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|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2020|Autumn 2020]]
|origin = 提督なんだ?りんご飴食うか?あぁ、そうだ!霧島の分も買ってきてやろう。
|translation = What is it, Admiral? Want a candy apple? Ah, right! Let's go buy some for Kirishima too.
|audio = South_Dakota_Autumn_2020_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2020|Autumn 2020]]
|origin = 楽しいな。提督、ここの秋、好きになりそうだ。おぉ、あいつは…なんだっけ…あぁ、迅鯨!血相を変えてどうした?りんご飴食うか?
|translation = It's really fun. Admiral, I think I'm falling in love with autumn here. Oh, who was she... again... Ah, Jingei! What's with the new look? Want a candy apple?
|audio = South_Dakota_Autumn_2020_Secretary_3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2020|Autumn 2020]]
|origin = この格好でも負けるかよ!くらえ!
|translation = I still won't lose looking like this! Eat this!
|audio = South_Dakota_Autumn_2020_Attack.mp3
|notes = Attack