* Recommended Fleet: CTF Fleet consists of 2 CV 2 FBB 2 CA + 1 CL 5 DD
You can use the same fleet you used for the unlocking phase reaching Node P. This can be done with either a Single Fleet or a Combined Fleet: 3CV(L), (2FBB or CA(V)), and DD with 2 CV Maximum
* Notes: Since this comp and routing you are taking, you will be facing 3 Air raid nodes. Have 1 AACI DD if possible to minimized the chance for taiha
* LBAS Range: 6 there's no air at the boss
* Notes: Since this comp and routing you are taking, you will be facing 3 Air raid nodes. Have 1 AACI DD if possible to minimized the chance for taiha. The single fleet composition skipped through 1 node vs if take the combined fleet. Both fleet have the same ship locks