Game Updates/2021/September 28th

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2021 September 28th Yamakaze Kai Ni Update

  1. Summer 2021 Event has come to an end
  2. Naval Base Bar and Admiral & Secretary Desk update
    • All 4 new ships introduced in the event have been given appropriate food for mentioned furniture.
  3. Summer Swimsuit CG and Voice lines have ended
    • Said CGs can be viewed in the Library
  4. Yukata Mode and Happi Coat mode fully implemented
  5. Furniture Update
    • The following new furniture has been added:
      • Candy Apple Stand & Die Cutter
      • Black Tea Country Admiral's Table and Secretary Desk
      • Cake Display
      • Yamakaze's Small Hanging Shelf
  6. Seasonal Furniture Update
    • Various Furniture have been updated for the fall season
  7. Limited time Quests have ended
    • Operation Mermaid Shore and Operation Siren Shore have ended along with the Mediterranean Quests from the Event.
    • Large Scale Summer Practice has been changed to Large Scale Fall Practice.
  8. New Quests
    • The following new quests are now available:
      • Fy8 [Exportation of Steel] Increase the Strength of your Land Base!] - 【鋼材輸出】基地航空兵力を増備せよ!
      • D43 [Strengthening escort for the maritime transport routes] - 海上輸送航路の護衛強化
      • F103 [Increase the production of the newly adjusted and modified "Active Sonar"] - 調整改良型「水中探信儀」の増産
      • B172 ["Yamakaze Kai Ni" Weigh Anchor!] - 「山風改二」、抜錨せよ!
      • B173 [Shiratsuyu-Class Destroyer "Yamakaze Kai Ni" will fight hard!] - 白露型駆逐艦「山風改二」、奮戦す!
  9. Ship Buff
  10. New Equipment
    • Type 3 Active Sonar Kai is now available and can be earned from quests.
      • It also provides a bonus for a certain Japanese Destroyer
  11. Akashi Improvement Arsenal
  12. ASW Synergy Buffs
    • Visible bonuses will now finally apply to all destroyers that use ASW equipment with visible bonus further enhancing ASW damage along with synergy attacks.
    • Visible ASW buffs for Escort Carriers and Coastal Defense ships will be updated on a later date.
  13. Shiden Kai 4 buff
    • Shiden Kai 4 will provide bonuses to a certain Japanese carrier
  14. UI Update
    • Fleet HQ Information will now display Land Base Maintenance Levels
  15. Yamakaze Kai Ni
    • Yamakaze now has a 2nd remodel which will require a blueprint and Action Report
    • She also has a Kai Ni D Remodel that requires extensive training that will allow her to take up the role of ASW and anti-installation combat.