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**{{Green Gun}} {{Landing Forces}} {{Landing Forces}} + {{Green Gun}}
**{{Green Gun}} {{Landing Forces}} {{Landing Forces}} + {{Green Gun}}
*darth vader: {{Landing Craft}} {{Landing Craft}} {{Amphibious Tank}} {{Amphibious Tank}} + {{Landing Craft}}
*darth vader: {{Landing Craft}} {{Landing Craft}} {{Amphibious Tank}} {{Amphibious Tank}} + {{Landing Craft}}
*RE radar capable dds: gun, torp, dlc/tonk + radar: gtr can proc against installations, making such setup very effective against pseudoinstall, and maps with both regular ships and installations
*RE radar capable dds: {{Green Gun}}, {{TorpedoWeapon}}, {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}} + radar: gtr can proc against installations, making such setup very effective against pseudoinstall, and maps with both regular ships and installations
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*{{Med Gun}} {{Med Gun}} {{SPB}}/{{SPF}} {{AA Shell}}
*{{Med Gun}} {{Med Gun}} {{SPB}}/{{SPF}} {{AA Shell}}
*{{Med Gun}} {{Med Gun}} {{SPR}}/{{SPF}} {{WildCard}}+{{AA Shell}}
*{{Med Gun}} {{Med Gun}} {{SPB}}/{{SPF}} {{WildCard}}+{{AA Shell}}
{{Class|Zara|Kai+}} Only, with the SPR/SPF providing additional bonuses.
{{Class|Zara|Kai+}} Only, with the SPB/SPF providing additional bonuses.
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*rocket, rocket, rocket: pseudonuke. even a de performs better than a ca against sdp
*{{AntiGroundArtillery}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}}: pseudonuke. even a de performs better than a ca against sdp
*gun, gun, rocket, rocket: da pseudonuke
*{{Med Gun}}, {{Med Gun}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}}: da pseudonuke
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In many cases, carriers are used in anti install fleet to remove non install ships, so that ships with anti install setups can target installs. however, they can also carry anti-install setups:
In many cases, carriers are used in anti install fleet to remove non install ships, so that ships with anti install setups can target installs. however, they can also carry anti-install setups:
*blue, red(anti-install), green: regular cvci setup can dmg installs if contains anti install dive bombers
*{{Torpedo Bomber}}, {{Dive Bomber}} (anti-install), green: regular cvci setup can dmg installs if contains anti install dive bombers
i dont agree with using blue+green setups for anti install
i dont agree with using blue+green setups for anti install
*blue, red, x, dlc: gamby/unyou, effective in escort when combined vs single, especially unyou k2, who can shell in nb with regular nb formula if not satisfying night time carrier attack conditions
*{{Torpedo Bomber}}, {{Dive Bomber}}, {{WildCard}}, {{Landing Craft}}: gamby/unyou, effective in escort when combined vs single, especially unyou k2, who can shell in nb with regular nb formula if not satisfying night time carrier attack conditions
*red, x, dlc/tonk, dlc/tonk: note that tonk is only possible on houshou
*{{Dive Bomber}}, {{WildCard}}, {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}}, {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}}: note that tonk is only possible on houshou
*t3+ap setup: also one of the best setup for 4+1 slotted battleships in regular combat due to the firepower from the t3 shell. note that hotels can reach daytime cap without any *anti install equip, hence unless postcap modifiers exist, one usually would not use such setup on them
*{{AA Shell}}+{{AP Shell}} setup: also one of the best setup for 4+1 slotted battleships in regular combat due to the firepower from the t3 shell. note that hotels can reach daytime cap without any *anti install equip, hence unless postcap modifiers exist, one usually would not use such setup on them
*da tonk/dlc: note that since bb has high fp, they benefit less from precap modifiers, hence such setup see little use
*da {{Amphibious Tank}}/{{Landing Craft}}: note that since bb has high fp, they benefit less from precap modifiers, hence such setup see little use
*yamato k2j gun, gun, seaplane, ap, dlc/tonk + radar: touch+spotting+anti install setup, very effective when dlc/tonk provides nodewide postcap mod
*yamato k2j {{Large Gun}} {{Large Gun}}, {{Seaplane}}, {{AP Shell}}, {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}} + radar: touch+spotting+anti install setup, very effective when {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}} provides nodewide postcap mod
*gun, ap, radar, dlc/tonk / gun, ap, tonk, tonk + radar: touch setup for 4 slotted battleships
*{{Large Gun}}, {{AP Shell}}, radar, {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}} / {{Large Gun}}, {{AP Shell}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}+ radar: touch setup for 4 slotted battleships
*such setups with dlc/tonk are also quite effective against sdp/pseudoinstall, hence will not be repeated in anti sdp/pseudoinstall section
*such setups with {{Landing Craft}}/{{Amphibious Tank}} are also quite effective against sdp/pseudoinstall, hence will not be repeated in anti sdp/pseudoinstall section
anti isolated:
anti isolated:
*gun, gun, db, db, x: ise class k2 only
*{{Large Gun}}, {{Large Gun}}, {{Dive Bomber}}, {{Dive Bomber}}, {{WildCard}}: ise class k2 only
anti pillbox:
anti pillbox:
*gun, gun, recon, ap: when RE is not an option, reduced version of the 5 equip setup. note that altho bringing a t3 in RE is still recommended if RE is available, t3 shell provides no modifier against pillboxes
*{{Large Gun}}, {{Large Gun}}, {{Seaplane}}, {{AP Shell}}: when RE is not an option, reduced version of the 5 equip setup. note that altho bringing a t3 in RE is still recommended if RE is available, t3 shell provides no modifier against pillboxes
anti softskin:
anti softskin:
*gun, gun, recon, t3: when RE is not an option, reduced version of the 5 equip setup
*{{Large Gun}}, {{Large Gun}}, {{Seaplane}}, {{AA Shell}}: when RE is not an option, reduced version of the 5 equip setup
anti sdp/pseudoinstall:
anti sdp/pseudoinstall:
*gun, ap, dlc, dlc, tonk + radar: hotel k2j touch big nuke. ap shell is used for ap modifiers and touch modifiers, radar is for touch rate, ap modifiers, and touch modifiers
*{{Large Gun}}, {{AP Shell}}, {{Landing Craft}}, {{Landing Craft}}, {{Amphibious Tank}} + radar: hotel k2j touch big nuke. ap shell is used for ap modifiers and touch modifiers, radar is for touch rate, ap modifiers, and touch modifiers
*torp, torp, tonk, tonk: haruna k2c anti pseudoinstall
*{{TorpedoWeapon}}, {{TorpedoWeapon}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}: haruna k2c anti pseudoinstall
*torp, torp, rocket, rocket: conte/bongo class k2.5 anti pseudoinstall
*{{TorpedoWeapon}}, {{TorpedoWeapon}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}}: conte/bongo class k2.5 anti pseudoinstall
*gun, tonk, tonk, rocket + gun: haruna k2c, da big mini nuke (but why)
*{{Large Gun}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}, {{AntiGroundArtillery}} + {{Large Gun}}: haruna k2c, da big mini nuke (but why)
*dlc, dlc, tonk, tonk: meganukes (but why)
*{{Landing Craft}}, {{Landing Craft}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}: meganukes (but why)
*dlc, dlc, dlc, tonk, tonkL hotel k2j meganuke (but why)
*{{Landing Craft}}, {{Landing Craft}}, {{Landing Craft}}, {{Amphibious Tank}}, {{Amphibious Tank}} hotel k2j meganuke (but why)


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