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Minor translation fixes from proofreading
Line 104: Line 104:  
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = もぉ~、阿賀野姉ぇ!私の太もも撫でるのやめてって!…あれ?…提督?…失礼致しました!…あ、あれ?あれ?
|origin = もぉ~、阿賀野姉ぇ!私の太もも撫でるのやめてって!…あれ?…提督?…失礼致しました!…あ、あれ?あれ?
|translation = Jeez, Agano-nee! Stop stroking my butt! ...Huh? ...Admiral? ...My apologies! ...H-huh? Huh?<ref>Futomomo (太もも) can mean either thighs or ass.</ref>
|translation = Jeez, Agano-nee! Stop stroking my thigh! ...Huh? ...Admiral? ...My apologies! ...H-huh? Huh?<ref>Futomomo (太もも) can mean either thighs or ass.</ref>
|audio = Noshiro-Secretary_3.ogg
|audio = Noshiro-Secretary_3.ogg
Line 297: Line 297:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = 深夜2時です。どうせ起きているなら、お部屋の模様替えとか、してみません?
|origin = 深夜2時です。どうせ起きているなら、お部屋の模様替えとか、してみません?
|translation = It's 2 o'clock at night. Since nothing is happening, do you want to redecorating your office?
|translation = It's 2 o'clock at night. Since nothing is happening, do you want to redecorate your office?
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_0200.ogg
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_0200.ogg
Line 303: Line 303:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = 深夜3時です。眠くならないかって?鍛え方が阿賀野姉とは違います!
|origin = 深夜3時です。眠くならないかって?鍛え方が阿賀野姉とは違います!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock at night. Am I not sleepy? I have more discipline that Agano-nee!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock at night. Am I not sleepy? I have more discipline than Agano-nee!
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_0300.ogg
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_0300.ogg
Line 327: Line 327:  
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = 午前7時ですね。そろそろ朝ご飯にしましょ?阿賀野姉にも作るから、ご一緒に!
|origin = 午前7時ですね。そろそろ朝ご飯にしましょ?阿賀野姉にも作るから、ご一緒に!
|translation = It's 7am. Shall we have breakfast soon? Agano-nee is making something too so please join us!
|translation = It's 7am. Shall we have breakfast soon? Agano-nee is making something too, so please join us!
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_0700.ogg
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_0700.ogg
Line 391: Line 391:  
|scenario = 17:00  
|scenario = 17:00  
|origin = 午後5時です。阿賀野姉は約束を忘れたようです。まぁ、よくあることなんですけど...
|origin = 午後5時です。阿賀野姉は約束を忘れたようです。まぁ、よくあることなんですけど...
|translation = It's 5pm. Looks like Agano-nee has forgotten the promise. Well, it happens all the time but...
|translation = It's 5pm. Looks like Agano-nee has forgotten the promise. Well, it happens all the time, but...
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_1700.ogg
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_1700.ogg
Line 397: Line 397:  
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = 午後6時です。阿賀野姉、平謝りの後、夕食のお誘いがありました。仕方ないですねぇ
|origin = 午後6時です。阿賀野姉、平謝りの後、夕食のお誘いがありました。仕方ないですねぇ
|translation = It's 6pm. After she apologised, Agano-nee invited me for dinner. It can't be helped right.
|translation = It's 6pm. After she apologised, Agano-nee invited me for dinner. It can't be helped.
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_1800.ogg
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_1800.ogg
Line 403: Line 403:  
|scenario = 19:00  
|scenario = 19:00  
|origin = 午後7時です。私は行って参りますが、夕食のカレーをご用意して起きましょう
|origin = 午後7時です。私は行って参りますが、夕食のカレーをご用意して起きましょう
|translation = It's 7pm. I'll be going there but I'll prepare curry for your dinner before I do.
|translation = It's 7pm. I'll be going soon, but I'll prepare curry for your dinner before I do.
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_1900.ogg
|audio = NoshiroKai-Hourly_1900.ogg


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