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→‎Quotes: update Japanese texts
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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin =あたし、桃。丁型のアイドル、いえ違うわ、駆逐隊のアイドルが正解?…かな?あ、そう。松型の四番艦。提督、よっろしくぅ♪
|origin =あたし、桃。丁型のアイドル、いえ違うわ、駆逐隊のアイドルが正解?…かな?あ、そう。松型の四番艦。テートク、よっろしくぅ♪
|translation =I'm Momo. The Idol of Type D Destroyers, no, the Idol of Destroyers is more correct, I suppose? Ah, yes. the fourth ship of the Matsu class. Admiral, please treat me well!♪
|translation =I'm Momo. The Idol of Type D Destroyers, no, the Idol of Destroyers is more correct, I suppose? Ah, yes. the fourth ship of the Matsu class. Admiral, please treat me well!♪
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
|origin =あたし、桃。丁型のアイドルやってま~す。そうよ、松型の四番艦。提督、今日もよっろしくぅ!
|origin =あたし、桃。丁型のアイドルやってま~す。そうよ、松型の四番艦。テートク、今日もよっろしくぅ♪
|translation =I'm Momo. The Idol of Type D Destroyers! That's right, the fourth ship of the Matsu class. Admiral, please treat me well today too!
|translation =I'm Momo. The Idol of Type D Destroyers! That's right, the fourth ship of the Matsu class. Admiral, please treat me well today too!
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =丁型のアイドル、桃だよ。そう! 松型駆逐艦の四番艦。松型四隻で第四十三駆逐艦隊を編成したよ! そして、スーパーユニット第三十一戦隊のメンバーになったんだぁ。もう、お仕事は大変!<br>護衛と輸送とか、休む暇なく・・・ ふぅ、大変だった‼
|origin =丁型のアイドル、桃だよ☆<br>そう、松型駆逐艦の四番艦、松型四隻で第四十三駆逐艦隊を編成したよ。<br>そして、スーパーユニット第三十一戦隊のメンバーになったんだ!<br>もうお仕事は大変!護衛と輸送とか休む暇なく…うん…大変だった!
|translation =The Idol of the Type D Destroyers, Momo. Yes! The fourth of the Matsu class destroyers. As the fourth ship of the Matsu class, I was in the 43rd Destroyer Division! Later on, I became a member of the super unit, the 31st Battle Group. Jeez, the work was rough! Escort and transport missions, and no time to rest...
|translation =The Idol of the Type D Destroyers, Momo. Yes! The fourth of the Matsu class destroyers. As the fourth ship of the Matsu class, I was in the 43rd Destroyer Division! Later on, I became a member of the super unit, the 31st Battle Group. Jeez, the work was rough! Escort and transport missions, and no time to rest...
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|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin =お仕事、入ちゃう?入れて、入れて!
|origin =お仕事、入っちゃう?入れて、入れて!
|translation =Are we starting work? Put me in, put me in!
|translation =Are we starting work? Put me in, put me in!
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|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =こ~ら! マネはマネらしく! 提督は提督らしく!でっしょ? 桃は桃らしく、いつもキラキラ! 提督、ちゃんとは守ってよね? 危ない現場には、桃出さないでね?...ね、聞いてる? むぅ、な~に、その顔?
|origin =こ~ら! マネはマネらしく! テートクはテートクらしく!でしょ? 桃は桃らしく、いつもキラッキラ! テートク、ちゃんとは守ってよね? 危ない現場には、桃出さないでね?...ね、聞いてる? もう、な~に、その顔?
|translation =Hey! A manager should act like a manager! Admiral should behave like an admiral, right? Momo should behave like Momo, always sparkling! Admiral, protect me properly, OK? Don't send Momo out to dangerous areas, OK? ...Hey, are you listening? Whaaat, what's with that face?  
|translation =Hey! A manager should act like a manager! Admiral should behave like an admiral, right? Momo should behave like Momo, always sparkling! Admiral, protect me properly, OK? Don't send Momo out to dangerous areas, OK? ...Hey, are you listening? Whaaat, what's with that face?  
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Secretary 3
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =こ~ら!桃がどんなに可愛くだって、提督は提督!一世を守ってよね。は? 桃にそう言う気ない? 嘘!えっ、マジ? それはそれで嫌な。ま、良いっか! 結局、ずっ~と一緒だしね! キラキラ!
|origin =こ~ら!桃がどんなに可愛くだって、テートクはテートク!一線を守ってよね。は? 桃にそう言う気ない? 嘘!えっ、マジ? それはそれで嫌だな。まあ、いっか! 結局、ずっ~と一緒だしね! キラキラ!
|translation =Hey! No matter how cute Momo is, Admiral is an admiral! Always protect me, ok? What? You don't feel like it with Momo? No way! For real? That's a real bummer. Well, whatever! In the end, we're together forever from now on, right? Sparkle!  
|translation =Hey! No matter how cute Momo is, Admiral is an admiral! Always protect me, ok? What? You don't feel like it with Momo? No way! For real? That's a real bummer. Well, whatever! In the end, we're together forever from now on, right? Sparkle!  
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =お客さんだ!は~い、アイドル桃だよ!あなた、何方?ふぅ、艦隊のアイドル?誰?桃、知らないけど... アイドルは、桃だよ!ううぇ、先輩?!マ…マジ?それは、大変失礼しました。<br>じゃ、桃は、丁型のアイドル、やります!...いいですか?やった!
|origin =お客さんだ!は~い、アイドル桃だよ!あなた、何方?え、艦隊のアイドル?誰?桃、知らないけど……アイドルは、桃だよ!うぇ、先輩?!マ…マジ?それは、大変失礼しました。<br>じゃ、桃は、丁型のアイドル、やります!…いいですか?やった!
|translation =A customer! I'm the Idol Momo! And you are...? The Fleet's Idol? Who? Momo doesn't know you though... The Idol here is Momo! W-w-what, you're my senior?! F-for real? Please accept my sincerest apologies. Well, I guess Momo will be the Idol of Type D Destroyers! ...Is that ok? Awesome!   
|translation =A customer! I'm the Idol Momo! And you are...? The Fleet's Idol? Who? Momo doesn't know you though... The Idol here is Momo! W-w-what, you're my senior?! F-for real? Please accept my sincerest apologies. Well, I guess Momo will be the Idol of Type D Destroyers! ...Is that ok? Awesome!   
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =提督?どうしたの?ちょっと疲れたの?じゃ、桃がお茶入れて上げてよ。キラキラな桃ちゃん!どう?
|origin =提督?どうしたの?ちょっと疲れたの?じゃ、桃がお茶淹れて上げてよ。キラキラな桃茶!どう?
|translation =Admiral, what happened? Did you get a bit exhausted? Well, I'll make you some tea. Sparkling Momo! How is it?
|translation =Admiral, what happened? Did you get a bit exhausted? Well, I'll make you some tea. Sparkling Momo! How is it?
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|scenario = Docking Major
|scenario = Docking Major
|origin =ちょっと、長いお風もらっていい?心のリハビリ、大事!
|origin =ちょっと、長いお風呂もらっていい?心のリハビリ、大事!
|translation =Is it alright if I take a long bath? The rehabilitation of the heart is important!
|translation =Is it alright if I take a long bath? The rehabilitation of the heart is important!
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin =桃のライバル?!ちょっ...ないみたい。なら良いか!
|origin =桃のライバル?!じゃ…ないみたい。ならいっか!
|translation =A rival for Momo?! Wait... I guess not. Then it's fine!
|translation =A rival for Momo?! Wait... I guess not. Then it's fine!
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|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =丁型の心身気鋭のアイドル、桃、頑張っちゃうよ!香盤表、えっ、じゃなかった、編成確認、よろしく~!
|origin =丁型の新進気鋭のアイドル、桃、頑張っちゃうよ!香盤表…じゃなかった、編成確認、よろしくぅ!
|translation =The Idol of Type D Destroyers with the energetic mind and body, Momo, will do her best! Please take care of the cast list, oh, I mean, the formation check!   
|translation =The Idol of Type D Destroyers with the energetic mind and body, Momo, will do her best! Please take care of the cast list, oh, I mean, the formation check!   
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Starting A Sortie
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =丁型の心身気鋭のアイドル、桃、頑張っちゃうから!香盤表、えっ、違う、艦隊編成確認よろしくね、提督!
|origin =丁型の新進気鋭アイドル、桃、頑張っちゃうから!香盤表…えっ、違う、艦隊編成、確認よろしくね、テートク!
|translation =The Idol of Type D Destroyers with the energetic mind and body, Momo, will do her best! Please take care of the cast list, oh I mean, the fleet formation check, Admiral!
|translation =The Idol of Type D Destroyers with the energetic mind and body, Momo, will do her best! Please take care of the cast list, oh I mean, the fleet formation check, Admiral!
|scenario = Battle Start
|scenario = Battle Start
|origin =嫌だ、敵じゃん!まね、桃、聞いてないし!やるの?今、ここで?!マジ?!ガチアドリブで?!
|origin =やだ、敵じゃん!マネ、桃、聞いてないし!やるの?今、ここで?!マジ?!ガチアドリブで?!
|translation = Oh no, there're enemies! Well whatever, Momo will ignore them. What? We're doing it? Now, here?! For real?! Seriously ad-libbing?!  
|translation = Oh no, there're enemies! Well whatever, Momo will ignore them. What? We're doing it? Now, here?! For real?! Seriously ad-libbing?!  
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|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin =夜のお仕事、事務所的にはどうなんだろう。は?提督受け?マジ?マジか~?!
|origin =夜のお仕事、事務所的にはどうなんだろう?は?提督OK?マジ?マジか~?!
|translation = I wonder what this means for office work, working at night. What? I have to receive the Admiral? Really? For real?!
|translation = I wonder what this means for office work, working at night. What? I have to receive the Admiral? Really? For real?!
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin =やった!私がセンターあって訳ね!は?あなた誰?横から何?!ぐっ、何よ!ふっ?どういうこと、何、何、何ぃ~!
|origin =やった!私がセンターって訳ね!は?あなた誰?横から何?!ぐっ、何よ!ふっ?どういうこと、何、何、何ぃ~!
|translation = Yay! Momo fits best as the center! What? Who're you? Why are you pushing me aside?! Ugh, what! Huh? What do you mean? What, what, whaaat?!
|translation = Yay! Momo fits best as the center! What? Who're you? Why are you pushing me aside?! Ugh, what! Huh? What do you mean? What, what, whaaat?!
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin =ひゃ!
|origin =いっ!
|translation = Hya!
|translation = Hya!
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin =痛い!ふぇ、これでガチなの?
|origin =いったぁい!ぇ、これってガチなの?
|translation =It hurts! Is this for real?
|translation =It hurts! Is this for real?
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =ひゃー!もう~、怒った!事務所的に絶対こんなのNGなんだから!提督も、何か言って!
|origin =うわあああっ!もう~、怒った!事務所的に絶対こんなのNGなんだから!テートクも、何か言って!
|translation = Hyaa! Now I'm mad! This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed in an office setting! Admiral, say something to them!
|translation = Hyaa! Now I'm mad! This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed in an office setting! Admiral, say something to them!
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =桃、これで、引退?これで...まだ...何も...桃、何も出来てない!嫌だ、嫌だな...
|origin =桃…これで、引退?これで…まだ…何も…桃、何も出来てない!やだ…嫌だな……
|translation = Momo, retiring, here? Here... Momo, still... Hasn't achieved anything! I don't like it, not like this...
|translation = Momo, retiring, here? Here... Momo, still... Hasn't achieved anything! I don't like it, not like this...


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