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(Created page with "--Categories: --Category:Seasonal modules return { index = { ["Destroyers"] = { "Matsukaze", "Hatakaze", "Amagiri", "Sagiri", "Fujinami", "Suzutsuki", "Shiratsuyu" ...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 14:01, 4 February 2018

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/Setsubun 2018/doc

--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
  index = {
    ["Destroyers"] = { "Matsukaze", "Hatakaze", "Amagiri", "Sagiri", "Fujinami", "Suzutsuki", "Shiratsuyu" },
    ["Light Cruisers"] = { "Kinu", "Abukuma", "Yuubari", "Jintsuu" },
    ["Battleships"] = { "Gangut", "Richelieu" },
    ["Standard Carriers"] = { "Ark Royal", "Shoukaku", "Zuikaku" },
    ["Submarines"] = { "I-13", "I-14", "I-400", "Luigi Torelli" },
    ["Auxiliaries"] = { "Hayasui", "Kamoi", "Shimushu", "Kunashiri", "Etorofu", "Matsuwa", "Sado", "Tsushima" },
  ships = {
    ["Matsukaze"] = {
        ja = "節分か、いいね~嫌いじゃない。姉貴、行くぜ!覚悟はいいかい?狙え、って!夾叉!次弾装填!よし、ってー!",
        en = "Setsubun huh. It's all good, I don't dislike it. Let's go, Aneki! Are you ready? Aim, fire! Bracketed! Load the next shot! Now, fire!",
    ["Hatakaze"] = {
        ja = "節分...午後の鬼さんは...神姉さんなんですね。了解しました。旗風、投げます!ええい、着弾!えい、ん?春姉さん、なんですか?",
        en = "Setsubun... This afternoon's Oni is... Kami-neesan I see. Roger that. I'm starting to throw! Take this, a direct hit! Take this, hmm? What is it, Haru-neesan?",
    ["Amagiri"] = {
        ja = "さぁ~節分だ!我が二十駆の鬼役は...ちゃ~ん!サ・ギ・リ!さぁ~いってみよー!鬼はー外!",
        en = "It's Setsubun now! The Oni for our DesDiv20 is... Ta-dah! Sa-gi-ri! Now, let's do this! Demon, begone!",
    ["Sagiri"] = {
        ja = "へっ!?嫌だ!私?何で?天霧さん、やめ...やめて!痛いから!もう...何で...漣ちゃんたちまで...",
        en = "Wha!? No way! Me? Why? Amagiri, st... stop that! It hurts! Jeez... Why... are all of you joining in too, Sazanami...",
    ["Fujinami"] = {
        ja = "えっと、私たちの鬼役は...鳥海さん?...じゃなくて、能代さんか?じゃ...いいの...か・な!えい!えーい!だ...やばっ!沖っち、逃げるよ!",
        en = "Let's see, the person playing the Oni for us is... Choukai-san? ...That's not right, Noshiro-san? Well... then...! Take this! And this! Oh... Oh no! Let's scram, Okicchi!",
    ["Suzutsuki"] = {
        ja = "今年の二水戦の鬼やくは...矢矧さん?おお、おフユさんそんなに...あの矢矧さん...ああ、ごめんなさい!速さ、逃げって。",
        en = "The Oni for DesRon2 this year is... Yahagi-san? F-fuyu, that's a bit... Umm, Yahagi-san... Ah, I'm sorry! I need to get away quickly.",
    ["Shiratsuyu"] = {
        ja = "べ、別に、何も気にしてないし!",
        en = "I-I'm not interested in it at all!",
    ["Kinu"] = {
        ja = "くうう...反撃してやる!まずはアブ、あんたからだ。よし、初弾命中!次は...由良姉!覚悟!ってー!",
        en = "Guh... I'm going to fight back! You're going to get it first, Abu! Alright, direct hit! Next is... Yura-nee! Get ready! fire!",
    ["Abukuma"] = {
        ja = "いてっ!嫌だなに?へ...あ...あたし?嫌だもう!お豆を投げるのをやめて...やめてください~!いてっ!",
        en = "Ouch! What's this? Eh... M...me? Stop that already! Stop throwing beans... Please stop! Ouch!",
    ["Yuubari"] = {
        ja = "あ、明石、今年も鬼やってんの?じゃ、私も投げちゃってもいいかしら。",
        en = "Y-you're the Oni again this year, Akashi? Then I wonder if it's alright for me to throw beans at you.",
    ["Jintsuu"] = {
        ja = "二水戦の鬼役は...私。そうですか。痛っ!また、うふふ...そうですか。",
        en = "The Oni for DesRon2 is... me. I see. Ouch! Again, Ufufu... I see.",
    ["Gangut"] = {
        ja = "なに?セツブ、ブンソ?なんだそれは?おお、この豆を投げる?そうか、なれば。目標、前方の金剛Class、霧島、行くぞ!",
        en = "What? Setsubu-bun? The hell's that? Oooh, you take these beans and throw them? I see, well then. TARGET, The Kongou class in front of me, Kirishima! Here goes!",
    ["Richelieu"] = {
        ja = "ふふふっ、これがセッツブーンか。おもしろい。羽黒ぅ、覚悟しなさい!Feu!な、なに・・・?避けた!?おもしろいわ、ね?",
        en = "Fufufu, so this is \"Setsubun\". How fun. Get ready, Haguro~! Fire! Wh-what...? She dodged it!? This is getting interesting huh?",
    ["Ark Royal"] = {
        ja = "Heehee...知っているぞ。セツブンだろう?すでにあいつらから情報を入手済みだ。なに?イントネーションが違うだと?バカな!",
        en = "Heehee, I know this, it's \"Setsubun\" right? I already got all my information about it from the other girls. What? My intonation is wrong? Impossible!",
    ["Shoukaku"] = {
        ja = "あのあとの戦い...そうなのね。私達の機動部隊、そして、瑞鶴の最後の戦い...",
        en = "The next battle will... That's right. It's the Mobile Force's, and Zuikaku's, last battle...",
    ["Zuikaku"] = {
        ja = "提督さん...うん、分かってる。",
        en = "Admiral... Yes, I understand.",
    ["I-13"] = {
        ja = "私たち、舞鶴方面の潜水艦の鬼役は、あ、ろーちゃん?大丈夫?そう?",
        en = "The Oni for all of us here in Maizuru is, ah, Ro-chan? It's fine? You sure?",
    ["I-14"] = {
        ja = "節分ね~あ、殺気!両舷停止!潜行急げ!ハッチよし、ベント開け!ふ~危ない、危ない!",
        en = "Setsubun huh~ Ah, I sense bloodlust! Full stop! Crash dive! Hatches checked, vents open! Whew, that was close, so close!",
    ["I-400"] = {
        ja = "「セツブン」じゃなくて「節分」ですよ。ええ?ん、だから発音は節分ですって、あれ?",
        en = "It's not \"SEtsubun\", it's pronounced \"Setsubun\". Eh? Mmm, like I said, it's pronounced \"Setsubun\", huh?",
    ["Luigi Torelli"] = {
        ja = "これがうわさの節分。楽しい!目標は...あ、あれか?あの大鯨とかいう。あい!攻撃開始!それ!それそれ!",
        en = "This is that Setsubun I've heared about. This'll be fun! The target is... H-her? The one they call \"Taigei\". Yep! Begin the attack! Take that! And that and that!",
    ["Hayasui"] = {
        ja = "提督さん、節分のお豆、補給要請ですが。はい、速吸、了解しました。",
        en = "You want to order a supply of beans for Setsubun, Admiral? Yes, I got it.",
        note = "Secretary 2",
    ["Kamoi"] = {
        ja = "節分ですね。提督、今年の鬼役はこの神威が務めましょうか?え?やめたほうがいいですか?",
        en = "It's Setsubun huh. Shall I play the Oni this year, Admiral. Eh? It'd be better if I reconsider?",
    ["Shimushu"] = {
        ja = "はい?セツ...ブン?No, No, No!節分つよ:セ、ツ、ブ、ン!ああ、も違うす!",
        en = "Huh? Se-TSUbun? No, No, No! Setsubun is pronounced: Se-tsu-BU-n! Ah, jeez, that's not it either-su!",
    ["Kunashiri"] = {
        ja = "おお、子日さん、今年鬼やくなんですか?でわ、しかったないですね。力いっぱい聞かせていただきます!ええ!夾叉!次は当てます!",
        en = "Oh, Nenohi, you're playing the Oni this year? Well then, I guess it can't be helped. I'll come at you full force. Take this! Bracketed! The next one will definitely hit!",
    ["Etorofu"] = {
        ja = "節分、択捉も頑張ります。ほら、皆も!",
        en = "It's Setsubun, I'll do my best. Come on everyone, you too!",
    ["Matsuwa"] = {
        ja = "択捉ちゃん、私、投げられない!ごめんなさい、無理です!",
        en = "Etorofu-chan, I, I can't throw it! I'm sorry, I just can't!",
    ["Sado"] = {
        ja = "ガー、なんだ、ツシ!お前節分忘れちっまったのか?マツもな~に?そのへっぴり腰!こうやって投げんだよ!",
        en = "Argh! What's with you Tsushi? Have you forgotten that it's Setsubun now? You too, Matsu? You're being such a wuss! Throw it like this!",
    ["Tsushima"] = {
        ja = "タイワンでは節分はいやらないだけど。ああ、セツブン?ますます、いやらないんだけど。",
        en = "But, we didn't have Setsubun in Taiwan. Oh, SetsuBUn? I have even less a clue what that is.",