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Branching compositions were reported over the course of the event.
Branching compositions were reported over the course of the event.
|tips = <br/>'''E7 is divided into phases that must be completed in order.'''
|tips =  
# Unlock 1st Boss Node. (Q, and air raids)
'''Tagging Rules'''
## Defeat [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] using a STF.  
* This Maps has no tagging rules and any members can be used for this map
# Unlock the shortcut routes for phase 2 (G, H, and I)
* On '''Normal and Hard Difficulty''' only the '''Vangaurd Force''' will be restricted from being used on this map.
# Obtain the historical bonus, using an STF) '''Note: Only done on Normal and Hard mode.''' (M, W, and Q)
'''Historical Fleet Bonus Notes'''
* On E-7, ships that are tied to the '''Kurita, Suzuki, Nishimura, Shima and Ozawa Fleet''' will all recive historical bonuses which will allow them to do more damage against the boss fleets. (Please Read Historical Background for more details)
* Due to this, it's highly recommended to bring your strongest members that are tied to the historical fleets to get the performance out of them.
'''E7 is divided into distinct phases that must be completed in order.'''
# Unlock 1st Boss Node.
# Defeat [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] using a STF.
# Unlock the shortcut routes.
# Obtain the historical bonus.''' Note: Can only be done on Normal and Hard mode.'''
# Defeat [[Abyssal Crane Princess]].
# Defeat [[Abyssal Crane Princess]].
'''Unlocking the 1st Boss'''
'''Unlocking the path to the [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]]'''
* '''A''' rank node '''Q''' using a Fast CTF
'''Preferred Composition: '''
'''Main Fleet: 4 CV(B) / 2 (F)BB'''
'''Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 0-1 CLT / 1-2 CA / 0-1 CVL'''
Key Note: <br>
In order unlock the path to the [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] the following conditions must be met
* '''A''' rank node '''Q''' using a Fast CTF '''(All Difficulties)'''
* Obtain AS on Land Base air raids 0/1/2/2 times.
* Obtain AS on Land Base air raids 0/1/2/2 times.
While making your path to Node Q you will be facing off against 2 Air Battles, 2 Surface Battles before reaching Node Q.
*It's advised to bring a CL or DD with preemptive ASW to mode D to deal with the Submarine that will appear in the mixed fleet.
* Node C and I are Air Attack nodes, strong Air defense is recommended
* Node M featuring [[Light Carrier Nu-Class| Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite]] variants or [[Aircraft Carrier Princess | Aircraft Carrier Princesses]] depending on the difficulty.
* Node Q is a combined fleet node that has [[Light Carrier Nu-Class| Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite]] variants or [[Aircraft Carrier Princess | Aircraft Carrier Princesses]] depending on the difficulty.
'''Preferred LBAS'''
'''Node Q'''
*'''3 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1: 2 Fighter, 1 Torpedo / Land Based Bombers, 1 Flying Boat - Distance 9 needed'''
*'''LBAS 2-3: 1 Fighter, 2 Torpedo / Land Based Bombers, 1 Flying Boat - Distance 9 needed'''
If you wish to bring an [[LBAS]] here with fighters, you'll need to have a [[Type 2 Flying Boat]] to reach the required distance. With the air strength and bombers, it should make possible to score an A rank on Node Q without issue.
'''Defending the Base'''
*'''2-3 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1-3: 3 Fighter/Interceptor, 1 Saiun  (Air Defense)'''
One Easy and higher difficulties, you'll need to protect your land base from Air raids against your base. Bring enough interceptors and fighters to gain AS 1-2 times.
Once the conditions are met the path to the [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] will be unlocked.
'''Sinking [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]]'''
'''Preferred Composition:'''<br>
'''Fast STF composition'''<br>
Main Fleet: 4 (F)BB / 1 CV(B) / 1 CAV
Alt. Main Fleet: 4 (F)BB / 2 CVL[1]
'''Unlocking the shortcuts'''
Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 1-2 CA / 0-1 CLT / 0-1 CVL / 0-1 AO[2]
[1]An alternative main fleet composition that does not utilize a Seaplane Fighter (SPF) CAV mule. This composition is not recommended in harder difficulties due to lacking surviability in the pre-boss nodes.
[2]AO should only be considered for Last Dance on Medium / Hard Difficulty, all other difficulties can be usually done without using an AO.
In this segment, your fleet will need to go through a series of battles against carriers, subs and other various ships while dealing with not having AS over the majority of the battles.
* It's highly recommended to bring strong historical ships for this segments as the fight against the boss in this phase is very high in armor.
* For your CV(B), use [[Zuikaku]] and arm her with the best possible fighters along with 1 Torpedo Bomber
* Your CAV should be equipped with SPF to improve your air power.
* Node N will feature a [[New Submarine Princess]] along with [[Submarine So-Class]] in the mix. It's strongly advised to bring an ASW [[LBAS]] to this node, especially on Medium and Hard difficulty.
* Node T will have 1-2 [[Aircraft Carrier Princess]] along with Nu-class Carriers, bring enough air power for air parity (AP) to prevent the enemy from being able to use Artillery spotting and CV Cut-Ins.
'''Node V - [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]]'''
In this boss battle, the [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] will be a strong and powerful opponent as she has high armor making her difficult to beat. If you are playing on Medium and Hard difficulty, bringing [[LBAS]] to the boss is '''HIGHLY REQUIRED''' to have a chance at defeating the boss. However, due to the range requirements this map needs to reach the boss please consider following:
*[[Akitsushima]] can be farmed in E-2 Node '''Y''' from S ranks.
*If you lack in any '''[[Type 2 Flying Boat]]''' for this segment, consider challenging this part on '''Casual or Easy Difficulty'''
*If you have 1-3 '''[[Type 2 Flying Boat]]''' for this segment, consider challenging the part on '''Medium and Hard Difficulty'''
The Distance needed to reach the boss node is '''11''' meaning only '''Land Base Bombers and a [[Type 2 Flying Boat]] are capable of reaching the boss node'''.
Using the combination of '''Historical Ships''', along with a '''Boss Support Fleet''', '''[[LBAS]]''', '''and '''Friend Fleet''' you will need to deliver a strong of a blow as you can against the Hime during the entire course of the battle.
Consider leaving the Friend Fleet 10th Battle Divsion comprising of [[Yahagi]], [[Isokaze]], [[Hamakaze]], [[Urakaze]] and [[Yukikaze]] open to appear. They have a high rate of being chosen over the Destroyer Division 19 Friend Fleet.
* All historical ships are given a 1.15x historical bonus during this battle.
* Ships such as [[Musashi]], [[Yamato]], [[Kongou]], [[Haruna]], and [[Zuikaku]] make good units to use for the Day Battle Segment
* Ships such as [[Myoukou]], [[Yukikaze]], [[Kasumi]], [[Abukuma]], and [[Shigure]] have high base luck or are highly effective with a torpedo cut-in setup.
* Carrier Night Battle equipment such as the [[Night Deck Personel]] and Night planes like the [[F6F-3N]], [[F6F-5N]] and [[TBM-3D]] can make [[Zuihou | Zuihou Kai Ni or Zuihou Kai Ni B]] a valuable asset to use in the escort fleet as she can hit night battle cap easily and has a historical bonus.
When you reach the final kill, the [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] will get a larger boost in her armor ('''up to 305 on Hard''') along with a stronger fleet composition('''can have up to 2 [[Battleship Princess]] on Hard''') resulting in your fleet having to depend on crits and low armor rolls to deal suitable damage to her.
*Modifying Equipment is vital to help improve your chances of succeeding against the boss.
*As a last resort option, bringing in an AO such as [[Hayasui]] or [[Kamoi]] for the final kill can help turn the tied of the battle.
**Since your fleet will arrive at the boss node with '''30% fuel and 40% ammo''' using [[Maritime Resupply]] can help reduce the ammo and fuel penalty your fleet would otherwise receive without it.
** Using 1 [[Maritime Resupply]] can completely remove the ammo penalty altogether.
Once you have successfully defeated the [[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] the path to the [[Abyssal Crane Princess]] will open.
'''Suggested [[LBAS]]'''
'''Node N'''
*'''1 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1: 3 Toukai - Distance 8 needed'''
*'''LBAS 1: 3 ASW Planes, 1 [[Type 2 Flying Boat]] - (For those who don't have Toukai) Distance 8 needed'''
Since Node N has a powerful set of submarines, using an ASW LBAS is '''Highly Recommended''' to take out as many of the submarines as possible leaving only the New Submarine Princess left to deal with.
'''Node V'''
*'''2 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 2: 3 Land Base Bombers , 1 [[Type 2 Flying Boat]] - Distance 11 needed'''
The air power requirement for air denial (AD) on this node is low enough that a base with 3 LBAA can achieve this. It is highly recommended that you aim to achieve this '''if possible'''. Ensure that your base(s) are configured optimally and in the correct order to take advantage of phase 1 shot downs of previous LBAS waves.
'''Unlocking the shortcuts'''<br>
Unlocking the shortcut path needed to make a path from '''B to D''' and '''K to H''' will require you to completion one of the following conditions depending on the difficulty:
* Very Easy - Reach/Defeat node '''D'''.
* Very Easy - Reach/Defeat node '''D'''.
* Easy - Reach/Defeat node '''D'''. '''A''' rank node '''H'''.
* Easy - Reach/Defeat node '''D'''. '''A''' rank node '''H'''.
* Medium - Reach/Defeat node '''D'''. '''A''' rank node '''H'''.
* Medium - Reach/Defeat node '''D'''. '''A''' rank node '''H'''.
* Hard - '''S''' rank nodes '''G''' and '''H'''. Obtain AS at node '''I'''.
* Hard - '''S''' rank nodes '''G''' and '''H'''. Obtain AS at node '''I'''.
'''Node D'''
'''Preferred Composition: '''
'''Main Fleet: 4 CV(B) / 2 (F)BB'''
'''Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 0-1 CLT / 1-2 CA / 0-1 CVL'''
* For '''Casual to Medium Mode''' completing Node D's requirement should be easy to do as all you need is a set of strong carriers and a ship or 2 with ASW capabilities to take care of the submarine that will in the fleet.
'''Node H'''
'''Preferred Composition:'''<br>
'''Fast STF composition'''<br>
Main Fleet: 4 (F)BB / 1 CV(B) / 1 CAV
Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2-4 DD / 1 CA / 0-1 CLT / 0-1 CVL (ASW focused)
* For '''Easy to Hard''' you will need to have a escrot fleet of ASW capable ships travel through several waves of carrier battles till they reach node H which will be a submarine node with a [[New Submarine Princess]] and some [[Submarine So-Class]].
*Bringing an [[LBAS]] of ASW bombing planes is recommended especially on higher difficulties to successfully complete the node's requirements.
*If you are unable to successfully defeat all the subs needed for the requirement you can still kill the submarines in night battle due to the combine fleet's mechanics.
'''Suggested [[LBAS]]'''
'''Node H'''
*'''1 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1: 3 Toukai, 1 ASW Bomber Plane - Distance 4 needed'''
*'''LBAS 1: 4 ASW Planes - Distance of 4 needed'''
'''Node G'''
'''Preffered Composition:'''<br>
'''Slow CTF composition'''<br>
'''Main Fleet: 4 CV(B) / 2 (F)BB'''
'''Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 0-1 CLT / 1-2 CA / 0-1 CVL'''
* For '''Hard Mode''', Node G contains a surface fleet of cruisers and destroyers. The fight should be winnable without needing [[LBAS]].
'''Node I'''
'''Preffered Composition:'''<br>
'''Fast CTF composition'''<br>
'''Main Fleet: 4 CV(B) / 2 (F)BB'''
'''Obtain the historical bonus'''
'''Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 0-1 CLT / 1-2 CA / 0-1 CVL'''
* '''S''' rank nodes '''M''' and '''W''' using '''STF'''.
* For '''Hard Mode''', Node I is an air attack node where you'll face a strong Air powered fleet.
* '''A''' rank node '''Q'''.
* Bring an LBAS or 2 full of fighters if you need additional air power support to secure AS on this node
** A slow STF containing 5 (F)BB(V) will route to node '''Q''' (includes FBBs in escort)
* If you survived node G without anyone taking any heavy damage from that node you can try using your fleet from there to complete this requirement at the same time.
* A quest complete sound will be heard upon returning to base.
Once the conditions are complete, the shortcut paths will become available.
'''Obtain the historical bonus (Medium and Hard Mode Only)'''
'''Composition Requirements and ship recommendations'''
'''Note:'''If you are playing '''Casual and Easy''', disregard this section all together and proceed to "Sinking the [[Abyssal Crane Princess]]".
Due to the power bonuses historical ships recieve, they should be utilized wherever possible.  
In '''Medium and Hard Difficulty''' it is possible to boost your fleet's historical damaged beyond the 1.2x by completing the following requirements:
Phase 1 unlock: Fast CTF required, 1 OASW highly recommended
* '''S''' rank nodes '''M''' and '''W''' using '''STF'''.
Phase 1 Boss: Fast STF required
* '''A''' rank node '''Q'''.
Phase 2 Boss: Fast CTF required (same as Phase 1 unlock)
'''Node Q'''
Ship Recommendations:  
'''Preffered Composition:'''<br>
'''Slow STF composition'''<br>
Main Fleet: 4 (F)BB / 1 CV(B) / 1 CAV
Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 1 FBB / 0-1 CA / 0-1 CLT / 0-1 CVL
Historical bonuses on this map cause several ships to jump up in the power rankings, while some ships should not be used so as not to preclude certain friend fleets. As a rule, any luckmodded historical ship will be extremely strong here (Michishio)
* A slow STF containing 5 (F)BB(V) will routes to node '''Q'''.
* Use an ASW focused [[LBAS]] on Node A to help reduce the number of [[Submarine So-Class]].
* Using your [[LBAS]] at Node Q can help you with securing an A rank that is needed for the requirements.
In general, the strongest friend fleets available are the 2nd Torpedo Squadron in phase 1, and the Cape Engano fleet in phase 2; at the same time, weaker fleets are those such as the Kurita fleets in phase 1, and CruDiv 4 and the Western Strike Force in phase 2. DesDiv 19, unfortunately, is unblockable.
* Ayanami and Yuudachi, usually two of the strongest DDs, are relatively weaker on this map
'''Suggested [[LBAS]]'''
** Furthermore, using Ayanami '''does not''' prevent DesDiv  19 from showing up at the boss
'''Node A'''
* Shigure, normally one of the weaker CIDDs, overtakes Ayanami in terms of CI power with the boost
*'''1 LBAS'''
** Shigure (and Michishio) also block the Nishimura fleet's five ships, making her an excellent choice
*'''LBAS 1: 3 Toukai / ASW TB, 1 Type 2 Flying Boat /Carrier Recon - Distance 2 needed'''
* Naganami is an excellent DD and gains a good historical boost for this map....
** However, using her prevents both 2nd Torpedo (Noshiro) and Cape Engano fleet (Yamato) from appearing, a significant opportunity cost
* Abukuma is a no-brainer for an escort CL choice on this map, she gains a historical bonus, and her opening torpedo ensures that she remains the premier CL
'''Node Q'''
*'''2 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1: 2 Fighter, 1 Torpedo / Land Based Bombers, 1 Flying Boat - Distance 9 needed'''
*'''LBAS 2-3: 1 Fighter, 2 Torpedo / Land Based Bombers, 1 Flying Boat - Distance 9 needed'''
*  Almost every cruiser gains a historical bonus here, however, different CAs block different friend fleets
Though you may not reach AS on this node, being able to prevent air denial (AD) can help make it more possible to secure an A rank here.
* Choukai and Maya are the two best choices if luckmodded, Myoukou is also excellent for this map as she has innately high luck
** Any Takao-class blocks CruDiv 4, which is highly beneficial (CruDiv 4 only comprises four ships)
** Myoukou and Haguro block the Cape Engano fleet, a significant handicap
** Tone-clases block the Kurita fleets in Phase 1
* If no other luckmodded CAs exist, Prinz Eugen
* As a fast fleet is a requirement for favorable branching on this map, most blocking here will involve FBBs. Certain foreign FBBs also block foreign fleets (a significant advantage)
'''Node M and Node W'''
** Bismarck and Iowa block all foreign fleets, Richelieu blocks two of the three
* Kongou and Haruna are still excellent FBBs for this map, and also prevent Kurita fleets from appearing in phase 1
* Most CVs can be used freely for this map
'''Preffered Composition:'''<br>
* Shoukaku and Zuikaku can and should be used as part of the CTF
'''Fast STF composition'''<br>
* Saratoga is an excellent choice for this map, capable of blocking off a foreign fleet while being one of the best CVs
Main Fleet: 4 (F)BB / 1 CV(B) / 1 CAV
* Kaga or Taihou can fill in as the final CV for the CTF.
Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 1 FBB / 1 CA / 0-1 CLT / 0-1 CVL
* Zuihou has an extremely high amount of firepower, and with night capability is one of the best choices for the escort flet.
* '''Node M and W''' are along the path required for this fleet will travel
* Trying to score an S rank on '''Node M''' will require some effort, send at least 2 [[LBAS]] to Node M while sending an ASW LBAS to Node H.
* '''Node W''' simple requires you to reach the node with a Surface Fleet.
*By the time you reach '''Node W''' you will have no fuel or ammo left. So fighting there will result in most if not all of your ship getting heavily damaged.
'''Suggested [[LBAS]]'''
'''Node M'''
*'''2 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1: 2 Fighter, 2 Torpedo / Land Based Bombers - Distance 5 needed'''
*'''LBAS 2: 1 Fighter, 3 Torpedo / Land Based Bombers - Distance 5 needed'''
'''Phase 1'''
'''Node H'''
*'''1 LBAS'''
*'''LBAS 1: 3 Toukai / ASW TB, Type 2 Flying Boat/Carrier Recon - Distance 4 needed'''
*'''LBAS 1: 4 ASW Planes - Distance of 4 needed'''
''Unlocking 1st Boss:''
* Once the condition are met, a quest complete sound will be heard upon returning to base.
Unlocking the first boss is straightforward, using a CTF.
Upon completing the Conditions, the following changes will happen:
* Attaining two ASes on base defense can be easily achieved through a proper interceptor setup
* All '''Kurita, Shima, Nishimura and Ozawa Fleet Members''' will get a '''1.6x historical bonus'''
* The route to node Q has only one complication - the presence of a sub in line ahead at node D
* '''[[Musashi]], [[Zuikaku]] and [[Zuihou]]''' will get a '''1.8x historical bonus'''
** As only an A-rank is required at node Q, one DD can be committed for OASW duty
* '''[[Shoukaku]]''' will get a '''2.4x historical bonus'''
'''Sinking the [[Abyssal Crane Princess]]'''
'''Recommended Composition:'''<br/>
'''Recommended Composition:'''<br/>
'''[[Battleship Water Demon Kai]] STF composition'''<br/>
Main Fleet: 4(F)BB 1CV(B) 1CAV
'''[[Abyssal Crane Princess]] Fast CTF composition'''<br/>
'''Main Fleet: 4 CV(B) / 2 (F)BB'''
Escort Fleet: CL 2DD (CLT or Zuihou*)
'''Escort Fleet: 1 CL / 2 DD / 0-1 CLT / 1-2 CA / 0-1 CVL'''
'''[[Abyssal Crane Princess]] CTF composition'''<br/>
Main Fleet: 4CV(B) 2BB
Escort Fleet: CL 2DD 2CA (CLT/Zuihou)
Depending on the difficulty, the final phase of the event will either require extensive effort or can be simple. The way you'll need to tackle the boss will be similar but can consist of some differences.
* During this Phase your escort fleet will generally be in the most dangerous especially in '''Node W'''.
* As like in the other phases an ASW capable ship can still helpful especially one that can pre-emptive ASW like in higher difficulties to take out the [[Submarine So-Class]]
* In route Support is recommended in higher difficulties to make tougher nodes like '''Nodes D and W''' passable.
Once you made it to the boss node, depending on the difficulty, the following things should be considered:
'''[[Abyssal Crane Princess]] on Medium and Hard Mode'''
With the debuff method complete on Medium and Hard mode, the [[Abyssal Crane Princess]] will become significantly weaker against historical ships. However, in order to make the win far more successful, you will need to not only bring the proper kanmusu for the job but also efficiently rig the '''Friend Fleets''' to get some of the best possible benefits.
Below here are a few important points regarding ships to consider for Medium and Hard Mode Difficulty:
*[[Shoukaku]], [[Zuikaku]], [[Zuihou]], and [[Musashi]] are very vital when the debuff is triggered as they can do far more damage compared to anyone else in the entire fleet.
* [[Kaga]] while not a historical ship still has an important role due to her large plane capacity which allows her to carry a large fighter power. She will be doing a fighter mule role in this event segment to help your fleet get closer to gaining air superiority.
* Due to their historical buff [[Shoukaku]] and [[Zuikaku]] should be armed to perform CV cut-ins.
* [[Taihou]] can be a small time damage dealer on this map as she's the only CVB that doesn't interfere with certain Friend Fleet arrangements.
* Torpedo Cut in ships such as [[Yukikaze]] and [[Shigure]] are good here not just for their historical damage, but to also prevent certain unnecessary Friend Fleets from appearing.
* If you have a luck modded [[Choukai]] or [[Maya]] you can use them to help torpedo cut-in along with the other ships in a night battle.
* [[Zuihou]]'s Kai 2 B will have a vital role in helping deliver the kill against the boss if you have the night battle planes and gear to set her up to launch an attack against the boss at night.
** If you are lacking in night planes, you will likely be depending more on Torpedo Cut-Ins to help win the battle.
* Avoid bringing in [[Yamato]], [[Nagato]], [[Myoukou]], [[Haguro]], [[Naganami]] and [[Hatsushimo]] in your fleet as they are needed to trigger the Kurita main Friend Fleet which is vital to scoring a victory in the fight during the night battle.
* Yamato's Kurita Friend Fleet will also be given the historical bonus allows them to also efficiently damage or even kill tougher targets such as Hime types.
** This becomes more apparent in Hard mode as the final kill will pit you against the main fleet consisting of nothing but [[Aircraft Carrier Princess]] and [[Battleship Princess]].
* The International Friend Fleet can also be used but is less effective overall against the [[Abyssal Crane Princess]]'s Fleet due to the random nature of coming with 3-7 ships and having not as effective equipment setups.
** It is possible to lock them out by using ships like [[Iowa]] and [[Saratoga]] in your fleet, but in return, you will also be crippling your main fleet's power by bringing in additional non-historical ships.
* Fleet Oilers like [[Hayasui]] and [[Kamoi]] will be helpful on the final kill on Hard mode by bringing [[Maritime Resupply]] to help your fleet reach it's best to combat potential.
**When your fleet reaches the boss node, they will have only '''35% fuel and ammo'''
**Using 1 [[Maritime Resupply]] should remove the ammo penalties from your fleet altogether and 2 will reduce the fuel penalty further to dodge more efficiently.
* If you have a strong enough [[LBAS]] set up to help easily secure air superiority along with your fleet's air power. It may become possible to bring in a [[Saiun]] to prevent T-Disadvantage to make killing the boss fleet more possible.
* Boss Support Fleet is Highly recommended
'''[[Abyssal Crane Princess]] on Casual and Easy Mode'''
On this difficulty, you will be lacking the full-scale debuff effect as there is no way to trigger this feature on casual and easy mode. Expect to be putting more effort into your fleet's own strength however even without the debuff, historical ships are still important.
* Most of the Key points from Medium and Hard mode apply to here as well. Even though [[Shoukaku]], [[Zuikaku]], [[Zuihou]], and [[Musashi]] will not have the big historical bonus, they will still be your big hitters in this battle.
* [[Kitakami]] and [[Ooi]] have a more important role in this difficulty as the boss should be weaker and having them equipped with double attacks to do consistant cap damage can help weaken the boss for your torpedo cut-in members to score an easier kill.
* Easy mode may be somewhat difficulty to complete even with a proper set up so if possible avoid going down to this difficulty and if you are playing on this difficulty and are still having trouble, consider dropping to Casual.
'''Preffered [[LBAS]]
'''Node X'''<br>
'''3 LBAS'''<br>
* '''LBAS 1: 3 Fighters (Range 6), 1 [[Type 2 Flying Boat]]'''
* '''LBAS 2 (Pre-Last Kill): ''' 2 Fighters (Range 6), 1 Land Base Bomber, 1 [[Type 2 Flying Boat]]'''
* '''LBAS 2-3 (Pre/Last Kill):  ''' 1 Fighters (Range 6), 2 Land Base Bomber, 1 [[Type 2 Flying Boat]]'''
To bring any fighters to help lower the air power at the boss node, you're going to need a fighter plane with a range of 6 or greater. Hayabusa and Type 52 Fighters should be able to reach this with the assistance of a [[Type 2 Flying Boat]].
Since the boss contains a lot of air power, you want your first set of LBAS planes to clean out as many of the planes as you can while having the remaining bases bring fighters and bombers to wipe out what ships they can.
During the Final Kill, the air power requirement is lower so it is possible to use fewer fighters and more bombers to the boss node.
Once the boss is successfully defeated, the event is considered complete.
'''What to do if you don't have a [[Type 2 Flying Boat]]?'''
Without a [[Type 2 Flying Boat]] you fleet will have a very difficult time securing the win at the boss node. Since the boss has a huge amount of air power. If you are challening a harder difficulty you will find score the win quite difficult. If possible seek out [[Akitsushima]] from E-2 if you can and train her to get her Flying Boat. Otherwise the main options are to either lower the difficulty or try to use your LBAS in different methods:
'''Node M'''<br>
'''1 LBAS'''<br>
* '''LBAS : 4 Fighters / Land Base Fighters (Range 6 Needed)'''
A fighter sweep over this node can help reduce the total number of abyssal bombers that will target your fleet in the opening phase. You may potentially disable the carriers in this node by deplaning them with Fleet AA and AACI.
'''Node W'''<br>
'''1 LBAS'''<br>
* '''LBAS : 4 Land Based Bombers (Range 7 Needed)'''
This node features a surface fleet that can often present trouble to the escort fleet since they can occasionally appear in Line ahead or Vanguard Formation. Using and LBAS to clear some if not most of the enemy ships out can help here.
'''Node X'''<br>
'''1 LBAS'''<br>
* '''LBAS : 4 Land Based Bombers (Range 9 Needed)'''
Unlike the other LBAS method used on the boss, this method is more of a Last Resort measure to try wiping out some of the enemies in the boss node. Since if you're lacking in a flying boat, this will be the only way you can bring anything to the boss and killing some ship may be possible, but it will also likely result in your losing a large amount of planes and possibly lose your Land Base Bomber's rank in the process. Only consider this option if you have no other means of bringing fighters to the boss node.
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