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268 bytes removed ,  9 years ago
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| 01EN = It's 0100, yes!
| 01EN = It's 0100, yes!
| 02JP = マルフタマルマルです! 司令官、この時間は、鎮守府も静かですね
| 02JP = マルフタマルマルです! 司令官、この時間は、鎮守府も静かですね
| 02EN = It's 0200! Commander, at this time, the base is quiet, isn't it?
| 02EN = It's 0200! Commander, it's pretty quiet around here this late.
| 03JP = マルサンマルマルです! え、私? あ、はい、大丈夫です! 眠くなんかないです!
| 03JP = マルサンマルマルです! え、私? あ、はい、大丈夫です! 眠くなんかないです!
| 03EN = It's 0300. Eh, me? Ah, yes, I'm fine! I'm not getting sleepy!
| 03EN = It's 0300. Eh, me? Ah, yes, I'm fine! I'm not getting sleepy!
| 04JP = マルヨン……マルマルです……んあっ……!? ちがっ、違うんです! はい! 吹雪、バッチリ元気です!
| 04JP = マルヨン……マルマルです……んあっ……!? ちがっ、違うんです! はい! 吹雪、バッチリ元気です!
| 04EN = It's... 0-4... 00... na....?! No, no! Yes! Fubuki is full of energy!
| 04EN = It's... 0-4... 00... Ah...!? No, no! Yes! I'm full of energy!
| 04Note = Assuring you that she's not nodding off...
| 04Note = Assuring you that she's not nodding off...
| 05JP = マルゴーマルマルです! 司令官、朝この時間は気持ちいですね! はい!
| 05JP = マルゴーマルマルです! 司令官、朝この時間は気持ちいですね! はい!
| 05EN = It's 0500! Commander, these morning hours feel great, don't they! Yes!
| 05EN = It's 0500! Commander, don't you think these morning hours feel great? Yes!
| 06JP = マルロクマルマルです! 総員起こし、ですよね!掛けます!艦隊、総員起こし!
| 06JP = マルロクマルマルです! 総員起こし、ですよね!掛けます!艦隊、総員起こし!
| 06EN = It's 0600! Getting up with all your power, right! Rising up! The fleet, rising up with all its strength!
| 06EN = It's 0600! It's time to get everybody else up! I'll make the call! It's time to rise and shine, everybody!
| 07JP = マルナナマルマルです! 司令官、朝食、こちらにご用意しました。和朝食です。お味噌汁は、今朝はじゃがいもです!
| 07JP = マルナナマルマルです! 司令官、朝食、こちらにご用意しました。和朝食です。お味噌汁は、今朝はじゃがいもです!
| 07EN = It's 0700! Commander, here is your breakfast. It's a calm breakfast. This morning, it's miso soup, and potatoes!
| 07EN = It's 0700! Commander, here's your breakfast. It's a Japanese-styled breakfast. This morning, it's miso soup with potatoes!
| 08JP = マルハチマルマルです! よし、これで洗い物はオッケイっと……はい!司令官、吹雪、出撃準備完了です!
| 08JP = マルハチマルマルです! よし、これで洗い物はオッケイっと……はい!司令官、吹雪、出撃準備完了です!
| 08EN = It's 0800! Alright, with that, the dishes are washed... Yes! Commander, Fubuki's sortie preparations are complete!
| 08EN = It's 0800! Alright, the dishes are all washed! I'm all set to sortie, Commander!
| 08Note = 洗い物 (araimono) is for dishwashing.
| 09JP = マルキューマルマルです! 白雪ちゃん、初雪ちゃん、準備はいい? 司令官、第十一駆逐隊、いつでも出撃できます!
| 09JP = マルキューマルマルです! 白雪ちゃん、初雪ちゃん、準備はいい? 司令官、第十一駆逐隊、いつでも出撃できます!
| 09EN = It's 0900! Shirayuki-chan, Hatsuyuki-chan, are you ready? Commander, the 11th Destroyer Division is ready to sortie at any time!
| 09EN = It's 0900! Shirayuki-chan, Hatsuyuki-chan, are you ready? Commander, the 11th Destroyer Division is ready to sortie at any time!
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| 10Note = [[Anime]]: [[Akagi]]'s her idol.
| 10Note = [[Anime]]: [[Akagi]]'s her idol.
| 11JP = ヒトヒトマルマルです! もうすぐお昼ですね。今日のお昼はどうしましょう……司令官、やっぱりカレーでしょうか?
| 11JP = ヒトヒトマルマルです! もうすぐお昼ですね。今日のお昼はどうしましょう……司令官、やっぱりカレーでしょうか?
| 11EN = It's 1100! It'll be lunchtime really soon. What should today's lunch be... Commander, how about the usual curry?
| 11EN = It's 1100! It'll be lunchtime soon. What should today's lunch be... Commander, how about the usual curry?
| 12JP = ヒトフタマルマルです! 司令官、吹雪もカレーを作ってみました! どうでしょう? 人参と玉葱がですね……ああっそうなんです! 隠し味はですねぇ……あっ! おかわりあります!
| 12JP = ヒトフタマルマルです! 司令官、吹雪もカレーを作ってみました! どうでしょう? 人参と玉葱がですね……ああっそうなんです! 隠し味はですねぇ……あっ! おかわりあります!
| 12EN = It's 1200! Commander, Fubuki made some curry! How is it? There are carrots and onions... Aaah, that's it! The secret ingredient... Ah! Have some seconds!
| 12EN = It's 1200! Commander, I made some curry! How is it? There are carrots and onions... Ah, that's about it! The secret ingredient... Ah! Have some seconds!
| 13JP = ヒトサンマルマルです! 午後の作戦展開はどうしましょう? 出撃艦隊の編成は……あっ、司令官、お疲れですか?
| 13JP = ヒトサンマルマルです! 午後の作戦展開はどうしましょう? 出撃艦隊の編成は……あっ、司令官、お疲れですか?
| 13EN = It's 1300! What are this afternoon's strategy developments? Fleet sortie compositions... Oh, Commander, are you getting tired?
| 13EN = It's 1300! What are this afternoon's strategy developments? Fleet sortie compositions... Oh, Commander, are you getting tired?
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| 16Note = Apparently, [[Aoba]] [https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1641241 hasn't been using her searchlight these past few hours]
| 16Note = Apparently, [[Aoba]] [https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1641241 hasn't been using her searchlight these past few hours]
| 17JP = ヒトナナマルマルです! 司令官、夕日が綺麗ですね。そろそろ、お夕食の準備をしないと…え、夜は御馳走してくれるんですか?
| 17JP = ヒトナナマルマルです! 司令官、夕日が綺麗ですね。そろそろ、お夕食の準備をしないと…え、夜は御馳走してくれるんですか?
| 17EN = It's 1700! Commander, the sunset is pretty, isn't it? It will be time for dinner soon, and a meal hasn't been prepared yet. Oh, you'll treat me to dinner tonight?
| 17EN = It's 1700! Don't you think the sunset's pretty, Commander? Ah, it's almost time for dinner. Oh, you'll treat me to dinner tonight?
| 18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。司令官と外食だなんて、緊張してしまいます…えと、ナイフとフォーク…外側から使うんだよね?
| 18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。司令官と外食だなんて、緊張してしまいます…えと、ナイフとフォーク…外側から使うんだよね?
| 18EN = It's 1800. I'm feeling nervous eating out with the Commander ... Um, a knife and fork... these are used out there, aren't they?
| 18EN = It's 1800. I'm feeling nervous eating out with the Commander ... Are you supposed to eat from the outer-edge of the plate?
| 18Note = 'Out there' possibly refers to outside of Japan
| 19JP = ヒトキュウマルマルです! 司令官、このコンソメスープ、とぉっても美味しいです! このサラダも…洋食ってオシャレですね!
| 19JP = ヒトキュウマルマルです! 司令官、このコンソメスープ、とぉっても美味しいです! このサラダも…洋食ってオシャレですね!
| 19EN = It's 1900! Commander, this consommé soup is hot and delicious! This salad, too... It's Western-style and looks smart, doesn't it?
| 19EN = It's 1900! Commander, this consommé soup is hot and delicious! This salad, too... They all feel so Western and classy, doesn't it?
| 19Note = オシャレ (Oshare) means fashionable, smart, & stylish-looking.
| 20JP = フタマルマルマルです! お腹いっぱいです、司令官! あ、これはいっぱい働いてお返ししないと。はい! 吹雪、もっと頑張ります!
| 20JP = フタマルマルマルです! お腹いっぱいです、司令官! あ、これはいっぱい働いてお返ししないと。はい! 吹雪、もっと頑張ります!
| 20EN = It’s 2000! I’m full, Commander! Ah, from here, I must work hard to return the favor. Yes! Fubuki will continue to do her best!
| 20EN = It’s 2000! I’m full, Commander! Ah, from here, I'll have to work hard to return the favor. Yes! I'll continue to do do my best!
| 21JP = フタヒトマルマルです! あ、由良さんだ! 素敵ですよね、由良さん。白雪ちゃん達と一緒にお世話になったんです、はい!
| 21JP = フタヒトマルマルです! あ、由良さんだ! 素敵ですよね、由良さん。白雪ちゃん達と一緒にお世話になったんです、はい!
| 21EN = It's 2100! Oh, it's Yura-san! She's wonderful, isn't she? Shirayuki-chan and the rest of us are all grateful to her, yes!
| 21EN = It's 2100! Oh, it's Yura-san! She's wonderful, isn't she? Shirayuki-chan and the rest of us are all grateful to her, yeah!
| 21Note = As a member of DesDiv11, & later DesDiv20, Fubuki & her sisters served with [[Yura]] in [[Historical Formations#Battle Participants|operations from 1941-1942]].
| 21Note = As a member of DesDiv11, & later DesDiv20, Fubuki and her sisters served with [[Yura]] in [[Historical Formations#Battle Participants|operations from 1941-1942]].
| 22JP = フタフタマルマル…え、夢ですか? 強くなって、皆を護ることが出来て、平和になったら…ずーっと日向ぼっこをしてたいです。
| 22JP = フタフタマルマル…え、夢ですか? 強くなって、皆を護ることが出来て、平和になったら…ずーっと日向ぼっこをしてたいです。
| 22EN = 2200... Eh, was that a dream? I want to become stronger; to be able to protect everyone... If peace comes... I want us to always be basking in the sun.
| 22EN = 2200... Eh, my dreams? I want to become stronger and be able to protect everyone... If peace comes... I think I'll just bask in the sun all day.
| 23JP = フタサンマルマルです。司令官の夢はなんですか? うん…わぁ、そうなんだ! 良かった♪ 私もおんなじです、はい!
| 23JP = フタサンマルマルです。司令官の夢はなんですか? うん…わぁ、そうなんだ! 良かった♪ 私もおんなじです、はい!
| 23EN = It's 2300. Commander, what did you dream of? Mm... Is that so? That's great ♪ It was the same for me, yes!
| 23EN = It's 2300. Commander, what did you dream of? Mm... Is that so? That's great ♪ I had a similar dream!
| idleJP = 主砲……よし。魚雷発射管……よし。機関……大丈夫! ふぅ、あとは……ああ、そうだ、あの辺も確認しておこう。えっと……。
| idleJP = 主砲……よし。魚雷発射管……よし。機関……大丈夫! ふぅ、あとは……ああ、そうだ、あの辺も確認しておこう。えっと……。
| idleEN = Main battery... check. Torpedo tubes... check. Engines... alright! Hm, that... Ah, yes, that there is checked, too. Um...
| idleEN = Main battery... check. Torpedo tubes... check. Engines... alright! Hm, that... Ah, yes, that there is checked, too. Um...
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=== Drop Locations ===
=== Drop Locations ===


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