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|color = violet
|name = Tirpitz
|id = 220
|japanesename = ティルピッツ
|class = Bismarck
|type = Battleship
|image = [[File:220.jpg]]
|hp = 90
|firepower = 64 (88)
|armor = 67 (88)
|torpedo = 0
|evasion = 33 (63)
|AA = 18 (48)
|aircraft = 16
|ASW = 0
|speed = Fast
|LOS = 16 (42)
|range = Long
|luck = 8 (69)
|time = 5:00:00
|slot = 4
|slot1 = [[38cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|slot2 = [[15cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|slot3 = -Unequipped-
|slot4 = -Unequipped-
|space1 = 4
|space2 = 4
|space3 = 4
|space4 = 4}}
| style="width: 50px;" |
===<span style="font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;">Upgrade</span>===

|color = violet
|name = Tirpitz Kai
|id = 221
|japanesename = ティルピッツ改
|class = Bismarck
|type = Battleship
|image = [[File:220-1.png]]
|hp = 94
|firepower = 70 (93)
|armor = 77 (93)
|torpedo = 0
|evasion = 38 (69)
|AA = 29 (58)
|aircraft = 16
|ASW = 0
|speed = Fast
|LOS = 18 (52)
|range = Long
|luck = 10 (79)
|time = Lv30 Remodel
|slot = 4
|slot1 = [[38cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|slot2 = [[15cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|slot3 = -Unequipped-
|slot4 = -Unequipped-
|space1 = 4
|space2 = 4
|space3 = 4
|space4 = 4}}
===Second Upgrade===
|color = Violet
|name = Tirpitz zwei
|japanesename = ティルピッツ Zwei
|image = [[File:220_Zwei_Card.jpg]]
|id = 222
|class = Bismarck
|type = Battleship
|hp = 96
|firepower = 70 (97)
|armor = 80 (94)
|torpedo = 0 (0)
|evasion = 38 (72)
|AA = 25 (62)
|aircraft = 16
|ASW = 0 (0)
|LOS = 18 (54)
|luck = 20 (82)
|time = Lv50 Remodel + [[Glossary#Medal|Blueprint]]
|speed = Fast
|range = Long
|slot = 4
|slot1=[[38cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|slot2=[[3.7cm FlaK M42]]
|slot3=[[2cm Flakvierling 38]]


Event Japanese English CollapseNote
Guten Tag.



Good day.

I am Bismarck, the nameship of the Bismarck-class battleships.

You should remember it well.

Library Intro



It is I, the pride of Deutschland, the nameship of the Bismarck super dreadnaughts.

Germanic designs are just beautiful and dignified, no? It's alright, you can praise me more.

I shall be operating far and wide throughout this ocean. You can expect much from me!

Gut. 私、ビスマルクの出番ね Good. It is I, Bismarck's turn.
気安いわね。どうしたの。 You're being quite familiar. Why is that?
提督、貴方の艦隊は少し規律が緩んでいるようね。私が一から教えてあげるわ。 Admiral, it seems that your fleet is lacking in disicpline. I shall instruct you from the basics.
もう~!この私を放置するなんて、貴方も相当偉くなったものね!出撃とか演習とか付き合ってあげたっていいのよ!? Geez~! To neglect one such as myself, aren't you quite something! It's fine for me to come along on a sortie or practice, you know!?
アトミラール、何事もあまり頑張り過ぎちゃだめよ。気分転換も、大事なのよ? Admiral, no matter what it is, it's bad to work too hard, okay. A change of pace is also a good thing, you know?
Admiral, what is it? Such a earnest expression... This is for me? ...I-I see.. y-you can give it to me.
I won't give this back, you know? Definitely...
Show player's score
どうなの?状況は好転してる? What is it? Has the situation changed for the better?
Joining a fleet
戦艦ビスマルク、抜錨!出撃するわ! Battleship Bismarck, setting sail! Sally forth!
良いわね。Danke. This is good. Thank you.
Dankeschön! Many thanks!
Danke. Thank you.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
ありがとう。これでまた戦えるわ。 My thanks. I can continue to fight with this.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
少し艤装の修理が必要ね。 Some equipment repairs are needed.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
ごめんなさい、少し休むわ。後は頼むわね。 Apologies, I shall take a short respite. Please call on me later.
Ship construction
新しい艦が就役したようね。 It appears that a new ship has been commisined.
Return from sortie
作戦終了、艦隊が母港に帰還したわ Operation complete, the fleet has returned to port.
Start a sortie



Battleship Bismarck, setting sail! Sally forth!


I shall show you how Bismarck fights!

Battle start
艦隊戦か・・・腕が鳴るわね! A fleet battle... I'm itching for a fight! (腕が鳴る - to want to put your skills to use, lit. 'Arms are crying (out)'
Air battle



A fleet battle... I'm itching for a fight!


Come now, bring it on!

Night battle
逃がさないわよ・・・甘く見ないで I won't let you escape... don't underestimate me!
Night attack
Feuer! Fire!
私が一番ですって?何言ってるの、あたりまえじゃない。良いのよ?もっと褒めても。 I am number one? What are you saying, of course that's the case. Is that not good? You can praise me more.
Minor damaged(1)
ぐぅっ! Guh!
Minor damaged(2)
やるわね・・・! Not bad...!
≥Moderately damaged
やられた・・・!舵は!?舵は大丈夫!?・・・なら、まだやれるわね・・・これからよ! They got me...! The rudder! Is the rudder alright!?... Well then, I can continue on... from here. (Bismarck was disabled by a strike on the rudder)
また、ブレスト沖に還るのね・・・十分に撃ち合ったわ・・・満足、よ・・・・・・ Once again, I shall return to Brest... I exchanged enough shells... I'm... satisfied... Bismark was sunk on the way to the port at Brest, France)

Quote (Zwei)

Event Japanese English CollapseNote
Guten Tag.



Good day.

I am Bismarck, the nameship of the Bismarck-class battleships.

You should remember it well.

Library Intro



It is I, the pride of Deutschland, the nameship of the Bismarck super dreadnaughts.

Germanic designs are just beautiful and dignified, no? It's alright, you can praise me more.

I shall be operating far and wide throughout this ocean. You can expect much from me!

Gut. 私、ビスマルクの出番ね Good. It is I, Bismarck's turn.
ライン演習作戦かぁ。懐かしいわねぇ。 Operation Rheinübung is it? This brings back memories. Operation Rheinübung was the last commerce raiding operation Bismarck participated that resulted in her eventual destruction and sinking.
提督、貴方の艦隊は少し規律が緩んでいるようね。私が一から教えてあげるわ。 Admiral, it seems that your fleet is lacking in discipline. I shall instruct you from the basics.
もう~!この私を放置するなんて、貴方も相当偉くなったものね!出撃とか演習とか付き合ってあげたっていいのよ!? Geez~! To neglect one such as myself, aren't you quite something! It's fine for me to come along on a sortie or practice, you know!?
アトミラール、何事もあまり頑張り過ぎちゃだめよ。気分転換も、大事なのよ? Admiral, no matter what it is, it's bad to work too hard, okay. A change of pace is also a good thing, you know?
Admiral, what is it? Such a earnest expression... This is for me? ...I-I see.. y-you can give it to me.
I won't give this back, you know? Definitely...
Show player's score
どうなの?状況は好転してる? What is it? Has the situation changed for the better?
Joining a fleet
戦艦ビスマルク、抜錨!出撃するわ! Battleship Bismarck, setting sail! Sally forth!
良いわね。Danke. This is good. Thank you.
Dankeschön! Many thanks!
Danke. Thank you.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
ありがとう。これでまた戦えるわ。 My thanks. I can continue to fight with this.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
少し艤装の修理が必要ね。 Some equipment repairs are needed.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
ごめんなさい、少し休むわ。後は頼むわね。 Apologies, I shall take a short respite. Please call on me later.
Ship construction
新しい艦が就役したようね。 It appears that a new ship has been commissioned.
Return from sortie
作戦終了、艦隊が母港に帰還したわ Operation complete, the fleet has returned to port.
Start a sortie



Battleship Bismarck, setting sail! Sally forth!


I shall show you how Bismarck fights!

Battle start
艦隊戦か・・・腕が鳴るわね! A fleet battle... I'm itching for a fight! (腕が鳴る - to want to put your skills to use, lit. 'Arms are crying (out)'
Air battle



A fleet battle... I'm itching for a fight!


Come now, bring it on!

Night battle
逃がさないわよ・・・甘く見ないで I won't let you escape... don't underestimate me!
Night attack
Feuer! Fire!
私が一番ですって?何言ってるの、あたりまえじゃない。良いのよ?もっと褒めても。 I am number one? What are you saying, of course that's the case. Is that not good? You can praise me more.
Minor damaged(1)
ぐぅっ! Guh!
Minor damaged(2)
もう・・・!あの忌々しい複葉機を思い出すわね・・・! Ahh! This reminds me of those annoying biplanes...! Bismarck was torpedo bombed by Fairey Swordfish biplanes during Operation Rheinübung.
≥Moderately damaged
やられた・・・!舵は!?舵は大丈夫!?・・・なら、まだやれるわね・・・これからよ! They got me...! The rudder! Is the rudder alright!?... Well then, I can continue on... from here. All those torpedo bomb runs by the Swordfish biplanes eventually led to a successful hit on the rudder and jamming it to starboard, preventing Bismarck from escaping.
また、ブレスト沖に還るのね・・・十分に撃ち合ったわ・・・満足、よ・・・・・・ Once again, I shall return to Brest... I exchanged enough shells... I'm... satisfied... Bismark was sunk on the way to the port at Brest, France)

Hourly Notifications

| 00JP=深夜零時。少し眠いわね。
| 00EN=12 o'clock midnight. I'm a little tired.
| 00Note=
| 01JP=午前一時。提督、そろそろ寝ないの?
| 01EN=1 A.M.  Admiral, is it not about time for bed?
| 01Note=
| 02JP=午前二時。ふわぁ~・・・っ、私もさすがに眠いわ・・・
| 02EN=2 A.M.  *ya~wn*... of course, I'm tired also...
| 02Note=
| 03JP=午前三時。明日ちゃんと起きられるの?朝は時間厳守でお願いね?
| 03EN=3 A.M.  You will rise properly tomorrow, yes?  Could you please be punctual in the morning?
| 03Note=
| 04JP=午前四時。私はちょっと仮眠するわ。完徹はお肌に良くないし。
| 04EN=4 A.M.  I shall take a short nap. All-nighters are bad for the skin.
| 04Note=
| 05JP=朝五時よ。さあ、ピシッと起きて!Guten Morgen!
| 05EN=It's 5 A.M.  Alrighty, get up! Good morning!
| 05Note=
| 06JP=朝六時。提督、さあ、いろいろ朝のうちに片付けてしまいましょう!
| 06EN=6 A.M.  Well now, Admiral, let's go and get all the morning affairs in order!
| 06Note=
| 07JP=午前七時。提督、朝食の時間よ。私には何をご用意して頂けるの?
| 07EN=7 A.M.  Admiral, it is time for breakfast. What have you prepared for me?
| 07Note=
| 08JP=午前八時。提督の作ってくれた朝食もなかなか良いわ。日本式も悪くないわね。
| 08EN=8 A.M.  This Admiral-made breakfast is pretty good.  Japanese-style isn't bad.
| 08Note=
| 09JP=午前九時。さあ、今日も通商破壊戦に繰り出しましょう!・・・え、違うの?
| 09EN=9 A.M.  Well now, let up go and start today's commerce raiding!... eh, I'm mistaken?
| 09Note=(Bismark undertook commerce raiding in the Atlantic)
| 10JP=午前十時。金剛?長門?いえ、知らないわ。誰?強いの?
| 10EN=10 A.M.  Kongou? Nagato?  No, I don't know them.  Who are they? Are they strong?
| 10Note=
| 11JP=十一時よ。・・・大和クラス?・・・なんか手強い感じはするわね。会ってみたいわ。
| 11EN=It's 11 A.M... Yamato-class?  That's got a strong feeling to it.  I'd like to meet them.
| 11Note=
| 12JP=十二時を私がお知らせするわね。さあ、お昼を用意してきても良いのよ?
| 12EN=I am informing you that is it now 12 midday.  Well now, what would be good for lunch?
| 12Note=
| 13JP=午後一時。あら、見慣れた艦型の駆逐艦もいるのね。あの子たち知ってるわ。
| 13EN=1 P.M.  Oh, those familiar battleship-shaped destroyers are here.  I know those children.
| 13Note=(I assume that that's Z1 and Z3)
| 14JP=午後二時。シャルンもどこかに来ているのかしら。また、会ってみたいわね。
| 14EN=2 P.M.  I wonder if Scharnhorst has also come here.  I still would like to meet her.
| 14Note=(Battleship Scharnhorst was grouped with the Tirpitz, and never sailed with the Bismarck)
| 15JP=午後三時よ。甘いものを少し食べたいわね。ねえ提督、聞いてる?
| 15EN=It's 3 P.M.  I'd like to eat a little something sweet.  Hey Admiral, did you hear me?
| 15Note=
| 16JP=午後四時。そろそろ夕方ね。今日の所はこのくらいにしておくの?
| 16EN=4 P.M.  Almost evening, no? Shall we leave it at this?
| 16Note=
| 17JP=午後五時。はぁ~、今日も疲れたぁ。さあ、一段落したら今日もおしまいにしましょう?
| 17EN=5 P.M.  Phew~, today was hard work as well.  Well now, shall we stop at this checkpoint for today?
| 17Note=(一段落 - the point at which one can pause)
| 18JP=午後六時。そろそろ夕食ね。提督、どんなメニューをお持ち頂けるの?
| 18EN=6 P.M.  Almost time for Dinner.  Admiral, what kind of menu do you have for me?
| 18Note=
| 19JP=午後七時です。提督のザワークラウト、変な味ね。・・・え、これお漬け物っていうの?
| 19EN=It is 7 P.M. The Admiral's sauerkraut has an odd flavour... oh, this is 'tsukemono', you say?
| 19Note=(Tsukemono are picked vegetables, sauerkraut is pickled cabbage)
| 20JP=午後八時。すっかり夜ね・・・。私、お肌に良くないから、夜戦とかしないわよ?
| 20EN=8 P.M.  It's really night now... It's bad for my skin, so could we not go on a night battle?
| 20Note=
| 21JP=夜九時。ふぅ~ん、日本の戦艦ってブリッジが高いのね。あの姉妹、凄いわ。
| 21EN=9 P.M.  H~mm, Japanese battleships have such tall bridges.  Those sisters sure are something.
| 21Note=(The 'Pagoda Bridge' was only present on IJN battleships - it's the thing in the Fusous' hair)
| 22JP=夜十時よ。私、そろそろ休ませてもらうわね。
| 22EN=It's 10 P.M. I shall take a rest soon.
| 22Note=
| 23JP=午後十一時。提督、まだやってるの?Gute Nacht.
| 23EN=11 P.M.  Admiral, are you still going? Good night.
| 23Note=
| idleJP=もう~!この私を放置するなんて、貴方も相当偉くなったものね!出撃とか演習とか付き合ってあげたっていいのよ!?
| idleEN=Geez~! To neglect one such as myself,aren't you quite something! It's fine for me to come along on a sortie or practice, you know!? 
| idleNote=


  • She was sunk on November 12, 1944
  • She and her sister Bismarck were the largest ever built by Nazi Germany and any European power.
  • Named after German Grand Admiral, Alfred von Tirpitz.

See Also
