
Line 20: Line 20:  
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction|form2 = Nuovo
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction|form2 = Nuovo
|origin =Buongiorno! Mi chiamo Conte di Cavour. ガッツリ第二次改装済みだ。これなら負けは…しないぞ!
|origin =Buongiorno! Mi chiamo Conte di Cavour. ガッツリ第二次改装済みだ。これなら負けは…しないぞ!
|translation =Good day! I'm Conte di Cavour.  
|translation =Good day! I'm Conte di Cavour. My second remodel's ready to go. Now that I've got this, I... won't lose!
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|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin =Ciao! あんた何?このわしの力がいるわけね?
|origin =Ciao! あんた何?このわしの力が要るわけね?
|translation =Hello! What do you want?  
|translation =Hello! What do you want? Need my strength, don't you?
Line 57: Line 57:  
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =何々?あんた、珍しいく元気がないね。大丈夫。私がついてる。大船に乗ったつもりで…えぇ?小さい?へぇ、舐めたとか、こいつ……まあ、いいわ。安心なさい。
|origin =何々?あんた、珍しく元気がないね。大丈夫。私がついてる。大船に乗ったつもりで…えぇ?小さい?へぇ、舐めてんのか、こいつ……まあ、いいわ。安心なさい。
|translation =What's going on? You're not acting like your usual cheerful self. It'll be fine. I'm here for you. You can rely on me... Huh? I'm small? Grrr, are you making fun of me... Ah, forget it. Just relax.<ref>The phrase she uses (大船に乗ったつもりで) literally translates to "As if you're riding on a large boat". It's a phrase meaning "finding something you can rely on".</ref>
|translation =What's going on? You're not acting like your usual cheerful self. It'll be fine. I'm here for you. You can rely on me... Huh? I'm small? Grrr, are you making fun of me... Ah, forget it. Just relax.<ref>The phrase she uses (大船に乗ったつもりで) literally translates to "As if you're riding on a large boat". It's a phrase meaning "finding something you can rely on".</ref>
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =Ciao! あんたいつも元気そうね。えぇ?なにこれ?わしに?……あんた…あんたの駆使に…生意気ね。まあ、もらっとくけど……Grazie.
|origin =Ciao! あんたいつも元気そうね。えぇ?何これ?わしに?……あんた…あんたのくせに…生意気ね。まあ、もらっとくけど……Grazie.
|translation =Hello! You're cheerful as usual. Huh? What's this? For me? ...That's... That's pretty bold of you. Well, I accept though... Thanks.
|translation =Hello! You're cheerful as usual. Huh? What's this? For me? ...That's... That's pretty bold of you. Well, I accept though... Thanks.
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|scenario = Docking Major
|scenario = Docking Major
|origin =着底しちゃうじゃん?冗談じゃない。まだまだ働くから。
|origin =着底しちゃうじゃん?冗談じゃない。まだまだ働くから。
|translation =I'm being run aground? Don't mess with me. I can still keep going.
|translation =I'm being run aground<ref>''Conte di Cavour'' was deliberately run aground after losing one of her pumps so that she would not immediately capsize. Repairs were never fully completed.</ref>? Don't mess with me. I can still keep going.
Line 124: Line 124:  
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin =作戦完了。おつかれってね?
|origin =作戦完了。お疲れってね?
|translation =Operation complete. I'm supposed to say "good job", right?
|translation =Operation complete. I'm supposed to say "good job", right?
Line 181: Line 181:  
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =ち…若ぞクセに…わしは舐めなよ!
|origin =ち…若ぞのクセに…わしを舐めなよ!
|translation =Tch... You youngins... better not underestimate me!
|translation =Tch... You youngins... better not underestimate me!
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin =マル…ヒト…マルマル!ほら、簡単。お茶の声をこんなの。わしの若い頃は…えぇ、今でも若いし。
|origin =マル…ヒト…マルマル!ほら、簡単。お茶の子よ、こんなの。わしの若い頃は…えぇ、今でも若いし。
|translation =0...1...00! See, easy. I can manage. When I was younger... Guh, I'm still young.
|translation =0...1...00! See, easy. I can manage. When I was younger... Guh, I'm still young.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =マル…フタ…マルマル!よしよし、問題なかろうって。提督よ、あんたらの作法わしもなれた来たぞ。
|origin =マル…フタ…マルマル!よしよし、問題なかろうって。提督よ、あんたらの作法、わしもなれた来たぞ。
|translation =0...2...00! Alright, that was perfect. Admiral, I've gotten used to your way of doing things.
|translation =0...2...00! Alright, that was perfect. Admiral, I've gotten used to your way of doing things.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin =マルゴ……マルマル……んー…ん?何だ、もう朝か?仕方ない、起きるか。Buongiorno.
|origin =マルゴウ……マルマル……んー…ん?何だ、もう朝か?仕方ない、起きるか。Buongiorno.
|translation =05...00. Ngh... Hmm? Oh, morning already? Time to wake up then. Good morning.
|translation =05...00. Ngh... Hmm? Oh, morning already? Time to wake up then. Good morning.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =マル…ナナ……マルマル……朝飯はそうだな、briocheとcappuccinoでいいな?提督の分も一応良いしたよ。よし、いいぞ。召し上がれ。
|origin =マル…ナナ……マルマル……朝飯はそうだな、briocheとcappuccinoでいいな?提督の分も一応用意したよ。よし、いいぞ。召し上がれ。
|translation =0...7...00... Are you fine with brioche and cappuccino for breakfast? Admiral, I'll make your share too. Alright, it's done. Bon appetit.
|translation =0...7...00... Are you fine with brioche and cappuccino for breakfast? Admiral, I'll make your share too. Alright, it's done. Bon appétit.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin =マル…ハチ……マルマル……さあ、海に出るか?地中海でも、どこでも、海をいいよね?あんたもそう思う?よし!
|origin =マル…ハチ……マルマル……さあ、海に出るか?地中海でも、どこでも、海はいいよね?あんたもそう思う?よし!
|translation =0...8...00... Well then, shall we head out to sea? Be it the Mediterranean or anywhere else, being at sea is great. Don't you think so too? Great!
|translation =0...8...00... Well then, shall we head out to sea? Be it the Mediterranean or anywhere else, being at sea is great. Don't you think so too? Great!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09:00
|origin =マル…キュ……マルマル……やはりいいな、海。まずは艦隊演習からか?はぁ〜、でかい船は多いな。
|origin =マル…キュー……マルマル……やはりいいな、海。まずは艦隊演習からか?はぁ〜、でかい船が多いな。
|translation =0...9...00... Being at sea sure feels great. We're having fleet exercises first? Whoaaa, there are so many big ships.
|translation =0...9...00... Being at sea sure feels great. We're having fleet exercises first? Whoaaa, there are so many big ships.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin =ヒト…ヒト……マルマ…おぉ、AbruzziにGaribaldi、久な。そけんで何より。あぁ、わしか?わしにこのとおり元気…いて、いててて…いえ、まあ、元気。ふん。
|origin =ヒト…ヒト……マルマ…おぉ、AbruzziにGaribaldi、久な。壮健で何より。あぁ、わしか?わしもこのとおり元気…いて、いててて…いえ、まあ、元気。ふん。
|translation =1...1...0... Oh, Abruzzi and Garibaldi, long time no see. Good to see you doing well. Ah, me? I'm fine as you can see... Ow, owowow... No, I'm fine. Humph.
|translation =1...1...0... Oh, Abruzzi and Garibaldi, long time no see. Good to see you doing well. Ah, me? I'm fine as you can see... Ow, owowow... No, I'm fine. Humph.
Line 267: Line 267:  
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin =ヒト…ヨン……マルマル…まあ、AbruもGariもてきとなこといいながら、一つしか食わんかったし。仕方ない。また別のお試作してみる。あんたまたひしょくしてよ。頼むわ。
|origin =ヒト…ヨン……マルマル…まあ、AbruもGariも適当なこと言いながら、一つしか食わんかったし。仕方ない。また別のお試作してみる。あんたがまた食してよ。頼むわ。
|translation =1...4...00... Well, Abru and Gari complimented me but they didn't eat a single one. Oh well. I'll try something different next time. I'll ask you to taste test for me again. Please.
|translation =1...4...00... Well, Abru and Gari complimented me but they didn't eat a single one. Oh well. I'll try something different next time. I'll ask you to taste test for me again. Please.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =ヒト…ゴ……マルマ…ほぉ、コンゴウ!あんた、早いだってんな。夜戦も強いって。わしも負けんぞ。負けん。
|origin =ヒト…ゴウ……マルマ…ほぉ、コンゴウ!あんた、早いんだってんな。夜戦も強いって。わしも負けんぞ。負けん。
|translation =1...5...00... Oh, Kongou! I heard you're fast. Also that you're strong in night battles. I won't be beaten. I won't.
|translation =1...5...00... Oh, Kongou! I heard you're fast. Also that you're strong in night battles. I won't be beaten. I won't.
{{ShipquoteKai|form2 = Nuovo
{{ShipquoteKai|form2 = Nuovo
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =ヒト…ゴ……マルマ…ほぉ、コンゴウ!わしも第二次改装を施したぞ。うん、これならあんたたちにを負けんぞ。わぁ、友に同じ敵と戦う楽しみだ!ねぇ、コンゴウ?
|origin =ヒト…ゴウ……マルマ…ほぉ、コンゴウ!わしも第二次改装を施したぞ。うん、これならあんたたちにを負けんぞ。わぁ、友に同じ敵と戦う楽しみだ!ねぇ、コンゴウ?
|translation =1...5...00... Oh, Kongou! I've gotten my 2nd remodel as well. Yup, now I won't be beaten by anyone. Yeah, I can't wait for us to fight side-by-side. Right, Kongou?
|translation =1...5...00... Oh, Kongou! I've gotten my 2nd remodel as well. Yup, now I won't be beaten by anyone. Yeah, I can't wait for us to fight side-by-side. Right, Kongou?
Line 292: Line 292:  
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin =ヒト…ハチ……マルマル。しかしなんだ。我が海軍は少し見ない間に、こんな生意気なガキが増えたもんだ。嘆かわしい!何だ提督よ?Trattoriaに?えへ、行こう!
|origin =ヒト…ハチ……マルマル。しかしなんだ。我が海軍も少し見ない間に、こんな生意気なガキが増えたもんだ。嘆かわしい!何だ提督よ?Trattoriaに?えへ、行こう!
|translation =1...8...00. What is her problem? I take my eyes of this navy for a moment and it's filled with insubordinate brats. What a disgrace! What is it, Admiral? You want to go to a trattoria? Ehe, let's go!
|translation =1...8...00. What is her problem? I take my eyes off this navy for a moment and it's filled with insubordinate brats. What a disgrace! What is it, Admiral? You want to go to a trattoria? Ehe, let's go!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =ヒト…キュ……マルマル。ここがtrattoriaマミヤか?どれ…おぉ、少し独特だが、いい匂いだわ。ん?うちとこの駆逐艦も来てるのか?何がうまいんだ?わかった、ここにあんたを任せる。うまいの頼むわ!
|origin =ヒト…キュー……マルマル。ここがtrattoriaマミヤか?どれ…おぉ、少し独特だが、いい匂いだわ。ん?うちんとこの駆逐艦も来てるのか?何がうまいんだ?わかった、ここにあんたを任せる。うまいの頼むわ!
|translation =1...9...00. So this is the trattoria Mamiya? Let's see... Ooh, the food is a bit peculiar but it smells good. Hmm? The Italian destroyers are here too? What do you recommend? Got it, I'll let you do the ordering. Get us some good food!
|translation =1...9...00. So this is the trattoria Mamiya? Let's see... Ooh, the food is a bit peculiar, but it smells good. Hmm? The Italian destroyers are here too? What do you recommend? Got it, I'll let you do the ordering. Get us some good food!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 20:00
|scenario = 20:00
|origin =フタ…マル……マルマル。おぉ、Gangutじゃん!何だ、なんか妙に安心するぞ。飯もうまいし。うえ?身内の重巡?…知らんがな。へぇ?Zara級かよ。
|origin =フタ…マル……マルマル。おぉ、Gangutじゃん!何だ、なんか妙に安心するぞ。飯もうまいし、飲もう!うえ?うちの重巡?…知らんがな。へぇ?Zara級かよ。
|translation =2...0...00. Oh, it's Gangut! Having you around is strangely comforting. The food is good too. Huh? My heavy cruisers? ...I don't know what they're up to. Guh? It's the Zara-class.
|translation =2...0...00. Oh, it's Gangut! Having you around is strangely comforting. The food is good too. Huh? My heavy cruisers? ...I don't know what they're up to. Guh? It's the Zara-class.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21:00
|origin =フタ…ヒト……マルマル。なんだろうな、身内と思われたくないから、Zara級のことはZaraに任せて。食うよ、飲むよ。Gangut、弩級戦艦に乾杯!ぐ、ぐ、ぐ、くはぁ!
|origin =フタ…ヒト……マルマル。なんだろうな、身内と思われたくないから、Zara級のことはZaraに任せて。食おう、飲もう、提督、Gangut、弩級戦艦に乾杯!ぐ、ぐ、ぐ、くはぁ!
|translation =2...1...00. It's not that I don't consider them my responsibility, but I'll let Zara handle the Zara-class. Eat up, drink up. Gangut, a toast to dreadnoughts! *gulg gulg gulg* Pheeeew!
|translation =2...1...00. It's not that I don't consider them my responsibility, but I'll let Zara handle the Zara-class. Eat up, drink up. Gangut, a toast to dreadnoughts! *gulg gulg gulg* Pheeeew!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =フタ…フタ……マルマル。あのクソ弩級戦艦め、アホみたいにをこつぎあがって。ワインを飲め!ワインを!いててて。少し飲みすぎた。提督、水。水。
|origin =フタ…フタ……マルマル。あのクソ弩級戦艦め、アホみたいにをこつぎやがって。ワインを飲め!ワインを!いててて。少し飲みすぎた。提督、水。水。
|translation =2...2...00. That damn dreadnought treating me like a fool. Give me wine! More! Owowowo. I drank a little too much. Admiral, water. Get me some water.
|translation =2...2...00. That damn dreadnought treating me like a fool. Give me wine! More! Owowowo. I drank a little too much. Admiral, water. Get me some water.
Line 318: Line 318:  
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin =フタ…サン……マルマ…あぁ、水か?大丈夫。もうしらふ。今日も色々あったな。バカみたいだが…なんか楽しいな。幸せってやつかも。いや、空でもない。明日も…頼むわ!
|origin =フタ…サン……マルマ…あぁ、水か?大丈夫。もうしらふ。今日も色々あったな。バカみたいだが…なんか楽しいな。幸せってやつかも。いや、空でもない。明日も…頼むわ!
|translation =2...3...0... Ah, the water? I'm fine. I'm already sober. We did so many things today. Most of it dumb though... But it was kinda fun. So this is what they call happiness. No, it's not hollow. I'm... counting on you tomorrow!
|translation =2...3...0... Ah, the water? I'm fine. I'm already sober. We did so many things today. Most of it was dumb... But it was kinda fun. So this is what they call happiness. No, it's not hollow. I'm... counting on you tomorrow!
