Game Updates/2022/May 13th

  • Construction:
    • Kashima has been added the to LSC construction pool using the cruiser recipe.
    • Hayasui has been added the to LSC construction pool using the carrier recipe.
    • The construction rate of Yamato in LSC has been increased.
  • 5 new quests were introduced:
    • F108 [Arsenal mission] New equipment development plan I - 【工廠任務】新装備開発計画I
    • By11 Japan-UK-US joint surface fleet, weigh anchor! - 日英米合同水上艦隊、抜錨せよ!
    • C63 Elite "19th Destroyer Div" exercise! - 精鋭「第十九駆逐隊」演習!
    • By12 The elite "Nineteenth Destroyer", sortie with all their might! - 精鋭「第十九駆逐隊」、全力出撃!
    • B180 "Isonami Kai Ni", weigh anchor! - 「磯波改二」、抜錨せよ!
  • End of Spring CG
  • Furniture:
    • Update of seasonal furniture.
  • New BMG:
    • ♪「北大西洋の風」
    • ♪「沖に立つ波」
  • UI update:
    • Fix for Android version.
    • Equipment preset menu screen now supports mouse wheel operation!
  • Max homeport size increased from 530 to 540.