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Created page with "==World 3-5 【Extra Operation】 北方AL海域 Aleutian Islands Campaign== {{LabSortieworld | map = 3-5_Map.png | difficulty = ☆..."
==World 3-5 【Extra Operation】 北方AL海域 [[wikipedia:en:Aleutian Islands Campaign|Aleutian Islands Campaign]]==
| map = 3-5_Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{Ammo}}
| exp = 400
| code = 北方海域戦闘哨戒 (Northern Water Combat Patrols)
| jptext =北方海域に敵増援の動きがある。中規模の水上打撃部隊を派遣し、敵増援を捕捉、これを撃破せよ!
| entext = There is a movement of enemy reinforcements to the northern sea. Dispatch a medium size fleet, intercept the enemy reinforcements and destroy it!

===Stage Guide===
|title = 3-5 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 3-5
|0 -> B =
* Guaranteed if one of the following requirements are met:
** Amount of SS(V) ≧ 3
** Amount of (F)BB(V) ≧ 2
** Amount of (F)BB(V) + CA(V) ≧ 3
** Fleet contains CV(L)
** Fleet contains CLT
* 25% chance of B when amount of DD = 4
* 50% chance of B when amount of DD ≦ 3

|0 -> F =
* Does not meet the requirements to go to B
* Guaranteed if the amount of DD ≧ 5
* 75% chance of F when amount of DD = 4
* 50% chance of F when amount of DD ≦ 3

|B -> A/empty =
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements:
** Amount of SS(V) ≧ 4
** Amount of CV(L/B) ≧ 4
** Amount of CV(L/B) + (F)BB(V) ≧ 5

|B -> C/empty = * Does not meet the requirement to go to any other nodes

|B -> D =
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements:
** Amount of CLT ≧ 2
** Amount of CV(L) ≧ 2
** Amount of (F)BB(V) ≧ 3 ('''Overrides E node branching''')
** Amount of CA(V) ≧ 2 and use neither a DD / CL

|B -> E =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
** Amount of DD ≧ 2
** Amount of CL = 1
** Fleet contains no CV(L/B)

|E -> H = *Fixed Route

|F -> E =
* Guaranteed if one of the following requirements are met:
** Fleet contains CV(L/B), (F)BB(V) or LHA
* 25% chance of E if none of the requirements are met

|F -> G =
* Guaranteed if '''ALL''' of the following requirements are met:
** Amount of CL ≦ 2
** Fleet contains no LHA, CA(V), (F)BB(V) or CV(L/B)
* 75% chance of G if none of the requirements are me

|G -> I/empty =
* Fail the LoS check with a F33(Cn=4) LoS value of < 23
* Random routing if the F33(Cn=4) LoS value is between 23 and 28

|G -> K =
* Pass the LoS check with a F33(Cn=4) LoS value of > 28
* Random routing if the F33(Cn=4) LoS value is between 23 and 28

|H -> J/resource =
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements (LoS check pass is ignored):
** Amount of (F)BB(V) + CV(B/L) ≧ 2 '''AND''' Fleet contains [[Akitsumaru]]
** Amount of (F)BB(V) + CV(B/L) ≧ 4
* Fail the LoS check

|H -> K = * Pass the LoS check (40 Cn4) '''AND''' do not meet the requirements to go to node J

| style = "vertical-align:top;"| {{AirControlSystem
| Map = 3-5 FGK FINAL
| Fleet = CL + 4DD + (DD/AV)
| AS = 35
| Notes = Enemy has no air power prior to final form
| style = "vertical-align:top;"| {{AirControlSystem
| Map = 3-5 via H (Final)
| Fleet = Any CV(L)
| AS = 381

* To complete the map, you will need to defeat the flagship (Tsu-Class Light Cruiser) 4 times. Upon completing this task you will be rewarded with '''150 points''' and a '''medal'''. The map will reset at midnight JST at the beginning of every month.
**The map will also stay in '''Final Form''' once you cleared it until the next month reset. Therefore, it's recommended to do all 3-5 quests pre-clear for easier time, as doing them post-clear can make the job much harder.
* LoS requirement
**For G-K (south) '''≥ 28 F33 Cn4'''
**For H-K (north) '''≥ ~40 F33 Cn4'''
* Middle route (B-E-H-K or F-E-H-K) is not recommended, not only does this require an awkward fleet composition (either a CL 2 DD in a heavy fleet or a BB/CV in a light one), E node presents two Ru-Flags that can potentially damage any of your ships.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''North Route (B-D-H-K)'''
**'''3 [(F)BB(V)+CV(B/L)], 3 XX (XX being any CA(V), SS(V), CLT, CL or DD)'''
***Ships that are specialized in AACI such as [[Maya|Maya Kai Ni]] or [[Akizuki|Akizuki-class]] DDs can be used to protect your fleet on the way to the boss node
*'''South Route (F-G-K)'''
**''' 1 CL + 5 DD / 1 AV + 5 DD'''
*** Regarded as the 'standard' composition, this is the strongest possible composition that is guaranteed to reach the boss via '''F-G-K''', assuming LoS requirements are met. It is recommended to try the south route with this composition first.
*** Sparkling is recommended for lower level DDs as you are unlikely to kill or disable all enemies in preboss nodes, which can lead to closing torpedoes critically damaging the low-armored DDs if not evaded.
**''' 1 AV + 1 CL + 4 DD / 2 AV + 2 CL + 2 DD / 3-4 AV + 2-3 CL'''
***Sacrifices guaranteed routing, but in exchange for opening strikes, and possibility of Air Parity (Air Superiority with [[Mizuho]] Kai or seaplane fighters) at G node on the final clear.
*** There is a risk of getting sent off-course to node B. Players may opt to refresh the game if sent to B.
**'''[[Hayasui|Hayasui Kai]] + 2 AV + 1 CLT + 2 CL'''
***Takes you along the path of '''B-C-F-G-K'''
***Arming [[Hayasui]] with a SCAMP and some Torpedo Bombers will help her aid by getting a better chance to do some damage in battle.
*** Seaplane Tenders should be armed with either Seaplane Bombers or Seaplane Fighters
*** CL and CLT such as [[Abukuma]], [[Kitakami]] and [[Ooi]] are preferred to help wipe out the enemies easier.
*** While it's more expensive in comparison to other compositions, this is also more likely to ensure your survival to the boss node.

===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|A-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|B_label = 北方前衛警戒部隊
|B-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship bb_ta-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|B-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-1_xp =
|B-1_enemy_air_power =
|B-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship bb_ta-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|B-2_form = line_ahead
|B-2_xp =
|B-2_enemy_air_power =
|B-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship bb_ta-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|B-3_form = line_ahead
|B-3_xp =
|B-3_enemy_air_power =
|C_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|C-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|D_label = 北方派遣任務部隊
|D-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-1_form = diamond
|D-1_xp =
|D-1_enemy_air_power = 112
|D-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-2_form = diamond
|D-2_xp =
|D-2_enemy_air_power = 214
|D-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|D-3_form = diamond
|D-3_xp =
|D-3_enemy_air_power = 112
|D-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-4_form = diamond
|D-4_xp =
|D-4_enemy_air_power = 186
|D-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|D-5_form = diamond
|D-5_xp =
|D-5_enemy_air_power = 112
|E_label = 北方遊撃部隊
|E-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_ka-class_flagship ss_ka-class_elite
|E-1_form = double_line
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model ss_ka-class_flagship
|E-2_form = double_line
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_ka-class_flagship
|E-3_form = double_line
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power = 23
|F_label = 北方増援部隊前衛A
|F-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|F-1_form = line_ahead
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power =
|F-2_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-2_form = line_ahead
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power =
|F-3_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|F-3_form = line_ahead
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power =
|F-4_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|F-4_form = line_ahead
|F-4_xp =
|F-4_enemy_air_power =
|G_label = 北方増援部隊前衛B
|G-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_to-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|G-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|G-1_xp =
|G-1_enemy_air_power =
|G-2_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|G-2_form = diamond
|G-2_xp =
|G-2_enemy_air_power = 23
|G-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_to-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|G-3_form = double_line
|G-3_xp =
|G-3_enemy_air_power =
|G-4_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|G-4_form = diamond
|G-4_xp =
|G-4_enemy_air_power = 23
|H_label = 北方AL泊地
|H-1_node_info = northern_princess_3-5 escort_fortress_1 escort_fortress_2 ca_ri-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|H-1_form = diamond
|H-1_xp =
|H-1_enemy_air_power = 134
|H-2_node_info = northern_princess_3-5_final_form escort_fortress_1 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3
|H-2_form = diamond
|H-2_xp =
|H-2_enemy_air_power = 254
|H-3_node_info = northern_princess_3-5 escort_fortress_1 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3
|H-3_form = diamond
|H-3_xp =
|H-3_enemy_air_power = 221
|H-4_node_info = northern_princess_3-5 escort_fortress_1 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3
|H-4_form = diamond
|H-4_xp =
|H-4_enemy_air_power = 217
|H-5_node_info = northern_princess_3-5 escort_fortress_1 escort_fortress_2 ca_ri-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|H-5_form = diamond
|H-5_xp =
|H-5_enemy_air_power = 130
|H-6_node_info = northern_princess_3-5_final_form escort_fortress_1 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3 escort_fortress_2 escort_fortress_3
|H-6_form = diamond
|H-6_xp =
|H-6_enemy_air_power = 250
|I_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|I-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|J_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|J-1_node_info = ammo + 50
|K_label = 北方増援部隊主力
|K-1_node_info = cl_tsu-class transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|K-1_form = line_ahead
|K-1_xp =
|K-1_enemy_air_power =
|K-2_node_info = cl_tsu-class transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ni-class_late_model dd_ni-class_late_model
|K-2_form = line_ahead
|K-2_xp =
|K-2_enemy_air_power =
|K-3_node_info = cl_tsu-class transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|K-3_form = double_line
|K-3_xp =
|K-3_enemy_air_power =
|K-4_node_info = cl_tsu-class transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite bb_ru-class_flagship dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|K-4_form = double_line
|K-4_xp =
|K-4_enemy_air_power =
|K-5_node_info = cl_tsu-class transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|K-5_form = line_ahead
|K-5_xp =
|K-5_enemy_air_power =
|final_form = H2 H6 K2 K5
|boss_node = H K


<div class="mw-customtoggle-3-5-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>

{| id="mw-customcollapsible-3-5-drop" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
!Light Cruisers
!Heavy Cruisers
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
|[[Sazanami]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Hatsushimo]], [[Ushio]], [[Wakaba]]
|[[Takao]], [[Nachi]]
|[[Jun'you]], [[Ryuujou]]
|[[Akebono]], [[Ushio]], [[Nenohi]], [[Hibiki]], [[Sazanami]]
|[[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']]
|[[Nachi]], [[Takao]], [[Maya]]
|[[Hatsuharu]], [[Hatsushimo]]
|[[Abukuma]], [[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']]
|[[Maya]], [[Takao]], [[Nachi]]
|[[I-58|'''<span style="color:red">I-58</span>''']], [[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']]''', [[I-19|'''<span style="color:red">I-19</span>''']]'''
[[Inazuma]], [[Ushio]], [[Hibiki]], [[Nenohi]], [[Akebono]], [[Sazanami]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Wakaba]], [[Tanikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Tanikaze</span>''']]
|[[Tama]], [[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']], [[Abukuma]], [[Kiso]]
|[[Maya]], [[Takao]], [[Nachi]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Jun'you]]
|[[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']], [[I-19|'''<span style="color:red">I-19</span>''']], [[I-8|'''<span style="color:red">I-8</span>''']], [[Maruyu|'''<span style="color:red">Maruyu</span>''']]
|[[Akashi|'''<span style="color:red">Akashi</span>''']]
|[[Nenohi]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Hibiki]]
|[[Kiso]], [[Tama]]
|[[I-19|'''<span style="color:red">I-19</span>''']], [[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']]
| style="color:red" |'''K'''
[[Fubuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Shimakaze]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']],<br />[[Tanikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Tanikaze</span>''']],<br />[[Amatsukaze|'''<span style="color:red">Amatsukaze</span>''']], [[Yamagumo|'''<span style="color:red">Yamagumo</span>''']], [[Kazagumo|'''<span style="color:red">Kazagumo</span>''']]
|[[Abukuma|'''<span style="color:red">Abukuma</span>''']],<br />[[Kuma]], [[Nagara]], [[Tenryuu]],[[Sendai]], [[Kitakami]], [[Ooi]], [[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']]
|[[Atago]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Myoukou]], [[Takao]], [[Mogami]]
|[[Shouhou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Hiyou]], [[Houshou]], [[Ryuujou]]
|[[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]], [[Ise]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Hiei]]
|[[I-19|'''<span style="color:red">I-19</span>''']], [[I-8|'''<span style="color:red">I-8</span>''']],
[[I-58|'''<span style="color:red">I-58</span>''']], [[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']]
|[[Akashi|'''<span style="color:red">Akashi</span>''']]
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