64,651 bytes added
, 3 years ago
→ Information regarding what is on sale at [[Merchandise/Audio]] , [[Anime/Music]] & [[KanColle_Movie/Music]]
==Game Music List==
{{Music/Table|List of music tracks played through [[Kancolle Wiki|Kantai Collection]]|
|file = 101r
|source = Main Menu
|ja = 母港
|ro = Bokō
|en = Home Port
|file = sound_bgm_supply
|source = Docks / Shipyard
|ja = 補給等選択時
|ro = Hokyū-tō Sentakuji
|en = Upon Selecting Resupply
|file = 104a
|source = Refurbish
|ja = 鎮守府の午後
|ro = Chinjufu no gogo
|en = Afternoon in the Naval Base
|file = 123d
|source = Gallery / Library
|ja = 邂逅
|ro = Kaikō
|en = Chance Meeting
|file = 206i
|source = Arsenal
|ja = 明石の工廠
|ro = Akashi no kōshō
|en = Akashi's Armory
|file = sound_bgm_weddingmain
|source = Marriage
|ja = ケッコンカッコカリ
|ro = Kekkon-kakkokari
|en = Marriage (tentative title)
|file = 103v
|source = Sortie / PvP / Expedition
|ja = 海原越えて
|ro = Unabara koete
|en = Across The Sea
|file = sound_b_bgm_1
|source = Battle
|ja = 砲雷撃戦、始め!
|ro = Hōraigeki-sen, hajime!
|en = Cannons and Torpedoes, Fire!
|file = sound_b_bgm_2
|source = Night Battle
|ja = 我、夜戦に突入す!
|ro = Ware, yasen ni totsunyū su!
|en = Rush into the Night Battle!
|file = sound_b_bgm_7
|source = Extra Operation 1-5
|ja = 海上護衛戦
|ro = Kaijō goei-sen
|en = Maritime Escort Warfare
|file = sound_b_bgm_37
|source = Extra Operation 1-6
|ja = 新編「海上護衛隊抜錨!」
|ro = Shinpen `Kaijō goeitai' batsubyō!
|en = New 'Maritime Escort Fleet' sail out!
|file = sound_b_bgm_11
|source = Extra Operation 2-5
|ja = 第五戦隊の出撃
|ro = Dai-go sentai no shutsugeki
|en = Sortie of the Fifth Squad
|file = sound_b_bgm_19
|source = Extra Operation 3-5
|ja = 士魂の護り
|ro = Shikon no mamori
|en = Protection of the Warrior Spirit[[Northern_Princess#Trivia|¹]]
|file = sound_b_bgm_40
|source = Extra Operation Boss/Night Node 4-5
|ja = 深海への誘い
|ro = Shinkai e no sasoi
|en = Invitation to the Abyss
|file = sound_b_bgm_13
|source = Sortie 5-1
|ja = 華の二水戦
|ro = Hana no Nisuisen
|en = The Splendid 2nd Torpedo Squadron
|file = sound_b_bgm_3
|source = Boss 5-1
|ja = 艦隊決戦!(南方海域強襲偵察!)
|ro = Kantai kessen! (Nanpō kai'iki kyōshū teisatsu!)
|en = Fleet Clash! (Southern Ocean Offensive Surveillance!)
|file = sound_b_bgm_12
|source = Sortie 5-2
|ja = 飛龍の反撃
|ro = Hiryū no hangeki
|en = Hiryū's counterattack
|file = sound_b_bgm_4
|source = Sortie 5-4
|ja = 二水戦の航跡
|ro = Nisuisen no kōseki
|en = Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron
|file = sound_b_bgm_5
|source = Boss 5-4
|ja = 次発装填、再突入!
|ro = jihatsu sōten, sai totsunyū!
|en = Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!
|file = sound_b_bgm_6
|source = Extra Operation Boss 5-5
|ja = 我、敵機動部隊ト交戦ス
|ro = Ware, teki kidō butai to kōsen su
|en = Battle the Enemy Task Force!
|file = sound_b_bgm_20
|source = Sortie 6-1
|ja = 眼下の伊号
|ro = Ganka no I-gō
|en = The I-Class Below Us
|file = sound_b_bgm_29
|source = Sortie 6-2
|ja = 冬の艦隊
|ro = Fuyu no kantai
|en = Winter Fleet
|file = sound_b_bgm_44
|source = Boss X-4 (2015/07/17)
|ja = 加賀岬
|ro = Kaga Misaki
|en = Cape Kaga
|file = 125h
|source = Land Base Menu / Extra Operation Map 6-5
|ja = 基地航空隊
|ro = Kichi-kōkūtai
|en = Land Base Air Corps
|file = sound_b_bgm_75
|source = Extra Operation 6-5
|ja = 海鷲の翼
|ro = Umiwashi no tsubasa
|en = Wings of Sea Eagles
|file = 129w
|source = Extra Operations 4-5 and 5-5
|ja = 連合艦隊旗艦
|ro = Rengō kantai kikan
|en = Combined Fleet Flagship
==Special Music List==
{{Music/Table|List of Main Menu music tracks switched by exclusive [[Furniture]] items|source = Furniture|ja = Song|
|file = 106q
|furniture = 「「武蔵」模型と桐箪笥」<br>「武蔵の掛け軸」
|ja = 武蔵の帰投
|ro = Musashi no kitō
|en = Musashi's return
|file = 105h
|furniture = 「秋の気配な窓」<br>「秋刀魚の食卓」
|ja = 秋の鎮守府
|ro = Aki no chinjufu
|en = Autumn at the Naval Base
|file = 108o
|furniture = 「年越し蕎麦」<br>「鎮守府新年飾り」<br>「「謹賀新年」掛け軸」<br> 「門松」
|ja = 迎春の鎮守府
|ro = Geishun no chinjufu
|en = New Years at the Naval Base
|file = 110s
|furniture = 「節分「豆まき」セット」<br>「大人の節分セット」
|ja = 節分の鎮守府
|ro = Setsubun no chinjufu
|en = Setsubun at the Naval Base
|file = 111c
|furniture = 「チョコケーキと紅茶セット」<br>「チョコレートキッチン」<br>「お菓子作りの壁紙」
|ja = 艦娘のお菓子作り
|ro = Kanmusu no okashi-zukuri
|en = Candy-making by the Shipgirls
|file = 112o
|furniture = 「雛人形豪華四段飾り」<br>「「長門」「陸奥」の雛人形」<br>「桃の節句の壁紙」<br>「桃の節句の窓」
|ja = 桃の節句と艦娘
|ro = Momo-no-sekku to Kanmusu
|en = Hinamatsuri and the Shipgirls
|file = 218e
|furniture = 「てるてる坊主の窓」
|ja = 雨音の鎮守府
|ro = Amaoto no chinjufu
|en = Sound of Rain at the Naval Base
|file = 219s
|furniture = 「鎮守府カウンターバー」
|ja = 雨とお酒と艦娘
|ro = Ame to o-sake to Kanmusu
|en = Rain, Sake, and Shipgirls
|file = 116e
|furniture = 「鎮守府浜茶屋」
|ja = 浜辺の艦娘
|ro = Hamabe no Kanmusu
|en = Shipgirls on the Beach
|file = 226k
|furniture = 「「加賀」模型と桐箪笥」
|ja = 加賀岬改
|ro = Kaga Misaki Kai
|en = Kaga Cape Kai
|file = 227f
|furniture = 「鎮守府秋祭りの射的」<br>「鎮守府秋祭りの屋台」
|ja = 鎮守府の秋祭り
|ro = Chinjufu no aki-matsuri
|en = Autumn Festival at the Naval Base
|file = 119t
|furniture = 「七面鳥のディナー」<br>「北方迷彩な桐箪笥」
|ja = 聖夜の母港
|ro = Seiya no Bokō
|en = Home Port on Christmas Eve
|file = 229b
|furniture = 「提督の作る食卓」
|ja = 艦娘と提督の食卓
|ro = Kanmusume to teitoku no shokutaku
|en = Shipgirls' and Admiral's Dining Table
|file = 230c
|furniture = 「波打ち際の砂浜床」
|ja = 水着の出撃
|ro = Mizugi no Shutsugeki
|en = Sortie in Swimsuit
|file = 127u
|furniture = 「冬のステンドグラス」<br>「雪模様の特製絨毯」<br>「トリコロールツリー」
|ja = 粉雪の降る夜
|ro = Konayuki no Furu Yoru
|en = The Night When Powder Snow Falls
|file = 233r
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 噴式の胎動
|ro = Funshiki no Taidou
|en = Birth of the Jets
|file = 128u
|furniture = 「鎮守府大掃除道具」
|ja = 師走の鎮守府
|ro = Shiwasu no Chinjufu
|en = December at the Naval Base
|file = 237m
|furniture = 「月夜海(つきよみ)の蓄音機」
|ja = 月夜海
|ro = Tsukiyomi
|en = Moonlit Sea
|file = 130a
|furniture = 木製の高級プラインド窓
|ja = 祈り
|ro = inori
|en = Praying
|file = 240q
|furniture = 「日本酒&ウィスキー棚」
|ja = 雨とお酒と艦娘(第二夜)
|ro = Ame to osake to kanmusu (dai-niya)
|en = Rain, Sake, and Ship Girls (The 2nd Night)
|file = 241e
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 梅雨明けの白露
|ro = Tsuyuake no shiratsuyu
|en = The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season
|file = Sound_b_bgm_132
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 瑞雲の空
|ro = Zuiun no sora
|en = The Sky of Zuiun
|file = Sound b bgm 133
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 長波、駆ける
|ro = Naganami, kakeru
|en = Naganami, Running forth
|file = 251p
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 加賀の征く海
|ro = Kaga no yuku umi
|en = The sea Kaga left for
|file = sound b bgm 161
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 秋雲の描くスケッチ
|ro = Akigumo no egaku suketti
|en = A scketch Akigumo drews
|file = sound b bgm 162
|furniture = 「-」 (Jukebox Only)
|ja = 雪風の奇跡
|ro = Yukikaze no kiseki
|en = The miracle of Yukikaze
==Event Music List==
{|class="mw-datatable" style="text-align:center;width:100%" <!-- border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" -->
!colspan="5" style="background:#ccc"|List of music tracks played during [[Events]]
{{Music|[[Summer_2013_Event|2013 Summer Event]]|fc9
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_3.ogg
|ja1 = 全艦娘、突撃!
|ro1 = Zen Kanmusu, totsugeki!
|en1 = All Shipgirls, Attack!
{{Music|[[Fall_2013_Event|2013 Fall Event]]|ffff99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_22.ogg
|ja1 = 決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて!
|ro1 = Kessen! Tettei kaikyō o nukete!
|en1 = Decisive Battle! Escape from Ironbottom Sound!
|audio2 = sound_bgm_iron02.ogg
|ja2 = 敵大型超弩級戦艦を叩け!
|ro2 = Teki ōgata chō dokyūsenkan o tatake!
|en2 = Assault the Enemy's Super Dreadnought!
{{Music|[[Christmas_2013_Event|2013 Winter Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = 107b.ogg
|ja1 = 冬の抜錨!
|ro1 = Fuyu no batsubyō!
|en1 = Sallying Forth in Winter!
|audio2 =
|ja2 = Savior of Song
|ro2 =
|en2 = Savior of Song <small>([https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=47405 Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio] OP)</small>
{{Music|[[Spring_2014_Event|2014 Spring Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_8.ogg
|ja1 = 索敵機、発艦始め!
|ro1 = Sakuteki-ki, hakkan hajime!
|en1 = Scout Planes, Take Off!
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_9.ogg
|ja2 = 敵艦隊、見ゆ!
|ro2 = Teki kantai, miyu!
|en2 = Enemy Fleet, Spotted!
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_10.ogg
|ja3 = 暁の水平線に(インストver)
|ro3 = Akatsuki no Suiheisen ni
|en3 = At Dawn's Horizon (instrumental)
{{Music|[[Summer_2014_Event|2014 Summer Event]]|f99
|audio1 = sound_bgm_almi.ogg
|ja1 = 作戦発動
|ro1 = Sakusen hatsudō
|en1 = Commence Operation
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_14.ogg
|ja2 = 海原へ
|ro2 = Unabara e
|en2 = Into the Ocean
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_15.ogg
|ja3 = 強襲!空母機動部隊
|ro3 = Kyōshū! Kūbo kidō butai
|en3 = Assault! Aircraft Carrier Task Force
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_16.ogg
|ja4 = MI作戦
|ro4 = MI sakusen
|en4 = Operation MI
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_17.ogg
|ja5 = シズメシズメ
|ro5 = Shizume shizume
|en5 = Sink Sink
{{Music|[[Fall_2014_Event|2014 Fall Event]]|ffff99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_27.ogg
|ja1 = 連合艦隊の出撃
|ro1 = Rengō kantai no shutsugeki
|en1 = Combined Fleet's Sortie
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_28.ogg
|ja2 = 艦隊決戦
|ro2 = Kantai kessen
|en2 = Fleet decisive battle
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_25.ogg
|ja3 = 秋月の空
|ro3 = Akizuki no sora
|en3 = Sky of the Autumn Moon
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_26.ogg
|ja4 = 防空駆逐艦、参戦!
|ro4 = Bōkū-kuchikukan, sansen!
|en4 = Anti-air destroyer, engage!
{{Music|[[Winter_2015_Event|2015 Winter Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_30.ogg
|ja1 = 特型駆逐艦
|ro1 = Toku-gata kuchikukan
|en1 = Special-type Destroyer
|audio2 = Sound_b_bgm_34.ogg
|audio2_2 = Sound_b_bgm_35.ogg
|audio2_3 = Sound_b_bgm_36.ogg
|ja2 = 海色(みいろ)
|ro2 = Miiro
|en2 = [[Anime/Music#Color of the Sea|Color of the Sea]] <small>([[Anime]] OP)</small>
|audio3 = Sound_b_bgm_32.ogg
|audio3_2 = Sound_b_bgm_33.ogg
|ja3 = 吹雪
|ro3 = Fubuki
|en3 = [[Anime/Music#Fubuki|Fubuki]] <small>([[Anime]] ED)</small>
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_31.ogg
|ja4 = 吹雪、出撃す
|ro4 = Fubuki, shutsugeki su!
|en4 = Fubuki, Sortieing!
{{Music|[[Spring_2015_Event|2015 Spring Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = 121h.ogg
|ja1 = 第三十駆逐隊、抜錨準備!
|ro1 = Dai sanjū kuchikutai, batsubyō junbi!
|en1 = 30th Destroyer Division, prepare to sortie!
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_38.ogg
|ja2 = 睦月型駆逐艦の戦い
|ro2 = Mutsuki-gata kuchikukan no tatakai
|en2 = Battle of Mutsuki-Class Destroyers
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_39.ogg
|ja3 = 連合艦隊、西へ
|ro3 = Rengō kantai, nishi e
|en3 = Combined Fleet, Westward
|audio4 = 122e.ogg
|ja4 = 敵地侵入
|ro4 = Tekichi shinnyū
|en4 = Invading Enemy Territory
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_40.ogg
|ja5 = 深海への誘い
|ro5 = Shinkai e no sasoi
|en5 = Invitation to the Abyss
|audio6 = sound_b_bgm_41.ogg
|ja6 = モドレナイノ
|ro6 = Modorenai-no
|en6 = No Going Back
{{Music|[[Summer_2015_Event|2015 Summer Event]]|f99
|audio1 = 903y.ogg
|ja1 = 艦隊の再集結
|ro1 = Kantai no saishūketsu
|en1 = Regathering of the Fleet
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_46.ogg
|ja2 = 出撃!第八艦隊
|ro2 = Shutsugeki! Dai hachi kantai
|en2 = Sortie! 8th Division
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_47.ogg
|ja3 = 艦隊、ソロモン海へ!
|ro3 = Kantai, Solomon-kai e!
|en3 = Fleet, toward the Solomon Sea!
|audio4 = 904wNeo.ogg
|ja4 = 深海水上打撃部隊
|ro4 = Shinkai suijō dageki butai
|en4 = Abyssal Surface Task Force
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_49.ogg
|ja5 = アイアンボトムサウンド
|ro5 = Ironbottom Sound
|en5 = Ironbottom Sound
|audio6 = sound_b_bgm_50.ogg
|ja6 = 激突!夜間砲撃戦!
|ro6 = Gekitotsu! Yakan Hōgekisen!
|en6 = Clash! Exchanging Fire at Night!
{{Music|[[Mackerel|2015 Fall Mini-Event]]|ffcc99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_51.ogg
|ja1 = 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り
|ro1 = Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri
|en1 = Mackerel Pike Festival
{{Music|[[Fall_2015_Event|2015 Fall Event]]|ffff99
|audio1 = 905w.ogg
|ja1 = 艦隊集結
|ro1 = Kantai shūketsu
|en1 = Fleet Gathering
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_52.ogg
|ja2 = 海上輸送作戦
|ro2 = Kaijō yusō sakusen
|en2 = Marine Transport Operation
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_53.ogg
|ja3 = 水雷戦隊の反撃
|ro3 = Suirai sentai no hangeki
|en3 = The Torpedo Squadron's Counterattack
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_54.ogg
|ja4 =
|ro4 =
|en4 = Armor Debuff In E-4
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_55.ogg
|ja5 = 待ち伏せの夜戦
|ro5 = Machibuse no yasen
|en5 = Night Battle Ambush
|audio6 = sound_b_bgm_56.ogg
|ja6 =
|ro6 =
|en6 = Armor Debuff In E-5
{{Music|[[Winter_2016_Event|2016 Winter Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = 906y.ogg
|ja1 = 冬の二水戦
|ro1 = Fuyu no Nisuisen
|en1 = The 2nd Torpedo Squadron in Winter
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_58.ogg
|ja2 = 礼号作戦
|ro2 = Rei-gō Sakusen
|en2 = Operation Rei-gō
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_59.ogg
|ja3 = 艦隊突入!上陸船団を討て
|ro3 = Kantai Totsu'nyu! Jōriku Sendan o Ute
|en3 = Fleet, Assault! Attack the Landing Convoy
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_60.ogg
|ja4 = 礼号作戦の凱歌
|ro4 = Rei-gō Sakusen no Gaika
|en4 = The Paean of Operation Rei-gō
{{Music|[[Spring_2016_Event|2016 Spring Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_61.ogg
|ja1 = 戦場海域
|ro1 = Senjō kaiiki
|en1 = Battlewaters
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_62.ogg
|ja2 = 水底から
|ro2 = Minasoko kara
|en2 = From Bottom of the Water
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_63.ogg
|audio3_2 = sound_b_bgm_64.ogg
|ja3 = 友邦任務部隊
|ro3 = Yūhō Ninmu Butai
|en3 = Allied Nation's Task Force
|audio4 = 907c.ogg
|ja4 = 遥かなる友邦
|ro4 = Haruka naru Yūhō
|en4 = Distant Allies
|audio5 = 908i.ogg
|ja5 = 紅い海の侵食
|ro5 = Akai Umi no Shinshoku
|en5 = Erosion of the Crimson Sea
|audio6 = sound_b_bgm_67.ogg
|ja6 = 敵航空基地を叩け
|ro6 = Teki Kōkū Kichi o Tatake
|en6 = Attack the Enemy Aviation Base
|audio7 = sound_b_bgm_68.ogg
|ja7 = 波濤を超えて
|ro7 = Hatō o koete
|en7 = Beyond the Surging Sea
{{Music|[[Summer_2016_Event|2016 Summer Event]]|f99
|audio1 = 909q.ogg
|ja1 = 整備員の休息
|ro1 = Seibi'in no Kyūsoku
|en1 = Rest Time of the Technicians
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_70.ogg
|ja2 = 迎撃隊、発進!
|ro2 = Geigekitai, Hasshin!
|en2 = Interception Squad, Sortie!
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_71.ogg
|ja3 = 捜索!敵東洋艦隊
|ro3 = Sōsaku! Teki Tōyō Kantai
|en3 = Search! The Enemy's Eastern Fleet
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_72.ogg
|ja4 = 東洋の魔女
|ro4 = Tōyō no Majo
|en4 = The Eastern Witch
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_73.ogg
|ja5 = 戦争を忌むもの
|ro5 = Sensō o imu-mono
|en5 = Those Who Detest War
{{Music|[[Mackerel|2016 Fall Mini-Event]]|ffcc99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_76.ogg
|ja1 = 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改
|ro1 = Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai
|en1 = Mackerel Pike Festival Kai
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_77.ogg
|ja2 = 艦娘音頭
|ro2 = Kanmusu Ondo
|en2 = The Shipgirl Festival Dance
{{Music|[[Fall_2016_Event|2016 Fall Event]]|ffff99
|audio1 = 910a.ogg
|ja1 = 警戒線
|ro1 = Kēkaisen
|en1 = Cordon
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_80.ogg
|ja2 = 機動部隊を追え!
|ro2 = Kidō-butai o oe!
|en2 = Chase the Carrier Task Force!
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_81.ogg
|ja3 = 泡沫のシャングリア
|ro3 = Utakata no shangria
|en3 = Bubbles around Shangria
|audio4 = 911d.ogg
|ja4 = 水底の世界
|ro4 = Minasoko no sekai
|en4 = World of Under the Water
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_82.ogg
|ja5 = 渚を越えて
|ro5 = Nagisa o koete
|en5 = Beyond the Shore
{{Music|[[Winter_2017_Event|2017 Winter Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = 912i.ogg
|ja1 = 舞鶴の港
|ro1 = Maizuru no minato
|en1 = Harbor in Maizuru
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_87.ogg
|ja2 = 「光」作戦
|ro2 = 「Hikari」 sakusen
|en2 = Operation 'Hikari'
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_88.ogg
|ja3 = トラック目指して
|ro3 = Torakku mezashite
|en3 = Head for the Truk
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_89.ogg
|ja4 = 遥かなるウルシー泊地
|ro4 = Harukanaru urushī hakuchi
|en4 = The Distant Ulithi Anchorage
{{Music|[[Spring_2017_Event|2017 Spring Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = 913p.ogg
|ja1 = 北東方面艦隊の集結
|ro1 = Hokutō Hōmen Kantai no Shūketsu
|en1 = Gathering of the Northeastern Fleet
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_91.ogg
|ja2 = 第五艦隊の奮戦
|ro2 = Dai-go Kantai no Funsen
|en2 = Hard Fight of the Fifth Fleet
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_92.ogg
|ja3 = 北方艦隊決戦
|ro3 = Hoppō Kantai Kessen
|en3 = Decisive Northern Naval Battle
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_93.ogg
|ja4 = 士魂の反撃
|ro4 = Shikon no Hangeki
|en4 = Counterattack of the Warrior Spirit
{{Music|[[Summer 2017 Event|2017 Summer Event]]|f99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_95.ogg
|ja1 = 西方打通作戦発動
|ro1 = Sēhō datsū-sakusen hatsudō
|en1 = Commence Western Through Operation
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_96.ogg
|ja2 = 特務艦隊抜錨!西へ
|ro2 = Tokumukantai batsubyō! nishi e
|en2 = Special Squadron, Weigh Anchor! To the West
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_97.ogg
|ja3 = 特務艦隊の戦い
|ro3 = Tokumukantai no tatakai
|en3 = Battle of the Special Squadron
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_98.ogg
|ja4 = 西方の海
|ro4 = Sēhō no umi
|en4 = Western Sea
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_99.ogg
|ja5 = 地中海の戦い
|ro5 = Chityūkai no tatakai
|en5 = Battle of the Mediterranean Sea
|audio6 = Sound_b_bgm_100.ogg
|ja6 = 鎮魂の大西洋
|ro6 =Chinkon no Taisēyō
|en6 = Requiem for the Atlantic Ocean
{{Music|[[Mackerel|2017 Fall Mini-Event]]|fc9
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_102.ogg
|ja1 = 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改二
|ro1 = Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai Ni
|en1 = Naval Base Saury Festival Kai Ni
{{Music|[[Fall_2017_Event|2017 Fall Event]]|ff9
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_103.ogg
|ja1 = 捷号決戦前夜
|ro1 = Sho-gō Kessen Zen'ya
|en1 = Operation Sho-go's Eve
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_104.ogg
|ja2 = 捷一号作戦
|ro2=Shō-ichi-gō Sakusen
|en2 = Operation Sho-ichi-go
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_105.ogg
|ja3 = 激戦!遊撃部隊
|ro3=Gekisen! Yūgeki Butai
|en3 = Intense Battle! Strike Force
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_106.ogg
|ja4 = 海峡へ
|ro4=Kaikyō e
|en4 = To the Strait
|audio5 = Sound_b_bgm_107.ogg
|ja5 = 西村艦隊の戦い
|ro5=Nishimura Kantai no Tatakai
|en5 = Battles of the Nishimura Fleet
{{Music|[[Winter_2018_Event|2018 Winter Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_109.ogg
|ja1 = 決戦前夜
|ro1 = Kessen Zen'ya
|en1 = Eve of the Final Battle
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_110.ogg
|ja2 = 第一遊撃部隊の進撃
|ro2= Daiichi Yūgeki-butai no Shingeki
|en2 = Advance of the First Striking Force
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_111.ogg
|ja3 = レイテ沖海戦
|ro3= Reite-oki Kaisen
|en3 = Battle of Leyte Gulf
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_112.ogg
|ja4 = シブヤン海を抜けて
|ro4= Shibuyan-kai wo Nukete
|en4 = Through the Sibuyan Sea
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_113.ogg
|ja5 = 友軍艦隊!反撃開始
|ro5= Yūgun Kantai! Hangeki Kaishi
|en5 = Friend Fleet! Begin Counterattack
|audio6 = sound_b_bgm_114.ogg
|ja6 = 鶴墜ちる海
|ro6= Tsuru ochiru umi
|en6 = The Sea Where the Crane Falls
|audio7 = sound_b_bgm_115.ogg
|ja7 = 我は翼無き囮にあらず
|ro7= Ware wa Tsubasa naki Otori ni arazu
|en7 = I am not a decoy without wings
|audio8 = Winter_2018_Event_Ending_Song.ogg
|ja8 = 月夜海
|ro8= Tsukiyomi v2
|en8 = Moonlit Sea v2<br>(Event ending song)
{{Music|[[Spring_2018_Mini_Event|2018 Spring Mini-Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_116.ogg
|ja1 = 時雨の記憶
|ro1 = Shigure no kioku
|en1 = Memories of Shigure
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_117.ogg
|ja2 = 佐世保の時雨(Inst)
|ro2= Sasebo no Shigure
|en2 = Shigure in Sasebo (Inst)
{{Music|[[Early_Fall_2018_Event|2018 Early Fall Event]]|ff9
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_119.ogg
|ja1 = 南西海域の午後
|ro1 = Nansei-kaiiki no gogo
|en1 = Afternoon at Southwestern Waters
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_120.ogg
|ja2 = 西方打通作戦
|ro2= Seihou datsuu sakusen
|en2 = Westward Cross-Through Operation
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_121.ogg
|ja3 = 連合艦隊、再び西へ
|ro3= Rengou kantai futatabi nishi e
|en3 = Combined Fleet Head for the West again
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_123.ogg
|ja4 = ジェノヴァの風
|ro4= Jenova no kaze
|en4 = The Wind of Genoa
|audio5 = Sound_b_bgm_122.ogg
|ja5 = 新ライン演習作戦
|ro5= Shin rain ensyuu sakusen
|en5 = New Operation Rheinübung
|audio6 = Sound_b_bgm_124.ogg
|ja6 = 決戦! 北大西洋
|ro6= Kessen! Kita-taiseiyou
|en6 = Decisive Battle! North Atlantic
{{Music|[[Mackerel|2018 Fall Mini-Event]]|fc9
|audio1 = Sound_b_bgm_141.ogg
|ja1 = 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三
|ro1 = Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai San
|en1 = Naval Base Saury Festival Kai San
{{Music|[[Winter_2019_Event|2019 Winter Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_126.ogg
|ja1 = -
|ro1 = -
|en1 = Main Operation Map Screen
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_127.ogg
|ja2 = -
|ro2 = -
|en2 = Main Operation Battle
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_128.ogg
|ja3 = -
|ro3 = -
|en3 = Main Operation Boss
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_129.ogg
|ja4 = -
|ro4 = -
|en4 = Extra Operation Map Screen
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_130.ogg
|ja5 = 日の進むところ
|ro5 = Hi no susumu tokoro
|en5 = A Place the Sun Goes Forward
|audio6 = sound_b_bgm_131.ogg
|ja6 = -
|ro6 = -
|en6 = Extra Operation Boss
{{Music|[[Spring_2019_Event|2019 Spring Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_134.ogg
|ja1 = -
|ro1 = -
|en1 = Main Operation Map Screen
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_135.ogg
|ja2 = -
|ro2 = -
|en2 = E-1 to E-4 Battle
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_136.ogg
|ja3 = -
|ro3 = -
|en3 = E-1 to E-4 Boss, E-5 Battle
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_137.ogg
|ja4 = -
|ro4 = -
|en4 = Extra Operation Map Screen
|audio5 = sound_b_bgm_138.ogg
|ja5 =
|ro5 =
|en5 = E-5 Boss
{{Music|[[Summer_2019_Event|2019 Summer Event]]|f99
|audio1 = sound_b_bgm_139.ogg
|ja1 = 北大西洋の風
|ro1 = Kitataisēyō no Kaze
|en1 = The Wind in North Atlantic Ocean
|audio2 = sound_b_bgm_140.ogg
|ja2 = 欧州防衛作戦
|ro2 = Ōshū Bōē sakusen
|en2 = European Defense Operation
|audio3 = sound_b_bgm_143.ogg
|ja3 = 佐世保の時雨 (インストver.)
|ro3 = Sasebo no Shigure
|en3 = Shigure in Sasebo
|audio4 = sound_b_bgm_141 1429.ogg
|ja4 = ジブラルタルの戦鬼
|ro4 = Ziburarutaru no Senki
|en4 = War Demon of Gibraltar
|audio5 = sound b bgm 142.ogg
|ja5 = 地中海の潮風
|ro5 = Chichūkai no Shiokaze
|en5 = A sea breeze in the Mediterranean Sea
|audio6 = sound b bgm 144.ogg
|ja6 = アンツィオ沖の戦い
|ro6 = Anzio-oki no Tatakai
|en6 = Battle of Anzio
{{Music|[[Fall_2019_Event|2019 Fall Event]]|ff9
|audio1 = sound b bgm 145.ogg
|ja1 =
|ro1 =
|en1 = Main Operation Map Screen
|audio2 = sound b bgm 146.ogg
|ja2 = 八駆の迎撃
|ro2 = Hakku no geigeki
|en2 = DesDiv 8's Interception
|audio3 = sound b bgm 147.ogg
|ja3 =
|ro3 =
|en3 = E-3, E-4 Boss, E-5 Battle
|audio4 = sound b bgm 148.ogg
|ja4 =
|ro4 =
|en4 = E-1, E-2 Boss, E-4 Battle
|audio5 = sound b bgm 149.ogg
|ja5 =
|ro5 =
|en5 = Extra Operation Map Screen
|audio6 = sound b bgm 150.ogg
|ja6 =
|ro6 =
|en6 = E-5 Boss, E-6 Battle
|audio7 = sound b bgm 151.ogg
|ja7 = 比叡と霧島の夜
|ro7 = Hiē to Kirishima no Yoru
|en7 = Nights of Hiei and Kirishima
{{Music|[[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event|2020 Doll Fes. Event]]|99ffff
|audio1 = sound b bgm 152.ogg
|ja1 = 令和桃の節句
|ro1 = Rēwa Momo-no-sekku
|en1 = Reiwa's Doll Festival
|audio2 = sound b bgm 153.ogg
|ja2 = 沖に立つ波
|ro2 = Oki ni tatsu nami
|en2 = Waves in the Offing
{{Music|[[Rainy-Summer 2020 Event|2020 Rainy-Summer Event]]|f99
|audio1 = sound b bgm 154.ogg
|ja1 = 島嶼防衛作戦
|ro1 = Tōsho bōē-sakusen
|en1 = Island Defense Operation
|audio2 = sound b bgm 155.ogg
|ja2 = 輸送護衛船団の闘い
|ro2 = Yusō-goē sendan no tatakai
|en2 = Battle of Transport Escort Fleet
|audio3 = sound b bgm 156.ogg
|ja3 =
|ro3 =
|en3 = E-1 to E-3 Boss, E-4 Battle
|audio4 = sound b bgm 157.ogg
|ja4 =
|ro4 =
|en4 = E-4 Boss, E-5, E-6 Battle
|audio5 = sound b bgm 158.ogg
|ja5 =
|ro5 =
|en5 = Extra Operation Map Screen
|audio6 = sound b bgm 159.ogg
|ja6 =
|ro6 =
|en6 = E-5, E-6 Boss, E-7 Battle
|audio7 = sound b bgm 160.ogg
|ja7 =
|ro7 =
|en7 = E-7 Boss
{{Music|[[Fall_2020_Event|2020 Fall Event]]|ff9
|audio1 = sound b bgm 163.ogg
|ja1 =
|ro1 =
|en1 = Main Operation Map Screen
|audio2 = sound b bgm 164.ogg
|ja2 =
|ro2 =
|en2 = E-1 Normal Battle
|audio3 = sound b bgm 165.ogg
|ja3 =
|ro3 =
|en3 = E-1 Boss Battle, E-2 Normal Battle
|audio4 = sound b bgm 166.ogg
|ja4 =
|ro4 =
|en4 = E-2 Boss Battle, E-3 Normal Battle
|audio5 = sound b bgm 167.ogg
|ja5 =
|ro5 =
|en5 = E-3 Boss Battle, E-4 Map Screen
|audio6 = sound b bgm 168.ogg
|ja6 =
|ro6 =
|en6 = E-4 Normal Battle
|audio7 = sound b bgm 169.ogg
|ja7 =
|ro7 =
|en7 = E-4 Boss Battle
{{Music|[[Spring_2021_Event|2021 Spring Event]]|99ff99
|audio1 = -
|ja1 = -
|ro1 = -
|en1 = Main Operation Map Screen
|audio2 = -
|ja2 = -
|ro2 = -
|en2 = -
|audio3 = -
|ja3 = -
|ro3 = -
|en3 = -
|audio4 = -
|ja4 = -
|ro4 = -
|en4 = Extra Operation Map Screen
|audio5 = -
|ja5 = -
|ro5 = -
|en5 = -
==Misc Music List==
{|class="mw-datatable" style="text-align:center;width:100%" <!-- border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" -->
!style="background:#666;color:white;width:25px"| No.
!style="background:#666;color:white;width:25px"| -
!style="background:#666;color:white;width:250px"| Source
!style="background:#666;color:white;"| Note
|'''Rank S'''
|Rank Result BGM
|'''Rank A'''
|Rank Result BGM
|'''Rank B'''
|Rank Result BGM
|'''Rank C,D,E'''
|Rank Result BGM
|'''Ship Drop'''
|Ship Drop BGM
|'''Flagship Critical Damage'''
|Flagship Heavily Damaged (大破) BGM
|'''Improvement Successful 1'''
|Akashi's Improvement Arsenal BGM
|'''Improvement Successful 2'''
|Akashi's Improvement Arsenal BGM
|'''Improvement Fail'''
|Akashi's Improvement Arsenal BGM
|'''Extra Operation 1-6 Map Clear'''
|Extra Operation 1-6 BGM
|'''Extra Operation 1-6 End Node'''
|Extra Operation 1-6 BGM
==List of songs by map==
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 1</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan=4|Spring 2018 Mini Event: Map Screen
|rowspan=2|砲雷撃戦、始め!<br />''Commence Gun & Torpedo Battle!''
|rowspan=4|夜戦<br />''Night Battle''
|rowspan=2|梅雨明けの白露<br />''The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season''
|rowspan=2|夜戦<br />''Night Battle''
|冬の抜錨!<br />''Sallying Forth in Winter!''
|colspan=2|Spring 2018 Mini Event: Battle
|梅雨明けの白露<br />''The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season''
|colspan=2|飛龍の反撃<br />''Hiryū's counterattack''
|rowspan=2|Winter 2019: Main Operation Map Screen
|海上護衛戦<br />''Maritime Escort Warfare''
|colspan=3|華の二水戦<br />''The Splendid 2nd Torpedo Squadron''
|梅雨明けの白露<br />''The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season''
|華の二水戦<br />''The Splendid 2nd Torpedo Squadron''
|colspan=2|No BGM: No boss node
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 2</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|海原へ<br />''Into the Ocean''
|rowspan=2|長波、駆ける<br />''Naganami, Running Forth''
|rowspan=4|夜戦<br />''Night Battle''
|colspan=2|特型駆逐艦<br />''Special-type Destroyer''
|捷号決戦前夜<br />''Operation Sho-go's Eve''
|colspan=2|出撃!第八艦隊<br />''Sortie! 8th Division''
|rowspan=2|Early Fall 2018 Event: Main Operation Map Screen
|索敵機、発艦始め!<br />''Scout Planes, Take Off!''
|colspan=2|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|吹雪、出撃す<br />''Fubuki, Sortieing!''
|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!''
|連合艦隊旗艦<br />''Combined Fleet Flagship''
|第五戦隊の出撃<br />''Sortie of the Fifth Squad''
|吹雪、出撃す<br />''Fubuki, Sortieing!''
|連合艦隊の出撃<br />''Combined Fleet's Sortie''
|敵大型超弩級戦艦を叩け!<br />''Assault the Enemy's Super Dreadnought!''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 3</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan=4|北東方面艦隊の集結<br />''Gathering of the Northeastern Fleet''
|rowspan=2|士魂の護り<br />''Protection of the Warrior Spirit''
|rowspan=3|夜戦<br />''Night Battle''
|colspan=2|士魂の護り<br />''Protection of the Warrior Spirit''
|colspan=2|第五戦隊の出撃<br />''Sortie of the Fifth Squad''
|第五戦隊の出撃<br />''Sortie of the Fifth Squad''
|colspan=2|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|索敵機、発艦始め!<br />''Scout Planes, Take Off!''
|colspan=2|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!''
|冬の二水戦<br />''The 2nd Torpedo Squadron in Winter''
|士魂の護り<br />''Protection of the Warrior Spirit''
|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|colspan=2|水雷戦隊の反撃<br />''The Torpedo Squadron's Counterattack (debuff)''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 7</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|捷号決戦前夜<br />''Operation Sho-go's Eve''
|colspan=2|新編「海上護衛隊」抜錨!<br />''New Maritime Escort Fleet, setting sail!''
|敵地侵入<br />''Invading Enemy Territory''
|モドレナイノ<br />''No Going Back''
|敵地侵入<br />''Invading Enemy Territory''
|colspan=2|激戦!遊撃部隊<br />''Intense Battle! Strike Force''
|機動部隊を追え!<br />''Chase the Carrier Task Force!''
|泡沫のシャングリア<br />''Bubbles around Shangria''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 4</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan=3|西方打通作戦発動<br />''Commence Western Through Operation''
|梅雨明けの白露<br />''The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season''
|rowspan=3|夜戦<br />''Night Battle''
|colspan=2|索敵機、発艦始め!<br />''Scout Planes, Take Off!''
|特型駆逐艦<br />''Special-type Destroyer''
|colspan=2|敵艦隊、見ゆ!<br />''Enemy Fleet, Spotted!''
|連合艦隊、西へ<br />''Combined Fleet, Westward''
|colspan=2|暁の水平線に (インストver)<br />''At Dawn's Horizon (instrumental)''
|rowspan=2|西方の海<br />''Western Sea''
|飛龍の反撃<br />''Hiryū's counterattack''
|colspan=2|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!''
|戦争を忌むもの<br />''Those Who Detest War''
|colspan=2|深海への誘い<br />''Invitation to the Abyss''
|モドレナイノ<br />''No Going Back''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 5</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan=3|艦隊の再集結<br />''Regathering of the Fleet''
|華の二水戦<br />''The Splendid 2nd Torpedo Squadron''
|夜戦<br />''Night Battle''
|colspan=2|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|colspan=2|飛龍の反撃<br />''Hiryū's counterattack''
|colspan=2|暁の水平線に (インストver)<br />''At Dawn's Horizon (instrumental)''
|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|rowspan=3|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!''
|海上輸送作戦<br />''Marine Transport Operation''
|水雷戦隊の反撃<br />''The Torpedo Squadron's Counterattack (debuff)''
|艦隊集結<br />''Fleet Gathering''
|長波、駆ける<br />''Naganami, Running Forth''
|決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて<br />''Decisive Battle! Escape from Ironbottom Sound!''
|アイアンボトムサウンド<br />''Ironbottom Sound''
|深海水上打撃部隊<br />''Abyssal Surface Task Force''
|Winter 2019 Event: Extra Operation Map
|アイアンボトムサウンド<br />''Ironbottom Sound''
|激突!夜間砲撃戦!<br />''Clash! Exchanging Fire at Night!''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">World 6</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan=2|艦隊集結<br />''Fleet Gathering''
|colspan=2|眼下の伊号<br />''The I-Class Below Us''
|我、敵機動部隊ト交戦ス<br />''Battle the Enemy Task Force!''
|敵大型超弩級戦艦を叩け!<br />''Assault the Enemy's Super Dreadnought!''
|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|敵艦隊、見ゆ!<br />''Enemy Fleet, Spotted!''
|colspan=2|戦争を忌むもの<br />''Those Who Detest War''
|遥かなる友邦<br />''Distant Allies''
|索敵機、発艦始め!<br />''Scout Planes, Take Off!''
|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!''
|敵地侵入<br />''Invading Enemy Territory''
|睦月型駆逐艦の戦い<br />''Battle of Mutsuki-Class Destroyers''
|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|colspan=2|モドレナイノ<br />''No Going Back''
|基地航空隊<br />''Land Base Air Corps''
|Winter 2019 Event: Extra Operation Map
|眼下の伊号<br />''The I-Class Below Us''
|colspan=2|波濤を超えて<br />''Beyond the Surging Sea''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Spring 2013 Event 敵艦隊前線泊地殴り込み</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|rowspan="4"|砲雷撃戦、始め!<br />''Cannons and Torpedoes, Fire!''
|colspan="2" rowspan="4;"|夜戦!<br />''Night Battle!''
|E-1 boss BGM is the slow version
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Summer 2013 Event 南方海域強襲偵察!</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|colspan="2" rowspan="4;"|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|rowspan="4"|敵超弩級戦艦を叩け! (夜戦アレンジ)<br />''Assault the Enemy's Super-Dreadnought! ("Night Battle" Arrangement)''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2013 Event 決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて!</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|colspan="2"|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|敵超弩級戦艦を叩け! (夜戦アレンジ)<br />''Assault the Enemy's Super-Dreadnought! ("Night Battle" Arrangement)''
|colspan="2"|決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて<br />''Decisive Battle! Escape from Ironbottom Sound!''
|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|This map has no battle node that starts with a day battle
|colspan="2"|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|敵超弩級戦艦を叩け! (夜戦アレンジ)<br />''Assault the Enemy's Super-Dreadnought! ("Night Battle" Arrangement)''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて<br />''Decisive Battle! Escape from Ironbottom Sound!''
|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|This map has no battle node that starts with a day battle
|敵超弩級戦艦を叩け! (夜戦アレンジ)<br />''Assault the Enemy's Super-Dreadnought! ("Night Battle" Arrangement)''
|The only battle nodes in this map that start with a day battle are dead end troll nodes
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Winter 2013 Event 迎撃!霧の艦隊</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|colspan="2" rowspan="3;"|冬の抜錨!<br />''Setting Sail in Winter!''
|rowspan="3"|SAVIOR OF SONG
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Spring 2014 Event 索敵機、発艦始め!</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|colspan="2" rowspan="3;"|索敵機、発艦始め!<br />''Scout Planes, Take Off!''
|rowspan="5"|敵艦隊、見ゆ!<br />''Enemy Fleet, Spotted!''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|暁の水平線に (インストver)<br />''At Dawn's Horizon (instrumental)''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Summer 2014 Event AL作戦/MI作戦</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|rowspan="6"|作戦発動<br />''Commence Operation''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|海原へ<br />''Into the Ocean''
|rowspan="2"|強襲!空母機動部隊<br />''Assault! Carrier Task Force''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|MI作戦<br />''Operation MI''
|rowspan="4"|シズメシズメ<br />''SINK SINK''
|colspan="2"|飛龍の反撃<br />''Hiryuu's Counterattack''
|colspan="2"|MI作戦<br />''Operation MI''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2014 Event 発動!渾作戦</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|連合艦隊の出撃<br />''Sortie of the Combined Fleet''
|rowspan="2"|艦隊決戦<br />''Decisive Fleet Battle''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|秋月の空<br />''Sky of the Autumn Moon''
|rowspan="2"|防空駆逐艦、参戦!<br />''Anti-Air Destroyer, Engage!''
|rowspan="2"|"Sky of the Autumn Moon" can be selected from the jukebox.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="5"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Winter 2015 Event 迎撃!トラック泊地強襲</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|colspan="2" rowspan="3;"|特型駆逐艦<br />''Special-type Destroyer''
|吹雪 (A)<br />''Fubuki (A)''
|Second part of "Fubuki"
|吹雪 (B)<br />''Fubuki (B)''
|Hook of "Fubuki"
|海色 (A)<br />''Miiro (A)''
|First part of "Miiro"
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|吹雪、出撃す!<br />''Fubuki, Heading Out!''
|海色 (B)<br />''Miiro (B)''
|Second part of "Miiro"
|海色 (C)<br />''Miiro (C)''
|Hook of "Miiro"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Spring 2015 Event 発令!第十一号作戦</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|rowspan="4"|第三十駆逐隊、抜錨準備!<br />''30th Destroyer Division, Prepare for Sortie!''
|colspan="2" rowspan="4;"|睦月型駆逐艦の戦い<br />''Battle of the Mutsuki-class Destroyers''
|rowspan="4"|連合艦隊、西へ<br />''Combined Fleet, Westward''
|rowspan="2"|敵地侵入<br />''Invading Enemy Territory''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|深海への誘い<br />''Invitation to the Abyss''
|rowspan="2"|モドレナイノ<br />''No Going Back''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="7"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Summer 2015 Event 反撃!第二次SN作戦</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4"|艦隊の再集結<br />''Regathering of the Fleet''
|colspan="2" rowspan="4;"|出撃!第八艦隊<br />''Sortie! 8th Division''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|艦隊、ソロモン海へ!<br />''Fleet, toward the Solomon Sea!''
|艦隊、ソロモン海へ!<br />''Fleet, toward the Solomon Sea!''
|全艦娘、突撃!<br />''All Shipgirls, Attack!''
|決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて!<br />''Decisive Battle! Escape from Ironbottom Sound!''
|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage!''
|rowspan="3"|深海水上打撃部隊<br />''Abyssal Surface Task Force''
|colspan="2"|睦月型駆逐艦の戦い<br />''Battle of the Mutsuki-class Destroyers''
|colspan="2"|深海への誘い<br />''Invitation to the Abyss''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|アイアンボトムサウンド<br />''Ironbottom Sound''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|激突!夜間砲撃戦!<br />''Clash! Exchanging Fire at Night!''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2015 Event 突入!海上輸送作戦</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|rowspan="3"|艦隊集結<br />''Fleet Gathering''
|colspan="2"|海上輸送作戦<br />''Marine Transport Operation''
|水雷戦隊の反撃<br />''The Torpedo Squadron's Counterattack''
|二水戦の航跡<br />''Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron''
|colspan="2"|次発装填、再突入!<br />''Next Round Loaded, Re-engage! ''
|colspan="2"|海上輸送作戦<br />''Marine Transport Operation''
|水雷戦隊の反撃<br />''The Torpedo Squadron's Counterattack''
|第三十駆逐隊、抜錨準備!<br />''30th Destroyer Division, prepare to sortie!''
|colspan="2"|連合艦隊、西へ<br />''Combined Fleet, Westward''
|水雷戦隊の反撃 (通常版と装甲破砕版)<br />''The Torpedo Squadron's Counterattack (Usual version and Armor Debuff version)''
|Armor Debuff BGM changes: No bamboo flute & hi-hat
|艦隊集結<br />''Fleet Gathering''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|海上輸送作戦<br />''Marine Transport Operation''
|rowspan="2;"|待ち伏せの夜戦 (通常版と装甲破砕版)<br />''Night Battle Ambush (Usual version and Armor Debuff version)''
|Armor Debuff BGM changes: No chorus
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="6"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Winter 2016 Event 出撃!「礼号作戦」</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node
|rowspan="3;"|冬の二水戦<br />''The 2nd Torpedo Squadron in Winter''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|礼号作戦<br />''Operation Rei-gō''
|rowspan="3;"|艦隊突入!上陸船団を討て<br />''Fleet, Assault! Attack the Landing Convoy''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|colspan="2"|礼号作戦の凱歌<br />''The Paean of Operation Rei-gō''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Spring 2016 Event 開設!基地航空隊</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4"|遥かなる友邦<br />''Distant Allies''
|rowspan="4;"|No raids
|colspan="2" rowspan="3;"|戦場海域<br />''Battlewaters''
|colspan="2" rowspan="3;"|水底から<br />''From Bottom of the Water''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|colspan="2"|友邦任務部隊<br />''Allied Nation's Task Force''<br />''E-4 BGM''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|敵航空基地を叩け<br />''Attack the Enemy Aviation Base''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|rowspan="3;"|紅い海の侵食<br />''Erosion of the Crimson Sea''
|水底から<br />''From Bottom of the Water''
|colspan="2"|水底から<br />''From Bottom of the Water''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|No raids
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|友邦任務部隊<br />''Allied Nation's Task Force''<br />''E-6, E-7 BGM''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|波濤を超えて<br />''Beyond the Surging Sea''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|水底から<br />''From Bottom of the Water''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Summer 2016 Event 迎撃! 第二次マレー沖海戦</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4;"|整備員の休息<br />''Rest Time of the Technicians''
|No raids
|colspan="2"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|捜索!敵東洋艦隊<br />Search! The Enemy's Eastern Fleet
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|rowspan="3"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|捜索!敵東洋艦隊<br />Search! The Enemy's Eastern Fleet
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|東洋の魔女<br />''The Eastern Witch''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
|colspan="2"|東洋の魔女<br />''The Eastern Witch''
|colspan="2"|戦争を忌むもの<br />''Those Who Detest War''
|From [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?pid=290169502 bbs.ngacn.cc]
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2016 Event 発令! 艦隊作戦第三法</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="3;"|警戒線<br />''Cordon''
|No raids
|colspan="2" rowspan="4;"|機動部隊を追え!<br />''Chase the Carrier Task Force!''
|colspan="2" rowspan="4;"|泡沫のシャングリア<br />''Bubbles around Shangria''
|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|rowspan="2;"| No raids
|rowspan="2;"|水底の世界<br />''World of Under the Water''
|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|泡沫のシャングリア<br />''Bubbles around Shangria''
|colspan="2"|渚を越えて<br />''Beyond the Shore''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Winter 2017 Event 偵察戦力緊急展開!「光」作戦</h4>
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="3;"| 舞鶴の港
''Harbor in Maizuru''
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"| 「光」作戦<br />''Operation 'Hikari'''
|No boss node, therefore no boss BGM
|colspan="2"|トラック目指して<br />''Head for the Truk''
|colspan="2"|トラック目指して<br />''Head for the Truk''
|colspan="2"|遥かなるウルシー泊地<br />''The Distant Ulithi Anchorage''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Spring 2017 Event 出撃!北東方面 第五艦隊</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="5;"|北東方面艦隊の集結<br />''Gathering of the Northeastern Fleet''
|rowspan="3;"|No raids
|colspan="2" rowspan="2;"|第五艦隊の奮戦<br />''Hard Fight of the Fifth Fleet''
|colspan="2" rowspan="3;"|北方艦隊決戦<br />''Decisive Northen Naval Battle''
|colspan="2"|第五戦隊の出撃<br />''Sortie of the Fifth Squad''
|rowspan="2;"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|北方艦隊決戦<br />''Decisive Northen Naval Battle''
|colspan="2"|士魂の護り<br />''Protection of the Warrior Spirit''
|colspan="2"|士魂の護り<br />''Protection of the Warrior Spirit''
|colspan="2"|士魂の反撃<br />''Counterattack of the Warrior Spirit''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Summer 2017 Event 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4"|西方打通作戦発動<br />''Commence Western Through Operation''
|rowspan="6"|No raids
|colspan="2"|西方打通作戦発動<br />''Commence Western Through Operation''
|colspan="2"|特務艦隊抜錨!西へ<br />''Special Squadron, Weigh Anchor! To the West''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|特務艦隊抜錨!西へ<br />''Special Squadron, Weigh Anchor! To the West''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|特務艦隊の戦い<br />''Battle of the Special Squadron''
|colspan="2"|西方の海<br />''Western Sea''
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|地中海の戦い<br />''Battle of the Mediterranean Sea''
|rowspan="3"|西方の海<br />''Western Sea''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|特務艦隊の戦い<br />''Battle of the Special Squadron''
|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|地中海の戦い<br />''Battle of the Mediterranean Sea''
|colspan="2"|鎮魂の大西洋<br />''Requiem for the Atlantic Ocean''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2017 Event 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="2"|捷号決戦前夜<br />''Operation Sho-go's Eve''
|rowspan="2"|No raids
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|捷一号作戦<br />''Operation Sho-ichi-go''
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|激戦!遊撃部隊<br />''Intense Battle! Strike Force''
|rowspan="2"|海峡へ<br />''To the Strait''
|rowspan="2"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|激戦!遊撃部隊<br />''Intense Battle! Strike Force''
|colspan="2"|西村艦隊の戦い<br />''Battles of the Nishimura Fleet''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Winter 2018 Event 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(後篇)</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4"|出擊前夜<br />''Eve of Sortie''
|rowspan="2"|No raids
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|''Winter 2018 Event: E-1, E-2, E-3 Battle''
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|''Winter 2018 Event: E-1, E-2, E-3 Boss, E-4 Battle''
|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|No raids
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Winter 2018 Event: E-1, E-2, E-3 Boss, E-4 Battle''
|colspan="2"|友軍艦隊!反撃開始<br />''Friend Fleet! Begin Counterattack''
|rowspan="3"|''Winter 2018 Event: Extra Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="3"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|鶴墜ちる海<br />''The Sea Where the Crane Falls''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|鶴墜ちる海<br />''The Sea Where the Crane Falls''
|colspan="2"|友軍艦隊!反撃開始<br />''Friend Fleet! Begin Counterattack''
|colspan="2"|暁の水平線に勝利を!<br />''Victory over the Dawn Horizon!''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Early Fall 2018 Event 抜錨!連合艦隊、西へ!</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="3"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: Main Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="3"|No raids
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: Main Operation Battle''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: E-1, E-2 Boss''
|colspan="2"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: E-3 Boss; E-4, E-5 Battle''
|rowspan="2"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: Extra Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="2"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: E-3 Boss; E-4, E-5 Battle''
|colspan="2"|地中海の戦い<br />''Battle of the Mediterranean Sea''
|colspan="2"|''Early Fall 2018 Event: E-5 Boss''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Winter 2019 Event 邀撃!ブイン防衛作戦</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="2"|''Winter 2019 Event: Main Operation Map Screen''
|No raids
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Winter 2019 Event: Main Operation Battle''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Winter 2019 Event: Main Operation Boss''
|rowspan="2"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|''Winter 2019 Event: Extra Operation Map Screen''
|colspan="2"|日の進むところ<br />''A Place the Sun Goes Forward''
|colspan="2"|''Winter 2019 Event: Extra Operation Boss''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Spring 2019 Event 発動!友軍救援「第二次ハワイ作戦」</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="3"|''Spring 2019 Event: Main Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="2"|No raids
|rowspan="4" colspan="2"|''Spring 2019 Event: E-1 to E-4 Battle''
|rowspan="4" colspan="2"|''Spring 2019 Event: E-1 to E-4 Boss; E-5 Battle''
|rowspan="3"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|rowspan="2"|''Spring 2019 Event: Extra Operation Map Screen''
|colspan="2"|''Spring 2019 Event: E-1 to E-4 Boss; E-5 Battle''
|colspan="2"|''Spring 2019 Event: E-5 Boss''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Summer 2019 Event 欧州方面反撃作戦 発動!「シングル作戦」</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="2"|北大西洋の風<br />''The Wind in North Atlantic Ocean''
|No raids
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|欧州防衛作戦<br />''European Defense Operation''
|colspan="2"|佐世保の時雨 (インストver.)<br />''Shigure of Sasebo''
|rowspan="2"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|ジブラルタルの戦鬼<br />''War Demon of Gibraltar''
|地中海の潮風<br />''A sea breeze in the Mediterranean Sea ''
|colspan="2"|ジブラルタルの戦鬼<br />''War Demon of Gibraltar''
|colspan="2"|アンツィオ沖の戦い<br />''Battle of Anzio''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2019 Event 進撃!第二次作戦「南方作戦」</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4"|''Fall 2019 Event: Main Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="3;"|No raids
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|八駆の迎撃<br />''DesDiv 8's Interception''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event: E1, E-2 Boss, E-4 Battle''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event: E-3, E-4 Boss, E-5 Battle''
|rowspan="3;"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event: E1, E-2 Boss, E-4 Battle''
|rowspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event: Extra Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event: E-3, E-4 Boss, E-5 Battle''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event: E-5 Boss, E-6 Battle''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|''Fall 2019 Event:E-5 Boss, E-6 Battle''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|比叡と霧島の夜<br />''Nights of Hiei and Kirishima''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event 桃の節句!沖に立つ波</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="1"|艦隊集結<br />''Fleet Gathering''
|rowspan="1;"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|令和桃の節句<br />''Reiwa's Doll Festival''
|rowspan="1" colspan="2"|沖に立つ波<br />''Waves in the Offing''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Rainy-Summer 2020 Event 侵攻阻止!島嶼防衛強化作戦</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan="4"|島嶼防衛作戦 <br />''Island Defense Operation''
|rowspan="2"|No raids
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|輸送護衛船団の闘い<br />''Battle of Transport Escort Fleet''
|rowspan="3" colspan="2"|'' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-1 to E-3 Boss, E-4 Battle''
|rowspan="5"|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''
|colspan="2"|'' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-1 to E-3 Boss, E-4 Battle''
|colspan="2"|'' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-4 Boss, E-5, E-6 Battle''
|rowspan="3"|'' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: Extra Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|''Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-4 Boss, E-5, E-6 Battle''
|rowspan="2" colspan="2"|'' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-5, E-6 Boss, E-7 Battle''
|colspan="2"| '' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-5, E-6 Boss, E-7 Battle''
|colspan="2"| '' Rainy-Summer 2020 Event: E-7 Boss''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
!colspan="8"|<h4 style="margin:0;text-align:left">Fall 2020 Event 護衛せよ!船団輸送作戦【欧州編】&【春風船団/多号作戦】</h4>
!Enemy's Land-Base Air Raids
!Normal Node (Day Battle)
!Normal Node (Night Battle)
!Boss Node (Day Battle)
!Boss Node (Night Battle)
|rowspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: Main Operation Map Screen''
|rowspan=2|No raids
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-1 Normal Battle''
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-1 Boss Battle, E-2 Normal Battle''
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-1 Boss Battle, E-2 Normal Battle''
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-2 Boss Battle, E-3 Normal Battle''
|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-1 Normal Battle''
|rowspan=2|迎撃隊、発進!<br />''Interception Squad, Sortie!''.
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-2 Boss Battle, E-3 Normal Battle''
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-3 Boss Battle, E-4 Map Screen''
|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-3 Boss Battle, E-4 Map Screen''
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-4 Normal Battle''
|colspan=2|'' Fall 2020 Event: E-4 Boss Battle''
==Track notes==
* 我、夜戦に突入す! ''Rush into the Night Battle!''
** Night battle & boss arrangement are no longer available as separate tracks
*** They have become a single track via the [http://pastebin.com/5WxWrpP7 April 9th, 2014 Update].
* 秋月の空 ''Autumn Moon in the Sky''
** Early release version is still available via the [[Furniture/Jukebox|jukebox]]
==[[Glossary#List of music by composers|Composers]]==
Except [[#Event Music List|''Savior of Song'']], [[#Event Music List|''Color of the Sea'']], & [[#Event Music List|''Fubuki'']]
* Usami Hiroshi (宇佐美宏)
* Okamiya Michio (岡宮道生)
* Ookoshi Kaori ( 大越香里)