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|自己紹介            = Buon Giorno! ザラ級重,一番艦ザラです!粘り強さが信条です。提督、よろしくね!
Buon Giorno!提督、おかえりなさい。ザラ級重巡一番艦ザラ、配置につきます!今日もよろしくね (改)
|EN1                  = Good Morning! First ship of the Zara-class CAs, Zara! Being tenacious is my creed. Admiral, take care of me!
|scenario = Intro
Good Morning! Admiral, welcome back. First ship of the Zara-class CAs, Zara, has arrived at my post! Take care of me today too. (kai)
|origin = Buon Giorno! ザラ級重,一番艦ザラです!粘り強さが信条です。提督、よろしくね!
|Note1                =  
|translation = Good Morning! First ship of the Zara-class CAs, Zara! Being tenacious is my creed. Admiral, take care of me!
|Clip1                =
|audio =
|Library              =ザラ級重巡洋艦、その一番艦、ザラです。巡洋艦同士の昼間水上砲戦なら、誰にも負けない自負はあります。
|scenario = Intro (Kai)
|origin = Buon Giorno!提督、おかえりなさい。ザラ級重巡一番艦ザラ、配置につきます!今日もよろしくね
|translation = |Good Morning! Admiral, welcome back. First ship of the Zara-class CAs, Zara, has arrived at my post! Take care of me today too.
|audio =  
|scenario = Library
|origin = ザラ級重巡洋艦、その一番艦、ザラです。巡洋艦同士の昼間水上砲戦なら、誰にも負けない自負はあります。
|translation = First ship of the Zara-class heavy cruisers, Zara. I definitely won't lose to the other heavy cruisers in day battles.
|EN0                  =First ship of the Zara-class heavy cruisers, Zara. I definitely won't lose to the other heavy cruisers in day battles.
My little sister, Pola, is a bit worried but if it's this fleet it's fine! Admiral, I'll do my best!
My little sister, Pola, is a bit worried but if it's this fleet it's fine! Admiral, I'll do my best!
Heavy Cruiser Zara, is joining the fleet!
|audio =  
|Note0                =
|Clip0                =
|秘書クリック会話①  =はい、ザラですね。やれます!
|scenario = Secretary 1
|EN2                  =Yes, it's me. I'll do it!
|origin = はい、ザラですね。やれます!
|Note2                =
|translation = Yes, it's me. I'll do it!
|Clip2                =
|audio =  
|秘書クリック会話②  =ポーラ、大丈夫かな…あ、はい、ザラはいつでもいけます!
|EN3                  =Is Pola alright... Ah, yes, I'm always ready to go!
|Note3                =
|scenario = Secretary 2
|Clip3                =
|origin = ポーラ、大丈夫かな…あ、はい、ザラはいつでもいけます!
|秘書クリック会話③  =いくら粘り強さがモットーだっていっても、流石にこれは……提督、ザラ怒りますよ!
|translation = Is Pola alright... Ah, yes, I'm always ready to go!
|EN4                  =Even though "Tenacity" is my motto, as expected this is a bit... Admiral, I'll get angry!
|audio =  
|Note4                =
|Clip4                =
|秘書放置時          =え?ポーラが?またお酒の瓶もって?ああ、それとてもだめなパターンだ・・・。提督、どこで見ました?探さないと!
|scenario = Secretary 3
|EN4a                =Eh? Pola? Another bottle of sake? Ah, that's a bad habit... Admiral, where did you go? I can't find him!
|origin = いくら粘り強さがモットーだっていっても、流石にこれは……提督、ザラ怒りますよ!
|Note4a              =
|translation = Even though "Tenacity" is my motto, as expected this is a bit... Admiral, I'll get angry!
|Clip4a              =
|audio =  
|Married             =提督、Come sta?そう、良かった!もちろん、ポーラが心配だけど、今は二人っきり、ですね?ふふ。・・・ふぁっ、別にそんな意味じゃ・・・・・・ある、けど
|EN25                =How are you Admiral? Is that so, that's good! Of course I'm a bit worried about Pola but it's just the two of us now right? Fufu.... Oh, I don't mean it in that way... But...
|Note25              =
|scenario = Secretary (Idle)
|Clip25              =
|origin = え?ポーラが?またお酒の瓶もって?ああ、それとてもだめなパターンだ・・・。提督、どこで見ました?探さないと!
|Wedding              =提督、どうしたの?これは・・・・・・え?指輪!?提督、ザラのモットー覚えてる?そう、粘り強さ、よ。届いたかな?ね?ふふ。・・・・・・提督、Grazie
|translation = Eh? Pola? Another bottle of sake? Ah, that's a bad habit... Admiral, where did you go? I can't find him!
|EN26                =Admiral, what's wrong? This is... eh? A ring!? Admiral, do you remember my motto? That's right, 'Tenacity'. Are you paying attention? Hmm? Fufu... Admiral, thank you.
|audio =
|Note26              =
|Clip26              =
|戦績表示時          =情報ですね? はい、ザラがお持ちします
|scenario = Wedding
|EN5                  =Information right? Yes, I'll get it right away.
|origin =  提督、どうしたの?これは・・・・・・え?指輪!?提督、ザラのモットー覚えてる?そう、粘り強さ、よ。届いたかな?ね?ふふ。・・・・・・提督、Grazie
|Note5                =
|translation = Admiral, what's wrong? This is... eh? A ring!? Admiral, do you remember my motto? That's right, 'Tenacity'. Are you paying attention? Hmm? Fufu... Admiral, thanks.
|Clip5                =
|audio =  
|編成選択時          =ザラ級重巡、ザラ! 抜錨します! 艦隊前に、行きます!
|EN6                  =Zara-class Heavy Cruiser, Zara! Setting sail! Fleet full speed ahead!
|Note6                =
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|Clip6                =
|origin = 提督、Come sta?そう、良かった!もちろん、ポーラが心配だけど、今は二人っきり、ですね?ふふ。・・・ふぁっ、別にそんな意味じゃ・・・・・・ある、けど
|装備時①            =ザラ、条約型重巡だから…。あっこれいいな、いいですね!
|translation = How are you Admiral? Is that so, that's good! Of course I'm a bit worried about Pola but it's just the two of us now right? Fufu.... Oh, I don't mean it in that way... But...
|EN7                  =I'm a treaty heavy cruiser so... Ah this is nice, it's great!
|audio =  
|Note7                =
|Clip7                =
|装備時②            =魚雷発射管…ううんいらない、なくていい。でも…積めたら…積んでも…いいのよ?
|scenario = Player's Score
|EN8                  =Torpedo tubes... I don't need them, I'm fine without them. But... if you already have them... can I... try equipping them?
|origin = 情報ですね? はい、ザラがお持ちします
|Note8                =
|translation = Information right? Yes, I'll get it right away.
|Clip8                =
|audio =  
|装備時③            =何事も粘り強く、よ?
|EN9                  =Do everything tenaciously OK?
|Note9                =
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|Clip9                =
|origin = ザラ級重巡、ザラ! 抜錨します! 艦隊前に、行きます!
|補給時              =提督、Grazie!
|translation = Zara-class Heavy Cruiser, Zara! Setting sail! Fleet full speed ahead!
|EN24                =Admiral, thanks!
|audio =  
|Note24              =
|Clip24              =
|ドック入り(小破以下) =やられちゃった・・・・・・。ごめん、ザラ、シャワー浴びるね。すぐよ?すぐ済ますから
|scenario = Equipment 1
|EN10                =They got me... Sorry, I'll be having a shower. I'll be a while OK? I'll be out in a while.
|origin = ザラ、条約型重巡だから…。あっこれいいな、いいですね!
|Note10              =
|translation = I'm a treaty heavy cruiser so... Ah this is nice, it's great!
|Clip10              =
|audio =  
|ドック入り(中破以上) =もう・・・・・・服も艤装もぼろぼろ・・・・・・。強靭さが、足りない!でも、次はちゃんとやるから!
|EN11                =Man... my clothes and equipment are all beat up... I wasn't tenacious enough! But, next time I'll do better!
|Note11              =
|scenario = Equipment 2
|Clip11              =
|origin = 魚雷発射管…ううんいらない、なくていい。でも…積めたら…積んでも…いいのよ?
|入渠完了            =
|translation = Torpedo tubes... I don't need them, I'm fine without them. But... if you already have them... can I... try equipping them?
|EN27                =
|audio =  
|Note27              =
|Clip27              =
|建造時              =提督。新しい艦の建造が完了しました!
|scenario = Equipment 3
|EN12                =Admiral, the construction of the new ship is done!
|origin = 何事も粘り強く、よ?
|Note12              =
|translation = Do everything tenaciously OK?
|Clip12              =
|audio =  
|艦隊帰投時          =提督、operazione 完了です!
|EN13                =Admiral, the operation is complete!
|Note13              =
|scenario = Supply
|Clip13              =
|origin = 提督、Grazie!
|出撃時              =ポーラ、大丈夫?お酒はダメだからね?
|translation = Admiral, thanks!
|EN14                =Are you alright Pola? Drinking is bad OK?
|audio =  
|Note14              =
|Clip14              =
|戦闘開始時          =敵艦発見、砲戦用意! さあ、ザラ級の戦い、始めます!
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|EN15                =Enemy ships spotted, prepare for combat! Come, the battle of the Zara-class starts now!
|origin = やられちゃった・・・・・・。ごめん、ザラ、シャワー浴びるね。すぐよ?すぐ済ますから
|Note15              =
|translation = They got me... Sorry, I'll be having a shower. I'll be a while OK? I'll be out in a while.
|Clip15              =
|audio =  
|航空戦開始時        =
|EN15a                =
|Note15a              =
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|Clip15a              =
|origin = もう・・・・・・服も艤装もぼろぼろ・・・・・・。強靭さが、足りない!でも、次はちゃんとやるから!
|攻撃時              =主砲、前方の敵艦に指向して!撃ち方、始め!沈みなさい!
|translation = Man... my clothes and equipment are all beat up... I wasn't tenacious enough! But, next time I'll do better!
|EN16                =Main guns, target the enemy ahead! Open fire! Sink!
|audio =  
|Note16              =
|Clip16              =
|夜戦開始時          =夜戦かぁ…いいわ。私たち、ザラ級なりのやり方で、やってみせる!
|scenario = Docking (Completed)
|EN17                =Night battle huh... that's fine. We, the Zara-class, will show you our way of doing things!
|origin =  
|Note17              =
|translation =  
|Clip17              =
|audio =  
|夜戦攻撃時          =4番主砲、頼むわよ。ザラの粘り強さ、この砲戦で見せてあげるんだから!
|EN18                =No.4 Turret, I'm counting on you to show my tenacity in this battle!
|Note18              =
|scenario = Construction
|Clip18              =
|origin = 督。新しい艦の建造が完了しました!
|MVP時                =え?ザラが一番ですって?Grazie!貰っておくわ、んふっ。
|translation = Admiral, the construction of the new ship is done!
|EN19                =Eh? I'm number one you say? Thanks! I'll accept it, fu~
|audio =  
|Note19              =
|Clip19              =
|小破①              =きゃあ…!こんのぉ…!
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|EN20                =Kyaa...! You...!
|origin = 提督、operazione 完了です!
|Note20              =
|translation = Admiral, the operation is complete!
|Clip20              =
|audio =  
|小破②              =いやぁっ!痛いじゃない!
|EN21                =Noo! It doesn't hurt!
|Note21              =
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|Clip21              =
|origin = ポーラ、大丈夫?お酒はダメだからね?
|中破                =きゃあっ!こんなの・・・・・・私の装甲、抜けやしないんだから!
|translation = Are you alright Pola? Drinking is bad OK?
|EN22                =Kyaa! My armour... won't be broken with just that!
|audio =  
|Note22              =
|Clip22              =
|撃沈時(反転)        =冷たい・・・水が・・・・・・ぁ、そっか。ポーラ・・・お酒、ほどほどに・・・ね?先に・・・行く、ね
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|EN23                =The cold... water is... Ah, I get it. Pola... drink in moderation... ok? I'll... be going first.
|origin = 敵艦発見、砲戦用意! さあ、ザラ級の戦い、始めます!
|Note23              =
|translation = Enemy ships spotted, prepare for combat! Come, the battle of the Zara-class starts now!
|Clip23              =
|audio =  
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 主砲、前方の敵艦に指向して!撃ち方、始め!沈みなさい!
|translation = Main guns, target the enemy ahead! Open fire! Sink!
|audio =  
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 夜戦かぁ…いいわ。私たち、ザラ級なりのやり方で、やってみせる!
|translation = Night battle huh... that's fine. We, the Zara-class, will show you our way of doing things!
|audio =  
|scenario = Attack (Night Battle)
|origin = 4番主砲、頼むわよ。ザラの粘り強さ、この砲戦で見せてあげるんだから!
|translation = No.4 Turret, I'm counting on you to show my tenacity in this battle!
|audio =  
|scenario = MVP
|origin = え?ザラが一番ですって?Grazie!貰っておくわ、んふっ。
|translation = Eh? I'm number one you say? Thanks! I'll accept it, fu~
|audio =  
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = きゃあ…!こんのぉ…!
|translation = Kyaa...! You...!
|audio =  
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = きゃあ…!こんのぉ…!
|translation = Noo! It doesn't hurt!
|audio =  
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = きゃあっ!こんなの・・・・・・私の装甲、抜けやしないんだから!
|translation = Kyaa! My armour... won't be broken with just that!
|audio =  
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 冷たい・・・水が・・・・・・ぁ、そっか。ポーラ・・・お酒、ほどほどに・・・ね?先に・・・行く、ね
|translation = The cold... water is... Ah, I get it. Pola... drink in moderation... ok? I'll... be going first.
|audio =  
|} <references/>
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