Line 289:
Line 289:
|origin =11 o'clock. 今日もあと少しで終わり。提督、おつかれ。また明日も頑張っていこう。Good night!
|origin =11 o'clock. 今日もあと少しで終わり。提督、おつかれ。また明日も頑張っていこう。Good night!
|translation =11 o'clock. The day will be over soon. Admiral, good work. Let's work hard tomorrow too. Good night!
|translation =11 o'clock. The day will be over soon. Admiral, good work. Let's work hard tomorrow too. Good night!
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Summer 2020 Event]]
|origin = USS South Dakota, 了解。突入だ!
|translation = USS South Dakota, acknowledging. ATTACK!
|audio = Ship_Voice_South_Dakota_Rainy-Summer_2020_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
|scenario = [[Summer 2020 Event]]
|origin = Battleship South Dakota, 戦場海域に到達。これより、友軍艦隊を援護する。Open fire!
|translation = Battleship South Dakota has arrived on the battlefield. We'll now support the friendly fleet. Open fire!
|audio = Ship_Voice_South_Dakota_Rainy-Summer_2020_Event_Friend_Fleet_2.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 2