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=={{Anchor|2-1}}World 2-1: 南西諸島近海 Nansei Islands Coastal Waters==
| map = 02_01.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{steel}} {{IC}}
| exp = 120
| code = 南西諸島哨戒 (Nansei Islands Patrol)
| jptext = 艦隊を南西諸島方面に展開!同海域の哨戒を実施、同水域に侵入した敵を排除、南西航路の安全を確保せよ!
| entext = (Pending Translation)
===Stage Guide===
|title = 2-1 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 2-1
|C -> B/resource, D, E/resource =
* Meeting '''ANY''' of the following requirements to '''FORCE''' B:
** Amount of CV(L/B) ≥ 3
** Amount of BBV ≥ 2
*If fleet contains AO
**Go to B if fleet contains no SS(V)
**Random between D and E otherwise
*If fleet contains BBV, no AO
**Random routing between B and E if fleet also contains AV or SS(V).
**Random routing between B and D otherwise
*Go to E if fleet contains AV.
*Otherwise, random routing between D and E.
|E/resource -> D, F, H =
*Go to F if (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 5
*Go to D if fleet contains any (F)BB(V), SS(V) or CV(B/L) '''and''' contains 6 ships (Random between F and D if the amount of ships in fleet is not 6)
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to H
**Fast fleet, amount of ships in fleet ≤ 5, CL = 1 and DD ≥ 3 ('''Overrides D node branching above''')
**CL ≤ 1 and DD+DE ≥ 5
**Fast fleet, CL = 1 and DD ≥ 4
*Go to D if fleet doesn't meet any of the above conditions and contains 6 ships
*Otherwise, F
|F -> G/empty, H =
*Go to G if the amount of ships in fleet = 6
*Otherwise, random routing
| Map = 2-1
| AS = 81
* This map is fairly simple as long as you remember that all maps in World 2 have routing restrictions on the maximum number of CV(L)s. With a limited number of these, your path to the boss is guaranteed.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''1 (F)BB, 1CV, 1 AV, 1 CL, 2 DD''' routes '''C - E - D - H'''
**Good for ensuring '''you can get both a flamethrower while playing through and reaching the boss node each run'''
<br/>'''Steel and Transport Farming'''
*'''3CV/CVL, 3XX''' routes '''C - B - A'''
**Good for collecting 2 transports per run and gathering a small amount of steel
***But 2-2 is probably better for farming transports, as the 2-2 node (see below) does not include an enemy CVL and is therefore less likely to damage your fleet during the opening air combat phase.
**Bringing additional drums and Daihatsu will help you farm additional steel.
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = 敵上陸船団
|A-1_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|A-1_form = double_line diamond
|A-1_xp =
|A-1_enemy_air_power = 24
|A-2_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-2_form = double_line diamond
|A-2_xp =
|A-2_enemy_air_power = 24
|A-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class transport_wa-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-3_form = double_line diamond
|A-3_xp =
|A-3_enemy_air_power = 24
|B_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|B1_node_info = steel + 10 15 20 25
|C_label = 敵前衛部隊
|C-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class cl_he-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|C-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-1_xp =
|C-1_enemy_air_power =
|C-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|C-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-2_xp =
|C-2_enemy_air_power =
|C-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class cl_he-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|C-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-3_xp =
|C-3_enemy_air_power =
|D_label = 敵護衛空母群
|D-1_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|D-1_form = diamond
|D-1_xp =
|D-1_enemy_air_power = 48
|D-2_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-2_form = diamond
|D-2_xp =
|D-2_enemy_air_power = 48
|D-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-3_form = diamond
|D-3_xp =
|D-3_enemy_air_power = 48
|D-4_node_info = cvl_nu-class cvl_nu-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-4_form = diamond
|D-4_xp =
|D-4_enemy_air_power = 16
|D-5_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-5_form = diamond
|D-5_xp =
|D-5_enemy_air_power = 48
|D-6_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-6_form = diamond
|D-6_xp =
|D-6_enemy_air_power = 32
|E_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|E1_node_info = instantconstruction + 1
|F_label = 敵機動部隊群
|F-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|F-1_form = diamond
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power = 54
|F-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-2_form = diamond
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power = 54
|F-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-3_form = diamond
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power = 54
|F-4_node_info = cv_wo-class cv_wo-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-4_form = diamond
|F-4_xp =
|F-4_enemy_air_power = 20
|F-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-5_form = diamond
|F-5_xp =
|F-5_enemy_air_power = 54
|F-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-6_form = diamond
|F-6_xp =
|F-6_enemy_air_power = 37
|G_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|G1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|H_label = 敵主力艦隊
|H-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|H-1_form = diamond
|H-1_xp =
|H-1_enemy_air_power = 54
|H-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class
|H-2_form = diamond
|H-2_xp =
|H-2_enemy_air_power = 54
|H-3_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|H-3_form = diamond
|H-3_xp =
|H-3_enemy_air_power = 51
|H-4_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|H-4_form = double_line
|H-4_xp =
|H-4_enemy_air_power = 54
|H-5_node_info = bb_ru-class cv_wo-class cvl_nu-class ca_ri-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|H-5_form = diamond
|H-5_xp =
|H-5_enemy_air_power = 18
|H-6_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class cvl_nu-class ca_ri-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|H-6_form = double_line
|H-6_xp =
|H-6_enemy_air_power = 18
|final_form =
|boss_node = H
<div class="mw-customtoggle-2-1-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-2-1-drop"
!Light Cruisers
!Heavy Cruisers
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
| style="text-align:center;" |A
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kisaragi]], [[Samidare]], [[Shirayuki]], [[Shikinami]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Nenohi]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Michishio]], [[Murasame]], [[Yuudachi]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Nagara]], [[Naka]], [[Sendai]], [[Tama]], [[Kuma]], [[Isuzu]], [[Jintsuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Aoba]], [[Ashigara]], [[Nachi]], [[Kako]], [[Maya]], [[Furutaka]], [[Choukai]], [[Haguro]], [[Atago]], [[Myoukou]], [[Mogami]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shouhou]], [[Houshou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |C
| style="text-align:left;" |
<p style="text-align:center;">[[Shiranui]], [[Murasame]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Shigure]], [[Nenohi]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Isonami]], [[Mochizuki|Mochizuki,]] [[Shimakaze]], [[Wakaba]], [[Miyuki]], [[Fumizuki]]</p>
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Yura]], [[Isuzu]], [[Sendai]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Aoba]], [[Ashigara]], [[Nachi]], [[Maya]], [[Furutaka]], [[Mogami]], [[Choukai]], [[Kako]], [[Haguro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shouhou]], [[Hiyou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Haruna]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |'''<font color="#ff0000">E Boss Node</font>'''
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mikazuki]], [[Satsuki]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Naka]], [[Kiso]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Kuma]], [[Isuzu]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Haguro]], [[Aoba]], [[Ashigara]], [[Takao]], [[Choukai]], [[Atago]], [[Chikuma]], [[Nachi]], [[Tone]], [[Maya]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shouhou]], <span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">[[Jun'you]], [[Ryuujou]] </span>
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |F
| style="text-align:center;" |
[[Samidare]], [[Michishio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Shiranui]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Tama]], <span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);text-align:start;">[[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura|Yura]], </span>[[Sendai]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ashigara]], [[Kako]], [[Furutaka]], [[Aoba]], [[Mogami]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shouhou]], [[Ryuujou]]
=={{Anchor|2-2}}World 2-2: バシー島海峡 Bashi Island Strait==
| map = 02_02.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{Bauxite}} {{IC}}
| exp = 150
| code = 柳輸送作戦 ([[wikipedia:ja:柳船|Weeping Willow Transport]] Tactics)
| jptext = 艦隊をバシー海峡に展開せよ!同方面の制海権を確保し、南方からの資源輸送の安全に務め、防衛体制を強化せよ!
|entext = (Pending translation)
<br />
===Stage Guide===
|title = 2-2 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 2-2
|C/empty -> B, D, E =
* Meeting '''ANY''' of the following requirements forces you to B:
** Amount of CV(L/B) ≥ 3
** Amount of BBV ≥ 2
** Fleet contains AO, but no SS(V).
*Go to E if fleet contains SS(V) but no BBV
* Random routing between B and E if fleet contains both BBV and AV/AS.
* Random routing between B and D if fleet contains BBV.
* Go to E if fleet contains AV/AS
* Otherwise, random routing between D and E.
|E -> F/resource, G, K =
* Go to G if amount of CV(L/B)+(F)BB(V) ≥ 4
*Go to F if DE ≥ 2
*Random routing between G and K if fleet contains any CV(L/B)+(F)BB(V) '''or''' DD+DE ≤ 1
*Go to K if fleet contains CL and the fleet is fast
* Otherwise, random routing between F and K.
|G -> H/empty, K =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to H
**Fleet contains CV(L/B)
**Fleet contains no DDs
*Otherwise, random routing
|H/empty -> I/empty, J/resource, K =
*Random between I and K if
**(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 4
**Fleet contains SS(V)
*Go to K if fleet contains CV(L/B) or AV
*Otherwise, random between J and K if fleet contains CL and DD
*Otherwise, random between I and K
| Map = 2-2
| AS = 41
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''1 AV, 2 CVL, 2 DE, 1 CL''' routes '''C-E-F-H-K'''
**Takes a fixed route with 1 surface battle and a bauxite node '''F''' before routing directly to the boss.
**Taking a CL that can carry '''[[Daihatsu|DLC]]''' will allow you to maximize on resource pickup.
*'''1 AV, 2 DD, 3 XX (XX being any CLT, CA(V), CL or AV)''' routes '''C-E-K or C-E-F-H-K'''
**Avoid Node G, which contains Ru-class BBs
**Be sure your Seaplane tenders and Aviation cruisers (If used) bring enough Zuiuns or Seaplane Fighters to help over power the boss composition's air power as there will be a Wo-class Elite or Nu-class Elite present at the boss node in all compositions
**Path '''C-E-K''' is guaranteed if your fleet contains any CL
<br/>'''Transport Kills'''
*This map is ideal for farming transport kills for [[Quests#Bw3|Bw3]] and [[Quests#Bw4|Bw4]], as node B contains 2 transports per run and can be reached consistently with the fleet '''3 CVL, 3 XX''' going '''C - B - A'''
**Having '''3 or more carriers''' in your fleet will '''always''' route you to B allowing you to fight 2 transports and score bauxite every run. With the right carriers and/or equipment, it is possible to break even on bauxite consumption (or even make a net gain) while farming the transports.
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|A1_node_info = bauxite + 10 20
|B_label = 敵上陸船団
|B-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|B-1_form = double_line
|B-1_xp =
|B-1_enemy_air_power =
|B-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|B-2_form = double_line
|B-2_xp =
|B-2_enemy_air_power =
|B-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class transport_wa-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|B-3_form = double_line
|B-3_xp =
|B-3_enemy_air_power =
|B-4_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|B-4_form = diamond
|B-4_xp =
|B-4_enemy_air_power =
|B-5_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|B-5_form = diamond
|B-5_xp =
|B-5_enemy_air_power =
|B-6_node_info = transport_wa-class transport_wa-class cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|B-6_form = diamond
|B-6_xp =
|B-6_enemy_air_power =
|C_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|C1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|D_label = 敵上陸船団
|D-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|D-1_form = double_line
|D-1_xp =
|D-1_enemy_air_power =
|D-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-2_form = double_line
|D-2_xp =
|D-2_enemy_air_power =
|D-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class transport_wa-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-3_form = double_line
|D-3_xp =
|D-3_enemy_air_power =
|D-4_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-4_form = diamond
|D-4_xp =
|D-4_enemy_air_power =
|D-5_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|D-5_form = diamond
|D-5_xp =
|D-5_enemy_air_power =
|D-6_node_info = transport_wa-class transport_wa-class cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-6_form = diamond
|D-6_xp =
|D-6_enemy_air_power =
|E_label = 敵水雷戦隊
|E-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite clt_chi-class clt_chi-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = cl_ho-class clt_chi-class clt_chi-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power =
|F_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|F1_node_info = bauxite + 15 35
|G_label = 敵水上打撃部隊
|G-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|G-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|G-1_xp =
|G-1_enemy_air_power =
|G-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite bb_ru-class cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|G-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|G-2_xp =
|G-2_enemy_air_power =
|G-3_node_info = bb_ru-class bb_ru-class cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|G-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|G-3_xp =
|G-3_enemy_air_power =
|H_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|H1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|I_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|I1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|J_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|J1_node_info = instantconstruction + 1
|K_label = 敵通商破壊機動部隊 主力艦隊
|K-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|K-1_form = diamond line_ahead
|K-1_xp =
|K-1_enemy_air_power = 27
|K-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|K-2_form = diamond line_ahead
|K-2_xp =
|K-2_enemy_air_power = 27
|K-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-3_form = diamond line_ahead
|K-3_xp =
|K-3_enemy_air_power = 24
|K-4_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-4_form = line_ahead
|K-4_xp =
|K-4_enemy_air_power =
|K-5_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-5_form = diamond
|K-5_xp =
|K-5_enemy_air_power = 24
|final_form =
|boss_node = K
<div class="mw-customtoggle-2-2-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-2-2-drop"
!Light Cruisers
!Heavy Cruisers
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
| style="text-align:center;" |A
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Fubuki]], [[Wakaba]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Kasumi]], [[Nenohi]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kagerou]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Murasame]], [[Hibiki]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Tone]], [[Atago]], [[Takao]], [[Chikuma]], [[Mogami]], [[Ashigara]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]]
| style="text-align:center;" |
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |D
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Hatsuharu]], [[Michishio]], [[Shigure]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Fubuki]], [[Kagerou]], [[Hatsushimo]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Sendai]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ashigara]], [[Aoba]], [[Nachi]], [[Kako]], [[Takao|Takao,]] [[Myoukou]], [[Haguro|Haguro]], [[Mogami]], [[Maya]]
| style="text-align:center;" |
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |'''<span style="color:red">F</span>'''
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']], [[Yayoi|'''<span style="color:red">Yayoi</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kitakami]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]], [[Yura]], [[Natori]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Takao]], [[Tone]], [[Atago]], [[Nachi]], [[Maya]], [[Kako]], [[Choukai]], [[Mogami]], [[Chikuma]], [[Myoukou]], [[Haguro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kaga]], [[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]], [[Souryuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |G
| style="text-align:center;" |
[[Mikazuki]], [[Nagatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Arare]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Kagerou]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Murasame]], [[Samidare]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]], [[Kitakami]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Furutaka]], [[Aoba]], [[Takao]], [[Haguro]], [[Ashigara]], [[Kako]], [[Atago]], [[Mogami]]
| style="text-align:center;" |
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
=={{Anchor|2-3}}World 2-3: 東部オリョール海 Eastern Orel Bay==
| map = 2-3 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{Fuel}} {{Ammo}}
| exp = 200
| code = オリョール哨戒 (Orel Patrol)
| jptext = オリョール海に進出、同海域を哨戒。敵通商破壊艦隊を排除、我が方り海上輸送ラインの防衛に努めよ!
| entext = Enter Orel Bay and conduct a patrol. Destroy the enemy transport fleet while protecting our own supply lines!
=== Stage Guide ===
|title = 2-3 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 2-3
|0 -> A, B, C/empty =
*Go to C if fleet contains only SS(V).
* Random between A & B otherwise.
|C/empty -> D/resource, F =
* Random routing
|D/resource -> F,G/resource=
*Go to G if fleet contains AV and DD+DE ≥ 2
*Otherwise, random routing (The more (F)BB(V) and CV(L) you have in the fleet, the higher chance you will go to node F)
|F -> H/resource, J, G/resource =
* Random between J & G if the fleet contains any AV, CV(B/L) or CL (Higher chance for J)
* Random between H, J, and G otherwise.
|G/resource -> I/resource, K =
*Go to K if fleet contains any (F)BB(V) or CV(L/B) '''and''' CL+DD+DE ≤ 1
*Otherwise, random routing
|J -> L/empty, M, N =
*Go to L if (F)BB(V) + CV(L/B) = 6
*Go to N if fleet contains CL and DD ≥ 4 ('''Overrides any SS(V) rule below''')
*Random between M and N if fleet contains only SS(V)
*Random between L, M and N if fleet contains any SS(V)
*Otherwise, random between L and N, but the heavier the fleet (as in more BB or CV(L)), the more likely you will go to L
| Map = 2-3
| AS = 81
=== Tips ===
*Due to the danger of Late Model Destroyers present in Easter Orel Sea, Orel cruising has been rendered difficult to achieve and thus, can be rendered obsolete by changes to 2-3 after the HTML5 update.
*Path to the boss node is very randomized on this map, although it's known that if you have 2 CV(L) or less in the fleet, you should reach the boss node most of the times.
*Some important factors regarding the branching that can be noted are:
**SS/SSV do have a chance of reaching dead end nodes which includes nodes H, L and M
**All other comps have a chance of reaching boss node with the less heavy ships you have in fleet, the better chance you will go to the boss node
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''1 (F)BB(V)/CV(L/B) 1 CL 4 DD (J-N path is guaranteed)'''
* '''1 (F)BB, 2 CV(B)(L), 0-1 CA, 0-1 CL/CT/CLT, 2 DD'''
* '''2 (F)BB, 1 CV, 0-1 CA, 0-1 CL/CT/CLT, 2 DD'''
* '''2 CV(B)(L), 0-2 CA, 0-2 CL/CT/CLT, 2 DD'''
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = 敵前衛警戒部隊
|A-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|A-1_xp =
|A-1_enemy_air_power =
|A-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|A-2_xp =
|A-2_enemy_air_power =
|A-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|A-3_xp =
|A-3_enemy_air_power =
|A-4_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-4_form = double_line line_ahead
|A-4_xp =
|A-4_enemy_air_power =
|A-5_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|A-5_form = line_ahead
|A-5_xp =
|A-5_enemy_air_power =
|B_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|B1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|C_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|C1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|D_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|D1_node_info = fuel + ?
|E_label = 敵前衛警戒部隊
|E-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power =
|E-4_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-4_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-4_xp =
|E-4_enemy_air_power =
|E-5_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-5_form = line_ahead
|E-5_xp =
|E-5_enemy_air_power =
|F_label = 敵水雷戦隊
|F-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power =
|F-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite clt_chi-class clt_chi-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power =
|F-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite clt_chi-class clt_chi-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power =
|G_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|G1_node_info = ammo + ?
|H_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|H1_node_info = ammo + ?
|I_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|I1_node_info = fuel + ?
|J_label = 敵巡洋艦戦隊
|J-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|J-1_form = line_ahead diamond
|J-1_xp =
|J-1_enemy_air_power =
|J-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|J-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|J-2_xp =
|J-2_enemy_air_power =
|J-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|J-3_form = line_ahead
|J-3_xp =
|J-3_enemy_air_power =
|J-4_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class clt_chi-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|J-4_form = double_line line_ahead
|J-4_xp =
|J-4_enemy_air_power =
|J-5_node_info = clt_chi-class_elite ca_ri-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|J-5_form = line_ahead
|J-5_xp =
|J-5_enemy_air_power =
|K_label = 敵巡洋艦戦隊
|K-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-1_form = line_ahead diamond
|K-1_xp =
|K-1_enemy_air_power =
|K-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|K-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|K-2_xp =
|K-2_enemy_air_power =
|K-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite clt_chi-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-3_form = line_ahead
|K-3_xp =
|K-3_enemy_air_power =
|K-4_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class clt_chi-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-4_form = double_line line_ahead
|K-4_xp =
|K-4_enemy_air_power =
|K-5_node_info = clt_chi-class_elite ca_ri-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-5_form = line_ahead
|K-5_xp =
|K-5_enemy_air_power =
|L_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|L1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|M_label = 敵揚陸艦隊
|M-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class transport_wa-class transport_wa-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|M-1_form = double_line
|M-1_xp =
|M-1_enemy_air_power =
|M-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|M-2_form = double_line
|M-2_xp =
|M-2_enemy_air_power =
|M-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|M-3_form = double_line
|M-3_xp =
|M-3_enemy_air_power =
|M-4_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class transport_wa-class dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|M-4_form = double_line
|M-4_xp =
|M-4_enemy_air_power =
|N_label = 敵主力打撃群
|N-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|N-1_form = line_ahead
|N-1_xp =
|N-1_enemy_air_power = 51
|N-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class
|N-2_form = line_ahead
|N-2_xp =
|N-2_enemy_air_power = 51
|N-3_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|N-3_form = line_ahead
|N-3_xp =
|N-3_enemy_air_power = 51
|N-4_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|N-4_form = line_ahead
|N-4_xp =
|N-4_enemy_air_power = 51
|N-5_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|N-5_form = line_ahead
|N-5_xp =
|N-5_enemy_air_power = 54
|N-6_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|N-6_form = line_ahead
|N-6_xp =
|N-6_enemy_air_power = 51
|N-7_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|N-7_form = line_ahead
|N-7_xp =
|N-7_enemy_air_power = 35
|N-8_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite cv_wo-class cvl_nu-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|N-8_form = line_ahead
|N-8_xp =
|N-8_enemy_air_power = 18
|final_form =
|boss_node = N
<div class="mw-customtoggle-2-3-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-2-3-drop"
!Light Cruisers
!Heavy Cruisers
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
| style="text-align:center;" |B
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Miyuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Inazuma]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Wakaba]], [[Murasame]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Asashio]], [[Arare]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Shikinami]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Sendai]], [[Naka]], [[Natori]], [[Isuzu]], [[Tenryuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]], [[Ryuujou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |C
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Arare]], [[Arashio]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Miyuki]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Nenohi]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Isonami]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Hatsuyuki]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Natori]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Isuzu]],[[Tenryuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Shouhou]],  [[Jun'you]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |F
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Michishio]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Arashio]], [[Arare]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Samidare]], [[Kagerou]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Hibiki]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Yura]], [[Naka]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Sendai]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Myoukou]], [[Maya]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Tone]], [[Mogami]], [[Chikuma]], [[Choukai]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]], [[Jun'you]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Kongou]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center; color:red;" |'''G'''
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Arashio]], [[Michishio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Jintsuu]], [[Natori]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Kiso]], [[Sendai]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Akagi]], [[Kaga]], [[Souryuu]], [[Hiryuu|'''<span style="color:red">Hiryuu</span>''']], [[Ryuujou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |H
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mutsuki]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Shigure]], [[Arare]], [[Hatsuyuki]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Tama]], [[Isuzu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Nachi]], [[Atago]], [[Tone]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]], [[Ryuujou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |K
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Arashio]], [[Nenohi]], [[Satsuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Ikazuchi]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Yura]], [[Isuzu]], [[Jintsuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Haguro]], [[Mogami]], [[Atago]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
=={{Anchor|2-4}}World 2-4: 沖ノ島海域 Okinoshima Island==
| map = 2-4 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{Fuel}} {{Ammo}} {{IR}} {{DM}}
| exp = 300
| code = あ号艦隊決戦 ([[wikipedia:Battle_of_the_Philippine_Sea|Operation A-Go: The Fleet's Decisive Battle]])
| jptext = 沖ノ島海域に襲来した有力な敵機動部隊を迎撃する。艦隊全力出撃で、これを捕捉撃滅せよ!
| entext = A powerful enemy battlegroup is invading the waters around Okinoshima Island.  Sail out in full force and annihilate them!
===Stage Guide===
|title = 2-4 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 2-4
|B -> C/storm,G/resource=
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to C
**(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 5
**CV(L/B) ≥ 3 '''AND''' DD ≤ 2
**(F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≥ 3 '''AND''' DD ≤ 2
*Meet '''ALL''' of the following to go to G
**No (F)BB(V), CV(L/B), AV or SS(V)
**CL = 1
**DD ≥ 4
**Amount of ships in fleet = 6
*Otherwise, random routing
|C/storm -> F,G/resource=
*Go to G if fleet contains AO
*Otherwise, random routing
|F -> A/resource, J/empty=
*Go to A if fleet contains no CVL '''AND''' DD ≤ 1
*Otherwise, random routing
|H/empty -> I,L=
*Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements to go to L:
**Your fleet must contain 6 ships.
**DD ≥ 4
**CL+CT ≤ 2
**CA ≤ 1
**No other ship types are allowed.
*Otherwise, go to I.
|I -> E,K/empty=
*Random (25% E, 75% K)
|J/empty -> L,M=
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to L
**(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 4
**No CV(B)
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to M
**(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) = 3
**CV(B) = 2
*Otherwise, random routing
|K/empty -> L,N/resource,O/empty=
*Random routing, with higher chance of going to N if fleet contains AV or SS(V) ('''Overrides every other rules''')
*Go to L if DD ≥ 2
*Otherwise, random routing between L and O
**If fleet contains DD, you will more likely to go to L
**If fleet doesn't contain DD, you will more likely to go to O
|L -> M=
*(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 4
*Random routing if you don't meet any conditions
|L -> P=
*(F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≤ 2
*Random routing if you don't meet any conditions
| Map = 2-4
| Fleet =
| AS = 84
| Notes = AS value for Nodes '''M''' & '''L'''
=== Tips ===
*This map will feature a series of fights involving mostly smaller surface ships with some carrier fights in between.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''1 CAV, 1 CL, 4 DD''' routes '''B-G-H-L-P'''
**Takes you down the quickest path to the boss node with only 2 battles prior to boss node
**May present possible difficulty due to lack of air power your fleet will have in nodes L
**Boss node can also be difficult if your CL and DD aren't high-leveled.
**Probably not suitable much for early players
*'''2 CV(B), 2 [CA(V)+CLT], 2 DD / 1 (F)BB(V), 1 CV(B), 1 CVL, 1 CA(V), 2 DD'''
**'''Random routing''' across the map, but you are allowed to bring a much stronger fleet to fight the boss node
***'''J-M, K-L and L-P''' branches should be guaranteed though.
**Whatever path you will take, you will fight a total of 3 battles prior to the boss node.
***The top path does have a chance of hitting the bucket node (Node A)
***Bottom path lets you gather Development Materials, and the fights are slightly easier
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|A1_node_info = instantrepair + 1
|B_label = 敵前衛巡洋艦戦隊
|B-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|B-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|B-1_xp =
|B-1_enemy_air_power =
|B-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class cl_he-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|B-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-2_xp =
|B-2_enemy_air_power =
|B-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|B-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-3_xp =
|B-3_enemy_air_power =
|B-4_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class ca_ri-class cl_ho-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|B-4_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-4_xp =
|B-4_enemy_air_power =
|C_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|C1_node_info = fuel - ?
|D_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|D1_node_info = fuel + ?
|E_label = 敵侵攻高速軽快部隊
|E-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-1_form = line_ahead
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|E-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|E-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power =
|E-4_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|E-4_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-4_xp =
|E-4_enemy_air_power =
|E-5_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|E-5_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-5_xp =
|E-5_enemy_air_power =
|F_label = 前衛機動部隊
|F-1_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-1_form = diamond
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power = 48
|F-2_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-2_form = diamond
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power = 47
|F-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|F-3_form = diamond
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power = 48
|F-4_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|F-4_form = diamond
|F-4_xp =
|F-4_enemy_air_power = 48
|F-5_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|F-5_form = diamond
|F-5_xp =
|F-5_enemy_air_power = 48
|F-6_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class ca_ri-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|F-6_form = diamond
|F-6_xp =
|F-6_enemy_air_power = 32
|G_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|G1_node_info = devmat + 1
|H_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|H1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|I_label = 敵精鋭水雷戦隊
|I-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|I-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|I-1_xp =
|I-1_enemy_air_power =
|I-2_node_info = cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|I-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|I-2_xp =
|I-2_enemy_air_power =
|I-3_node_info = cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|I-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|I-3_xp =
|I-3_enemy_air_power =
|I-4_node_info = cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|I-4_form = line_ahead double_line
|I-4_xp =
|I-4_enemy_air_power =
|I-5_node_info = cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class dd_i-class
|I-5_form = line_ahead
|I-5_xp =
|I-5_enemy_air_power =
|J_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|J1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|K_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|K1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|L_label = 敵機動部隊 B群
|L-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-1_form = diamond
|L-1_xp =
|L-1_enemy_air_power = 56
|L-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-2_form = diamond
|L-2_xp =
|L-2_enemy_air_power = 56
|L-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-3_form = diamond
|L-3_xp =
|L-3_enemy_air_power = 56
|L-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-4_form = diamond
|L-4_xp =
|L-4_enemy_air_power = 55
|L-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|L-5_form = diamond
|L-5_xp =
|L-5_enemy_air_power = 55
|L-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|L-6_form = diamond
|L-6_xp =
|L-6_enemy_air_power = 54
|M_label = 敵機動部隊 A群
|M-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|M-1_form = diamond
|M-1_xp =
|M-1_enemy_air_power = 56
|M-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|M-2_form = diamond
|M-2_xp =
|M-2_enemy_air_power = 56
|M-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|M-3_form = diamond
|M-3_xp =
|M-3_enemy_air_power = 56
|M-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|M-4_form = diamond
|M-4_xp =
|M-4_enemy_air_power = 55
|M-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|M-5_form = diamond
|M-5_xp =
|M-5_enemy_air_power = 55
|M-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cv_wo-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|M-6_form = diamond
|M-6_xp =
|M-6_enemy_air_power = 54
|N_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|N1_node_info = ammo + ?
|O_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|O1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|P_label = 敵侵攻中核水上打撃部隊
|P-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-1_form = line_ahead
|P-1_xp =
|P-1_enemy_air_power =
|P-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-2_form = line_ahead
|P-2_xp =
|P-2_enemy_air_power =
|P-3_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-3_form = line_ahead
|P-3_xp =
|P-3_enemy_air_power =
|P-4_node_info = bb_ru-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-4_form = line_ahead
|P-4_xp =
|P-4_enemy_air_power =
|P-5_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-5_form = line_ahead
|P-5_xp =
|P-5_enemy_air_power =
|final_form =
|boss_node = P
<div class="mw-customtoggle-2-4-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-2-4-drop"
!Light Cruisers
!Heavy Cruisers
!Seaplane Tender
!Submarine Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
| style="text-align:center;" |A
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Isonami]], [[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Shigure]], [[Asashio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Arare]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Souryuu]], [[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]]
| style="text-align:center;" |C
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Ayanami]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Arare]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |D
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Yukikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Yukikaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Shirayuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Isonami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Nenohi]], [[Wakaba]], [[Ooshio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arare]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |F
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Ayanami]], [[Nenohi]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Sendai]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Hiei]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |G
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Shikinami]], [[Kuroshio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Choukai]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |H
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Ushio]], [[Asashio]], [[Arashio]], [[Arare]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Uranami|'''<span style="color:red">Uranami</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Kiso]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |I
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Arare]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tama]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Takao]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Jun'you]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |'''<span style="color:red">J</span>'''
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Yukikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Yukikaze</span>''']], [[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Asashio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Kagerou]], [[Isonami]], [[Uranami|'''<span style="color:red">Uranami</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Taigei|'''<span style="color:red">Taigei</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Akagi]], [[Kaga]], [[Souryuu]], [[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Nagato|'''<span style="color:red">Nagato</span>''']], [[Mutsu|'''<span style="color:red">Mutsu</span>''']], [[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Haruna]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |L
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Ayanami]], [[Asashio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Michishio]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]], [[Hiyou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |N
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Arare]], [[Kagerou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tama]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]], [[Kiso]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Haguro]], [[Atago]], [[Takao]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |O
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Shikinami]], [[Ooshio]], [[Arare]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Michishio]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tama]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Atago]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Maya]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
| style="text-align:center;" |P
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Miyuki]], [[Isonami]], [[Asashio]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Uranami|'''<span style="color:red">Uranami</span>''']]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Natori]], [[Naka]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Tone]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| style="text-align:center;" |[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
=={{Anchor|2-5}} World 2-5 【Extra Operation】<br/>沖ノ島沖戦闘哨戒 Combat Patrol Off Okinoshima==
| map = 2-5 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{Fuel}} {{Steel}}
| exp = 250
| code = 沖ノ島沖戦闘哨戒 (Okinoshima Patrol Battles)
| jptext = 同方面に敵反攻の兆候が報告された。巡洋艦を中心に哨戒部隊を編成、敵艦隊の動向を探れ!
| entext = There are reports of an enemy counteroffensive.  Form a cruiser patrol group and track their movements!
===Stage Guide===
|title = 2-5 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 2-5
|0 -> B , C =
*'''FORCE''' node B if SS(V) ≥ 4
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to C
**Fleet contains CV(B/L)
**AV ≥ 2
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to B
**DD+DE ≥ 4
**Fleet contains CL and DD ≥ 3
**Amount of ships equipped with drum canisters ≥ 2
*Otherwise, random routing, with higher chance of going to C
|B -> A/empty = * Do not meet the requirement to go to F.
|B -> F = * Amount of SS(V) ≤ 2
|C -> D/empty, E =
* Meeting '''ANY''' of the following '''FORCES''' you to D
** Amount of CV(L/B) ≥ 3
** Amount of (F)BB(V) ≥ 3
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to E
**Fleet contains CL and DD ≥ 2
**CAV ≥ 2 and DD ≥ 2
* Otherwise, random routing.
|E -> G/storm = * Do not meet the requirements to go to I.
|E -> I/empty =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
** Fast Fleet
** Amount of DD ≥ 3
** Fleet contains CL
** Amount of CVL ≤ 2
** Amount of CA(V)+CV(B) ≤ 1
** No (F)BB(V)
|F -> E, J =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements to go to E:
** Fast Fleet
** Fleet contains CL
** Amount of DD ≥ 2
* Go to J if Slow Fleet or (F)BB(V) ≥ 3
* Otherwise, 40% E, 60% J.
|G/storm -> I/empty =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements
**Fleet contains no (F)BB(V) or CV(L/B)
**CL+DD ≥ 4
**CL ≤ 1
|G/storm -> K/empty, L=
* LoS check using the F33 formula (Cn=1):
** Go to L if LoS ≥ 41
** Go to K if LoS < 34
** Otherwise, random routing between K and L.
|I/empty -> H/empty, O =
* LoS check using the F33 formula (Cn=1):
** Go to O if LoS ≥ 34
** Go to H if LoS < 31
** Otherwise, random routing.
|J -> H/empty, O =
* LoS check using the F33 formula (Cn=1):
** Go to O if LoS ≥ 49
** Go to H if LoS < 42
** Otherwise, random between H and O
|J -> M/resource = *Fleet that contains (F)BB(V) ≥ 4 has a chance to go to M
|L -> N/resource, O =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements to go to O:
** Amount of DD ≥ 2
** Fleet contains CL
* Otherwise, random routing
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
    | Map  =2-5
    | AS    =42
    | Fleet =
    | Notes =
*You are required to '''sink''' the flagship at boss node 4 times to clear the map. The reward for clearing the map is '''100 points''' and a '''medal.''' Boss's HP Bar will reset at midnight at the beginning of each month.
*This map requires your fleet to have a certain amount of Line of Sight (LoS) in order to route to the boss. It uses [[Line_of_Sight#Formula%2033|Formula 33 (F33)]] to calculate the LoS of your fleet to determine if you meet the LoS check.
** Fleets routing from '''I-O requires Cn1 = 34'''
** Fleets routing from '''J-O require Cn1 = 49'''
*[[Akashi]] can drop with a small chance in 2-5, but only for Admirals who have do not have her yet in their base. If you already have her, she will not drop in this map anymore.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*There are 3 routes you can go
**The middle route is the preferred route used for clearing since it allows for 1 CV and 1 CVL to be brought, enabling powerful opening air strikes.
**The top north route should be considered for clearing quests such as [[Quests#BM1|BM1]], it can also be used for clearing despite the high cost
**The north-middle route should only be used for clearing quests that banned heavy ships and only allow up to 1 CA(V) such as [[Quests#BM7|BM7]]
<br/><u>'''Middle route C-E-I-O: 1 CV 1 CVL 1 CL 3 DD / 2 CVL 1 CL 3 DD (All Fast)'''</u>
* Attention should be given to fleet ordering to ensure you maximize for day battle performance.
* Use CV(L) that are able to perform strong opening air strikes.
* Ensure that the fleet speed is '''fast'''.
* Ensure that you meet the required LoS to route to the boss node ('''>= 34 Cn1''')
*Carriers should be equipped to utilize '''CVCI''' to maximize accuracy and shelling power against the enemies at the boss node.
<br/><u>'''Top north route B-F-J-O: 1 BBV 2 CAV 3 CA (each CAV carrying 1 drum canisters)'''</u>
*All enemy compositions before the boss do not have any air power making it easy to secure Air Supremacy (AS+) with a minimal of 1 Seaplane Bomber (SPB) on a CAV or BBV.
*'''[[Artillery_Spotting|Artillery spotting]]''' should be used to increase the likelihood of reaching the boss node.
*Ensure that you meet the required LoS to route to the boss node ('''>= 49 Cn1''')
*This composition is recommended to be used when attempting to clear the monthly quest [[Quests#Bm1|BM1]].
*The boss formation is random between 3 Ru class battleships or 2 Ru class battleships and 1 Wo class carrier. You are required to bring more seaplane bombers if you wish to secure AS at boss as well
<br/><u>'''North-middle route B-F-E-I-O: 1 CA 1 CL 4 DD'''</u>
*This composition is recommended to be used when attempting to clear the monthly quest [[Quests#Bm7|BM7]].
*Ensure that you meet the required LoS to route to the boss node ('''>= 34 Cn1''')
*This route is difficult without access to ships that are able to equip seaplane bomber or seaplane fighter to gain some air power
**'''[[Zara|Zara Due]]''' is the ideal choice due to her large first slot ensuring that the seaplane bomber can survive until the boss node and potentially securing AS+ against the triple Ru-class battleship formation. You may also wish to include a seaplane fighter (along with the seaplane bomber) to ensure that you are able to secure AS in the event that you face the boss formation that contains a Wo class carrier.
**Otherwise any single '''Zara or Agano class''' with a seaplane bomber will be sufficient to secure [[Artillery Spotting]] for the pre-boss nodes.
*Please note that as your fleet for this route is pretty light, there is a good chance you will get heavily damaged before reaching the boss node. Sparkling is recommended for boss node reaching consistency
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|A1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|B_label = 敵侵攻前衛艦隊 B群
|B-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|B-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|B-1_xp =
|B-1_enemy_air_power =
|B-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class
|B-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-2_xp =
|B-2_enemy_air_power =
|B-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|B-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-3_xp =
|B-3_enemy_air_power =
|B-4_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|B-4_form = line_ahead
|B-4_xp =
|B-4_enemy_air_power =
|B-5_node_info = ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|B-5_form = double_line line_ahead
|B-5_xp =
|B-5_enemy_air_power =
|C_label = 敵侵攻前衛艦隊 A群
|C-1_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|C-1_form = diamond line_ahead
|C-1_xp =
|C-1_enemy_air_power = 23
|C-2_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-2_form = diamond line_ahead
|C-2_xp =
|C-2_enemy_air_power = 23
|C-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|C-3_form = diamond line_ahead
|C-3_xp =
|C-3_enemy_air_power = 23
|C-4_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-4_form = line_ahead
|C-4_xp =
|C-4_enemy_air_power = 23
|C-5_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|C-5_form = line_ahead diamond
|C-5_xp =
|C-5_enemy_air_power = 24
|D_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|D1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|E_label = 敵侵攻重巡戦隊
|E-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-3_form = line_ahead
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power =
|E-4_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-4_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-4_xp =
|E-4_enemy_air_power =
|E-5_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|E-5_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-5_xp =
|E-5_enemy_air_power =
|F_label = 敵侵攻水雷戦隊
|F-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|F-1_form = line_ahead echelon
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power =
|F-2_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|F-2_form = line_ahead echelon
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power =
|F-3_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-3_form = line_ahead
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power =
|F-4_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-4_form = line_ahead echelon
|F-4_xp =
|F-4_enemy_air_power =
|F-5_node_info = cl_he-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite clt_chi-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|F-5_form = echelon line_ahead
|F-5_xp =
|F-5_enemy_air_power =
|G_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|G1_node_info = fuel - ?
|H_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|H1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|I_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|I1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|J_label = 敵侵攻水上打撃部隊
|J-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|J-1_form = double_line echelon
|J-1_xp =
|J-1_enemy_air_power =
|J-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|J-2_form = echelon double_line line_ahead
|J-2_xp =
|J-2_enemy_air_power =
|J-3_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|J-3_form = line_ahead
|J-3_xp =
|J-3_enemy_air_power =
|J-4_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|J-4_form = echelon double_line line_ahead
|J-4_xp =
|J-4_enemy_air_power =
|K_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|K1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|L_label = 敵侵攻機動部隊
|L-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-1_form = diamond
|L-1_xp =
|L-1_enemy_air_power = 75
|L-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-2_form = diamond
|L-2_xp =
|L-2_enemy_air_power = 76
|L-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-3_form = diamond
|L-3_xp =
|L-3_enemy_air_power = 74
|L-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-4_form = diamond
|L-4_xp =
|L-4_enemy_air_power = 76
|L-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-5_form = diamond
|L-5_xp =
|L-5_enemy_air_power = 52
|L-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|L-6_form = diamond
|L-6_xp =
|L-6_enemy_air_power = 52
|L-7_node_info = cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|L-7_form = diamond
|L-7_xp =
|L-7_enemy_air_power = 51
|M_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|M-1_node_info = fuel + ?
|N_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|N-1_node_info = steel +50/55/60
|O_label = 敵侵攻中核艦隊
|O-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-1_form = diamond double_line
|O-1_xp =
|O-1_enemy_air_power = 28
|O-2_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-2_form = line_ahead
|O-2_xp =
|O-2_enemy_air_power =
|O-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-3_form = double_line diamond
|O-3_xp =
|O-3_enemy_air_power = 28
|O-4_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite cl_he-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-4_form = line_ahead
|O-4_xp =
|O-4_enemy_air_power =
|O-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|O-5_form = diamond double_line
|O-5_xp =
|O-5_enemy_air_power = 28
|O-6_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class dd_ro-class
|O-6_form = line_ahead
|O-6_xp =
|O-6_enemy_air_power =
|final_form =
|boss_node = O
<div class="mw-customtoggle-2-5-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-2-5-drop" style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="9" style="text-align:center;" |Drops
!Light Cruisers
!Heavy Cruisers
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
| A
|[[Ooshio]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Ushio]], [[Miyuki]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Akebono]], [[Suzukaze]]
|[[Tatsuta]], [[Nagara]], [[Sendai]], [[Kuma]]
|[[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Kako]]
| B
|[[Shirayuki]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Samidare]], [[Ayanami]], [[Isonami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Asashio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Ushio]], [[Akebono]], [[Satsuki]]
|[[Kuma]], [[Naka]], [[Tama]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Kiso]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Haguro]], [[Choukai]], [[Maya]], [[Mogami]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Junyou|Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
| D
|[[Shikinami]], [[Hatsuyuki]]
|[[Isuzu]], [[Nagara]]
|[[Aoba]], [[Kako]], [[Furutaka]], [[Mogami]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
| E
|[[Ayanami]], [[Satsuki]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Shikinami]], [[Shirayuki]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']]
|[[Isuzu]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Natori]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Ooi]], [[Naka|Naka, ]][[Tama]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']], [[Myoukou]], [[Haguro]], [[Ashigara]], [[Maya]], [[Chokai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Mogami]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
[[Ryuujou]], [[Shouhou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]]
[[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]], [[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]],
| I
[[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]] , [[Mutsuki]] , [[Kisaragi]]<span style="font-size:14px;">, </span>[[Asashio]]<span style="font-size:14px;">, </span>[[Hatsuyuki]]<span style="font-size:14px;">, [[Satsuki]] , </span>[[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Naka]], [[Sendai]] , [[Ooi]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]]
[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Myoukou]], [[Mogami]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
[[Ryuujou]], [[Shouhou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Hiyou]]
|[[Yamashiro]], [[Ise]]
| J
|[[Satsuki]], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']]
|[[Kuma]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Jintsu]], [[Isuzu]], [[Sendai]], [[Ooi]]
|[[Aoba]], [[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Tone]]
|[[Yamashiro]], [[Fusou]], [[Ise]]
| '''<span style="color:red">L</span>'''
[[Fubuki]], [[Uzuki|'''<span style="color:red">Uzuki</span>''']], [[Yayoi|'''<span style="color:red">Yayoi</span>''']], [[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']], [[Urakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Urakaze</span>''']], [[Yuugumo|'''<span style="color:red">Yuugumo</span>''']], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']]'''<span style="color:red">, [[Kawakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Kawakaze</span>''']]</span>'''
|[[Kuma]], [[Kitakami]], [[Nagara]], [[Kinu]], [[Sendai]], [[Abukuma|'''<span style="color:red">Abukuma</span>''']]
|[[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Suzuya]], [[Kumano]], [[Mogami]]
|[[Kaga]], [[Shouhou]], [[Zuihou]], [[Souryuu]], [[Hiryuu]], [[Ryuujou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]], [[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]]
[[I-58|'''<span style="color:red">I-58</span>''']], [[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']], [[I-19|'''<span style="color:red">I-19</span>''']]
|[[Taigei|'''<span style="color:red">Taigei</span>''']]<br />[[Akashi|'''<span style="color:red">Akashi***</span>''']]
{{Navbox World}}


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