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The fleet used is similar to the leveling fleet with an AV taking the place of the BB/CA. The AV guarantees routing to node E and you can either retreat after node D or continue on to node H to finish daily/weekly quests.
'''Recommended Fleets'''
'''Recommended Fleets'''
* 2CV/L 1AV 1CL/T 2DD
'''Equipment Setups'''
'''Equipment Setups'''
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| style="text-align: center;" | DD
| style="text-align: center;" | DD
| {{GreenGunDP}}{{GreenGunDP}}{{WildCard}}
| Fairly standard setup for DDs. They won't be contributing much to the battle beyond providing AA support. They are primarily here to reduce costs. Else, putting more CL and CA in the fleet would still work.
| style="text-align: center;" | CL
| {{RedGunMedium}}{{RedGunMedium}}{{Seaplane}}
| Setup for CLs that are capable of [[Artillery Spotting]]. For those that are not, simply replace the seaplane with a radar or anti-air gun.
| style="text-align: center;" | CLT
| {{RedGunMedium}}{{RedGunMedium}}{{TorpedoWeapon}}
| CLTs are useful at increasing the pass rate for this map. The addition of a midget sub for opening torpedo strikes can reduce the number of threats even further.
| style="text-align: center;" | CV/L
| {{BluePlane}}{{BluePlane}}{{RedPlane}}{{GreenPlane}}
| You may need to shuffle around some planes in order to hit the 162 fighter power required for AS+. One of your carriers should also have a [[Saiun]] if you can manage it.
| style="text-align: center;" | AV
| {{TorpedoWeapon}}{{TorpedoWeapon}}{{TorpedoWeapon}}
| You should be using an AV capable of opening torpedo strikes. One midget sub and two torpedoes will provide sufficient power for the opening torpedo strike to take out some of the tougher enemies on this map.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
''There are no expeditions suitable for farming {{IC}}.''
!style="background-color:#99CCFF;" | Expedition
!style="background-color:#99CCFF;" | Yield
!style="background-color:#99CCFF;" | Timer
!style="background-color:#99CCFF;" | Resource/Hour
!style="background-color:#99CCFF;" | Fleet Requirement
!style="background-color:#99CCFF;" | Notes
| style="text-align:left;" |
Quests =
Quests =
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
| type = Sortie
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><h4>Monthly</h4>
| listnum = Bd7
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
| reqQuest = Bd5
| namejp = 南西諸島海域の制海権を握れ!
| nameen = Gain Control of the Nansei Island Sea Region!
| req = ''Deploy all fleets to the [[World 2|Nansei Island Sea Region]], spot multiple enemy fleet main forces, and eliminate them!''
*Completion Condition: Obtain 5 victories at boss nodes in [[World 2]].
| fuel = 300
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 200
| other = Instant repair x1
Instant construction x1
| notes =
| type = PVP
| listnum = C2
| namejp = 「演習」で練度向上!
| nameen = Increase Experience Via "Exercise"!
| req =''Perform "exercises" three times today with fleets of other commanders!
*Completion Condition: Participate in 3 exercise battles within the same day.
| fuel = 50
| ammo = 0
| steel = 50
| bauxite = 0
| other = Instant construction x1
| notes = ''Daily quest''
| type = Supply
| listnum = E4
| reqQuest = E3
| namejp = 艦隊酒保祭り!
| nameen = Fleet Bartender's Festival!
| req = ''Fleet Bartenders are having a festival! Perform resupply 15 or more times to ships!''
*Completion Condition: Resupply ships 15 times.
| fuel = 50
| ammo = 50
| steel = 50
| bauxite = 50
| other = Instant construction x1
Development material x1
| notes = ''Daily quest''
| type = Factory
| listnum = F5
| namejp = 新装備「開発」指令
| nameen = New Equipment "Development" Order
| req = ''Try to develop a new equipment at the factory (failure is OK)!''
*Completion Condition: Make 1 development attempt. Failed development still counts.
| fuel = 40
| ammo = 40
| steel = 40
| bauxite = 40
| other = Instant Construction x1
Development Material x1
| notes = ''Daily quest''
| type = Factory
| listnum = F8
| reqQuest = F7
| namejp = 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!
| nameen = Fleet Enhancement Via Ship Girl "Construction"!
| req = ''In order to strengthen the fleet, construct 3 new ship girls today at the factory!''
*Completion Condition: Construct 3 ships.
| fuel = 200
| ammo = 200
| steel = 300
| bauxite = 100
| other = Instant Construction x1
Development Material x2
| notes = ''Daily quest''
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
| type = Sortie
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><h4>Quarterly</h4>
| listnum = Bw1
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
| reqQuest = Bd2
| namejp = あ号作戦
| nameen = Operation A-Gou
| req = ''Sortie for the week with all forces, spot as many enemy fleets as possible, and confront them!''
*Completion Condition: Fulfill all of the following.
*# Sortie 36 times ('''NOT 36 battles''');
*# Reach boss node 24 times;
*# Win at boss node 12 times;
*# Obtain 6 S-rank victories (does not have to be at boss).
*Each category contributes 25% towards the quest progress, so the 50% / 80% display is not a good benchmark for this quest.
| fuel = 300
| ammo = 300
| steel = 300
| bauxite = 100
| other = Instant construction x2
Development material x2
| notes =
| type = Modernization
| listnum = G3
| reqQuest = G2
| namejp = 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ!
| nameen = Carry Out "Modernization" for Battle Preparation!
| req = ''Succeed in at least 15 modernizations within a week!''
*Completion Condition: Perform 15 successful modernizations within the same week.
| fuel = 200
| ammo = 200
| steel = 300
| bauxite = 100
| other = Instant construction x1<br>Development material x2
| notes = ''Weekly quest''