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Kancolle Dev Twitter Archive

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The following page will be intended to keep track of Dev tweets of all kinds outside of maintenance updates notices, and patch notices when new content is added. This will include tweets from the devs that mention things ranging from how to live your life all the way to things that may be happening in Japan.

The whole purpose of this is to serve as an information library to pull information from the past. All tweets will come from the Kancolle Staff Twitter

Most Recent Dev Tweets

December 1, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [1]
「艦これ」次回の稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、来週【12/7(月)】実施予定です。来週月曜日【AM 11:00】のメンテナンス突入を以て、現在作戦展開中の秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」は全作戦終了となります。 #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [2]
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [3]
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は火曜日!そして、新しい月、いよいよ師走十二月に突入しました!今年も残すところあと一か月となりました。色々とやること満載の師走、元気に乗り切ってまいりましょう! #艦これ

November 30, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [4]
来月【12/7(月)】実施の「艦これ」次回メンテナンスに伴うアップデートでは、戦艦「武蔵」を始め、複数の艦娘にクリスマス期間限定ボイスを実装します。また、期間限定艦娘クリスマスmodeも実装予定…駆逐艦「谷風」など新しいクリスマスmodeの艦娘も!少しだけお楽しみに! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [5]
ヒトマルマルマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は月曜日!新しい一週間がスタートしました。そして本日は十一月最終日です!明日からいよいよ師走、十二月に突入となります。かなり寒くなってきました…体調管理にも十分気をつけて、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ

November 29, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [6]
来月【12/7(月)】実施予定の「艦これ」次回メンテナンスに伴うアップデートでは、潜水艦「伊8」「伊19」、重巡「高雄」「愛宕」、軽巡「阿賀野」「能代」などの複数の艦娘にクリスマス期間限定ボイスを、また「高雄」「愛宕」には補給・放置ボイスも追加実装予定です。お楽しみに! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [7]
「艦これ」次回の稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、来月【12/7(月)】に実施予定です。同日【AM 11:00】のメンテナンス突入を以て、現在作戦展開中の秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」は全作戦終了となります。 #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [8]
ヒトマルサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は日曜日!今月最後の日曜日です。いよいよ師走十二月の足音が近づいてきました。北海道では吹雪となっているエリアもあるようです。本日も暖かい格好で、風邪をひかないように注意しながら、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ

November 28, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [9]
来月【12/10(木)】全国の本屋さんで発売予定のKADOKAWA「コンプティーク」最新号は、「艦これ」巻頭総力特集です。クリスマスな表紙はまさかの「港湾棲姫」&「北方棲姫」でお届けします。付録も充実!少しだけお楽しみに! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [10]
ヒトヒトマルマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は土曜日!十一月も最後の週末に突入し、今月も残すところあと三日間となりました。「赤城」や「雪風」などの声を担当している現役提督の藤田咲さんから、秋イベ全海域突破の報せも届きました。本日も頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ

November 27, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [11]
来月【12/7(月)】実施予定の「艦これ」次回メンテナンスに伴うアップデートでは、重巡洋艦「高雄」「愛宕」、軽巡洋艦「阿賀野」「能代」などの複数の艦娘に、クリスマス期間限定ボイスを実装予定です。少しだけお楽しみに! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [12]
「艦これ」次回の稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、来月【12/7(月)】に実施予定です。同メンテナンス突入を以て、現在作戦展開中の秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」は全作戦終了となります。 #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [13]
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は金曜日!早いもので今月も最後の週末となりました。いよいよ来月は師走に突入です。本日もお好みの金曜カレーを食べて、気合い、入れて、頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ

November 26, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [14]
【「加賀岬」カラオケ実装!】 JOYSOUNDさんのご支援で、来週【12/2(水)】より「加賀岬」が全国のカラオケに実装されます。「加賀岬」実装&配信機種は、JOYSOUND MAX・JOYSOUND f1・CROSSO・JOYSOUND fRです。少しだけお楽しみに! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [15]
現在「艦これ」では秋イベント2015:期間限定海域【突入!海上輸送作戦】を展開中です。同作戦期間は【12/7(月) AM11:00】迄の予定です。新たに「艦これ」に新規着任される提督方は、無理に作戦海域に突入せずに、まずは艦隊戦力の育成を優先して頂けますと幸いです。 #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [16]
ヒトマルマルマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は木曜日!「艦これ」第20サーバ群【柱島泊地サーバ】の増強拡張を完了し、新規着任サーバ開放を再開しています。年末に向けて疲れや睡眠不足が蓄積しがちなこの季節、気合い、入れて、乗り切ってまいりましょう! #艦これ

November 25, 2015

Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [17]
【「加賀岬」カラオケ実装!】 JOYSOUNDさんのご支援で、来週【12/2(水)】より「加賀岬」が全国のカラオケに実装されます。「加賀岬」実装&配信機種は、JOYSOUND MAX・JOYSOUND f1・CROSSO・JOYSOUND fRです。少しだけお楽しみに! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [18]
現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、通常通り稼働しています。プラットフォームサイドで何らかの接続障害が発生した可能性がありますが、現在は通信は復旧しています。ご迷惑をお掛けして申し訳ありません…接続が不安定になった提督の皆さん、再接続をお願いできますと幸いです。 #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [19]
「艦これ」第20サーバ群【柱島泊地サーバ】増強拡張作業を完了、新規着任サーバ開放を再開致しました!「艦これ」新規着任ご希望の方は、「艦これ」に登録後、お使いのブラウザの【キャッシュ(インターネット一時ファイル)を削除して】ご接続ください。どうぞよろしくお願い致します! #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [20]
【「艦これ」新規着任予定の皆さんへ】 「艦娘」の世界にようこそ!新規着任されたら、まずは通常海域で【艦隊戦力の充実】を図って頂けますようお願い致します。「秋イベ」作戦海域への突入も可能ではありますが、無理な突入はせず…まずは十分な戦力育成を優先して頂けますと幸いです。 #艦これ
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [21]
【新規着任サーバ再開放のお知らせ】 「艦これ」第20サーバ群【柱島泊地サーバ】増強拡張作業が完了致しました!本日15:00より新規着任サーバ再開放を実施します。「艦これ」新規着任ご希望の方は、本日【15:00以降】に【ブラウザのキャッシュを削除して】ご接続ください! #艦これ
"Annoucement for the re-opening of Ahshirajima Anchorage." Kancolle's newest server Hashirajima Anchorage server expansion has been completed! At 3:00PM JST we will be reopening the server. New arrivals who hope to enter, please remember empty your cache to 3:00 PM.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [22]
Kancolle's newest server Hashirajima Anchorage, is currently reached it's upper limits in it's capacity. This afternoon, we will be expanding the Hashirajima Anchorage server and reopening for new arrivals. Once the process is complete we will notify you again.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [23]
0930. Good morning to all the admirals out there! Today's Wednesday! We're finally one the remaining week of the month. The morning and Evening are going to be chilly. As to now suffer from the cold, provide yourself with the necessary supplements, take a brake and have some tea or coffee. Also let's continue to work hard during the middle of the week!

Previous Dev Tweets - November 2015

Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 24th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [24]
Admirals from the top ranks have now been annouced, you can view them from the bottom of the game page. We will now be distribution out rewards for the month of October.
  • For details, please refer to the Annoucement from Management Naval Base Official Community.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [25]
Kancolle's newest server Hashirajima Anchorage, is currently reached it's upper limits in it's capacity. Registering onto the server will be limited for the time being. To resolve with this, we will be expanding the server tomorrow 11/25 and will be ready to accept new arrivals.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [26]
Sometime later tonight, we will be announcing the results of the October Monthly Operation. Rewards will be given to the admirals who are among the top ranked after we announce the prizes. For those that are participating for this month, please do your best.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [27]
0930. Good morning to all the admirals out there! Today's Tuesday! Currently, The Autumn event 2015:"Charge Maritime Transport Operation!" is currently in progess. Tempuratures are significantly dropping. So stay warm and let's continue to do our best!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 23rd, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [28]
We are doing a collaboration with the Water line series of thier 1/700 scale model ship. It will include the Young "Serpentine Chimney" Era Nagato which most people may be familiar with from the time. The guide plans will be released soon by Aoshima.
Illustration of the Young Nagato with Serpentine Chimney as drawn by Mar_s
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [29]
Sometime tomorrow evening or later, we will be announcing the results of the October Monthly Operation. Rewards will be given to the admirals who are among the top ranked. November's Operation is still going strong so we expect everyone to push hard.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [30]
1030. Good morning to all the admirals out there!

Today's the Public Holiday of Monday! It's the Labor of ThanksGiving! Currently, The Autumn event 2015:"Charge Maritime Transport Operation!" is currently in progess. Let's continue to do our best!

Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 22nd, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [31]
Good work to you admiral. We are currently connection issues with Rabula, Truk, and Shortland since mid evening. We apologize as we are working to stablize the servers. Connection may be unstable, but if you are fortunate, you can try to reconnect after you empty your cache.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [32]
Kancolle's newest server Hashirajima Anchorage, is currently reached it's upper limits in it's capacity. Registering onto the server will be limited for the time being. We will try to expend the server as soon as possible to reopen it to new players. To the admirals who wish to join, we hope that you will remain paitent as we will the servers up soon.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [33]
1030. Good morning to all the admirals out there!
Today's Sunday! The Autumn event 2015:"Charge Maritime Transport Operation!" is currently in progess. Morning and evening are going to be considerably became cold ... so please don't catch a cold, let's continue working hard to be productive!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 21th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [34]
【お詫び】秋イベント2015:期間限定海域に作戦参加されている提督の皆さん、色々と申し訳ありませんでした。秋イベの作戦期間は数日延長させて頂き、来月【12/7(月) AM11:00】とさせて頂きます。また、同作戦終了時には、ご希望の提督方に「掛け軸」をお贈り致します。
"Apalogy" Admiral who are currently participating in the Autumn 2015 Event. We apalogize for all that went wrong during the time. The event has been extended up until 12/7 at 11:00 AM JST. I addition, we will be giving out a hanging scroll as a gift to all admirals that desire so.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [35]
"Regarding the improvements of training cruisers" Training Cruisers can engage in naval practice as a flagship or as an escort and will provide you with a boost to your experience. In addition, Training Cruisers (Katori and Kashima) after they are modified will now able to equip searchlights as of today.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [36]
1040. Good morning to all the admirals out there!
Today's Saturday! We are diving into the the third weekend of the month. We are currently engaged in the limited time waters Autumn 2015 Event:"Charge! Maritime Transportation Operation". Let's continue to do our best today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 20th PT Imp Group Bug, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [37]
【作戦海域で「PT小鬼群」と交戦中の提督の皆さんへ】 秋イベ:第二作戦海域以降で会敵する高い回避力を持った新しい深海棲艦「PT小鬼群」が本来の仕様と異なる挙動となる不具合が発生していましたが、さきほど同復旧実装が完了致しました。提督の皆さん…大変申し訳ありませんでした。
"We have finished implementing the emergency hot fix." There was an unexpected behavior that was displayed to the PT Imp Groups. We have just finished implementing the hotfix for this. Admirals we aplogize for the difficulties.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [38]
【「PT小鬼群」と交戦中の提督の皆さんへ】 秋イベ:第二作戦海域以降で会敵する「PT小鬼群」は高い回避力を持つ敵ですが、現在本来の仕様と違った挙動の不具合が発生していました。大変申し訳ありません……緊急復旧実装を各サーバ群に順次投入しています。あと約5分で完了予定です。
"We are in the middle implement the hot fix for the PT Imp Groups." We are now implementing a hot fix to fix the PT Imp Groups. We ask that those who participate from the second event map and beyond to not participate will we implement the fix. The PT Imp groups while they high evasions are not behaving as expected. We appreciate your patience as you wait as this will about 5 minutes.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [39]
【現在「緊急復旧実装」準備中です】 秋イベ:第二作戦海域以降で会敵する新深海棲艦【PT小鬼群】が、仕様通りに挙動していない不具合があります。申し訳ありません。これから30分内外を目安に、全サーバ群でゲーム接続を停止しない形での緊急再実装を試みます。大変申し訳ありません。
"We are preparing to implement the emergency hot fix." PT Imp Groups which are encounter from the second map onward on the Autuumn event are not behaving as planned. We are going to attempt an emergency hotfix while the serve is live. We ask to you refrain from partaking in the event maps for the time being.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [40]
【「PT小鬼群」と交戦中の提督の皆さんへ】 現在、秋イベ:第二作戦海域以降で「PT小鬼群」と交戦されている提督の皆さん、申し訳ありません。彼女達は高い回避力を持つ敵ですが、現在本来の仕様と違った挙動が確認されています。大変申し訳ありません……緊急復旧作業を実施致します。
To admirals who are engaging the PT Imp Group we apologize for the inconvenience, we are implementing a hot fix to fix the PT Imp Groups. We ask that those who participate from the second event map and beyond to not participate will we implement the fix. The PT Imp groups while they high evasions are not behaving as expected. We appreciate your patience as you wait.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [41]
【「PT小鬼群」と交戦中の提督の皆さんへ】 現在、第二作戦海域以降で「PT小鬼群」と交戦されている提督の皆さん、大変申し訳ありません……この後一時間以内を目安に本来の実装への緊急復旧作業を行います。同敵と会敵する作戦海域への出撃を一時間だけ見合わせて頂けますと幸いです。
To admirals who are engaging the PT Imp Group we apologize for the inconvenience, we will be implementing a hot fix to fix the PT Imp Groups. We ask that those who participate from the second event map and beyond to not participate will we implement the fix. This should take about 1 hour.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [42]
【作戦海域で「PT小鬼群」と交戦されている提督の皆さんへ】 秋イベに参加され、現在、新しい深海棲艦「PT小鬼群」と交戦されている提督の皆さん、申し訳ありません。本来小鬼群に有効な駆逐艦の攻撃が、現在仕様通りに動作していない不具合が確認されています。大変申し訳ありません!
Admiral who are currently fighting the new Abyssal ship PT Imp Group. We apologize, we have confirmed that attack from destroyers that are fighting against PT Imp Groups are not working as intended. We apologize for this!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [43]
Admirals, we apologize. Attack from destroyers that fight against the new abyssal enemies "PT Imp Groups" are not working the way they are intended throughout all servers. We are currently double checking the implementation. Admirals who are currently participating on event maps, would you please consider not sorting to maps that you will encounter them.
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 20th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [44]
Kancolle's newest server Hashirajima Anchorage, is currently reached it's upper limits in it's capacity. Registering onto the server will be limited for the time being. We will try to expend the server as soon as possible to reopen it to new players.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [45]
現在作戦展開中の秋イベの拡張作戦では、新艦娘「Graf Zeppelin」と邂逅することも可能です。彼女はその充実した固定兵装から、限定的ながら戦力として夜戦に参加可能です。※申し訳ありません…彼女の夜戦攻撃演出が現在間違っています。こちらは砲撃演出に修正予定です。
During the expended operation, it's possible to have a chance to encounter Graf Zeppelin. Because she is filled with fixed armerment, she is capable of participating in limited night battle capability.
  • We apologize as her night battle display is erroneous, it will be fixed to display a shelling effect.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [46]
0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals. Today's Friday! Currently, the Kancolle's Limited Time Event "Charge! Maritime Transport Operation!" It's also much colder, so for today let have some curry, and have a productive day!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 19th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [47]
Thanks you, for cooperate with yesterday's maintaiance and update. Admirals who are experiencing bad connection, please reset your cache and try again. The Operation time frame for the Autumn 2015 Event: "Charge, Maritime Transport Operation" is until the first weekend of Winter.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [48]
During yesterday's update, alongside implementing the Autumn Event, we had also increased the effective of training cruiser when used in exercises. by participating as the fleet's flagship or fleet's escort will increase the experience gained. It's also now possible to participate with additional training cruisers.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [49]
1020. Good Morning to all you Admirals! Today is Thursday! Thank for cooperating with yesterday's maintenance. Currently, the Autumn 2015 Event: "Charge, Maritime Transport Operation" is currently ongoing! Let's going productive day!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 18th, 2015
All other tweets from this day pertain to the November 18th update, please refer to Game Updates/2015/November 18
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [50]
メンテナンス完了時間のお知らせ:現在【20:50】完了予定です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート作業中です。各サーバ群データベース強化作業と一部実装に現時点で遅延が発生しています。完了予定を【20:50】に変更致します…大変申し訳ありません。
Notification on the update completion: it is now planned to end at 20:50 JST. Now, Kancolle's servers are in the middle of the update and maintenance. Each server's reinforcement work will be implemented one at a time. We're greatly sorry for the delaying of the completion time of the servers' update and maintenance work.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [51]
メンテナンス状況:中間報告です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全ゲームサーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート作業を実施中です。現時点の作業完了予定時刻は【19:00】です。同アップデート完了を以て、秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」作戦開始です。お楽しみに!
At the present time, the Kancolle servers are undergoing update and maintenance. At present, the work is expected to end at 19:00 JST. With this update, the 2015 Fall event: “Breakthrough! Maritime transport operation” will start. Let's have fun!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [52]
メンテナンス状況:メンテナンス&アップデート作業、開始致しました。 提督の皆さん、お疲れさまです!「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート作業を開始しました。同作業完了時間は、本日【19:00】の予定です。進捗状況を随時お知らせするよう努めます。
Work on maintenance and update have begun. Admirals, thanks for your hard work! Work on the maintenance and update of the servers has begun. The estimated time of completion is 19:00 JST. As the situation changes, we will try our best to notify any change to the schedule.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [53]
From 11:00 JST onwards, the update and maintenance work on the Kancolle servers will begin. The estimated completion time is 19:00 JST. Admirals, we're sorry for troubling you. Before closing your browser to begin with the server maintenance, please wait until Kancolle has been shut down.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [54]
Today, after 11:00 JST, maintenance and updating will begin on Kancolle's servers. The maintenance is scheduled to end today at 19:00 JST. Before you close your browser for the maintenance, we hope you're content when Kancolle is closed for the update. Admirals, by all means, please cooperate!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [55]
0930. Good morning, Admirals! Today is Wednesday! Today, maintenance and updating works will begin on Kancolle's servers. After the completion of this update, the 2015 Fall event: “Breakthrough! Maritime Transport Operation” is planned to be implemented in game. Today, let's try our best!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 17th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [56]
On Kancolle's Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event , "Breakthrough! Maritime Transport Operation!" main state operations will be themed around using torpedo squadrons. Within the same operation, there will be a total of 4 new kanmusus that will be planned to be implemented.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [57]
Kancolle's next planned maintenance is set tomorrow on 11/18. It will start at 11:00 and should end at around 19:00. We're sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [58]
マルキューフタマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は火曜日!現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、明日作戦開始予定の【秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」】、その開発及び実装準備を鋭意進めています。本日も気合い、入れて、頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1010. Good morning to all you Admirals!
Today's Tuesday! Tomorrow, the KanColle development team will be implementing the 2015 Fall Limited-Time Waters Event "Breakthrough! Maritime Transportation Operation". So for today, we're working hard, so let's do our best for today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 16th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [59]
A platform design failure occurred this afternoon on DMM. The Kancolle servers are all running and was working fine and well. For admirals who are having difficulty logging into Kancolle, please remove your cache and that should hopfully work.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [60]
For the KanColle Fall 2015 Event "Breakthrough! Maritime Transportation operation", while there will be chances for large ships to participate, the main portion of this event is a "transport operation" based on fleets such as torpedo squadrons which will utilize battle-capable ships. It will be important to prepare by training fleets such as destroyer divisions composed of elite destroyers, and training light cruisers that will lead the torpedo squadrons as flagships.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [61]
The higher the level of a given training cruiser, the greater exp buff she will deliver in pvp. "Higher level training cruisers will give you a much larger exp bonus compared to low level training cruisers." Within the following update, training cruisers will be able to provide expeirnece to your fleet in PVP training even if they are not the flagship.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [62]
The day after tomorrow (Nov 18th, Wednesday) we are planning to have a server-wide maintenance and update for KanColle, where, along with the commencement of the Fall event, we will implement various new Kanmusus such as the "Training cruiser". Along with the exp-buff from using the training cruiser as flagship in pvp, simply including the training cruiser in the fleet will also give you an exp-buff.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [63]
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では【秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」】の開発/実装準備を、両舷一杯に増速して邁進しています。全ての作戦準備が整えば、明後日【11/18(水) 19:00】作戦開始予定です。提督の皆さん、今秋もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
Currently, the KanColle development team is burning both ends of the candle in preparation for the 2015 Fall Event "Breakthrough! Maritime Transportation operation". Given that the preparations are done, we are planning to start the event the day after tomorrow (Nov 18th, Wednesday, 7 pm JST). Thank you very much (for your support) for this fall!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [64]
1010. Good morning to you of you Admirals! Today's Monday! A new week has begun! And sorry for something unrelated to Kancolle but... Chief Zaizen - and Kōji Kikkawa who portrayed him - are wonderful! A new week, let's work hard!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 15th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [65]
Kancolle's Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event , "Breakthrough! Maritime Transport Operation!" main state operations will be a "Transport Operation that will be themed around using torpedo squadrons. It will also feature battles that will use larger fleets such as "Battleships" and "Aircraft Carriers", The event is expect to start at 11/18. "New multiple ship girls will appear here, look forward to it!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [66]
ヒトマルヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は日曜日!本日も「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、【秋イベント2015:期間限定海域「突入!海上輸送作戦」】の準備に、両舷強速で邁進しています。今朝も雨模様のエリアが多い模様ですが、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1040. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Sunday! Today over at the Kancolle Naval Base management, we are making smooth sailing at full speed as we make progress with the plans to the Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event , "Breakthrough! Maritime Transport Operation!" There is expected to be some rain through the morning, so let's do our best and stay healthy.
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 14th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [67]
The Kancolle 2015 Event "Breakthrough! Maritime Transport Operation" is currently in moving along in it's plans for implementation which is set on 11/18. In the Transport Operation missions, a highly trained light cruiser flagship will be important as well as forming an elite Torpedo Squadron.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [68]
トマルヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は土曜日!今朝の「艦これ」運営鎮守府上空は、晩秋の雨雲で覆われています。本日は全国的にも雨となるエリアが多そうです。お出掛けの際は、傘をお忘れなく!今週末も元気に駆け抜けてまいりましょう! #艦これ
1040. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Saturday! The naval base forcast today calls for cloudy weather today followed by late autumn rain. Rain is expect to cover most of the Japan area, so bring yourself an umbrella and let's do our best today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 13th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [69]
For the Kancolle 2015 Event "Brakethrough! Maritime Transport Operation", it will be very important to have well trained destroyers. There will also be large scale battles that will require you have Battleships and Aircraft Carriers. The Operation is set to being at 11/18. Depending on the fleet you use, there will be a chance to encounter foreign ships as well. Look forward to it!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [70]
The Kancolle Naval management team is currently preparing the Kancolle Naval Base Calander, which will feature 12 new illustrations. For the month of Ausust, during the summer, Battleships Yamato and Musashi will be featured. Expect it to be released before the end of the year by Ensky!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [71]
ヒマルハチゴーマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は金曜日!今月二回目の週末となりました。本日「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、秋イベより登場する新艦娘の最後のボイス収録を行います。本日も金曜カレーを食べて、滋養を補給して、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
0850. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Friday! We should be finishing up recording for the new kanmusus for the Autumn Event as of today. Today is also Curry Friday, so eat well andc let's do our best today.
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 12th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [72]
The Main Operation portion of the Kancolle Autumn Event 2015 "Charge! Maritime Transportation Operation" will be focused around "Transport Operations" carried out by destroyers, etc. We have prepared places where capital ships - battleships and carriers - will be able to perform their duties. The operation is scheduled to start next Wednesday, 11/18. It will be possible to encounter Akizuki among others. Please look forward to it!
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [73]
ヒトマルヒトマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は木曜日!現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では来週より展開予定の秋イベの開発/実装準備を鋭意進めています。秋も深まってまいりました。風邪などをひかないように注意しながら、本日も頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1010. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Thursday! We are currently working on and implementing the content to be featured for the Kancolle Autumn Limited time Waters Event. The Autumn season continues to get colder, so please be sure to bundle up and let's continue doing our best today.
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 11th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [74]
Kancolle's next scheduled maintaiance is set to take place next week on 11/18 and will start at 11:00 and will be completed on the same day at 19:00. We appreciative your cooperation and thank you for being patient.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [75]
Next week's scheudled maintaiance for the 11/18 Autumn Limited Time Waters Event is not the "Battle of the Ormoc Bay" which was also a transportation mission. However, for this event, training your Destoyers will be very important for this event. Admirals who plan to complete the main stage operations should prepare as many well trained destoyers as they can.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [76]
マルキューゴーマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます。 今日は水曜日。約70年前の今日は、多号作戦において、「島風」「長波」などの多くの駆逐艦が、護衛していた輸送船団と共に全滅に打撃を受け、沈んでいった日です。 #艦これ
0950. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Wednesday! About 70 years ago from this day, during the Battle of Ormoc Bay, several destroyers such as Shimakaze and Naganami received a devastating blowing during thier convoy mission, which were sunk on that day.
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 10th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [77]
We have detected suspicious activity in Ringa Server and other Kancolle Server that is causing a large stressful loading issue due to unauthorized access. We recommend to refrain from purchasing items for the time being. Our team is currently working on a counter measure/ fix for this complication.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [78]
Kancolle's 2015 Autumn Limited time Waters Event is current in the process of being released next week on 11/18. All admirals who plan to partake in difficulty strategy [B] and [A] should prepare multiple fleets.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [79]
マルキューゴーマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は火曜日!今週の「艦これ」運営鎮守府は、来週開始予定の秋イベで実装する新艦娘たちのボイス収録も行っています。本日も気合い、入れて、頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
0950. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Tuesday! This week the Kancolle naval base management team will be working starting on voices recordings for the new Kanmusus that will be introduced in time for the Autumn Limited Time Waters Event. Let's continue to do our best, put your best effort into today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 9th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [80]
Kancolle's 2015 Autumn Limited time Waters Event is current in the process of being released next week on 11/18. All admirals will have access [C] Difficulty settings, while more experienced admirals can choose from [B] and the most skilled can select [A] Difficulty settings.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [81]
今日は月曜日!十一月も早くも二週目に入りました。今朝の「艦これ」運営鎮守府上空は、雨からの曇天となっています。本日は全国的にも雨が降りやすい模様です。外出される時は雨具を忘れずに!本日も頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1000. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Monday! It's the second week of the early part of November. Today's Kancolle Naval Base Weather forcast calls for cloudy weather that may bring rain. So when you go outside today be sure to bring your rain gear. Be sure to have a good day!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 8th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [82]
Kancolle's 2015 Autumn Limited time Waters Event is current in development and preparation. The scale of the operation will be medium sized. Expect to prepare and deploy combat transport vessles for the main stage operations and also prepare for the extended "extra operations". There will be "several new ship girls" introduced in this event.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [83]
ヒトマルサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は日曜日!今月二度目の日曜日となりました。晩秋の一日、本日お休みの方はゆっくり体を休めて、お仕事の方やお出掛けされる方も穏やかな日曜日となるといいですね。本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1030. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Sunday! It's the second Sunday of this month. For those who are resting for today, please take it easy. We also hope you all have a relaxing Sunday even to those who have to work today. Let's continue having a productive day as we work hard!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 7th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [84]
The management of Kancolle's Operation Naval Base 2016 Calander is in production! It'll come with 12 newly produce illustration which will include among them Agano, along with her Agano-class sisters such as Noshiro! Expect it to be release by Ensky!
Agano Sister as featured within Kancolle's 2016 Calander
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [85]
ヒトマルサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は土曜日!秋もすっかり深まり、朝晩はかなり寒くなってきました。外出される時は、暖かい格好で風邪などをひかないようにご留意ください。本日も頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1030. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Saturday,and the autumn weather is in full force as it'll be quite cold this morning and this evening. Please note this when you go outside, dress up in something warm and don't catch cold. Continue the hard work for today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 6th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [86]
Kancolle will be running a maintenance and update on 11/18. Upon restarting the game, the Autumn Limited Time Waters will be implemented and will consist of a main stage operations and extra operations.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [87]
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は金曜日!今月十一月最初の週末となりました。本日もお好みの金曜カレーを食して、滋養を強化しつつ、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
0930. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Friday, and the first weekend of the month! Today's is also a good day to eat the Friday Curry of your choice to provide you with the necessary nourishment, and have a productive day!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 5th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [88]
「艦これ」秋イベント:期間限定海域の作戦展開を、今月開始予定です。同秋イベの主作戦では、南方にある円形の島への戦闘艦艇を用いた「輸送作戦」、またそれによって生起する海戦が展開される予定です。強行輸送作戦とその警戒護衛に適した艦艇の練度向上に努めて頂けますと幸いです。 #艦これ
The "Kancolle" Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event is set to begin this month.The Main stage operations will focus on combat vessels engaging in "Transport Operations" among the circular island in the Southern Seas. It is recommended that you have well train escort vessels ready for this.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [89]
前回実施したアップデートで、【艦隊編成の記録&再展開】機能が追加実装されました。編成画面左下の「編成記録」タブと「編成展開」タブから、艦隊編成の記録と同再展開が可能です。編成記録はデフォルトで三つの記録枠を持っています。ぜひ、日々の艦隊運用にご活用ください。 #艦これ
From the implementations from last update, we included the ability to preform "Fleet recording amd Re-organizing". It can be found in the Organize menu down at the bottom left corner marked on the tab "Record / Organize". You can save up to 3 fleet by default. Please be sure to use this menu feature for your daily naval needs.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [90]
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は木曜日!今朝の運営鎮守府上空は、気持ちのよい秋晴れの空が広がっています。今年もあと二か月を残すばかり。本日も気合い、入れて、頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
0930. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Thursday! Today's weather over in the Naval prefecture forcast for long clear skys for today! There's onlu two month's left to the year. So let's get ready, and do our best for today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 4th, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [91]
艦これ」秋イベント:期間限定海域の作戦展開を、全ての準備が整えば今月【11/18(水)】に開始する予定です。作戦規模は夏イベのように大規模ではありませんが、秋イベの主作戦では南方の島への戦闘艦艇を用いた「輸送作戦」、またそれによって生起する海戦などを展開する予定です。 #艦これ
The "Kancolle" Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event is set to begin on 11/18. The Limited time event will not be as large scale as the Summer Event. The Limited Time Event will feature Warships "transportation operations" and battles long the islands of the Southern Seas
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [92]
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は水曜日!十一月最初の水曜日となりました。仕事の疲れなどもたまりやすくなるこの季節、ここが踏ん張りどころと考えて、今週後半も元気に乗り切ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
0900. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's the first week of the first Wendnsday in November! The season continue to move on as we get more tired through our day of the week. Let's try to keep up the good work for the rest of this week!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 3rd, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [93]
鳳翔さんの新任務【精鋭「艦戦」隊の新編成】を先月実施後、すぐ機種転換をされなかった提督の皆さん、大変お待たせ致しました、同任務を再度実施しなくても後続機種転換任務を受諾できるよう、該当全員分の支援処理を完了致しました!ご心配とお手数をおかけして申し訳ありません。 #艦これ
With the recent implementations to Houshou's "Forming the new elite fleet squadron" from last month. We experience several issues in which admirals have not completed or are missing the quest. We have completed the fix for this quest and now the quests will remain active once you have completed the required quest for it. Thank you very much for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [94]
「艦これ」秋イベント:期間限定海域の作戦展開を、全ての準備が整えば今月【11/18(水)】に開始する予定です。秋イベでは、【連合艦隊】編成の出撃が必要な作戦海域も存在し、【複数の新艦娘】も登場致します。作戦規模は【中規模】となる予定です。 #艦これ
Kancolle's The Autumn Event: Limited time waters area is scheduled to be implemented on the start of 11/18. The operation will include you having to organized "Combined Fleets" for various operation, it'll feature "several new Kanmusus". The Scale of the Event waters will be Medium-Sized in scale.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [95]
先週実施のアップデートで艦隊母港の「艦娘」運用拡張枠が【+10隻】拡大され、最大【270隻】まで運用可能となりました。母港拡張を行うと「装備」保有数枠も【+40装備分】拡張されます。新UI【艦隊編成記録&再展開】機能も実装しました。日々の艦隊運用に、ぜひご活用ください! #艦これ
We've extended the "Kanmusu" Capacitiy to now allow 270+ through hom port extensions. This will also include the equipment port as it has now been expanded "+40" equipment. We have also implemented the UI feature "Fleet recording and re-organizing", Please be sure to use the for your daily fleet needs.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [96]
鳳翔さんの新任務【精鋭「艦戦」隊の新編成】を先月実施後、時間や零戦21型/52型の予備機等の事情ですぐ後続の機種転換をしなかった方が、再度同任務を実施しなくても機種転換任務を受諾できるようフォロー処理を実施致します。本日午前中に該当提督全員の支援処理を完了する予定です。 #艦これ
With the recent implementations to Houshou's "Forming the new elite fleet squadron" from last month. We experience several issues in which admirals have not completed or are missing the quest following completing some of the "Zero Fighter Type 21 / Type 52" quests last month. We will be fixing the issue sometime this morning so that once you completed the model conversion the remaining quests will remain unlocked.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [97]
今日は祝日の火曜日!文化の日です。そして、姉の「扶桑」と共に秋のスリガオ海峡に没した扶桑型戦艦二番艦「山城」、彼女が今からちょうど百年前に進水した日でもあります。本日も頑張って前進してまいりましょう! #艦これ
0830. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Tuesday is a National Holiday of Culture Day! It also marks the day in which the Second Fusou-Class Battleship "Yamashiro" sunk in the Sugario Strait along with her sister ship. This day also marks the day she was launched 100 years ago! Let's continue moving forward and work hard today!
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 2nd, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [98]
After the release of the new quests tied to making elite Type 21s and 52 zero fighters with Houshou. Some Admirals have been experiencing issues with being locked out from the quest chain when the new month had started. We would like to fix this problem so that you will not experience this complication again. Later on this week we will be implementing a fix for those who were locked out of the quest chain. We ask you to be patient.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [99]
【鳳翔さんの新任務について補足します】 鳳翔さんによる新任務【精鋭「艦戦」隊の新編成】は、前提条件が揃い「熟練搭乗員」があれば、毎月実施して熟練艦載機部隊を増やすことも可能です。 ※「熟練搭乗員」は今後も入手可能です。 #艦これ
(In regards to Houshou's New Mission) The recently added mission is a monthly quest in which you can use Houshou to help reform fighter planes with the assistance of "Skilled Pilots" into a more elite fighter team!
  • We will implement a way to obtain more skilled pilots later on.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [100]
今日は少し早い始動ですが、現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、現在【11/18(水)】作戦開始予定の「艦これ」秋イベント:期間限定海域の開発&実装準備に入っています。作戦期間は約二週間を予定しています。 #艦これ
We started posting a little early, but for this month we will be launching the Kancolle Limited Time Waters Event on 11/18. The event is currently being sceduled to last for a total to two weeks.
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [101]
マルゴーマルマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は月曜日!新しい一週間がスタートしました。今月は「艦これ」秋イベント:期間限定海域も作戦展開予定です。朝晩はかなり寒くなってきました。体調を崩さないように留意しつつ、今週も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
0900. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
This month we will be starting work on implementing the Kancolle's Autumn Event for later this month. It's going to cold esepcially during the morning and evening. Please be sure to stay healthy and do your best this week.
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 1st, 2015
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [102]
昨日十月最終日を以て月次作戦「十月作戦」は作戦終了、月次作戦は「十一月作戦」に移行致します。「十月作戦」トップランカー提督の皆さんと同武勲褒賞の発表は、今月中旬以降にお知らせしてまいります。新月次作戦「十一月作戦」も、各艦隊の奮闘を期待致します! #艦これ
October's monthly campaign is over. November's Monthly campaign has started. Admirals who achived the highest rank during the month of October will be reward for thier valor sometime during the middle of the month. We hope you work hard as you compete in the "November Campaign"
Twitter @KanColle_STAFF [103]
ヒトマルサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は日曜日!新しい月、十一月がスタートしました。少し寒くなってきます。風邪などをひかないように気をつけつつ、今月も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう! #艦これ
1030. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today is the beginning of the month of November! It's also beginning to get cold, so be careful and don't catch cold. Let's keep up the gfood work for this month!

Previous Dev Tweets October 2015