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#* She can also equip anti-installation equipment and Gyrocopters
#* She can also equip anti-installation equipment and Gyrocopters
#* 4th equip slot has limitations
#* 4th equip slot has limitations
== {{anchor|Newly Implemented Quests}}Newly Implemented Quests ==
<!-- Note: Whenever an update introduces new quests, put them here instead of the sections below, especially because the repeatability of sortie quests (which puts them in different sections) can't be checked for a period of time. -->
<!-- Latest Quest Numbers (here for convenience)
    Composition: A74
    Sortie: B94
    Exercise (PVP): C12
    Expedition: D21
    Supply/Docking: E4
    Factory: F53
    Modernization: G5
    Seasonal: SB29
===February 5th, 2021===
====Limited Time Quests====
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2102 LQ1
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp =バレンタイン限定任務 【一号作戦】
| nameen = Valentine's Limited Operation (Operation No.1)
| req = Valentine's Limited Mission: Organize a fleet consisting of 1 Light Cruiser and two or more destroyers and patrol the Nansei Island Defense Line, the waters near the Nansei Islands, Bashi Channel, and the Eastern Orel Sea. Capture and destroy the enemy fleet in each area.
*Organize a fleet consists of 1 CL, 2 DD, 3 XX and score an S rank (?) on 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 2021
| bauxite = 214
| other = [[Mamiya]] x1 <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[Development Materials]] x4 <br>'''or'''<br> [[25mm Twin Autocannon Mount]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Furniture Fairy]] x1
| notes =
| once  = True
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2102 LQ2
| reqQuest = 2102 LQ1
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp =バレンタイン限定任務 【二号作戦】
| nameen = Valentine's Limited Operation (Operation No.2)
| req = Valentine's Limited Mission: Organize a fleet with a light cruiser as flagship and sortie into the Oil Refinery Area,
Okashima Island Area, Northern Moray Sea, The Alfansols, and the Curry Ocean Operation in the Western Sea. Destroy the main enemy fleets in the area!
* Organize a fleet with 1 CL, 5 XX and score an S rank on 1-3, 2-4,3-1,3-3,4-2 in the boss node.
| fuel = 2021
| ammo = 214
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = [[Chocolate]] x1 <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[Medal]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Action Report]] x1
| notes =
| once  = True
| type = PVP
| listnum =  2102 LQ3
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp =バレンタイン限定任務 【特別演習】
| nameen = Valentine's Limited Operation (Special Exercise)
| req = Valentine's Limited Operation: Organize a special fleet consisting of 1 Seaplane Tender, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Light Cruiser, and 2 Destroyers in your fleet and with said fleet socre 4 S rank victories in the same day
*Organize a fleet consisting of 1 AV, 1 CA, 1 CL, 2 DD, 1 XX and score 4 S ranks in PVP.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 2021
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 214
| other = ???
| notes =
| once  = True
====Permament Quests====
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B164
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp =改装最新鋭軽巡「能代改二」、出撃せよ!
| nameen = Remodeled State of the Art Light Cruiser Noshiro Kai Ni, Sortie!
| req = Organize a fleet with Noshiro Kai Ni along with 3 destroyers under her command and sortie into the Okashima Area, Kis Island, Sav Islands, Brunei Anchorage, and deep within the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage. Capture and destroy the main enemy fleet.
*Organize a fleet consists of [[Noshiro|Nishiro Kai Ni]], 3 DD and 2 XX in your fleet and score an S rank at the boss nodes on 2-4, 3-2,5-3,7-1, and 7-2 (Part 2)
| fuel = 1026
| ammo = 0
| steel = 1944
| bauxite = 0
| other = [[15.2cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Ni]] x1 <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[15.2cm Twin Gun Mount]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[8cm High-angle Mount]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[25mm Triple Autocannon Mount]] x2
| notes =
| once  = True
| type = PVP
| listnum = C53
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp =「精鋭軽巡」演習!
| nameen = Elite Light Cruiser Exercise
| req = Organize a fleet consisting of 3 Light Cruiser type ships in the fleet, which includes one as the flagship (excluding Torpedo Cruisers) and 2 Destroyer in your fleet. With your fleet score 4 PVP victories (A ranks) within the same day.
* Organize a fleet with 3 CL/CT (with one CL as flagship), 2 DD, 1 XX and score 4 A+ ranks in PVP on the same day.
| fuel = 200
| ammo = 0
| steel = 200
| bauxite = 200
| other = '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[Medal]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Irako]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Instant Repair]] x3 <br>'''or'''<br> '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[14cm Twin Gun Mount Kai]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[15.2cm Twin Gun Mount]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Improvement Material]] x3
| notes = '''Yearly Quest''' <br> ''Reset February 1st''
| once  =
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D38
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 西方連絡作戦準備を実施せよ!
| nameen = Preparation for Western Contact Operation
| req = Complete the expeditions Western Sea Reconnaissance Operations, Submarine Dispatch Exercise, Submarine Dispatch Operation, and Contant with Friendly European Forces and successfully complete them
*Complete Expeditions 29, 30, D1 and D3
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 900
| steel = 500
| bauxite = 500
| other = ???
| notes = '''Yearly Quest''' <br> ''Reset February 1st''
| once  =
| type = Modernization
| listnum = G8
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 「軽巡」級の改修工事を実施せよ!
| nameen = Carry Out the light cruiser Modernization Operation
| req = Light Cruiser Modernization Mission: Prepare 800 steel and 400 bauxite, then prepare any light cruiser to be modernized with 3 other light cruiser and successfully complete this process 2 times. * After completing the mission, the reserve resources will be consumed.
*Modernize a CL with 3 CL 2 times.
| fuel = 500
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other =  '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[Instant Repair]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Development Materials]] x3  <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose between the Reward'''<br>  [[25mm Single Autocannon Mount]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Irako]] x1
| notes = '''Yearly Quest''' <br> ''Reset February 1st''
| once  =
| type = Modernization
| listnum = G9
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 続:「軽巡」級の改修工事を実施せよ!
| nameen = Continuation: Carry Out the light cruiser Modernization Operation
| req = Light Cruiser Modernization Mission: Prepare 900 steel and 900 ammo, then prepare any light cruiser to be modernized with 3 other Heavy cruisers and successfully complete this process 2 times. * After completing the mission, the reserve resources will be consumed.
*Modernize a CL with 3 CA 2 times.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 500
| other =  '''Choose between the Reward'''<br> [[Development Materials]] x4  <br>'''or'''<br> [[15.2cm Twin Gun Mount]] x1  <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose between the Reward'''<br>  [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Improvement Materials]] x2
| notes = '''Yearly Quest''' <br> ''Reset February 1st''
| once  =
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