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Difference between revisions of "User:Totaku/Kitakami Tabber"

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| 自己紹介=アタシは軽巡北上。
| EN1= I'm the light cruiser Kitakami, nice ta meet 'ya.
| Note1=
| Library=球磨型軽巡洋艦の3番艦、北上だよー。
| EN0=It's Kitakami, the third ship of the Kuma class~. Hmm? Yeah, Ooi's my best pal. I heard I can go another step and become a torpedo cruiser that machine guns out oxygen torpedos. Wanna try?
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=駆逐艦? あぁ、ウザい
| EN2=  Destroyer?  Aah, they're annoying.
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=もーおー、大井っち身体触るの止めてよー…って、提督じゃん。何やってんの?
| EN3= Geez, Ooi, stop touching me... Wait, that was you, Admiral? 'The heck you doing?
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=大井っちなにさー…あ、なんだ提督か
| EN4=Whassit, Ooi...? Oh, it's just you, Admiral.
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| EN4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=提督に連絡だよ。はい
| EN5=A message for you, Admiral. Here.
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=水雷戦隊、出るよ!
| EN6=Torpedo squadron, headin' out!
| Note6=
| 装備時①=うん、強化は好き、どんどんやって
| EN7= Yeah, I like being reinforced. Keep em' coming!
| Note7=
| 装備時②=いいねぇ、しびれるねぇ。ありがとね
| EN8= Oh yeah, I'm gettin' the chills! Thanks, dude.
| Note8=
| 装備時③=まぁまぁか
| EN9= It's alright, I 'spose.
| Note9=
| EN10=Sorry, I wrecked myself a little.
| Note10=
| 補給時=うん、強化は好き。どんどんやって!
| EN24= Yeah, I like being reinforced. Keep em' coming!
| Note24=
| EN11= What can I do? My armor's about as good as paper!
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水したってさ
| EN12=A new ship's been laid down.
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=あ、艦隊が帰ってきたね
| EN13=Ah, seems like the fleet's returned.
| Note13=
| 出撃時=水雷戦隊、出るよ!
| EN14=  Torpedo squadron, going out! We're off! Let's go, Ooi!
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=敵艦発見!砲雷撃戦、よーい!
| EN15=Enemy sighted! Prepare for shelling and torpedoing!
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=
| EN15a=
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=まぁ私はやっぱ、基本、雷撃よね
| EN16=Well, I guess I'm mainly a torpedo firin' ship...
| Note16=
| 夜戦開始時=さーって、追い込みますよ!付いてきて!
| EN17=Now, we're huntin' em down! Follow me!
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=単装砲って、何気にわびさびよね~
| EN18=I guess these single turrets just have a sense of elegance.
| Note18=
| MVP時=なんかでっかい改造の話もあるけどさ、アタシはこのままでも結構気に入ってるんだけどな
| EN19=I keep talking about remodeling, but I 'spose I quite like myself this way right now.
| Note19=
| EN20='Tis only a flesh wound!
| Note20=
| EN21=Hey, that hurt!
| Note21=
| EN22= Oh, I'm pathetic... Ooi's gunna laugh at me if she sees this... damn it...
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=次に生まれる時には…重巡がいいなぁ…
| EN23=I'd like to be reborn... as a heavy cruiser...
| Note23=|Wedding = 提督、お願いがあるんだけどさ。…あの武器だけは、やっぱ載せないでよね。…頼んだよ…!
|EN26 = Admiral, I got a bit of a request... that weapon, I don't really want it, yeah?... I'm countin' on ya!|Note26 = She's probably talking about Kaiten suicide torpedo.|ドック入り(小破以下) = ごめーん、ちょっと壊しちゃったよ。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 仕方ないでしょ!?装甲、紙なのよ…。
|小破① = なんの、まだこのくらい。
|小破② = ちぃっ…痛いじゃないのー。
|中破 = 情けないなぁ、もう。こんなの見られたら、大井っちが大笑いするよ。ったく…。

Revision as of 11:47, 13 December 2015

The purpose of this experiment will be to get Kitakami condensed into Tabber form.




No.020 北上

Kuma Class Light Cruiser


20 d.jpg

Health HP 25 Firepower Firepower 14 (39)
Armor Armor 10 (29) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 24 (79)
Evasion Evasion 36 (69) Anti-Air AA 13 (49)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 19 (59)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 8 (39)
Range Range Medium Luck Luck 15 (69)
FuelFuel 25 AmmunitionAmmo 25
Build Time Slots
01:00:00 2
Stock Equipment
14cm Naval Gun
61cm Quad Torpedo Mount


Kitakami Kai

No.098 北上改

Kuma Class Torpedo Cruiser


98 d.jpg

Health HP 32 Firepower Firepower 8 (39)
Armor Armor 12 (39) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 80 (99)
Evasion Evasion 37 (77) Anti-Air AA 13 (39)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 25 (59)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 8 (39)
Range Range Medium Luck Luck 15 (69)
FuelFuel 25 AmmunitionAmmo 50
Build Time Slots
Lv10 Remodel 2
Stock Equipment
61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount
61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount

Second Upgrade

Kitakami Kai Ni

No.115 北上改二

Kuma Class Torpedo Cruiser


115 d.jpg

Health HP 43 Firepower Firepower 17 (63)
Armor Armor 23 (63) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 90 (139)
Evasion Evasion 43 (83) Anti-Air AA 15 (49)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 27 (79)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 9 (43)
Range Range Medium Luck Luck 30 (79)
FuelFuel 25 AmmunitionAmmo 75
Build Time Slots
Lv50 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount
61cm Quint O2 Torpedo Mount
Type 21 Air RADAR



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