そっちは… | Ah, Isokaze... Eh, supporting Akebono? Eh, you want to help too? I see. Ah, aaaah, that's... | Secretary 3 | |
Akebono | Play | あぁ、提督、何そのTシャツ?ク、クソ提督、脱げ! | Ah, what's with that T-shirt, Admiral? Y-you shitty Admiral, take it off! | Secretary 3 |
Sazanami | Play | はいよ!秋刀魚の季節な野菜串に秋刀魚かば焼き缶詰風、おまち! | Okay! Seasonal vegetable skewers and canned saury kabayaki, order up! | Secretary 2 |
Play | ご主人様、この漣の格好はどうよ?ふふんー。あんまり見つめると、ぶっ飛ばすだ! | How do I look, Master? Fufun. If you stare too much, you'll be blown away! | Secretary 3 | |
Ushio | Play | 朧ちゃん、ビールの方は大丈夫?そう?了解です。えぇ、曙ちゃんなに?えぇ、もう!? | Are you alright with the beer, Oboro? Really? Roger that. Eh, what is it, Akebono? Eh, already!? | Secretary 3 |
Wakaba | Play | この季節は、用心が必要だ。特に対空監視をこたってはいけない。そうだ、たとえ港にいる時でもだ。 | We can't let our guard down during this season. Especially on anti-air watch. Yes, not even in port. | |
Shigure | Play | 秋は少し物悲しいなる季節だね。えへぇ、ごめん。うーん、僕は大丈夫。ありがとう、提督。 | Autumn is a bit of a sad season. Ehe, sorry. No, I'm fine. Thank you, Admiral. | |
Asashio | Play | し、司令官、トリックオアトリート! | Co-commander, Trick or Treat! | Secretary 1 |
Play | はい!この朝潮、この艤装でいつでも出撃可能です! | Yes! I can still sortie at any time with this outfit! | Secretary 2 | |
Ooshio | Play | 大潮、F作業も全力全開です! | I'll put all of my effort into F-work too! | Secretary 2 |
Play | はい、この艤装なら、釣り上げアゲアゲで参りましょ! | Yes, I can go catch lots of fish with this equipment! | Secretary 3 | |
Michishio | Play | あんたたち、何よその格好は?真面目にやりなさいな。 | Why are all of you dressed like that? You need to shape up. | Secretary 1 |
Play | えぇ、すごい真面目?そ、そう。えぇ、私?私は…し、仕事なんだから! | Eh, I'm being too serious? I-I see. Eh, me? This is... because I'm working! | Secretary 2 | |
Play | ん、もう、早く食べてよ。私が焼いただから、ちゃんと味わってよね。 | Ngh, jeez, hurry up and eat. I grilled it so you better savour it. | Secretary 3 | |
Arashio | Play | うふふふふぅー。みんな面白い一緒ね。荒潮も、そろそろなにかやっちゃおか… | Ufufufufu. Everyone is having fun together. I wonder if I should do something soon... | Secretary 2 |
Urakaze | Play | よーし、今年の秋も体力じゃ。うち、狙い撃ちは得意のよ。提督、このあとは会いとるけ。えへぇ、じゃあうちと…うん、うん、た、食べ比べじゃ。 | Alright, I'm feeling great this autumn too. I'm really good at sharpshooting you know. You're going to have a meeting after this, Admiral. Ehe, then I'll come too... Uhm, uhh, I-I think I'll just have a taste of everything. | |
Hamakaze | Play | そうです、気をつけてください、浦風。基本は早期発見、早期対処です。自己犠牲はだめですよ。って、聞いてますか? | That's right, be careful, Urakaze. It's fundamental that you find and deal with problems ahead of time. Sacrificing yourself is a waste. Hey, are you listening? | |
Kishinami | Play | 秋刀魚、塩焼き…美味しい!魂に直撃するこの味。塩味も丁度いい。提督も食べて、食べて。ねぇ! | The salt-grilled saury is... delicious! This flavour hits you right in the soul. It's perfectly salted. Hey, you have some too, Admiral. Come on! | |
Jervis | Play | あぁ、Lady, どうしたの?あぁ、あれか?あれの古傷?そういえば、あたしも頭が痛く…うん、お互い空からがなにを気をつけましょう。 | What's wrong, Lady? Ah, it's that right? That old wound? Now that you mention it, my head hurts too... Yes, let's watch the skies for each other. | |
Maestrale | Play | Libe、あんた、そんな格好…ちょっとかわいいわね。えぇ、私?私いいのよ。その…長女だから。ねぇ? | What are you wearing, Libe... It's kinda cute. Eh, me? I'm fine. I mean... I'm the eldest sister. Alright? | |
Tashkent | Play | ヘェー、いいね、この雰囲気。この国の秋はいいものさ。食べ物も美味しいね。Вкусно! | Hmmm, this is a nice mood. This country's autumn is great. The food is delicious too. Yummy! | |
Samuel B. Roberts | Play | まあ、秋はちょっとなんって言うの…高体が萌えてからっと言うか…何っていうか……えぇ、お芋食って落ち着け?…あぁ、はい!はむ…ん…はむ…ん…美味しいです。 | Well, autumn is a bit you know... My body just feels so restless... How do I say it... Eh, have a sweet potato and calm down? ...Ah, yes! *nom*...*nom*...*nom*...*nom*... It's delicious. |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2015 Lines | ||||
Libeccio | Play | リベのこれ、どぉ?似合ってるかなぁ…そぉ?やった!エヒヒ | How's this? Does it suit me... Really? Alright! Ehehe~ | |
2016 Lines | ||||
Akatsuki | Play | 秋は少し、夜中にお手洗い行くのが苦手……。こ、この季節だけよ!ぷんすかっ! | During autumn, it's a bit difficult to go to the toilet in the middle of the night... On... only during this season! Harrumph~! | |
2017 Lines | ||||
Asakaze | Play | ヤダ最近寒すぎ〜下手したらかぜしちゃう。司令官、部屋にこたつ出してよう、こたつ。私、運ぶの手伝って上げるから。 | Oh no, it's gotten really cold lately~ I'll catch a cold if I'm not careful. Let's set up the kotatsu in your room, Commander. I'll help you take it out. | |
Matsukaze | Play | 姉貴、何やってんだ?こたつ?へぇ、そんなに履いてたら太っちあうぜ。あ、意外といいなこれ。うぁ、侮れない。 | What're you up to, Aneki? A kotatsu? Heh, you'll get fat if you spend too much time under there. Ah, it's surprisingly nice. Whoa, can't underestimate this. | |
Hatakaze | Play | 少しずつ季節は冬が近づいてきますね。寒い。あ、平気です。すみません、司令。恐れ入ります。温かいです。 | Winter is getting closer and closer. It's cold. Ah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, Commander. I'll be imposing myself on you. It's warm. | |
Oboro | Play | 寒いですね。もうすぐ冬。キスカのあたりはもう雪かも。多分。 | It's cold, huh. It's almost winter. It's already snowing around Kiska. Probably. | |
Akebono | Play | ほうぅ、寒くなってきた。漣、あんたちょっと詰めなさいよう!あたしも起こった入るから! | Brrr, it's gotten cold. Move over, Sazanami! I want to get in too! | |
Sazanami | Play | あぁ、また寒い季節が来てしまえましたが・・・しかし!おこたぬくぬく〜この芭蕉は譲れねい! | Aaah, the cold season has come yet again... But! The kotatsu is super comfy~ I won't give this spot up! | |
Ushio | Play | 少し肌寒くになってきました。提督、おかぜなど惹かないように、気をつけてください。 | It's gotten a bit colder. Please be careful not to catch a cold, Admiral. | |
Shiratsuyu | Play | ウェ、なんか寒くなってきたよね。半袖でちょっときついようね。ハックシュ! | Urgh, it's gotten pretty cold now. Short sleeves are bad now huh. *achoo*! | |
Shigure | Play | 提督、いい雨だね。 | What a pleasant rain, Admiral. | |
Play | ぼくは・・・ん、なんでもない。 | I'm... No, it's nothing. | ||
Play | そうだね、進むしかない。止まない雨はない・・・僕も・・・提督、ありがとう。ん、そうだね。わかった。 | That's right, I need to keep moving forwards. There's always a ray of light... I'm... Thank you, Admiral. Hm, I see. Alright then. | ||
Murasame | Play | ハイハイ!提督、ちょっと寒そうね。村雨が、ちょっといいマフラあんで上げましょうか? | Hey hey! You look a bit cold, Admiral. Shall I get you a nice muffler? | |
Yamakaze | Play | 寒くなってきた。おこた出そう。 | It's gotten a bit colder. Let's get out the kotatsu. | |
Ooshio | Play | 少し寒くなってきましたが、大潮はいつもアゲアゲです!司令官、秋も冬も、大潮と元気いっぱいでまいりましょう!おおぅ!! | Even though it's gotten a bit colder I'm still always in high spirits! Whether it be autumn or winter, come be full of life like me, Commander! Whooo!! | |
Arashio | Play | あら、すこぉし肌寒くになってきたはねぇ。こんな日の夜は、お鍋はいいようねぇ。雪風ちゃんの読んでおうかしら。 | Oh, it's gotten quite chilly~ Hot pots are great on a night like this. I wonder if I should go get Yukikaze-chan. | |
Asagumo | Play | うん、そうっか。今年もこの季節はやってきたのか。夜でもう大丈夫。私は、大丈夫。 | Yeah, I see. So this season has come again this year. I'm fine with the night. I'm just fine. | |
Yamagumo | Play | この季節がまたやってきたんのね。深夜は少しざわざわします。ふぅ〜 | So this season has come again huh. The late night is a bit noisy. Whew~ | |
Kasumi | Play | 少し寒きなってきたはね。かぜとか惹かないでようね。艦隊や、私が困るんだから。もう、ほら、あたたくして。はい。 | It's gotten a bit colder. Don't you go catching a cold. The fleet, and I, will be troubled. Jeez, just go get warmed up. Yes. | |
Arare | Play | 寒くなってきた。もうすぐ、冬、です。うん。 | It's gotten colder. It's almost winter. Yup. | |
Amatsukaze | Play | クシャ!少し寒くなってきたはね。あなた、風邪なんか惹かないでよう、うつるから。あたし?あたしはだいじょう・・・クシャ! | *achoo*! It's gotten a bit colder. Don't spend so much time in the wind or you'll get infected. Me? I'm fi... *achoo*! | |
Isokaze | Play | 来年こそは、サンマもしっかり焼けるよう。鍛錬を積んでおこう。戦闘は誰にもおくれおとるつもりはないが・・・食堂の技術も、大切だ。 | I'll make sure to grill the saury properly next year. I'll go train a lot. I don't intend to lose to anyone in battle but... Cooking skills are important too. | |
Arashi | Play | ヘクッチュゥ!ウァ・・・いきなり寒きなってきた花・・・司令、風移しただろう。ヘクッチュゥ! | *achoo*! Whoa... It's suddenly gotten colder... I've caught a cold, Commander. *achoo*! | |
Yuugumo | Play | フェ、そうね。少し肩の荷が下りたような。この季節は、そんな不思議な気持ちになります。なに提督?そう、やさしのね。 | Whew, yes. I feel like a weight was taken off my shoulders. The season gives me that kind of feeling. What is it, Admiral? Oh, you're very kind. | |
Fujinami | Play | 何、司令、読んだ?藤浪これからちょっとおでかけだけど。 | What is it, Commander? Did you call me? I'm just about to go out in a bit. | |
Play | お出かけの時はおしゃれ、もち!でも少し寒くなってきたから、上着もきたくる・・・かな。 | I'm definitely well dressed when I go out! But since it's getting colder, I guess... I'll need to wear a coat. | ||
Play | あぁ、もう、っとに。藤浪、秋は忙しいから!あ、鳥海さん?はい、藤浪を履いてきます、持ち。きっと、きっとです。 | Aah, jeez, really. I'm really busy during autumn! Ah, Choukai-san? Yes, I'll definitely return. I'm 100% sure I will. |
Destroyer Escorts
New Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
Fukae | Play | この雰囲気いいな。択捉姉さん、あたしも本当はこういうは嫌いじゃないな。いいな、祭りわ。 | This atmosphere is good. To tell the truth, I don't mind these occasions, Etorofu-neesan. This festival is nice. |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2017 Lines | ||||
Etorofu | Play | 寒くなって来ました。おこた、出しておきますね。 | It’s getting colder. I'll get the kotatsu out alright? | |
Matsuwa | Play | 少し寒くなって来ました。択捉ちゃん、あぁ、こたつ出すの?私も手伝います。うわあ・・・おも・・・ | It’s gotten a bit colder. A-are you taking out the kotatsu, Etorofu-chan? I’ll help too. Whoa... It's heavy... |
Light Cruisers
New Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
Gotland | Play | ヘェー、鎮守府秋祭り。いいわね、この雰囲気。ねぇ、おフランスの水上機母艦さん何が美味しいの?これ?ん… | Oooh, it's the Naval Base Autumn Festival. This atmosphere is nice. Hey you, the French seaplane tender, what's good to eat? This? Hmmm... |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2015 Lines | ||||
Yahagi | Play | 少し寒くなって来たわね。鍛錬にはちょうどいいわね。十戦隊集合、演習に出ます。 | It's gotten colder. Perfect for training. 10th Squadron assemble, we're heading out for exercises. | Christmas Eve 2015 Line |
2017 Lines | ||||
Yura | Play | 提督さん、今年の秋もうそろそろ終わりですね。寒くなってきます。風邪を引かないように、夜は暖くしてくださいね。 | Autumn is almost over this year, Admiral-san. It's going to get colder. Please keep yourself warm at night so you don't catch a cold. | |
Agano | Play | ふぅ〜、寒い〜!この季節、阿賀野苦手。こたつとかで待機したい。能代は元気だな・・・お姉ちゃんは待機します。 | Brrr, it's cold~! I'm not good with this season. I just want to stand by in a kotatsu. Noshiro is looking well... I'm just going to stand by. | |
Noshiro | Play | 阿賀野姉、こたつでゴロゴロしてたらだめだから!太っちゃうから!ほら、立って立って、演習でを行ってきたら。 | Don't laze around under the kotatsu, Agano-nee! You'll get fat! Come on, get up and let's go for exercises. | |
Sakawa | Play | 酒勾全然寒くない。舞鶴はもうちょっと寒くかったかな。ぴゃ! | I'm not cold at all. Maizuru was kind of colder than this. Pya! |
Heavy Cruisers
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2015 Lines | ||||
Atago | Play | 少しだけ寒くなってきたはね。提督、ホットミルクつくってあげましょうか?うふ〜。は〜い〜 | It's gotten a bit colder huh. Shall I make you some hot milk, Admiral? Ufu~ He~re~ | |
Mikuma | Play | すっかり寒くなりました。スカートだと少し足がすうすうして。あぁ、最上、マフ?ありがとう。一緒に使う。 | It’s gotten pretty cold out. My legs feel so breezy in this skirt. Ah, a muffler, Mogami? Thank you. Let's share it. | |
Pola | Play | えや、寒くなってきた。こんな時は飲んで体を暖めないと。那智さん、それは? | Whoa, it's gotten colder. Now's the time to drink and warm myself up. What's that, Nachi-san? |
New Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
Kongou | Play | 比叡、鎮守府祭り!提督、一緒に行くです!今年も何やら…変な祭りです? | It's the Naval Base Festival, Hiei! Let's go together, Admiral! Looks like it's... some strange festival this year? | |
Kirishima | Play | 鎮守府祭りですか?そうなると、食べ物の屋台の充実が大切ですね?わかりました。霧島、F作業は調達します。 | Is it a Naval Base Festival? That means it's important that we keep the food stalls supplied right? I understand. I'll now undertake some F-work. | |
Ise | Play | おぉ、日向元気じゃん。屋台とか好きだもんね。 | Oh, you're looking happy, Hyuuga. You must really like the stalls. | |
Hyuuga | Play | ほぉー、このまつり悪くはない。伊勢、たまには楽しいも。 | Oooh, this festival isn't bad. Let's have fun once in a while, Ise. | |
Nelson | Play | 寒くなってきたな。Rodneyもこの既設は苦手とはず…いや、そうでもなったかな。まあ、いい。今日の夕食はなんだ?ほぉー、鍋か?いいな。あれはあたたまる。 | It's getting colder. If I recall correctly, Rodney doesn't like the cold... No, I'm mistaken. Oh well. What's for dinner tonight? I see, a hotpot? That's good. It'll warm me up. |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2016 Lines | ||||
Musashi | Play | 提督よ、寒くなってきたな?もっと近くに来ていいんだぞ。ん?あはは!冗談だ。 | It's gotten colder right, Admiral? It's fine to stick closer to me you know. Hmmm? Ahaha! I'm just joking. | |
2017 Lines | ||||
Yamato | Play | 武蔵?どうしたの?寒いの?機関部の調子でを悪いの?そう、ならいいけれど。何かあったら、お姉さんを相談してね? | Musashi? What's wrong? Are you cold? Is there something wrong with your engine room? I see, that's fine then. Let me know if anything happens alright? | |
Warspite | Play | 寒くなって来ると古傷は痛むわね。Fritz Xあれだけは反則と思うわ。そのこと思うと・・・いた・・・いたたたた・・・大丈夫。 | My old wounds start to ache when it gets cold. I think the Fritz X was just foul play. Whenever I think of it... Ow... owowowow... I'm fine. | |
Gangut | Play | ふん・・・やっとこの騒がしい艦隊を静かになって来たな。それは、なんだ?なに・・・こたつ? | Hmph... So this noisy fleet has finally gotten quiet. What's that? What... a kotatsu? | |
Richelieu | Play | さ、寒くなって来たわね。そ、その四角い装備はなに?コ、コタツ?楽しいそうね!少し試してあげてもいいはよ。 | I-it's gotten cold. Wh-what's that square-shaped equipment? A-a kotatsu? That looks interesting! I'm willing to give it a try. |
Light Carriers
New Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
Shinyou | Play | 秋は…秋が深まると…海が嫌いになります。なぜ?いつものあんなに大好きな、きれいな海なのに… | When autumn... when it deepens... I start to hate the sea. Why is that? It's the same beautiful sea I love so much... | |
Gambier Bay | Play | この秋は新しいtaskを命じられたけど…できるかな… | I was ordered to do a new task this autumn but... I wonder if I can... | Secretary 1 |
Play | はぁ、これ…これ美味しいです! | Wow, this... this is delicious! | Secretary 2 |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2017 Lines | ||||
Ryuuhou | Play | 少し寒きなって来ましたね。かぜを引かないようにしないと。提督も暖かくしてくださいね。 | It’s getting a bit colder. I hope that I don’t catch a cold, Please make sure you stay warm too, Admiral. |
New Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
Intrepid | Play | やだ!Bunker Hill、それどうかな。正しい縁日の楽しみかった…違うのかな。ねぇ、瑞鶴?あぁ、待った怒ってるし! | No way! I don't think that's right, Bunker Hill. I don't think that's the right festival... to look forward to. Right, Zuikaku? Ah, she's angry again! |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2017 Lines | ||||
Kaga | Play | 寒くなった来たわね。え?私が暖かい?何を言うな?何を・・・ | It’s getting colder huh. Eh? I’m warm? What are you talking about? What…. | |
Ark Royal | Play | この季節は気をつけないと、特に潜水艦には要注意だ。まぁ、取り越し苦労なら良いだが・・・ん?右舷に潜望鏡!回避!・・・ん?・・・ん?波の見間違いか?ふぇ〜 | You need to be careful during this season, especially being careful about submarines. Well, being paranoid is fine but... Hmm? Periscope to starboard! Evasive manoeuvres! ...Hmm? ...Hmmm? That was a wave? *Sigh* |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2017 Lines | ||||
I-168 | Play | ちょっと寒くなってきたわ。海の上だと、この格好は少しきついかな。潜っちゃへば平気だけど。 | It's getting a bit colder. Kinda rough being dressed like this while on the surface. I'm fine when I'm sumberged though. | |
I-19 | Play | 大分寒くなって来たの。いく?いくは風邪なんか引かないの!提督は?あれ、熱あるの?え?違う? | It’s gotten pretty cold. Me? I don't catch things like colds! How about you, Admiral? Oh, do you have a fever? Eh? You don't? | A common Japanese saying is that idiots don't catch colds. |
I-58 | Play | さすがに水着一枚、寒くなった来たでち。提督指定の防寒具を要求するでち。 | It really is too cold for just a swimsuit. I'm going to requisition some of the Admiral's cold weather gear. | |
Luigi Torelli | Play | ぶるぶる、ちょっと寒いね。宇和すのこたつどこ?早くはいた見たいよ。どこ? | Brrr, it’s a little cold. Where’s this kotatsu I’ve heard about? I want to get inside it quickly. Where is it? |
Previous Lines
Ship Name | Audio | Japanese | English | Notes |
2017 Lines | ||||
Kashima | Play | 提督さん、寒くなってきましたね。熱いコーヒ入れますね。待ててください。 | It's gotten colder huh, Admiral. I'll make some hot coffee ok? Please wait. | |
Kamoi | Play | 提督、どうしました?寒いですか?了解です。体、暖めましょう。いいお茶が入ったんです! | What is it, Admiral? Are you cold? Understood. I'll warm you up. I'll bring you some good tea! |