ja = "メリークリスマス、提督!榛名、提督とまたクリスマスをご一緒できて幸せです。提督、シャンパンをお開けしますね。はい、どうぞ。榛名も…いただきます!",
ja = "メリークリスマス、提督!榛名、提督とまたクリスマスをご一緒できて幸せです。提督、シャンパンをお開けしますね。はい、どうぞ。榛名も…いただきます!",
en = "Merry Christmas, Admiral! Haruna is happy, getting to celebrate Christmas with the Admiral again. Admiral, I'll open up the champagne, okay? There, here you go. Haruna... will have some as well!",
en = "Merry Christmas, Admiral! I'm happy that I'm celebrating Christmas with you again. Admiral, I'll open up the champagne, okay? There, here you go. I, too... will have some as well!",