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8,087 bytes added ,  6 years ago
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|translation = Hello, I'm the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Yuudachi. Nice to meet you!
|translation = Hello, I'm the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Yuudachi. Nice to meet you!
|audio = Yuudachi_Introduction.ogg
|audio = Yuudachi_Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|origin = 白露型駆逐艦、夕立。今日も頑張るぽい。ぽい!
|translation = Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Yuudachi. I'll be working hard today too-poi. Poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai-Intro.mp3
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|translation = Will I meet you... again... Captain Kikkawa...<ref>[https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%89%E5%B7%9D%E6%BD%94 Kikkawa Kiyoshi] was her final captain.</ref>
|translation = Will I meet you... again... Captain Kikkawa...<ref>[https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%89%E5%B7%9D%E6%BD%94 Kikkawa Kiyoshi] was her final captain.</ref>
|audio = YuudachiKai2-Sunk.ogg
|audio = YuudachiKai2-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|scenario = 00:00
|origin = マルマルマルマル。天辺ぽい。ぽい!
|translation = 0000. It's midnight-poi. Poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-00.mp3
|scenario = 01:00
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。夜中ぽい。ぽい!えぇ、少しうるさいぽい?あぁ、わかったぽい。
|translation = 0100. It's the middle of the night-poi. Poi! Eh, I'm being too loud-poi? Ah, I understand-poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-01.mp3
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = マルフタマルマル。丑三つ時ぽい。ぽーい。ぽいぽい。
|translation = 0200. It's the hour of the Ox-poi. Poooi. Poi, poi.<ref>The Hour of the Ox can mean the "dead of night" or the period between 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
|audio = YuudachiKai2-02.mp3
|scenario = 03:00
|origin = マルサンマルマル。提督さん、起きてるぽい?ぽーい。確認したぽい。
|translation = 0300. Admiral, are you awake-poi? Poooi. Just checking-poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-03.mp3
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。あぁ、あそこ旭ぽい。提督さん、あとちょっと夜明けぽい。
|translation = 0400. Ah, there's the morning sun-poi. Admiral, it'll be dawn in a while-poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-04.mp3
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = マルゴマルマル。朝ぽい!やったぽい!お散歩するぽい?ぽーい!
|translation = 0500. It's morning-poi! Hooray-poi! Shall we go for a walk-poi? Poooi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-05.mp3
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = ぽーい!朝ぽぉーいぃ!総員起床ぽぉーいぃ!マルロクマルマルぽい。
|translation = POOOI! It's morning-pooooi! All hands assemble-poooooooi! It's 0600-poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-06.mp3
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマル。ご飯〜、ご飯〜、朝ごはん〜。提督さん、今日の朝ごはんは、何?楽しみぽい!
|translation = 0700. Food~, food~, breakfast~. What's for breakfast today, Admiral? I can't wait-poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-07.mp3
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチマルマル。提督さん、朝ごはんのあとは、少し運動するぽい。お散歩?出撃?夕立、抜錨準備、いいぽい!
|translation = 0800. Admiral, we should get some exercise after breakfast-poi. Should we go for a walk? A sortie? I'm ready for anything-poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-08.mp3
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキュマルマル。あぁ、春雨ぽい!ぽーい!今日も頑張るぽい!
|translation = 0900. Ah, Harusame-poi! Poooi! Let's work hard today too-poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-09.mp3
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。午前中は元気が有り余ってるぽい。ちょっとソロモン行ってくるぽい!あぁ、違うぽい?ぽい。
|translation = 1000. I've got plenty of energy in the morning-poi. Let's go to Solomon for a while-poi! Ah, we can't-poi? Poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-10.mp3
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。あれ、春雨、どこ行っちゃったぽい?まぁ、いいか、好き進むぽい!
|translation = 1100. Huh, Harusame, where did you go? Oh well, just go where you like-poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-11.mp3
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = お腹空いたと思ったら、もうお昼ぽい。ご飯〜、ご飯〜。今日は、塩昆布おにぎりぽい?ぽーい!
|translation = When I feel hungry, it must be time for lunch-poi. Food~, food~. Today we're having salted kelp rice balls-poi? Poooi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-12.mp3
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = あぁ、お腹いっぱいぽい。ヒトサンマルマルぽい。…食べ過ぎたぽい。うぅー。
|translation = Ah, I'm so full-poi. It's 1300-poi. ...I ate too much-poi. Urrrgh.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-13.mp3
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。あぁ、村雨ぽい。お茶、助かるぽい。あぁ、ぐぅ…ふあぁー。
|translation = 1400. Ah, Mursame-poi. This tea helps-poi. Aaah, *gulp*... Pheeew.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-14.mp3
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴマルマル。あぁ、比叡、霧島ぽい!ぽーい!今日も頑張るぽい!ぽい!
|translation = 1500. Ah, Hiei, Kirishima-poi! Poooi! Let's work hard today too-poi! POI!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-15.mp3
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。ん?雨ぽい?夕立ぽい。…えぇ、しぐれ何?いい夕立だね?えへぇ、そんなに褒められると、照れるぽい!
|translation = 1600. Hmm? It's raining-poi? It's an evening shower-poi. ...Eh, what was that, Shigure? It's a nice shower? Ehe, if you praise me like that I'll get embarrassed.<ref>Her name means evening shower.</ref>
|audio = YuudachiKai2-16.mp3
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。夕立も上がって、きれいな夕日ぽい。…あれ、提督さん、夕立の顔で何が付いてるぽい?ぽーい?
|translation = 1700. There's a beautiful sunset when the evening shower lifts-poi. ...Huh, Admiral, is there something on my face-poi? Pooi?
|audio = YuudachiKai2-17.mp3
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。お腹空いちゃったぽい!あぁ、白露、それなーに?お鍋?ぽい!夕立、お鍋大好きぽい!ご相伴するぽい!
|translation = 1800. I'm hungry-poi! Ah, what's that, Shiratsuyu? A hotpot? Poi! I love hotpots-poi! I'll join you-poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-18.mp3
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = んー、お鍋美味しいぽい。「決め手は一番出し」ぽい?さすが、やるぽい。あぁ、時間はヒトキュマルマルぽい。
|translation = Mmmm, hotpots are delicious-poi. "The important factor is the best stock"-poi? That's right-poi. Ah, the time is 1900-poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-19.mp3
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = ふあぁー、またしてもお腹いっぱいぽい。えぇ、五月雨何?三水戦の出撃ぽい?…あぁ、夕立な四水戦ぽい。おやすみぽい。時刻はフタマルマルマルぽい。
|translation = 2000. Pheeew, I'm really full again-poi. Eh, what is it, Samidare? DesRon3 is sortieing-poi? ...Ah, I'm in DesRon4-poi. Good night-poi. The time is now 2000-poi.
|audio = YuudachiKai2-20.mp3
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。えぇ、由良も秋も行くぽい?仕方ない、じゃあ、夕立もパーティ行くぽい。どうせなら、素敵なパーティしましょう!
|translation = 2100. Eh, Yura and Aki are going-poi? I got no choice then, I'll join in the party-poi. We might as well have a wonderful party-poi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-21.mp3
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマル。ふふん、今夜もよりどりみどりぽい。夕立はね、素敵な悪夢、たっぷり見せてあげる。行くぽーい!
|translation = 2200. Fufun, there's lots of pickings tonight. I'll show you lots of wonderful nightmares. Here I go-poooi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-22.mp3
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマル。今日も一日走り回ったぽい。提督さん、明日も夕立と一緒に、頑張るぽい。ぽーい!
|translation = 2300. I've been running around all day again. Admiral, work hard togehter with me tomorrow too-poi. Poooi!
|audio = YuudachiKai2-23.mp3
|} <references/>
|} <references/>
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