User:Grunilg/Hishimochi Post Event Survey

Hishimochi Post Event Survey

This is the Page containing the Analysis of the Hishimochi-Mini-Event Post-Event Survey held by User:Grunilg, which can be found here. It's main goals were to answer the following questions:

  • Map Difficulty Choice/Completion Status
  • Quest Completion Status
  • Main Method used to clear P3 Boss
  • Average Clear Costs pre/post-FF
  • Impact on individual Map and Quest Ratings on overall Rating of the Event

alongside some other metrics, which will also be outlined in this article.

First the source of the survey participants will be evaluated and in a second step the official map clear rates will be compared to the ones provided by the survey to determine how representative this survey is. The final difficulty choice will also be evaluated in that section.

The second section will be evaluating the quest progression, as there are no official statistics provided by the developers.

The third section will be evaluating the main methods employed to clear the P3 Boss.

The fourth section will be determining the average Event-Clear costs and will be comparing them across the respective difficulties. There will also be a comparison of the pre-Friend Fleet and post-Friend Fleet costs for Hard Mode.

The fifth and final section of the main part will be used to evaluate connections between the three ratings given in the survey: Map, Quests and Overall.

As may be noted, not every question asked in the survey has been answered in this article. If you have a specific question, please direct them towards me on Discord (Grunilg#2096) or Reddit (DoktorKaputt). The Dataset used can be found in this table

Survey Representation

As of 11:41CEST 20/04/04 a total of 353 have been filled out and will be used for evaluation. The majority (75%) of participants accessed it via the initial reddit thread, followed by announcements on various discord servers. Unfortunately it was not possible to persuade a certain big KC Facebook page to share the survey, so it seems to have been shared on rather localized groups. It should also be noted that the survey has been shared on the Kancolle Channel on and has been mentioned a couple of times under "others". In conclusion, this survey is mostly answered by the english speaking Kancolle reddit community.

9,6% of those who filled out the survey did not participate in the Event. All evaluation concerning the Quests or the Map will be done with a Dataset that excludes their answers. The progression across the 4 Parts of the Map for those who participated in the Event can be seen in the following figure "Map Progression" alongside the perceived difficulty of that part. The completion and difficulty choice will also be compared to the official statistic. For Difficulty choice, the total percentage will be calculated without "Did not finish", as opposed to the figure "Difficulty Selection". The results can be seen in the tables following the two figures

P1 P2 Unlock P3
KC Twitter 90% 85% 77% 73%
EN Survey 99% 98% 97% 93%
Casual Easy Medium Hard
KC Twitter ~10% ~18% 35% 40%
EN Survey 1% 9% 43% 46%

The completion rates are significantly higher than the official ones and on average higher difficulty settings have been selected. This is in tune with the last survey and expected result, as a higher engagement in the game is to be expected from players willing to fill out the survey (and deal with foreign IP Blockage, but more on that in Section 6: Misc).

Quest Progression

Without a doubt, the Quests were target of a fair bit of discussion this Event. This section will be evaluating the figure "Quest Progression", which lists the quest completion as well as the reasons as to why the quest could not be completed. The Quest codes refer to the last two symbols of the Quests listed here. Quest B5 has been ommited from the survey due to its late introduction to the Event.

Quests C1, B1, B2, as well as D1 and G1 are all well completed with rates >90%. Quests B3 and B4 have worse completion rates as they either did not unlock (Quest B26 Requirement)or the players were incapable of completing the quests. This may be due to the fact of difficulties using a sub-par CTF in the context of this boss in case of B3 and untrained Yuugumo class DDs in case of B4. Quests G2-G7 all display an upwards trend of the quests not unlocking or players running out of the resources (Ships, Devmats) required to fullfill them. G3 deserves special examination here as it is the singular quest which has the highest ammount of people both in the "unwilling" and "Rsc/Mod" category. The reason as to why is appereant: paying 4 highly valuable destroyer escorts for 4 Hishimochi either didn't seem to be a worthy trade or one that could not be done at all due to shortage of DEs.

As it already has been established in the previous section, the general engagement of the survey participants is significantly higher than the one indicated by the official statistics. This should lead to the conclusion that the final quests would not have been completed by nearly as many people on a global scale as opposed to this survey, especially considering that there are no metrics of "did not participate in the event despite being active player" given out by the developers.

P3 Boss Clear

Airstates and Fleets used

No significant correlation between difficulty choice and aimed air state has been found (see figure "Airstates by Difficulty"). There was also no significant correlation between chosen Fleet Type and Airstate (see figure "Airstates and Fleets in Hard"). There is however, a significant trend towards STF utilisation with increasing difficulty (see figure "Fleets by Difficulty", with "others" being variants of CTF/STF survey participants were incapable of identifying belonging to another listed category). Of course STF usage on this Map implies Ammo penalty at the boss, therefore deployment of an fleet oiler would be required. The expenditure of Underway Replenishments will be further examined in the next section.

Choice of Anti-Air

There is a definitive Trend of Atlanta utilisation for higher difficulties. It is also noteworthy that both Fletcher-class and Akizuki-class are cut off relativly harsh on the transition from Medium to Hard. This could be explained by the increased utilisation of Yuugumo-class instead of utility type destroyers within the confines of Hard, as can be seen in the later figure "LD Finishers".

LD Finishers

As already outlined previously, there is a significant increase in Yuugumo-Class utilisation for the LD finishers on Hard over Medium, taking over Fletcher- and Akizuki-Class. Torpedo Cruisers are still a major source of kills on Medium and Hard. Choukai seemed to be the preferred choice of historical CA over Chikuma in this operation, most likely due to her higher Yasen statline. It should also be mentioned that about 9% of all Hard Clears were obtained a result of Friend Fleet scoring the kill and about 7% Daytime through either a Big 7 Battleship (special) Attack or Akagi.

Friend Fleets

Friend Fleets have been utilized by the majority of players and were agreed upon being "just right" by them. There is however a significant increase of the opinion of them being "too strong" for Hard mode players in comparison to Medium clearers. Almost no one decided not to use FF despite them being available.

Average Clear Costs

Clear Costs by Difficulty

As expected, the average cost in Fuel/Ammo/Steel/Baux to clear increases with difficulty. Easy seems to be an outlier in Bucket consumption, this might be related to an unlucky induvidual and generally low sample size there. The most significant difference between Medium and Hard is the increased use of Underway replenishments with an average of 7.5 per clear for Hard Mode. This is explained by increased STF usage on hard as outlined in the previous section. Considering the most used fleet for Hard Mode was a STF w/ AUX (1 UnRep to fix Ammo pen), followed by Fast CTF w/ AUX (No UnRep required), it is possible to (albeit in a handwavy way) conclude that the average Hard clear probably took about 8 or more visits to the boss in LD form to complete. The deployment and usage of Emergency Repairs/Goddess seems to be rather limited this Event, but is higher on Medium than on Hard. This may be due to the higher utilisation of CTF on Medium, which does not hold up as well as STF on the Preboss nodes. There is no figure of Casual Consumption due to too low of a sample size to justify a histogram.




Clear Costs Post/Pre FF for Hard

For Examination of the Costs of a pre/post-FF clear Hard difficulty has been chosen as it has the most samples for a pre-FF clear. As the two Figures below show, the difference between both is rather neglegible.



This may be explained by the following factors, be it a single one or combination of multiples, depending on what fits your narrative the best:

  • Post-FF costs are inflated by people trying to get their first A-Class Medal on what they perceive to be an easy Event
  • Post-FF costs are inflated by players trying to clear pre-FF, but having to step down
  • Pre-FF costs are kept down because the players who attempt that are well equipped for the challenge
  • Pre-FF submitters were all collectively lying about the costs to low-key flex on this survey

Event final Rating

The following figure shows the respective ratings given to the map, the quests and the overall rating of the Event.

The map itself was rated a bit above average with 7 being the most common score. The average rating is marked by vertical blue line and is denoted to be 5.7. Players were hard pressed to give it a rating above 8 though.

The quests were universally received as the worse part of the Event. This is especially seen as the most common score given was 1 and scores beyond the halfway mark 5 being selected rarer. The average score marked by the vertical orange line is 3.9

The overall Event Rating is grouped rather evenly between 3 and 7, with 5 being the most common score. 1 has been chosen by a non-insignificant ammount of participants as well. There is a sharp dropoff after a rating of 7 and most players were hard pressed to give this event a rating of 9-10. The average is marked by the black vertical line and is 4.7, concluding this Event to be below average (5.5 would be the average score on a scale from 1-10). The red vertical line is the average of Map&Quest Rating and is 4.8 and therefore slightly higher than the overall rating. This may be explained to participants giving a bit more weight to the map and its rewards, rather than the Quests.


Core Event Participation Motivator

Foreign IP Access

P2 Route


No big surprises here. The most common route chosen was ADGJ, avoiding the Ne-Class Kai at Node E. Medium seemed to be the most adventurous when it came to visiting that node.

Map Size and Gimmick Density

The map was mostly received as of appropriate size and gimmick ammount. However, more than a third to almost half thought it was too large and too packed with gimmicks.

Supply Depot Damage


Improve your Anti-installation Gear. These are mostly rookie numbers.

Most liked/disliked Part

In the following the whole answers of "what did you like about this Event?" and "What did you hat about this Event?" will be dumped. As a general outline, the most common word found in the latter category (ignoring fillwords) was "quest(s)" with 145 appearances, with the next one being "node" with 37. In general, the quests seem to be by far the most hated part of the Event, be it their time gating or resource requirements. Pre-Boss gauntlets, specific Nodes, IP Blocks and bad Okinami K2 timings have also been mentioned a couple of times. What people liked was mostly a mix of "nothing", "not much", comments about the short duration, getting an FCM, and the rewards. Okinami also has been mentioned a couple of times.

What did you like the most about this Event?

Okinami Kai Ni

new D gun

It was better than not having an event at all.

Watching everyone else struggle

easy FCM


Rewards were not appealing enough so it could be skipped

Rewards distrbution between difficulties.

The challenge of the event

New DD gun



Got Sammy

Okinami got K2 which is nice

I needed those flight deck catapults



The map was fine.

Total map

It was a nice change of pace to have a small event without shiplocks. Recent events felt like slog of large events after large events.

I finally found Gambier Bay!



possible new equipments

Lack of shiplocks

that they made an actual event out of mochi farming

New equipment

Decent length for mini event, 3rd part was challenging enough in Hard with some decent rewards

free DEs for hp mod (only succeed once tho..), oh, and a Richelieu dupe

The Daihatsu Landing Craft rewards weekly

Size of the map was appropriate to the length of event. Rare equipment rewards from quests.

1 map

Hisimochi abbysal cg



Jet mats, D kai 3 gun Event quests

covid 19 discord memes

Having Gamby drop when she failed to drop in the previous Hawaii Event


Flight Deck Catapult



new DD gun

That there WAS an event, wasn`t sure if we get a winter event this year at all.

1st boss was easy to farm

That D Kai 3 gun. That's all

No daily requirement. No lock requirement.

Single map



Eh, it was average. Nothing really stands out.

Literally nothing

That the reward made my Yuugumo Kai Ni ships stronger.

Friend fleet


Quests rewards


As with any event, I'm able to use ships that I usually don't use during post-event routines.

The reward for the event is alright

There is content

Free FCM

Prototype Flight Deck Catapult

Prototype Flight Deck Catapult

Prototype Flight Deck Catapult


Not too difficult, but not too easy either. Also did not appear to require ultra-improved gear to complete.

event being only 1 map

Yuugumos for KanDex. Quests for event map.

Still better than rice fields event or no event at all

The rewards

New music and CGs is always a good thing. I mean who didn't like to see a gamer CVH Kai with 2 PS4 in her hands ?

Map Rewards

Challenging boss

The possibility of getting Ooyodo and Okinami. Nothing else.

No ship locks.

New protopults!

The ability to use a powerful fleet, as rather recent player (2 years now), it was the first time i was able to sortie 2 CV, 2 BB and 3 CA(V). That feel good.

OST was nice and the first part of the Event wasn't tedious at all even on Hard.

I got some yuugumod

A chance to drop ships that I didn't had

No shiplock

The stuff I got from participating.

Effectively no shiplock

Phase 1 and 2 were quite chill, as were the sortie quests.

wasn't too hard, didnt have to spend much time on all steps


Nothing in particular

No shiplocks



First Hard Medal

Simple map, not overly complicated and is pretty easy to farm with the right equipment setup (though only applicable for P1 boss)

Easy to get FCM medal

Finally getting Okinami after 30 s-ranks on node J, and of course the rewards.

Get lucky in LD

Mini size of Event.

easier method to get the FCM

Being able to use CVs

It's based in my country XD

A limited time item. It gave decent things when used.

Sinking cv hime on first LD attemp was enjoyable..

idk fun single map, no pressure apart from getting mod-fod for quests


I liked that it was different from other recent events, with a smaller map and side quests.

Was fun and challenging at first

Reward medal(s) and vanguard formation

My favorite thing is always the final boss music!

flight catapult

Nothing was too bullshit

P1-P3 was smooth and easy

have something to do

Free autist medal

No shiplocks.

gave me something to do and access to vanguard formation for unfinished quests

I got 2 protopults.

farm DEs and new BGMs

The lack of stress

Normal difficulty was pretty easy

The amount of items you could obtain


I-node DE drops and 20WiB1


Nothing. Worst event in 3+years by far. Trash rewards=no satisfaction even if the map wasn’t as bullshit as some other events

The map

Only 1 map


When it was over.

Most of the new quests did not require difficult sorties.

Being able to obtain more jet pieces

Okinami Kai Ni! 12.7 D model kai 3. My luck modded Okinami Kai got a huge upgrade!

I node was DEHIO lite. 234 S ranks baby.




No locks

Challenging final boss

the free time I gained from not playing

Not much.

Easiest hard clear, short and simple map



The fact that we got another event

it was short

Small size

Okinami K2

Friendly Fleets

Event size given short time from end of last event. Your normal 3-map Small event would have worked as well, but given current situation, I think the extra small size worked out even better.

FF nuking the boss

A short event that could be done quickly if you weren't a tryhard

Hayate, Jet mats, Ne Engine GET

Unusual format

plenty of time to complete and farm

The drop rates were nice, did not expect Samuel B Roberts to finally grace my port as I complete last phase.

given lots of time

There wasn't really any strong point.



Quest rewards and event rewards were all right.

the quests

The clearing rewards are fine


Quest Rewards

One map fcm? Overall event was below average partly due to the quests and the difficulty to reward balance not being really there. Apart from the new okinami gun. A 5* hayate isn't that fancy as its hard only and some people can easily reach the similar benefits it provides via a hayabusa model 3a 5*. A new plane is what I think we need this year, be it Japanese or foreign. IJN and ija still had a lot of plane designs with them.

No ship lock, so I can use my favorite ships freely.

No ships lock, so I can use anyone I like or switch to anothers without hesitation

hard clear it has been a while, 2 RE!

the rare materials needed for K2s were available

The "hidden" compulsory RTA element in order to get all possible quest rewards (a challenge).

My first FCM maybe?

okinami k2

It was mercifully short all things considered


it was short

Boss nodes (T and J) are relatively easy to farm compared to previous events

D gun reward; spoon; gumos for players that are missing a bunch

no shiplocks

No shiplocks

Maybe the supply depot hime?

The fact I got some goodies, dupe GamBays, and Ooyodo.


The rewards

Event-related quests are a welcome addition I've wanted for some time, and the Phase 3 difficulty was balanced towards the boss node, rather than annoying preboss nodes like E-6 last event.

Relative ease for DE farming.

First Class medal

First few phases were easy

Single map only


Free shit

CTF with less cancer route.

The overall uniqueness of the challenge the event have to offer along with the quests.

The map

Yuugumo dd gun reward

Adding quests

The challenge of HArd mode

Got Hirato (the only girl missing in my KanDex) and got dupe SammyB and Gamby


Considering it was a single map, it was entertaining enough with regards to content and difficulty.

New equipment and map it self

Nothing honestly

Easyish FCM

CV Hime



Easy air defense

A few good ship drops that were available

reinforcement expansion (i only got one T_T)

map was short and easy

Opportunity to get rare equipment

Just the fact there was an event. Gives me a goal in the game every few months.

Just the fact there was an event. Gives me a goal in the game every few months.

Gotland dropped for me

Deploying Kasumi and her loyal companions for Phase 2

An opportunity to get rare materials for upgrading sipgirls (like prototyple flightdeck catapult).

the year of the jets baby!

The quest and its rewards


I got Hirato, whom I missed last event

12.7cm dk3 is broken

Type4 hayabusa

Short map

2 Gotland, Richelieu and samuel Robert


Maybe the 12,7cm gun model D kai 3

more catapults and new main cannon for dd

Maruyu/DE drop

I don't like any part of this event

Free FCM for everyone,so I can keep myself unstoppable with 19 FCM


Jet stuff

There wasn't a second set of unlocks and debuffs to do for last dance.

There wasn't a second set of unlocks and debuffs to do for last dance.

Possiblity to get two decks and a new gun as a reward.

Type4 hayabusa

You guys like Kancolle events?

The combination of size, duration, difficulty and NO SHIPLOCKS

That I... uh... hmm... dunno?

Phase 3 LD was the only hard bit, and it was actually pretty hard. All the fun/achievement of hard LD clears without the insane resource drain of a full event.

I needed the medals and the expansion

The RE from medium clear

Good friend fleet....I guess?

the map was pretty doable, it needed some time but it did not feel like my sanity has died quite as much as usual

Single map; mostly pretty simple and easy to clear


Chill event and reducing my bauxite stockpile.

At least we got a mini-event over nothing

The TCF node actually was reasonable

The rewards

D gun

Using ships don't normally use, and letting them shine.


I love jets.

Thicc flight decks

1st and 2nd stage were ok

I didn't have Takanami and I got her. That's the only good thing.

It's size

Shark daughteru got the LD boss kill!

Jet materials

The general challenge of clearing another event on Hard


Mini event instead of a Large Scale event

Got a bunch of screws

No ship locking on any difficulty

I got two blueprint from this event

Boss mochi CG's

Quests give different perspective/Objectives

Not much



I like everything in general, maybe the music otstands a bit, those two new songs were so nice and catchy

okinami k2 and new gun

The music

New map

it being a mini event


equipment rewards

Nice to kill boredom

The change of pace and the fact that it wasn't over the top after the last big event, letting us stockpile for a bit.

New equipment is nice, hard medal reasonable to obtain

It was kinda short

nuke on supply depot hime

Only one map

The 12.7cm type D gun

What did you hate the most about this Event?

How Devs handled Okinami K2s introduction

No new ships

Single fleet imps against combined fleet. Obligatory submarine node. Quest pacing, gating and requirements

no new shipgirl

the quests, oh god the fucking quests

Sinking of my Akashi and forcing many players to leave.

Time gating of quests


Modernisation quests using resources and specific ship types as mats.

Preboss of P3


last dance on hard

Cucked by Hard

Weekly quests and resource donations

The amount of modernisation quests



Questdesign, resources/time spend on completing those quests.


Didn't like how half of the quests were weeklies; it felt bit excessive in this event.

Aimbot on Nu Kai.

This event was a pile of garbage that I didn't even want to entertain the thought of playing it. This event felt like an afterthought. Like Tanaka wanted to take a shit on people, but he couldnt even make solid shit so he dumps diarrhea onto his fanbase, looking on as someone licks the liquid shit. He only proves this right by fucking not even releasing a new ship, not even a DE or a DD. And yet sadly devoted fans will still praise Tanaka and wait for the new event even if they know Tanaka would give them liquid shit. Seriously, how did Tanaka even fuck up this hard? This was low effort even for him. At this point we can't even have any hype like "What's gonna be the next new ship" to "will Tanaka give us the bare minimum effort instead of being a lazy fat fuck who couldn't even ask Shibafu or somebody to make chicken drawings?" So yeah. Good Job Tanaka. You basically fucked up harder than the basic working man. I have more respect for people at 7/11 because at least they dont try to fuck me over with such a shitty ass event. Also speaking of 7/11, if you ever go a Japanese 7/11, get the fried chicken on a stick. And also get meatbuns. And Tuna Mayo riceball. Mmm. Meatbuns. At least those taste good. Also now I'm hungry and I'm craving for Mcdonalds. I think I'll get a big mac. And fries. Cant forget the fries. And hookers. And Blackjack. In fact, forget the blackjack and mcdonalds. I'll just have hookers and blow. At least fucking hookers gives you fuck instead of shit, like Tanaka. Yeah. Also, here's heartwarming picture of Souryuu eating sushi. I'd go for sushi but the sushi place i want to go to is closed. And that makes me sad. I don't know how to end this thing. I guess I'll just just say Fuck Tanaka. So there. Fuck the fat man and his fat lazy ass. Fuck a donkey. Fuck all the donkeys. Fuck every single donkey dick fuck until the donkey neighgasms. Is neighgasming even a thing? It should be. There. I made a new word. I put more effort making a new word compared to the lazy fuck Tanaka. SUCK IT TANAKA.

Imp wall

Crude, rush and buggy feel of the map, and being introduced without warning.

the damn SS loli hime + imp routing combination

PT Imps

poor execution of quests especially wrt quest gating and the need for a fresh Okinami

Drop rate

Ne kai's tankiness

this event is a trap

Implementation was poor; the quests felt tedious and like an afterthought

u/Juuryoushin summed it on his Reddit post quite well. I couldn’t write it better. I just want to add I disliked Okinami being forced to my face like if she was a 3rd Jesus or something. I’m seriously considering scrapping her because I don’t need her.

modernization quest


First Okinami drop rate too low

quests that require large ship slot

RNG-based Hard mode; need to farm 10 CV

stupid quest, clumsy implementation

No drop formation on J node post clear (not "no drop" chance on DJ formation,thats something ok)


The stupid lock quests

Cv hime



rng Phase 3

quests, farming ships for modernization

The route to the last boss...

Everything was so tedious and cumbersome and obnoxious

The. Fucking. Quest.

Strict weekly deadlines to achieve everything. High resource consumption.


Beefy LD meatshields

I suppose I could've gone for a new ship or two.

The quests requiring a very specific ship aswell as an abundance of free slots

Event related quests.

sub hime, imps, and fcking Q node, unobtainable AS at T node

Too many gimmick

The rest of the event


node L

The event related quests. KILL THEM WITH HOLY FIRES!!!

The resources and materials required for the quests, especially the ridiculous number of bauxite that'll take me ages to gather, discounting the fact the map eats up bauxite like breakfast

everything is fine

No new girls, quests that rob my reso storage

Pass rate of preboss nodes.

Pass rate of preboss nodes.

Pass rate of preboss nodes.

A lot of PT imps at the route to the boss

Setting fire to so much steel, bauxite and DevMats to complete quests.


Event with ONE map drain more resources then event with SIX maps.

Last boss felt like Fall 19 E5 and E6 mashed together

The need to do quests to get anything worth out of it.

Most definitely the quest design.

Everything that isnt map rewards

Challenging boss

Bull**** map for event size and bull**** quests.

Quest chain demanding too many resources. Node L.

Resource expenditure for QUESTS

The fact that it was a surprise not so small event, and I was totally unprepared;

The Last Dance on Hard Mode with ALL the troublesomes parts alongside the way to reach the boss (Imouto SS, Imps, Tedious Airstrike and Heavy Surface battle on Q - Not as bad as TWO Ne Kai tho)

The stupid quests

Expectation to have certain equipment such as Toukai/Rocket Jets

The absolute use of Akitsushima/Akashi, Ne Kai, overly long route to boss

Phase 4 Medium LD

Requirement to have 25000+ spare resources after completion

The modernisation quests were a terrible idea.

okinami mod quest, no new girls

Lack of new content, dumb phases, quests and the concept of mini-event itself

Modernization quests and the last few being reliant on an okinami drop

PTSD imps, high air power and quests

Getting to T Node ( aka the amount of RNG nukes on the way)

quest chain

Ressource constraints


Time gated quests

The quests

Bauxite costs

Node L

Absurdly long map, the quests

Temporary weekly quests and requirements for completing G quests.

The imp node and the end event quests

The quests

Not being able to log in without an VPN/Proxy

No new shipgirl(s), tedious quests that requires a lot of ships for modernization

The fact that the event quests are locked behind certain non-daily quests. Also node A.

Modernization quest.

Farming for Mod-fod & dupe Okinami

Getting DDos

Collecting the required modernization fodder. Not fun.

It became too hard to reach to target nodes after a time

The PT Imp Pack at node L >:(

Fuckin' PT boats..

Quests requires so much resources that also required to complete the map itself

Delayed introduction of friend fleets

P4 pre-boss nodes

Keep track of the qests

Fucking quests

Map was too gadsdamn complicated. Should've been broken up into two or even three maps.

resource drain from the quest


bad timing(kai ni and FF), dumb quest(reward is ok but still dumb)

The xenophobia

Quests cost way too much resources

No new ship even a DE would have been fine

Node J only dropping ships half of the time

Time gating Okinami Kai-Ni

the quests

Having to deal with New SS-Hime + IMPs + Air Raids + Surface Battle + AA Hime with high Air Power in a single route/Boss run. Everything needs its own setup to deal with, with hardly any synergies. Its pick your poison / Roll the dice.

Mochi limits

Node L & Mod quests

Trash rewards pending what ne engine/blueprints make, no new girl, trash farm/drops

IP block

The modernisation quests.

Too much stuff to unlock shortcut

Resources cost in quest's

Modernization quests with the high resource requirement

Daisy chain of Sub Hime + PT Imps + high airpower requirements.

Too many fronts to fight and consider at once

Waiting for Okinami kai ni to be added....

clearing out enough ship slots to do the modernization quests, though in hindsight this is about as many ships as I usually have to drop for a typical event

P3 route to boss

P3 route to boss


Confusing quest chains

modernization quests

the xenophobic IP ban masquerading as a defense countermeasure

The difficulty of final boss.

Please nerf the prenodes and some enemies (NeCK, BB hime)

No new ship girls

Couldn’t do it :/

Long route to last dance

I couldn't participate due to IP block.

PT Imps are still the bane of my existence

weeklies gated by p3

Last dance

The Quests


Rediculous bauxite drain from quests

Multi Phase maps that require slogging through hoops to unlock or make the boss even possible to beat.

Modernization quests requiring specific sub-classes or rare drops.

Hard LD was bullshit, shortcut gimmick took forever to unlock and the quest res reqs were insane.

The fact that it should be a Very Small Event, but at the same time have so many cancer mechanics like unavoidable loli-sub and PT-imp nodes, mandatory Hayasui/Kamoi for STF LD

building carriers for the quest

Fking PT boats, node J, SUB (SADIST) HIME.

wasn't interested in any of the rewards

Quests, PT imp, Nu

Other than the points previously brought up, it was pretty bad for farming.

Powerful FF kept on Missing on Hard Mode

Bauxite quest consumption

The quests, the quests, the quests. I didn't have time for the quests.

the quests

the stupid remodel quests

Hirato drop x3

Resource requirements for Quests

LD. Node O cuz fck that nu kai and tsu flag. Node L still wasn't that bad for me. Mostly harmless apart from a few hiccups by my escort which I accept happens in CTF.

Mod quests with specific ships.

Mod quests with specific ships.

SDH not showing up when trying to farm.

it required so much resources

The "hidden" compulsory RTA element in order to get all possible quest rewards (the math only worked out when Okinami K2 quest was introduced, but that's on par with devs not always releasing everything at once).

About everything?

everything about quest and map

The difficulty and the sheer amount of resources it took to clear a single map event.


farming fodders, resource taxation via quests to extend play.

Quests were initially confusing and took a while to figure out what I had to do to unlock everything

CV requirement for the last quest; not knowing if the materials from quests are useful or not; maruyu drop is a lie

doing quests every week

Reliance on Akashi / Hayasui / Etc.

Those crap missions, high altitude LBAS bombing which was just like stealing your oil...

Fucking sub loli. Get that cunt outta my sight. And she can take those PT Imps with her and stick it up her ass.


The lack of rare farmable shipgirls and the lack of new shipgirls

Quests were badly thought out and locked many new players out of a huge portion of the rewards.

Specific shipgirls required for event-time limited quests.


Submarine Princess and PT Imps on route to boss

Too much "farming" quests


The quests

Weekly quest behind Okinami quest.

The difficulty factor of hard mode with trying to survive the trip to the boss node on the final runs. Mainly because of the Sub Loli and PT babbies.

The PT Imps, and the VPN

Quest locks

Not enough info on quests and event progression

L and Q node, HArd LD

The Hishimochi quest implementation

Time gate for quests, friend fleet as well as Okinamai kai ni. There's also the lack of information from the devs.

Specifically this event - the event-related quests that are busywork and huge drain on resources, seemingly to cater towards hardworking late-game admirals. As part of a larger picture of things I don't like about KC and its development - too many gimmicks.


Tedious quests

Ne-class Dysons becoming the norm for boss fleets

bad reward

Restrictions of carrier count for CTF

Modernisation quests

modfod quests/needing lucky snipe to kill Hard boss


Being locked out of the entire Hishimochi quests due to the absence of Hiryuu K2

two things: I spent so long in hardmode and then couldn't finish lastdance everything wasted 2nd quests require two much bauxite and and ton of rare shipclasses and way too many hichimochi

G6 and G7 event quests

The amount of resources that quests required

Hated the modernization quests and requiring Okinami.

Hated the modernization quests and requiring Okinami.

The quests

the Phase 3 final form boss and routing

What the most of qests was locked because of quest B25.

the quest gating

For a mini scale event with 1 map only and the difficulty is the same as Fall 2019 E5 against Atlanta hime with the same amount of phases and gimmicks. Is this what tanaka saying its mini scale when it feel just about as big as any of the past event with its many quest and gimmics and phases for 1 entire map when you can clearly make a small scale event out of this whole entire thing.

AS base def and LD

The inability to connect for 90% of it.

10cv modernization quest is way too much


Not enough time for quests

I can't clear LD because My NaMu touch so bad😭

No new shipgirls, felt no real need to do the event

SS Hime

fail attempt to complete hard of P3 LD

PT Imps node

The Sub Hime node, Imp node, pre-boss node, and boss node on LD Hard

Well,its easy by any way,I need more challenge

Mod quest chain

Elite Ne-class

The route to the boss My girls refusing to hit anything even with improved guns and radars Them never aiming at the right things IMPS SUB HIME NEEDS TO GO AWAY

The route to the boss My girls refusing to hit anything even with improved guns and radars Them never aiming at the right things IMPS SUB HIME NEEDS TO GO AWAY

Whole weekly quest circle.


EVERYTHING. Welp I'm a masochist so I'll still play

Ne-class / Nu-class

Hard was too difficult, but Medium was a one-shot ez modo thing. Also, why the F would you gate rewards behind quests in an event?!

It replaces the old 3-4 -map small events with something that gives pretty weird rewards. I guess we'll see what we do with all the plane BPs and engines, but they could've thrown in a new DE or two at least

node L

Weekly quests meant that the event had to be cleared ASAP or you have to do the map on casual first, then increase the difficulty after getting the weekly quests unlocked

The amount of bullshiterry compare to the scale of the event and the reward

the quests but mostly the uncertainty for the future use of the quest rewards/their completion value

Too gimmicky; too much reliance on stuff like RE, URs, or certain ships; difficulty spike for P3 LD on Hard

The waste of resourses

Too much gimmicks and SS loli and PT’s OHKO

Bauxite consuming

Fully sparkled node support taking a breakfast break.

Last dance RNG

mod quests feel like they were designed as a cash grab for slot purchases

The pre-boss nodes

Q node

That people could do great through all the steps, only to have to drop a difficulty at last dance, and so invalidate all their accomplishments to that point. The work of a month undone in a fight they were blocked by and learnt too late.

CV farming

150 slots and modernization quests do not mix well.

I'm lacking of Devmats

Hard mode boss LD

too difficult for no reason; virtually no new content and no girls

Fuck you quest with 10 CV, how should I get so many? Also route to bosswas harder than the boss itself

Okinami mod quest + kai ni timing, weeklies locked behind event P3 quests, lack of information about jet rewards

The weekly quest hidden after the Okinami quest

The weekly quests

Sub and PT Node

idiot quests. Why did Tanaka set Okinami as the 1st quest reward?

This event was about Destroyers, the weakiest and awfullest class in KC (because of uncapability on pre-kai-ni modernisations and appearance)

I couldn't login for 3 weeks straight because VPN method doesn't work for me

The quests

PT-Imps need to die

Did have enough hishimochi for lower difficulty

lack of carriers in drops (to complete modernization quests)

Dependency on Akashi

Most of it



Preboss PT imps on line ahead, double Tsu-class kai on escort, and the RNG party on the final boss.

Fucking ambiguous quests and rewards.

Short time frame for so much to do.

so many CV's for G7 quest

resource consumption on that map made it close to impossible to decently farm it. since it is a mini event it would have been nice if the other bosses had some decent drops too but they didnt. mostly final boss had the drops.

Modernization Quests

Node D and Q

modernization quests


Daisho's rants

Node A/L being too cancer

The quests

PT IMP node right after loli sub

Too many phases and gimmicks

The quests' sheer amount of resources that it demanded

Other stuff about the Event

There were some long answers about what people additionally wanted to say about the Event. They can be found below.

Additional Stuff you want to get off your chest about this Event

The format sucks, either farming regular world maps or a discrete Event without farming or quests, but not all entangled

fuck imps

Scharnhorst when?

Grunlig pepega clap

I was forced to CCCI to buy 13k bauxite just to do G7 in time, after spending two days farming for steel. fucking reso sink

They could release IP block when introducing this event

Real life chose a good(?) time to suck

Where did all my bauxite gone?!

Fuck node L

Tanaka is gay and his mother is a whore. Also KC ded geim and AL best.

"Was busy with 'other stuff' so I didn't get to start really playing until way to late. Finished (everything on hard but dropped to normal for LD for time and low ammo) and a bit sad about that.

Also there were a lot of weekly quest that I wasn't able to do because I hadn't done prereq quest (such as clearing the bloody map)"

L-Node can suck my dick.

I'm happy it's over and that my sanity is still holding.

Had to drop from medium due pt imps

It was wery booring.

It was wery booring.

Most unrewarding waste of time I've done playing this game for more than 4 years.

CVs are rarer than I thought

Hawawawawa nanodesu

Event quests ate too much steel and bauxite.

"Kancolle is more fun talking about nowadays than actually playing it. And that's the sad part. When people play Kancolle, they just get salty and angry and RAAAAAAAGE. But when people talk about it, it's about how cute girls are and how we like ships. It's more fun posting on reddit or discord or looking at Kancolle doujins or pixiv because they actually have imagination. The problem is that if Tanaka gave a little more fuck into this game, then Kancolle would be better. As of right now, it's shit. I been playing this game since before spring 2015, and it's just that this game lost its magic. It's boring now. Why do I play when Tanaka does this shit. Look at this DDOS situation. You'd think that Tanaka or DMM or Kadokawa or whoever the fuck would patch that shit and fix that shit immediately instead of letting it drag on like this. And again, the event was trash. You know why IRL events are popular? Because people can enjoy Kancolle without being salty assholes. But anyways I'm done, yada yada, fuck Tanaka. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk or something. And may the Schwartz be with you.


This was the worst event ever.

There must be a better way to generate quick buck from the game.

screw that quest eating resource shenanigan.

a new boss instead of CV hime would've been nice. wtf tanaka where's Mochi Hime omg tanaka wtf


First, imps. Then sub-node. There's also those Nu-kais. Then them Ne-kais, why do they let a pair of them around when there's already Dyson. At first i thought "oh, a one-map event, chill, let's enjoy this" then it turns out to be a huge resource pitfall to my (and prolly many other) base. Unlocking routes wasn't hard, but annoying. Couldn't even farm Hirato. If there's no touch and FF mechanic i might not be able to clear Hard, it sting. This is my first time feeling worse after clearing an event.


Even with my fleet almost perfectly ready after three years of playing, Hard mode LD is still a gamble. Equipment and ships are meaningless. RNG and luck is everything that matters.

didn't drop CV, CVL, BB much in maps to help complete quest


I farmed for Okinami for three days straight with 40+ S-ranks and she never dropped. I had to abandon 40 mochi instead of being able to obtain the rewards.

Ne-Kai is still cute but please, more Ne-kai I or II not Ne-kai III

Daisho, hope that you choked in this event in light of your comments against new fleets getting their first ship girl.

No more ptsd imps

Fuck Ne Kai, Fuck PT Imp, Fuck Subloli, Fuck Nu Kai


Adding questlines to an event could be a great idea, but the full potential wasn't used this time. I would like to see more "bigger mini events" like this, for example for saury fishing (finding new fishing grounds to prevent overfishing), a halloween trick or treat candy collecting event or a revival of the food wars event. Perhaps 3 big events and 3 mini events with quests per year in regular intervals would be great.

Subhime and PT imps and bulky Last Dance because Tanaka feature creeped the game so bad with LBAS and Big Seven special attack aside, oh God, the quests were 1. tedious as hell, 2. really hard to plan for given we didn't know when the event would end until the last minute, and 3. really obnoxious (getting a duplicate Okinami because you don't know whether Tanaka would release her kai ni during the event or not, farming 10 CVs, etc.), yet you pretty much have to do them because the quest rewards are what makes this event worth doing - this event map itself has such mediocre rewards it didn't feel worth it for all the trouble it makes you go through. Also, as a player who tries to stay under soft cap and only hoard resources when the next event is announced, I hate how they did not give any heads-up that this so-called "mini-event" would come with an event map that is as much a pain in the ass to tackle as all the other past events

Tanaka, you seriously believe your current loyal playerbase seriously and literally write "Being a KC TTK" as their job resume don't you?

Spent more resource in E1 than entire events in the past.

Fuck the quests

Subhime nodes and huge tanks at the boss node are here to stay. I do wonder if it's worth going for 8 Toukais at some point.

I hope they will never do time-gated quests requiring a certain semi-rare ship ever again.

My very first FCM, and yet I consider this the worst (least fun plus poor rewards) event of my career (playing since Leyte Gulf II).


Fk node Q

node L force me to retreat 40 times until i decided to use node support and clear boss at second last dance try

FFS Tanaka & Co! Fix your damn server security! You're a shame to all companies that run online gaming servers! Commit sudoku already!

lot of ppl complaining to the event, I dont know why.

Fuck node A in P2, node L, node Q and fuck Ne Kai in the LD.

Fuck node A in P2, node L, node Q and fuck Ne Kai in the LD.

Fuck node A in P2, node L, node Q and fuck Ne Kai in the LD.

This event was a qood opportunity to obtain some rare materials like catapult or ne type engines

the amount of bauxite/Carriers for modernization was stupid to say the least

"Node L was the most difficult part of the unlock and killing boss, node D is second.

Modernization quests waste a lot of shipslots. And farming: I'm ok with farming shipgirl that i find cute and useful. I'm ok with farming shipgirls for equipment. I'm even ok with crafting special item for clearing the map. But wasting tons of resources for modfood ... это пиздец"

🙇 Biased 🙇 Atlanta 🙇 AACI 🙇 goddess 🙇

I hated the modernizing quests the most, from all of them.

There's a certain thread about it and its OP said everything. Repeating it would feel like a waste of time !

Fuck Tanaka

Hoes mad

Did someone create this event while having crack or something similar cause that's what it feels like.

"If Okinami is such a key player for the quests, they should have made a very easy quests right at the beginning that rewards her.

I feel like events become too reliant on the touch mechanic lately if you have to go STF. GIve other BBs like Bismarck, Colorado or Iowa something to do."

Seriously, I hate how the quests eat up so much Bauxite and Devmats.

Next time you plan too-specific quests like modernizing a specific ship twice, make sure you don't add a remodel to said said 2 week after the introduction of the quest.

No comment.

Massive difficulty spike between medium and hard

Honestly, I enjoyed the food mini event more than this... This really just felt like they couldn't finish the winter event in time so they took their WIP map, rebranded it as a mini event, and then slapped on some quests to fill it up with content.


Very bad, worst event I've seen so far.

Due to the modernization quests, I spent more resources (over 100k In all but ammo and 500 torches) building ships just for modernization.

what is the dev team thinking

"I had no time to play the event properly (at least the quest part) and the times I wanted to play I got catbombed or could not get the game to load due to the stupid foreign ip blocking.

They should have held out on this one and prepared a real event for later when they got rid of ip blocking and thought about what they were introducing."

Drop rates were horrible.

Quests eats too much resources, and CV mod quest is absolute bullshit.

Tanak, please fuck off with the bauxite/steel consumption quest, that is stupid. And the rushing quest thing? Knock it off, I deleted Azur Lane just because of that.

"The word that describes this event is: terrible.

The map is ridiculously large and Phase 3 has just a bad passing rate with a difficult boss.

The quests, what I hated is that to unlock B1 you must had to have completed B26 (sortie with Souryuu Kai Ni and Hiryuu Kai Ni). I haven't won almost any equipment because of that. Still, if I could have done it I wouldn't have made much progress because the mod quests are just as bad.

Conclusion, three-phase maps aren't a good idea. And above all, if you are going to place limited quests please don't put that they require completing other quests that are not from the same event to unlock them! BE MORE FRIENDLY WITH THOSE WHO STARTED PLAYING KANCOLLE FROM PHASE 2!"

Quests were more resource-pulling than worthy of their rewards.

at least I got my first FCM

Screw the IP block

I'm hoping the map is not a subtle hint of where the ddos attack came from thus the block. And really learn from Yostar. Open up to foreign players already.

What even IS hishimochi? Is it a hard candy or something? Why are we being rewarded candy? We're not toddlers, are we?

Lbas taxes, nothing beat the feel of losing 150-500 resources just for sortying.

PT Imps... PT IMPS !

Fix your server pls Tanaka

I was annoyed by the difficultly of (hard) Last Dance compared with the rest of the map. I just barely cleared with a lucky Nagato Touch, but I would have been very unhappy if I hadn't. The rest of the map up until then was a breeze, and there was no warning that something so difficult was ahead! It's a lot of work to put in to clear the map -almost- on hard, only to have to drop to medium for the final kill. But, being that hard rewarded a FCM, maybe the rest of the map should have been more difficult other than just LD.

Downing a strong Boss's healthbar is way too expansive material and time(repair etc) wise

No, this is enough much

Fuckin' PT boats... pt2

Hard is too hard with weak FF

fuck PT imps

fuck the PT imps

Make bigger event

Between foreign IP blocking and personal factors, I only started eventing ~48 hrs before end. I think I could've finished on Med if I'd started earlier.

nothing, only thing i didnt like was the quest resource drain, but that wasnt really an issue since i was almost hardcapped


Get DDoS'd for not talking about an upcoming event; lock people out of the event.

Give me back my 15k baux

Why the hell can't we get the Enola Gay as LBAS support and send it to that PTSD imp node so that this stupid suffering can just end!!!

"I hope ""normal"" events aren't nearly as mindbreak as this fucking mini-event

Also I may have remembered a few details wrong"

End quests should be treated as if it were part of Hard mode but this isn't made quite clear to the players.

It's bad if we have to be playing 4D Mindgames with the Quest Rewards. No way of telling if Jets will become usefull, if or how many Protopults we will need(1 for Kaga is pretty certain but what about the rest?!) or if Night-Carrier Setups will become more meaningfull.

Top 500 rank rewards being vastly superior to the hard mode event rewards is not something that should ever happen but it’s sadly where we are at right now.

10CVs? 8BB? What the hell?

Free epeen! Pepega

The ramp up in difficulty during the final phase of the map felt like a bait-and-switch, particularly on hard mode.

I would prefer not to have weekly quests. Please just give better rewards for a harder quest.

devs weren't clear that this was a mini-event and not just we added more shit to farm in normal maps so I was unprepared, even if I was able to clear and farm #100slots

Time gated quests, p3 LD and preboss nodes, CV(L) modernizations are really annoying. The 10 CV quest reset its 50% completion when I dipped below 17 hishimochi due to completing other quests. Had to do 32 constructions of 4/2/5/7 along with 49 or so runs of 3-3 to get 11 CV total in the last day of the event.

Time gated quests, p3 LD and preboss nodes, CV(L) modernizations are really annoying. The 10 CV quest reset its 50% completion when I dipped below 17 hishimochi due to completing other quests. Had to do 32 constructions of 4/2/5/7 along with 49 or so runs of 3-3 to get 11 CV total in the last day of the event. Kinda bummed out that I forgot to bring a supply drum in one STF run and the boss had 5hp left. Dropped to medium due to a lack of time afterwards.

Fu-- the devs and their incompetence with everything form ddos to event planning.

Had a low level fully modernized Okinami so that would've sucked if I remembered to do the quests

"they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."

This event was not worth hard clear at all (its just for bragging rights) cause honestly the hard rewards were utter shit (medium was totally the salt free way to clear and still get good rewards)

It would have been nice to have had the ability to put skilled lookouts on RE's BEFORE the event.

Would like a bit better rewards - at least for Hard. Max (+10) instead of +4 or +5 would have been good (can give Med. the +4 or +5 variants). Should have introduced Okinami K2 earlier or even Okinami as a reward. I got lucky with an Okinami drop after a bit of farming which definitely improved my view of event. Sacrificing DE or worse Maruyu to satisfy the quest is asking too much IMO. In general wasn't a huge fan of having to farm for duplicates to mod and all the CVL/CV mod fodder for quests. Part 3 LD on Hard prior to friend fleet was a bit much as well. Even with Friend Fleet could be a bit to RNG reliant. Once again, introduce Friend Fleet bit earlier, but wasn't as bad as last event.

Quests being weekly was an absolute nightmare.Failing to complete them before week end would insta kill all progress so pretty demoralizing. I have ship targets that are already fully leveled and modernized. Was not going to chance farm another drop to complete the quests.

The event punished harshly those that rushed without the proper preparation. I would have wasted much less resources if i had taken my time and thought things through.

After 40~ tries on Hard LD (from which i reached boss node like 8 times), switched to normal and cleared first try at 2nd shelling, day battle. Awful difficulty divide imo.

dunno, to spent

Quests did not unlock no matter what I did, wasted my time in getting the Hishimori, even worse I though they would let u keep them as before, but I come back from my training in the Air Force and they are now all gone, oh the resources...

vpn stuff was annoying, i know many players might not have this option. the event was very costly and the rewards weren't worth it so i burnt out and didn't have the motivation to actually complete it

Hopefully the negative points won't come back again. But then, this rests on hoping JP fanbase also disliked it.

Hard Mode Was A Joke Until Last Dance, Then Nothing would align and FF were useless on Last Dance

Came in at the worst possible time - having to set up a proxy every time drained any desire to actually log in. The quests were a total pain - both in organization and requirements. Everything up to last dance was a breeze on Hard, but I still just can't pull off a Hard mode clear anymore ;< Event did not mesh with the theme of the holiday.

Sorry I forgot most of the resource consumption on this event.

Fuck my baux

The biggest issue I had (besides the resource drain) was the lack of communication from the devs regarding the event's time frame. We didn't get any real info until some 3-4 days before the end date and If I had known that I would've had an extra week for a batch of mochi, I would've made wiser choices for rewards earlier on. By the time we had an official end date, it was too late.

"As said before. Node O of this event can die in a fire. Nu kai and tsu flag suddenly got accuracy magic from somewhere and gave me retreats even in red T comps. L wasn't that bad. A few hiccups but mostly harmless. Thank fucking lord the boss preLD didn't have 250+ armor meatshields. Atleast I could chip her better and rolled kills too. And also thankfully apart from node E no other preboss had 250+ armor walls that gave retreats w luck based passage. LD was hard. And me was Noob cuz ff killed the 40hp left on boss. XD

But anyway if we speak of spring and fall 2019 events for a minute, if that's event meta, i.e. Either re or meatshields prebosses with luck based high armor meatshield boss nodes. Then well, is FCM only for those harem bois having 100+ lv175 ships and top tier equip g


At least add a new ship like they did with Sam.

At least add a new ship.

a lone non cut-in torpedo killed boss with 220~ damage.

Many requirements not newface friendly (the most unfriendly "mini" event), fossils with excess Hishimochi at an advantage and so may not feel as rewarded for doing the RTA, so the feeling of the success for the RTA only really felt by relatively newish tryhard players that started last 3 years.

Almost full size event + gazillions of quests that requires unlocking and farming for rare modfods is such a great design btw...

stupid pointless event

The devs seriously need to start rethinking their game balance at this stage, things are starting to get so difficult its pissing off the veterans and scaring the newcomers. The post event patch is a step in the right direction but some more measures need to be made i feel. If things continue down the path they have going on ever since phase 2 started im afriad its gunna alienate the player base and people will abandon the game in droves due to lackluster game balance and a seemingly uncaring dev team who whould rather market curry and theme parks than focus on making the game better.


wasn't fun, wasn't interesting, just a random EO map right into chaos and salt mining. Was all the typically bad/annoying things of running an event PLUS the burden of fodder/tax quests just made it tedious. I got lucky for once and cleared with no trouble but others were stressed out or were unable to finish. The continued reliance of nerfing your fleet by forcing taking akashi, akitsushima or an oiler just to make it 'harder' is getting worrisome.

There were lots of complains about LD and mod quests being too hard. I personally don't feel that way. A lot of the people complaining about LD being too hard, their comps and gear were not ready for Hard. As for the mod quests, the info were out from the beginning of the event. Those who complained (esp about the feed 5 CVs to CV quest) could've solved this problem by crafting CVs in daily craft quest. Small note about this survey, I was unable to answer the questions about how much fuel/ammo/steel/baux I used to CLEAR this event as I spent a lot of resources farming for Gotland, Sammy, and many DEs.

Everyone should just take the game at their own pace and stop salt-baiting one another. Resource expenditures are an estimate.

Hard to determine value of quest rewards since no information about how it would be used was given. That also means no immediate reward, but rather something that would be (maybe) useful in the future; LBAS fighter reward is trash, no new shipgirls. The map feels too template, same usual stuff. At least no shiplocks and (somewhat) free FCM.

"Mini Event"... yeah right. I seriously question Tanaka sometimes, makes me wonder if he's insane.

Bless you Tanaka and this Blessing "Event" too.

I STILL DON'T HAVE FLETCHER!!!!!!! And the i can't believe i couldn't complete the very last modernization quest cos of 1 stupid mochi

First FCM yay

Modernization quests during event time were the worst, even at 300 slots having to stock ships was awful, if I were a 100 slotter I just woudn't have done them.


I was so tilted on collecting CVs I was really close to scrapping Aquila

Farm material for unseen equipment is scam.

Quests should be more organized and offer better chances to earn equipment and not demand such a heavy amount of bauxite and steel. By the time I ended the event. I had almost no bauxite remaining.


Bad rng from drops FeelsBadMan

It was fun, a nice challenge all-in-all

Please make the quests more intuitive

"I was considering to skip this event (as I generally skip mini-events), but the presence of a hard-clear medal on a 1-map event enticed me to participate.

There was a lot of content that I feel was appropriate towards a 1-map event, but in general too much, especially if it is to be considered a mini-event. Having played 14 events since I started in May of 2015, I've always had issues about this game growing to be all about gimmicks, both for maps (unlocks/shortcuts) as well as shipgirls and equipment (specific mechanics, equipment bonuses, unique items, etc.). The game hasn't had any significant fundamental change. Instead, it relies upon adding (in the form of ""gimmicks"") to it's current mechanics, which is seemingly all that can be done for this style of gameplay. Anyway, this map was no exception, though it garners some pardon for being a singular map. I believe that this event was the poor substitution for a winter event, which is disappointing.

My general satisfaction for this event and the game has been on the fall, partly for aforementioned reasons (my view), but to be fair it may also be due to having reached the end-game."

Anyone clearing the event fast on medium and hard just made their life hell for finishing the one off quests compared to doing quests on casual then clearing after.

"devs make Nagato/Nelson touch become the norm, yet have a unreliable C/I rate

if we gotta use a sub-par formation they better actually trigger

What should be changed:

If at boss node:

If combined fleet = increase Touch rate by 10%, guaranteed Touch on second shelling please

If single fleet = guaranteed touch on night-battle"

Stop wasting my hard -earned steel and bauxite, god damn it.

See you next event bros

This event was really not beginner friendly. B25 was required to open one of the event quests. It also required Okinami which I found while clearing the event, 3 Yuugumo which I just had enough with Okinami and a ridiculous amount of ship slots for the modernization quests which I ended up buy slots for. Lastly, I thought this might be a chance to finally get a 2nd FCM. It wasn't. But I should have tried more things such as 4 LBAAs to boss rather than the 2 fighters 2 LBAAs.

This event was really not beginner friendly. B25 was required to open one of the event quests. It also required Okinami which I found while clearing the event, 3 Yuugumo which I just had enough with Okinami and a ridiculous amount of ship slots for the modernization quests which I ended up buy slots for. Lastly, I thought this might be a chance to finally get a 2nd FCM. It wasn't. But I definitely should have tried more like using both LBAAs to the boss. I got serious tunnel vision at the end thinking it could be done with my current setup but just needed the right set luck roll. It's still vexing that I can't clear hard mode with FF but I can clear medium in 1 try in a day battle.

I should have just went with ez modo and not medium. Then I would have finished the event. Also fuck Tanaka's gimmick-y quests. I don't play harcore, so I'm pretty lazy in doing quests and this event felt like such a chore to do.

love the rare stuff and mamiyas and irakos, but i feel bad for newer players


Barely cleared it with focus TCI from Choukai and Naganami, LD was B-rank, I'm not really happy

Salty I didn't get any of the important quests done. Saved so many resources and spent hardly any of them. Fuck the people behind the DDoS attacks. Fuck them.


Fuck quest dependencies.


Event served as a reminder that aiming for making each map/part on an event more gimmicky takes away motivation and without proper actual rewards doesn't feel worth spending resources which feel even harder to farm after the death of orel



Not gonna lie, this event is the first time i feel where it's more like a chore instead of fun. I blew away A LOT OF THINGS ON HARD MODE (All of my Underway Replenishment, 3/4 of my Repair Anchorage, All of my buckets, and for the first time (since i cleared 2-4 before phase 2) my fuel and ammo hits 3 digit, all of my Mamiya and Irako too) and for what? To just get the Medium rewards! Because LD Hard is bullshit and i can't fecking clear it even after i threw away all of those things i mentioned!

I need more Type 1 AP Shell Kai,so make it become Reward from event




It had too huge cost of a bauxite.


STUPID MODERNIZATION QUEST and the disparity between Medium and Hard mode. Medium = EASY and Hard = IMPOSSIBLE

Hawawawawa Nanodesu~ :}

Holy shit I hope we never get an event like this again lol. So many flawed ideas in this one

Anyone else who "I had an old fodder Okinami from god knows how many events ago sitting around for farming radars that I forgot about" applies to?


Never do 'small my ass' scale event like this again please, Tanaka.

stupid requirements like okinami remodelling and no clue if the items gained from the quest i spend precious bauxite on will even have any value in the future

CV Hime is best abyssal

All of these blueprints and ne engines will just collect dust anyway.

Lack of a new ship and previously farmable ships

if I can't bother getting a FCM here, this probably confirms I never will bother


i don't like the new reliance on touch in recent event maps


Quests dumb. Map fun. Excited for jets.

Hard was goddamn hard

LD of final boss was god damn absurd.

In my opinion, this was one of the worst events in KC history. The map was far too difficult considering there was not a single new girl, only 1 new equipment which isn't very interesting, and the clear rewards were very mediocre. KC already has very little new content per year, relative to similar games, and this event served to further reduce the amount of new girls and equipment KC gets. The quests were unfair and many weren't even unlocked for newer players. This event was just another instance in a trend within KC that completely alienates and punishes those players who haven't been playing 24/7 since release and/or haven't paid hundreds of dollars. This is an extremely irritating trend and is detrimental to the health and success of the game.

my steel baux and devmats PepegaHands

The obnoxious spam of aircraft carrier hime kai, Ne kai, sub loli hime and Tsu kai flagship and LBAS raid

Stop putting so many weekly quests that require you to sortie to so many maps, and then add tons of modernization quests that consume so many ship slots for fodders. Making it a one-time quest should've been enough.

1 tiny event consumes as much steel and bauxis as an mid size event is absolute bonkers

Thank for the survey and reddit kancolle forum

I want to have easy events with foreighn (or own) capital ships (Heavy Cruisers, Battleships/Battlecruisers) as a reward. And without destroyers-against-battleships in branching (there is a quest to pass a map with 5 ugly potato bastards or poi-trash and one normal ship against standart carriers and two battleships).

I'm about to quit kancolle just for this event, I couldn't play at all (well, that's a lie, I could clear P1 but meeeh) and I lost all motivation to even login to recover my resources

Worst event to date, these quests were probably the worst part of it too. I hope they never do this garbage again. Who in their right mind thinks it's a good idea to have grind in the event map, in the normal maps and have grind for ships for modernisation that resets fucking WEEKLY? Then have you get SPECIFIC ships to modernise too?? It's as if they wanted to cram as much bullshit into one map as possible. And don't even get me started on releasing Okinami Kai Ni in the last week of the event??? Seriously, the event quality over the years has been going down by adding bullshit like this to all of them. Except the last one before this one was pretty alright in terms of bullshit, and then this shit drops. I just want my cute boats and call it a day, it's getting impossible with them locking the special remodel materials behind bullshit like this. I'm getting too old for this. /endrant, hope you enjoy this much salt on your fries

Never hold any event like this

Increasingly tedious and anti-player bullshit that doesn't feel good to clear or complete and the rewards we have now are either blind in how good they'll be in the future to lackluster rewards for clearing


I enjoyed this event a lot, like any other new content on this wonderful game. But this time I got very frustrated and desperate on the final boss LD because of my bad luck... 10 out of 12 ships on my fleet were married and my girls were carrying top tier equipment, and still I suffered a lot for getting the kill on the lasd day of the event... After clearing, I felt truly amazing and accomplished, but I really need to change my mindset about KC events on the future, because maybe next time the bad RNG keeps pushing until the end and makes me drop diff to med... that would be devastating for my pride, and since it is a possible thing to happen, I need to prevent it from affecting me the way it would end up affecting me. Hard mode this time is a pure matter of pride... nothing else.

Introducing okinami kai ni late and adding new quests which rewarded more hishimochi was really irritating because I skipped one weekly due to lack of hishimochi, devs didn't inform end of event so some people (including me) assumed a 3 week event.

Having any event last less than a month is criminal.

I like this event

the farming of ship girls and the variety. back when I started KC there were breather events. they were easy and made to farm up on ship girls. when I started playing kc more srs those events stopped and I hoped this would be its revival. instead what we got is what would be more akin to e-5 or e-6 in a 7 map event. I would have wished for a better farm map too. the resource consumption is on par with all the last event maps we had so far.

Fscking Modernization quests....

I will never get a Hard Mode Medal

Okinami K2 introduced too late, the ongoing DDOS forced me to get a VPN to play KC, had to rush event to do quests before weeklies reset

able to place skilled lookout in expansion after event ended? tanaka sure knows how to troll people

Poorly developed resource tax event